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You are the classic example of the lost productivity due to BOS. nm

Posted By: TechSupport on 2009-03-29
In Reply to: is there anyone out there to defend the BOS? - Happy MT Robin


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I was hit by all 3 that summer, I lost power, I lost work, I lost savings...but..sm
NEVER did my employer in any way imply or threaten or dare even mention that my job was in jeopardy because I could not work immediately following a trifecta of natural disasters! My jaw agape is not at your concern about working, but at your concern that you would lose your job because of it. Companies have to have a heart in some situations. You're one MT, your company won't go under without you working for a week or 2 or 3.
I recently lost 20 pounds. That means I lost 80 sticks of butter.

I doubt your brother has won more than he's lost. To win that much he's probably lost 3 times
So he probably has more bills than money. Otherwise the casinos would go broke.
he was a classic
couldn't stomach him
Not if you use it in the classic expander (sm)
emulation mode -- still incredible increases in line counts without bothering with all that marker key nonsense.

I'm happy with 300-450 lines per hour.
Classic migraines
If you have migraines with an aura that involves visual scotomas or "flashing lights" as part of it, That can be worse that then actual headache...(plus the nausea, vomiting, numbness in the arms or face, loss of speech, etc)it's a warning of the headache to come. I have suffered from these debilitating migraines since the age of 5 (maybe longer) and am now in my 40s...I've tried everything...I have the migraine abnormality on my EEG as well.

A neurologist told me when I was 16 I had a disease and would just have to learn to leave with it (nice guy eh? and ya maybe lose 10 pounds!)....anyway a year ago I had a terrible bout and again saw a neurologist (took me 25 years). This guy was young and energetic and said I did not have to suffer like that and I had more of a "pseudo-seizure" episode going on. He put me on Topamax and OH MY GOD! It's a miracle...instead of 2-3 migraines a week, it's one every 2-3 months - no joking....ask your doc. I've settled on 75 mg twice a day. The only major side effect is I can't drink pop as it's screwed up my taste buds. But hey, that's nothing to give up. Do some research on line. I wish you success. I go back for my one year checkup in November and this is the fewest migraines I've had in my life! I may even try to go down to 50 mg twice a day as maintenance dosage. Hope this helps!
Classic! Never tire of this.

i use the kinesis classic
and you can re-map/program the keys if you want to. since the backspace and space bar are used so much, is it usually better for the stronger thumb to do it than the little finger. again, with the classic, you can reprogram. When i called kinesis with some questions they were very helpful. i'm not a leftie, so can't answer to that. mine fits on my under-desk tray, but not to put away underneath. warning -- it does take some serious effort to get used to. but it has helped same my arm nerves in a huge way. i've been at this 32 yr myself. i'd never go back to another kind. I didn't get near as much help from the microsoft ergo board.
Kinesis Classic has no # pad, but
not sure if it is quiet enough. i'd have to look it up but i think you can turn on and off the clicky-clicks.
my kinesis classic
has it in the center-bunch, where you use your left thumb for it (unless you want to reprogram it somewhere else).
Kinesis Classic Keyboard

It took me several days I believe to get use to the Kinesis. I just started out slow and when I became frustrated trying to use it I went back to the regular keyboard but soon found I was having more trouble typing on a regular keyboard so stuck with the Kinesis only and I would say it may have taken me two weeks to get back to speed but it has been well worth it to me.

I had OT come out to my house and they suggested I put something under the edge of my keyboard, the edge closest to me, so it would be basically neutral. I found a long wrist rest under that edge puts the keyboard at a perfect height for a neutral position. It is just one of those cheap foam ones like you find at Walmart but it works great.

It is the softest touch keyboard I have ever used which really ended finger fatigue for me. It also helped with my fingers aching and some of my hand pain. I had to change to an Evoluent mouse (as I posted below) and my right hand  hand/arm pain stopped.

Now, if only I could just find a way to stop my chronic back pain. :D

Let us know what you decide on and how it works for you, ok?

Not a classic "over achiever" either, just not sure what else could be the cause...

Over achiever? Possible too, but I don't think that really fits him either. While he is a very bright kid, he is just like any other seven-year-old boy I know...and while his father and I do encourage him to try his best, we certainly do not try to make him feel that his best is not good enough. This is something we are very careful about, as we do see many children today who are pushed and pushed by their parents to be "better" than everyone else and this does nothing but make a child miserable and/or an over acheiver for the rest of their life...

I do not see the classic "over acheiver" personality with him. He is very conversational and I have no reason to even question whether he is acting out in this way. I know that nerves can play a big part with little kids and upset tummies, but I can't link these unexplained, very infrequent episodes of vomiting to any emotion or uncertainty as my son seems to be 100% his usual happy self.

Thank you though for that post too. Anxiety and Over acheiving are both great thoughts on this matter and I have really considered both, however they just don't seem to be the reason. 

Any thoughts on allergies? or anyother thoughts I should consider?

Thanks! :)

It sounds like a classic case of...

we get to reap what we have sewn.  And to think we called the 80's the "me generation!"

Desperado/L Ronstadt. Not my true fav, but a classic,
In my humble opinion, it is a classic of modern literature. sm
The Stand is about the end of the world as we know it, wherein mankind are drawn to the good and bad forces to make their final stand (thus the name).  The bad are drawn to Las Vegas, the good to Boulder, I think.  It's been awhile since I read it.  They made a TV movie of it but it was ruined by Molly Ringwald.  Gary Sinese saved the say, though!   At any rate, the book starts out with a virus that been set loose on mankind and goes from there. It is not King's usual fare and you will be missing a wonderful experience it you don't read it!
The Kinesis Classic Keyboard is the softest touch I have used. (nm)
I love the Kinesis Classic-softest touch! (nm)

I work for a hospital that has Cerner Classic Radnet and a service that sm
uses Cerner Millenium Radnet. The two are completely different. The Classic version does EXACTLY what you described with ShortHand but they found a solution at the hospital. I will look at it on Wednesday when I go to work. I'm embarassed to say that I have used it for so long that I don't pay attention anymore and can't remember the name of the program.

I purchased Shorthand and Jon Knowles program. I have about 500 shorthand entries. During downtime, I add more. I have set hours. I get up like I am going out to work. Shower, put on m/up, comb hair, etc. Make coffee/cereal, and do a few household chores before I sign in at 8:30. I do not move until I have done 25 reports. Take a 15 break, take out some for lunch, type 25 more reports. Eat lunch while I am watching a few mins. of Y/Restless. Look at email..Look at local paper online. Email buddy in Texas. On Mondays, take a few minutes to discuss D/Housewives. Type 20 more rports. Watch 15 minutes of Passions. And for the afternoon stretch, I type until I have about 80-90 reports. If my baby stays with my sister, I will type until I have 100-120 reports. During school year, I might type straight through until I have 40 reports. You just have to stay focus. A few days a month, I take an hour lunch away from home to be around grown people. I have been doing this 7 years and gross about 40,000 yr b/c I also do taxes. You have to stay focuses. I plan on making about 52,000 this year. In between I wash a load of clothes, iron, etc....plan meals. Just stay focused. I get depressed if I have a week paycheck less than a grand.

How in the world do you accomplish so many lines.

I am genuinely interested in any advice you might have. I struggle to meet minimums when work is available.


productivity help
I need any advice, tips, cheats that you can offer to get my daily line counts up. I use Instant Text and autocorrect but I still work about 12 hours to get about 900 lines. I'm supposed to be working 8 hours and getting 1080 lines. I am really frustrated...can anybody help, please...
there is a great book called saving Keystrokes available through Amazon.com. It helped me alot.

Where do you usually talk about productivity?

I don't see a board for increasing productivity.  I usually just post questions on the main board but think I will get more information if I post questions on the board specifically for productivity.


Can someone help me on productivity board? SM

I didn't know if that board is frequented a lot, but posted a couple questions there.

Thanks so much for your time.


It's like a tic with me. I can't help it. I correct it then. That is BAD for productivity. nm
Please help on Productivity board. TIA nm
See productivity board.
Productivity Board?
Where the heck did the productivity board go?
That was the best program ever, especially for productivity. sm
That was always my argument against Windows - it slowed everything down, but progress moves on and I was forced to move on.

Now, I can just only remember what a great program that was for what we do.

productivity programs

Our company is currently using Winscribe dictation system, but they did not buy the transcription side of this, which creates a database and templates and saves the work to a file. 

I am looking for productivity program that works the same way that is reasonable.  ADS may be one but I have no feedback on this. 

Any suggestions.


Bayscribe productivity.....

For anyone who uses Bayscribe, do you do real well productivity wise on one account and then accomplish absolutely nothing on others?  The short notes, the in and out, in and out business; it takes up so much time, I have just spent over 2 hours with just under 200 lines.   Is anyone else's experience the same?

BayScribe productivity
I have 2 accounts that I work on, and I do seem faster on one of them which is the more difficult one oddly enough. I don't feel like I go in and out a lot. I love the fact that everything is done on 1 screen (demographics, transcription, and copies). Having to toggle through a ton of screens is one of the reasons I left my last company.
Here is a macro from Productivity.com
Have you tried productivity talk? You can also
google it. 
Productivity Site
I am fairly new to Instant Text.  However, there is a site at:  http://www.productivitytalk.com/forums/index.php  This site specializes in MT productivity and there are several very experienced people here.  Check it out, you'll be glad you did.
IC productivity question HELP PLEASE
I need some advice please!!! I work for an IC company where I edit reports. My problem is that I cannot see my productivity. The only one that has access to my productivity is the hospital which then returns it to my company and they email me my stats for the entire pay period. I guess what I am wondering is that I am new to the whole IC world and was wondering if I should put my trust into the hospital to give my company my correct stats. I asked my company if there is another way around this and they said no!!!! PLEASE RESPOND WITH YOUR ADVICE GOOD OR BAD!!!
No productivity access
Did you request a copy of the productivity log submitted by the hospital? That is all you have to do if your company did not submit one to you automatically. In addition, keep your own private long with accession numbers and times, anything you would need to support a discrepancy. There are a lot of programs out there that do not support that type of operation, so do not think you are being lied to. Just make sure they are right.
How to increase productivity

The more targeted your glossaries are, the faster you get to your words and phrases. Are you using doctor- or specialty-specific glossaries combined with your own base glossary?

Are you concentrating on phrases rather than on words? The big keystroke savings kick in when you concentrate on the phrases your doctors say all the time.

More about productivity at the link below. I hope it will give you some quick tips.


Try Productivity Talk.
Google it, and then search on autocorrect. There should be some tips there on how.

I know how to do it; but I'm on shift right now and can't take the time to walk you through it; sorry. If you haven't figured it out by this afternoon, post again, and I'll see if I can help with more detail then.
Go to Harrie's Productivity web site. There

are wonderful ideas there for every expander, and a lot of help with other programs like word and WP as well.

Your company cannot tell if you use an expander.  You have already set your mind to the idea that you cannot because that would not be verbatim, so you need to have a litle bit of an attitude adjustment, too.   It makes no difference if Dr. Jones dictates:  "The patient was taken to the operating room", it is still the same phrase and I can type that using 5 characters and it comes out the same.  Or I can use 4  characters and have it say "the patient was brought to the operating room".  I am an extremely high producer, doing approximately 400 lph on a very difficult account, verbatim, with 95% ESLs.  But the phrases, instruments, and anatomy all stay the same.  I just make modifications in my Shorthand to accommodate the differences.  And no, I cannot memorize my shortcuts, but I do utilize about 3 different systems for shortcuts, and have about 22,000 words and phrases in there. 


Did I just dream there was a productivity board here now?
Productivity board post
Please view post on productivity board re: SH back up from technologically challenged.
Is there anything on the Productivity or Technical board?

productivity for speech files

does anyone have any pointers that can help my productivity with voice files.  Voice recognition board not working and productivity board says go to main board.  Help if you can.


Productivity per hour confuses me...? sm
Companies always ask about my 'lines per hour'.  What the heck is average?  I type 90 wpm.  Took a normal report once, counted the lines, did all the calculations with time and what-not to try and come up with a 'per hour' quota but I came up with 800+ or something and that seems crazy. Unless that sounds possible, anyone know the typical average for lines per hour?
knowledge increases productivity
My productivity is up and down. I have found that with doctors and report-types that I am use to typing my productivity is higher, with new docs and new/rarely typed report a lot lower. I think only knowledge can increase your productivity, when you can anticipate what the doc will say next because you have a true knowledge of what you are typing. (please excuse typos.. I am on a quick break)
well, the more you do ops, the more you'll increase productivity
I just checked my lifetime IT productivity sm
which is about four years, and it says 2.63 characters per keystroke.  For the first year or so I was not using it to it's fullest potential so who knows.  I haven't worked yet tonight, but I might come back with some of tonight's stats if I remember.
Looking for tips for increasing my productivity on SR.

I fairly new to SR.  I've been MT'ing for 16 years.  I was wondering if there are any secrets to increasing production.  I use Dictaphone SR.  Basically, when I get into the report I do a quick read through and correct any formatting that needs to be done, i.e. bold and capitalize headings, put in paragraphs, numbered lists, etc.  Then I listen to the report from start to finish, editing as a I go along.

I was just wondering is there a faster way to get through a report.  I'm not sure if the Dictaphone SR report quality will improve over time, but right now it requires an extensive amount of editing and correction.  Sometimes it would be quicker to type the darn report!

But it's not the BOS itself that causes productivity loss, it's the improper (sm)
application of what's in it. The BOS is a set of "guidelines," not hard and fast rules, unless the body (whether that be MT, MTSO/service, or client) using it decides to take it as the ultimate authority and demanding obedience. The BOS itself is constantly saying that they are guidelines and recommendations, for the most part, and that client preference will (and should) override it in many cases.

I hate the AHDI, and I'm not all that fond of the BOS, but let's blame the organization itself, not the style guide. It's no better or worse than the other style guides out there (e.g., "Do's and Don'ts").

It's the idiotic application that causes the BOS issues.
We need a Expander/Productivity forum

With all of the talk about expanders, autocorrect, autotext, and productivity we could use a forum for that on mtstars.