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You can appeal if you file and . . .

Posted By: SoCal MT on 2009-05-10
In Reply to: Unemployment? - Tab

the employer fights it.  If you were fired but can prove it was without just cause, you do indeed have a good chance of winning.  Many times a hearing is held by telephone conference call.  There is the employer, or their HR rep, you and the judge.  Each side can ask questions of the other.  It's a bit informal, but the judge controls it all so the employer doesn't bully the ex-employee. 

As an employee, it is good to have questions that can only be answered with a "yes" or "no."  You can get some great answers to such questions as, "Do you agree that all my past reviews have been favorable?"  It isn't good to ask open-ended questions.  That opens it up for the employer to spew forth negative information, and they will be able to say a LOT, and you can't interupt to say what is and isn't true.

I went through a hearing like this and won.  I really think the key is to having a nice long list of questions with the yes/no answer format.  By the time my hearing was over, I had the employer's HR rep and their attorney both sputtering.  I admit it was all very nerve wracking, but it felt very, very good to prevail!  This wasn't a small company but a very large national bank. 

If your husband didn't do anything to warrant being fired, I think he should think very seriously about filing for unemployment and being ready to appeal.

If I can help you in any way, with information or whatever, please feel free to contact me.

Good luck!

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Definitely file an appeal
A lot of times if you file appeals, your insurance company will readjust and allow for "special circumstances". It is worth a try especially if you send in information documenting it being an emergency
Thank you all!!! I will file an appeal for sure. nm
Just because something does not appeal
to you does not mean you need to critique the idea. You read a post and if it is of no interest to you, move on to the next topic. Not everybody is in the same place. Many people do very well when they support each other, and who are you to tell industry veterans what to do?
Appeal that call!

As a QA2 person, I am absolutely appalled that a "quality auditor" would make such grievous errors.  Even if this does not count on your QA score, it still should be brought to the QA supervisor's attention.  This person needs to be let go.  That is totally inexcusable!

Ah-yes Beatles appeal to all ages

There is something in the Beatles' repetoire for everyone.  The early Beatles are great listening for little ones.  When my kids were babies, they LOVED the early Beatles songs.  You can't go wrong if she loves the Beatles


The company would have the nerve to appeal
This is ludicrous to say the least. Many MTs are single earners in their homes. I think to do such a thing should be broadcast across the nation. If this is happening, please let us know which companies are doing it.
Rename your normal.dot file to something else then restart Word. It will create a new file.
I think it is the same type of file, so rename it and replace your autocorrect file with your DQS us
Help..I lost my word file. How can I retreive a file that has been changed? sm

I was working on a large file and had saved it in Word. I then went back to work on the file and hit a key that made the page go blank.  When I went to close the document it asked me to save any changes on the document. I answered yes, and now when I click on that document it is all blank! Shouldnt the previous info saved be there, even if the current stuff is not? Please help me!! Thank you

Depends on the file format of the Short Cuts file.
ShortHand comes with a utility file that can import various formats. You can get that file with the trial download of SH.
Depends on the file format of the Short Cuts file.
ShortHand comes with a utility file that can import various formats. You can get that file with the trial download of SH.
...with your user.aco file. Save your autocorrect file to somewhere else. nm
You can save the SH file in a text file and import to IT that way. sm
You may have to do some cleanup in the SH text file, but it sure would be faster than re-entering them all manually.
File taxes under the name on file w Social Security....
Name on W2 doesn't have to match, but your tax return has to match SS records. They don't want your marriage license or anything else. Did that for 13 years as instructed by IRS. Didn't have to change it with SS until state changed rules requiring drivers license to match SS records. Still use my maiden name in some limited circumstances.
an .exe file is not a voice file
I'm no techie, but it sounds like they might've sent the wrong file by mistake. Or could it be a program you need for testing/working for them that they sent? What is the name of the file (if it is something you can say here)?
Maybe they are going to file
a Chapter 11 (I think that's the number) where they do a corporate restructuring.  I'm hardly an expert on bankruptcy law and stuff, but, if I'm not mistaken, some of the airlines have filed bankruptcy, are still flying, and trying to get back on top of things.  Businesses do it all the time.  Of course, it would help with MQ if those fat cats at the top would stop giving themselves million dollar bonuses.  Not saying that would put them in the black, but it would be a little easier to hear when they send memos out saying MQ is losing money. 
Bad DSS file
Why do doctors think we are miracle workers? Or better yet, mindreaders? A bad connection is a bad connection. Unless you have some miracle machine like on CSI, etc. (haha), there's nothing here that can be done. Doctor's loss as he will not re-dictate it, but sadly enough - you're the one who takes the blame. You horrible transcriptionist, you. :-) Good luck.
This is the help file you need.
They each have their own file SM

I like the idea about the macro, but am not sure how to do it as there are headers and footers on the original template.  


BOS pdf file?

Does anyone have the BOS pdf file they could spare a copy of?  I just need to print out a couple of pages.  I used to have it but have no idea what i did with it... I think I lost it when my hard drive crashed. TIA!

I did file by file BUT
My files were every note for the day of that particular doctor.  I would only divide it up by doctor and their date of service.  That should be good enough.  It is good for them to have for expensing, and if they do question something, the counts are right there in front of them.  If they want the detail it is there, if not they can decide.  If for some reason they tell you they don't need the details, get it in writing via e-mail or something. 
have pdf file for ...
0420, 0421 and 0424 email me I'll be glad to send it.
wav file - sm
I guess I am old school.  haha
.acl file
Add something to your Autocorrect. Search for .acl file and backup the one that has today's date/time (that would reflect the addition you made to Autocorrect). Depending on your operating system, I would make note of where that file is located.
Did you file at all???
If you filed and just mainly forgot to mail the check then they have been hounding you so imply send the check or let them take it out of your state return this year -- they will not touch your federal return.  If you did not file but prepared them, go back into Turbo and just print out and send it with your 2007 and and they will send you whatever is owed between the two, taking the 2006 out.  I would simply file both at the same time and pay with a check for 2006 and let the return come.  Remeber there will be interest and penalty.   Good luck.   
exe file
That is an executable file, like to install a program.  If you will click settings in express scribe, it shows you what files it will play.
EXE.File s/m
"Exe" file is not a voice file - it is a program file - and may be a virus. I would double check with the service if they sent the correct file.
Tell them they can't have it in one file.
They shouldn't be losing work that often. Put each pt in its own file.
How was the file sent to you?
I'm thinking that if it was e-mail, can't you say to "save as" or once you download it, "open with"?
I may (again) be showing my computer iliteracy, but I really want to help you!
Right out of the Help File in ES.

Set User's Decryption Key

Express Dictate, Pocket Dictate, DialDictate and WebDictate can encrypt the recordings prior to transmission to protect security and privacy. If this has been done, you must enter the same key in Express Scribe to decrypt the audio. The key is based on the user id of the sender (obtained when you register Express Dictate or DialDictate). If you have not yet registered, use the id 0.

All I had to do to get this information for you was hit the HELP key at the bottom of the screen. If your voice files were NOT encrypted using any of the above-mentioned methods, you will need to decrypt the file before importing it into ES.

File name?

I used to use Smartype and I know I have it installed on this computer but heck if I can find the patch file.   You don't happen to know the file name do you?


wav file
If the file is now on your computer, right click and depending on what you use, you might see an "open with" option, in which case click on that and see if the option "compressed zip folders" comes up. This should open it.
not sure I just know it is a file in my...
computer for DocQScribe word expander. Supervisor sent e-mail saying how to update this file but can't find.
If they use the same file
You can interchange if they use the same file, i.e. spf file. If they do both use spf, you can open up both programs and just drag your files over, very simple, takes seconds. If they don't have the same file, I wouldn't mess with it unless some IT person knows the protocol.
WAV file?
I have been asked to transcribe a speech for an area company.  How can it be recorded/saved to disk so that I can use my foot pedal to transcribe it?  I do have a WAV pedal from using Bayscribe in the past but I have no idea how to get it to function without Bayscribe.  I would appreciate any help.  Thanks!    
big file
Thanks. I will try that.
Any way to clean up a BAD dss file??

Doctor dictated despite the fact that he had a tremendously BAD phone connection.  I can only hear a word every few sentences, the rest is loud humming and static.  I have a KOSS equalizer that didn't help at all.  Anyone know of a miracle program or something that might salvage this recording, as he doesn't want to re-dictate it?  THanks! 

How do you open up that .lex file to....sm
copy/paste it into MS Word?  When I try opening it, it asks what format do I want and every option I've tried hasn't worked. 
You can either go to File, New to create your own
dictionary; or you can go to File, Open to open one that you've downloaded. There are tons of free dictionaries out there, but it might be best to make your own with your own shortcut naming technique to be able to remember it better.
File anyway -- were you really an employee? (sm)

So many services classify their MTs as employees when they really aren't.  Look at the IRS site:  did you have control over how you did the work, use your own tools?  Did the client pay you directly or the MTSO?  Did you have input on when you were paid, or did the MTSO say I pay on such-and-such a schedule?  Were you able to subcontract your work to others?  Was the TAT based on the MTSO's convenience or the client's actual demands?

If you can make a good argument that you were actually working more like an employee, your state unemployment office may rule that you were, entitling you to unemployment. If the IRS agrees, the MTSO will have to pay part of your taxes, social security, etc.

The bar association in your state may offer referrals to attorneys who will provide a low-cost initial consultation.

If you need a few dollars in the interim, see if there is a plasma donation center near you.  Where I am, one can pick up $50/week, paid immediately.

Good luck.

It is the .acl file - please see link

How do you do dictation from a wav file?sm
How do you receive and send dictation on a wav file????  I know that may be a silly question, just wondering.  Thanks!
I believe if you file an extension you do not have to pay now - sm
that is the whole point of filing an extension....BUT they nail you with interest and penalties for the late filing. So you might want to figure out what you are in for before you do an extension, or make sure you file quickly after April 15 to lessen the interest charges.
It's been awhile, but can the help file or
associated paperwork with the softwork help with basic and more complicated questions? I seem to remember that their customer support was pretty good, too.
You have to right click the file and
save it to your computer. Then open express scribe and load the files from wherever you saved them.
Look up tracking in the help file.
Not really sure, that file should be in your C drive - sm
just check and mine comes up fine. Double click on the C drive, have all the files come up that way....also make sure that the box just right of the C drive selection has an * in it, this should get you all files and folders shown. It's a pretty simple program so once you figure this out you should be fine. Have fun.
Try e-mailing the SPF file to yourself. sm

if you still have your old computer...this advice might not help if your old computer is gone.

Good luck!


You may be able to file at the local...
magistrate's office (I believe in the employer's area) if it is under a certain amount. Most have to be under $5,000, some less, some a little more. This would save attorney fees. Just depends on how much you are owed.
File...Don't Pile


Does anyone have experience using this system by Pat Dorff?  I'm curious specifically about the advantages between and the preference between the A-Z vs. the Prefix method. 


check the name of your file
that you downloaded. Write it down. No go to the start screen of your windows program. Once there, find the search key/icon. Type in the file you are looking at, search in "all files and folders". You should be able to find the file. Double click to open to see if that is your file. If it is, remember where it was stored. This may also be moved to a different file if your prefer.