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You are hysterical Purple!! Made me laugh at this late hour!

Posted By: LOL MT on 2006-03-11
In Reply to: Can't hear you, doc, over Harry Potter (sm) - Purple-Hair MT

Thanks, chick!

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HA. That made me laugh and cry.

I'm German so I guess I am at the bottom of the hiring list. 

ROFL that made me laugh!! nm
I had one that actually made me laugh outloud. sm

This woman doctor is dictating away and then all of a sudden she's on the cell phone.  Apparently they had just handed down the Enron verdict at the time and her husband had called to tell her about it.  So she's blabbing away, "They're GUILTY!  Oh my gawd.  No I ddn't see it.  What channel are they showing it on?"

So she goes on for a few minutes and another woman in the office just started laughing hysterically.  The woman who was laughing must have been giving the doctor hand signals because the doctor says, "Oh my gawd, I gotta go.  I forgot I was dictating."

The doctor got back on line (with me) and she was trying to apologize, but couldn't stop laughing and the woman in the background was losing it, she was laughing so hard.  The doctor finally composed herself with a few giggles in between and finished the note, but before she hung up she apologized about 5 more times, trying not to laugh, and then you heard both of them just losing it with laughter before she hung up.

In this case, it really made my day because laughter is infectious, and apologies are worth their weight in gold in this business. But I know what you mean about the ones who really don't care.  It's happened to me too and there isn't a darn thing funny about it.

That made me laugh out loud
15 blanks! I laughed out loud. Because, I had one which I think was 20 LOL. Well, it was worthwhile...I typed a lot of discharges for people who wanted to go home to their family and hopefully those stats got out in time. There ended up really being only 1 ESL that was horrible. When I got back on later in the day, it was not so bad. Maybe the turkey brain food helped my hearing. :)
Your story made me laugh ...
... three times throughout the course of the last two hours. Thanks. Kinda broke up my teeth-grinding sessions listening to this woman.

You rule.
you made another punchy one laugh!!!

No offense, but this made me laugh.....

Where do you live that you get polite customer service from McDonald's?  lol.  I'm lucky if they acknowledge me when they stick their hand out the window for my money. 

Your post made me laugh even more than the original! NM

Wednesdays at 10 p.m. Last night came on 1/2-hour late though.
Funny show! I agree about her plastic surgery but her hair bothers me more than anything. I liked it much better red and curly than dark and straight.

Unbelievable! The pedagogy part made me laugh out loud.

Been there. That's why I work at home. Thanks for sharing.

Well, it is called the World Wide Web! Sorry, your post made me laugh! No offense... but duh! nm

I never said I made 10.00/hour...
I make well over that but not close to 75,000 that you think you deserve...but thanks...
I made $8.00 an hour with no benefits. But it was worth it.

Why was it worth it?

I spent 7 years in a law office (2 of them as a paralegal), moved, couldn't find anything legal and started getting assigned to medical offices through a temp agency.

If it weren't for that old battleax Family Practitioner and his IBM, not to mention his patience to teach me the stuff I had no clue about, I wouldn't be typing this in my pajamas.

Even if you only made 6 cents a line, that's 12.00 an hour at 200 lph.
No, they aren't. I made $10 an hour working
in-house plus measly production bonuses. I made $30-50 per hour working IC at home for a small MTSO.
Well, counted my lines for first hour and I made
602 at 4 cents = $24.00 for the hour. Not bad, huh?
My first month as an MT I was so slow I made about $2 an hour (sm)
And it was so hard, and so stressful I didn't think I would ever get it right. And I worked in an office with about 20 other MTs (this was about 10 years ago)so I had people to ask. Are you working at home on your first MT job? You need other MTs to be able to ask questions frequently. I had to have people listen all the time, probably for the first year I was a transcriptionist. If you are doing this on your own of course you are going to have a lot of blanks and a hard time. Just keep trying with this one if you can and see if things don't improve in a few weeks. It is hard to find someone to train you for your first MT job when you work at home. It is also hard to be the person doing the training, because it is very time-consuming and tedious and the person training is not making any money while they are correcting your errors. So for that you do need to be thankful, and just try to stick it out a little while and see if it all smooths out. Even for experienced MTs, the first month on a new job is always full of changes sent to you, corrections, etc., because they are proofing every word for a while. Best wishes to you :)
Today I got very lucky...made $50 in an hour with OP templates. nm

I made $17 an hour when I worked there. I also was promised a raise
but never saw it nor did I get an answer from mgmt when I asked.  I quit.  Most editors I know make between $15-$18 with MQ
It was a $1 a mile, not hour! Made good noney back then. nm
I've only seen that pinky-purple shade when the monitor
Mine is working fine and turning purple...
I have the Triquetra tattooed on my lower back with purple roses...
should've been good laugh not could laugh
Brewer's yeast in tablet form, Purple can Raid that you can spray on dogs and bedding

I tend to find that fleas love pink-skinned kritters the best!!

That is hysterical !!! LOL nm
Jay if you are here, these are hysterical
LOL! That's hysterical!

That's hysterical!
I am going to show this to every client who even mentions VR to me. Thanks for pointing that out!!
Hysterical name

Sign me,

That's hysterical
Little Sally can't read!

HIPPA is a joke - who here really believes there is ANY SUCH THING as privacy these days in the good old US OF A?

Come on! You're being watched 24/7 - they probably know how many cavities you have for pity's sake...

Another huge beaurocracy just to give the ILLUSION we still have a scintilla of privacy left.

OMG - that's hysterical! - nm
That is hysterical!....sm
Ain't it great we're wordsmiths with vivid imaginations!!! You turn a phrase very well. Mind if I share it with some other friends?  Cat
lighten up, I think it's hysterical
It's the family / abdomen part that I'm really cracking up over.
I think it is hysterical how things have changed since I - sm
graduated HS in 1983. My parents did not send annoucements (for me or my 2 older brothers), nor did we get super extravagent gifts, I got a suede jacket I wanted (about $80), my brother's I can't remember, I think my one brother got a new car stereo because the one he had had been stolen. On the night of graduation, my parents took me and my best friend (who was living with us at the time), and her parents (have moved a month before graduation) out for ice cream at an ice cream parlour at the mall. That was all we did to "celebrate" as a family. I received no $ from anyone nor did I even think to solicit it. It is just amazing how everything these days has to have a reward, graduation Kindergarten, graduating middle school, graduation high school, college, etc. It never ends. I did not even attend my college gradation, I felt no need to force my family to sit for hours while the went throught the hundreds of graduates to watch me get my diploma. I had it mailed to me. For college I did get a used car (before I graduated) but only because I was working 3 jobs, had wreaked by bicycle and my dad's car he was letting me borrow (the brakes failed so it was not my fault in terms of being reckless or stupid). Plus all my money which amounted to $200 a month went to art supplies and feeding myself. I went hungry now and then too and had to borrow from the University on short term loans so I could eat. My parents had the money to give me but I wanted to take care of myself. They paid my tuition and my rent (about $5K a year altogether). I just think the attitude today is horrible. Kids expect everything handed to them, a car at 16, money to get gas, buy clothes, go out with friends, all handed to them, mucho money on graduation HS, etc. All we are doing is raising a bunch of lazy kids who will think the world revolves around them, and when (if) they actually get a good eduation and go out into the real world, they will be in for one heck of a shock unless mom & dad continue to substidize them, etc. then of course the kids will expect you to live frugally so when you die you leave them $500K or a million so they don't have to worry about anything (or to blow it). Sorry for the rant, but graduation annoucements, etc. just really rub me the wrong way. Since you don't even know the person who graduated, (and even if you knew them well) I'd just send a nice card and say congrats, have good luck at college and work hard. If you do send $ don't expect to be thanked, that is another social grace lacking today. I'm only 40 but boy it's amazing how manners and good taste have slipped through the cracks in only 20 or so years.
That is hysterical. When I say flames I mean "no mean posts to me." It's just a saying. nm
I thought it was hysterical that she slept with her head by his feet! sm
In my house sleeping w/ your head anywhere near my husbands feet is a fear factor stunt all on its own!!!
OMGosh, The "I Shot the Sheriff" guy was hysterical! (no message)
You still looked??
That is hysterical!!!! Do Barney and Betty live next door??? LOL. nm
Absolutely Hysterical!! We did not stop laughing. My side hurts. nm
Depends on the pay and account. My lowest average is $15.52 an hour (roughly 182.6 lines an hour) w
i made $15/hr before and didn't stay long because i made so much more on production. sm
that was with full benes too. i wouldn't do it for less than $20, but i think even with $20, i'd want benes. are you in-house?
1850 lines per 8 hour shift. 15.00 hour - no real requirement
if it is feasable, split that 6-hour shift into two 3-hour shifts. sm
i work a split shift and find that i am much better able to stay focused and get more work done that way. also, being 3 months pregnant you have gone through the very tiring time of pregnancy and you should start seeing an energy perk before long.
I start an hour or 2 early and then take an hour or 2 for dinner -nm
At 200 lines a day for 6 cents, you are making $1.20 a day or 0.15 hour for an 8 hour day!!!--cm
Did you mean 2,000? Even then you would only be making $1.50 if you work 8 hours a day.
$32/hour? You said $36/hour on an earlier post. Either way would be great. n/m

10 reports/hour or 25 markers/hour
I don't know how it made such a small diff in your invoice... made a $100 diff in mine! (sm)

If it were only adding up to three bucks, I wouldn't sweat it. $100? Yeah, that's baseball registration for my son for this year. I am not giving tabs, returns, etc. away free when it adds up to that much difference!  Why should I charge less for a Return than I would for a"K"?



I appreciate your responses. I had an option of line vs hour ($14/hour) but if line pays more...nm