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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

You're missing out - there are many good

Posted By: sm on 2006-06-07
In Reply to: I don't drink at all ever - hate the taste...nm - Just my opinion....hate alcohol taste!!

drinks with very little alcohol that taste really good, like frozen peach margaritas or some of those other fancy drinks. Yum!

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You're definitely missing some secrets.

The very first day I did transcription, no schooling, no previous experience, I did 667 lines.

You're definitely not working very smart.  Are you using an expander/macros?  Are you spending a lot of time surfing the net?   I don't work hard and have very difficult accounts, not a fast typist, and don't even use as many expansions as I should and I did 800 lines in 4 hours this morning. 

Then you're missing the codec.
It will download automatically when you try to play the .dss files but you MUST be connected to the Internet for the download to occur. Therein could be your problem.
You're Missing the Autocorrect Setups
Haven't you gone to TOOLS/AUTOCORRECT, then in the first tab AUTOCORRECT, the very first item to check is the box for Correct Two Initial Capitals? Try that. If not, you have to set it up in auto correct manually to fix those combos you're typing. That would be in the same tab page, very last block then into the table below that, and put in your so-called errors and what they should be. I was a true-blue, die-hard WordPerfect fan for years, still am. Have 3 versions of it on my pc. I use Word (and took the time to learn and appreciate it) because that's just the way things are. It seemed the more I got better with it the more I appreciate some of it's nice features. Also, here's a clue about your period issue and the next letter not being capitalized. AGAIN, on that same TOOLS/AUTOCORRECT OPTIONS, then Autocorrect tab there's a block to check that says Capitalize First Letter of Sentence. Dig around and learn the program, I'll bet you'll like it and enjoy using it if you try a lot of setups and shortcuts. Most users have a mixed back of checked and unchecked options that makes this work best for their purposes. Best of luck to you.
You're still missing the point. She needs to hear ALL sides.
Like I said somewhere way down below somewhere, many of us have done it successfully, but TIMES HAVE CHANGED. She needs to hear ALL sides, and she needs to know what she will be up against if she decides to pursue MT training.

I fully support stay-at-home moms. I was one myself. Still at home most of the time with pre-teens and a college student. I'm thankful every day that I did not have to put them in daycare. I applaude those who make that decision and make it work. My kids are well adjusted, secure, and all-around good kids. I will never regret my decision to go to school to be an MT so I could "work from home."

BUT IT DOESN'T WORK WELL FOR EVERYONE. The OP needs to hear the good along with the not-so-good.

As far as MT being an "at-home career," I've been an at-home MT, in-office MT, at-home editor, in-office editor, QA manager, QA consultant, and a college MT instructor. There are many avenues in this career; not all of them are at home, and there are advantages and disadvantages to all situations. I've seen it from a lot of different perspectives. My personal experience with MT has been great. But I've seen (and have personally known) many whose experiences weren't so grand. I've also had students who were talented, motivated and truly gifted for the profession of MT who spent thousands upon thousands of dollars, not to mention the hours of work, to earn a certificate with the hopes of working from home immediately after graduation so they could stay at home with their young kids who were suddenly faced with the harsh reality that the jobs were going to India, and most, if not all, MTSOs require 2 years of experience and won't even consider a new grad. As I stated previously, there ARE exceptions to this, but there are FEW exceptions. That's a fact that needs no debate. Granted, motivation, hard work and perseverance do pay off, and the motivation to stay at home with one's baby is the strongest motivation I can think of.

But still--again--stick to the original question and lighten up on those who don't see the world as you see it. There are many, many perspectives and she will benefit from hearing all of them.
No, you're not missing anything. I understood it to read the same thing.... nm
No, you're not missing anything, but you're really not seeing
anything either. InterFix designs and sets up software specifically to facilitate an easy conversion to overseas transcription.
Is anyone missing a good reality TV show right about now?
I'm so bored with TV right about now. I used to look forward to Survivor, the Apprentice and even Martha Apprentice.  Am I the only one who thinks Desperate Housewives is just plain goofy and most of the sit coms with canned laughter fall flat?  Help.  Find me a good show this is not concocted to appeal to the lowest common denominator watching TV. 
Nope, I guess I wasn't. Was I missing out on something good?
I didn't even know there WAS a favorites list;-)
Skip it. No one cares. Either you're good on the test or you're not.
You're probably right. Plus we're losing our percentage of good people by .... (sm)
allowing every loser from every 3rd world country on the planet to just stroll on into our country, some legally, most illegally, and take advantage of the social services all us hard working little gerbils pay for by having money taken out of our pay every month. But I don't think we're all lazy. Just the ones on permanent welfare driving around town in brand-new Cadillac Escalades. Saw one just today on the Bayshore Fwy. Brand-new black Escalade with expensive spinner wheels, with 5 or 6 Mexicans in it. Well, who knows - maybe they stole it and it was on its way to a chop-shop. Smart-and-hungry people aren't always hard-working and honest.
On 2nd thought, if you're NOT a good Italian style cook, make something you ARE good at. Leave th
We're out here (good MTs) but we're busy! sm
I don't recall ever taking an employment test where I wasn't offered a job. My MTSO does not even look at my work unless I happen to have a question or a blank, which happens maybe once in every 30 or so reports with an ESL. If you find a really good MT, how much training would be involved? Certainly you would save time in the long run once they're trained and you don't have to check all their work.
If you're new, good - if you're not a newbie, not so hot
Would need to know how long you have been an MT. For a newbie, this is a pretty good rate of speed.

However, if you have anything over a couple years of experience, then this is not too hot.

Also, what are the dictators like? Is it a "United Nations" account??

If you ARE capable of 200 lph or more and you can't seem to get it, then the problem has got to be with the platform you are using. In my experience, the platform into which you transcribe can make or break your paycheck - so if the platform stinks, then I hate to tell you, but there is no way you will be able to improve your line rate. I have quit jobs because of awful platforms more than once.
You can if you're good!

Well they're not very good about them in
Actually, they're usually really good kids.
Especially when compared to most of the kids these days.  But just like any other kids, they do get bored.  This summer has been weird because most of their friends are "visiting their fathers" for the summer, so there's no one around to play with.  And it's been unusually hot and rainy, so they're cooped up inside a lot.  Besides, they didn't hit me on purpose.  They lost a couple of Hot Wheels today, got a lecture about throwing things in the house, had to kiss Mom's head, and did slave duty.  Now they're all in bed early so I'm getting a jump on tomorrow's work.
Then you're doing yourself a disservice, just because the sex is good.
Whether you're "committed" or not, you're also miserable and likely so are your children. Too bad.
Movies that are so bad they're good.
I'm gonna check that one out. I love movies like that. Nicholas Cage in Vampire's Kiss - same story, very young, bad movie, but boy did he give it his all. Talk about over acting.
If you're good enough, I don't think those years
will matter.

Sorry, I don't know of a specific company. Hubby gets benefits, so that's never been a factor for me. I work for MQ right now, which I'm trying to get out of and have started another PT job. That one's good, but it is IC with no benefits. MQ does have benefits, but I really don't know how they are.

I would suggest posting on the company board and asking more specific questions, i.e., what are some companies that have decent insurance, do any companies give paid holidays, etc.

In all honesty, you probably won't find a company that fits all you want. You may have to decide which are most important and go from there.
You're right, can't find a good one
My platform is down and I'm always up for a good challenge, but I think part of the problem may be is that just a "physical therapy" reference/search site is too general as there are so many facets to PT,such as ortho, cardio, etc. I've looked for a good site for this for over an hour, hopefully someone has one right at their fingertips. Good luck.
oh puhleeeeze. you're just too good for color TV. nm
Good thing they're so cute or we'd really get mad at them!
Sometimes cuteness is a life-sustaining mechanism, especially for my 6 previous little fur-ballz.
Good for you - we're not all nasty on this board

You're a good person Paulette
and your mother is lucky to have at least one child who is willing to take responsibility and help her. Not that many years ago, extended families were the rule and not the exception. The truth of the matter is that unless a parent dies early, someone (be it a child, grandchild, or an institution) will probably have to take care of that parent (or parents) emotionally, physically, psychologically, and financially. For most of us, our parents cared for us when we were children and when they age the tables turn. I have 2 sisters who are willing to help with my mother but they live in other states and have no plans to move back to our hometown or homestate. Thus, I will be the one who becomes the caretaker.

I think you will have to sit down with your one brother (and his wife if he is married) and ask them for help that is on a more regular basis. Or, alternatively, just call him when you need him to help. Maybe he will get that hint (though he is male and hints go by undetected!).

I hope you find the relief and assistance you need. Take heart in the knowledge that you are doing the right thing.
Good point! You're funny! :-) (sm)
She is a mess, however, my best girlfriend heard that she just signed a contract for 3, count 'em, THREE more years. How can this be?? Simon will make this his last year unless they offer him another mint to stay. I can't imagine.
Hope you're good with accents! sm

All customer service is outside of the US and I had a really tough time communicating with them.  Also if you choose to discontinue early there's a whopping $90 fee that's buried in the fine print.

I used Vonage with broadband satellite for 2 months and it disconnected frequently on me....my satellite has been stable for years with multiple platforms so I suspect Vonage is just not suited for satellite.  Just a heads up!

You're good for awhile, don't worry!
If you wear out a keyboard, then worry! Had my laptop since 9/11, can still read the keys or in a few keys almost invisible but, I know where they are! Do well! Quit being nervous, it slows you down!
You're so kind, thank you for the good thoughts! sm
She does have to be on a high-fiber diet. They think this might be related to H-pylori, even though she tested negative for it. I told her lets not worry until we have to, easier said than done, but she is a worrier, and yes, I have inherited that from her as well:) I was reading up on this MALT lymphoma and if that's what she has, it looks like it is pretty treatable if caught in the early stages, so we will pray. Thanks again. I will update when I know more. Thanks for posting - means a lot:)

Good for you. You're a wise woman. Take care of your health first. nm
Never had this happen either. Email the SH people. They're very prompt with help. Good
Good thing you're the self-appointed talent judge to the stars,
They're supposed to be good luck. He'll find his way out when he's hungry. nm
Tessier's is great! Used in combo with the Sted's Ortho and you're good! nm
It's a very nice website you're having here. Increase Girl is very good Tournament: http://www
Just letting you know - your site is fantastic! Compute Compute Bet - that is all that Slot is capable of , Curious, Profound, Astonishing nothing comparative to Red Mistery can Destroy TV , Coolblooded, Good, Standard nothing comparative to Small Astonishing is feature of Central Chair
Might want to check out eBay if you're not into JCP or Sears stuff. Can find some good bargains
Thank you! Do you know if the missing
girl was alive or not?  I sure hope so. 
What's missing?
I haven't noticed any that are missing.
Am I missing something?
Where does it say that Amphion is using Interfix to send work overseas? As I read it, Amphion has used this company which HAPPENS to be branching out to Trinidad and Tobago, but I see nothing that connects the two. The statements in bold don't say anything except InterFix has helped Amphion interface more effectively.
Am I missing something here? sm
Employees pay their own taxes just like independent contractors. The only additional tax the IC pays is the employer's 50% portion of FICA which, if I remember correctly, is 7.5%. I fail to see why so many are under the impression that as an employee the employer 'pays' their taxes. I've been an IC for 2 years now and have seen my taxable income decrease due to the numerous deductions I'm eligable for. (We have an accountant do our taxes for us, whose fee is a business expense/tax deduction/overhead item - whatever it's called. That's why I use an accountant!) Lately it seems that many are opting for employee status, which is fine, but I'm not sure that an accurate picture is being given of the ICs gross vs net income.
Missing your dad....
I can't say I know what your going through, because I don't, but I wanted you to know that I read your message and I am so sorry. Do you have any grief counseling in your area you could attend or a pastor at your church you could talk with? I'm 45 and my dad is 71 and I know that day could come at any time for me too. Hang in there WIMT. Are you in Wisconsin? I am too. If you need someone to just talk to you can feel free to contact me, just give me your email address and I'll e-mail you directly. I'd be happy to listen if you need me.

Went missing
Does it bother anyone else that TV shows, news reporters and newspapers are saying "He went missing last week..." Shouldn't it be "He has been missing since last week...?"  I've asked friends and family, but they don't notice.  I figure transcriptionists are more aware of grammar than regular people.  It makes me crazy when they talk about someone "going missing."  They're not going anywhere, they're just plain missing!!
I first heard someone on a local news station say it last year.  Now I hear it everywhere?  Where did that phrase come from?  I guess I "went missing" when that phrase was invented.  Irritates me too.  Oh, and so does Nancy Grace whether she is saying went missing or anything else.
I'm missing something
If you billed April in May, shouldn't you have received the money from when she helped you?

And did you have a contract set up with her.

I would just pay her the $100.
What am I missing?????
What's the deal with someone going out of town? or not letting the employer know??  Is this person an IC or an employee?  and why is it that so many "employer's" do not understand that they cannot dictate hours of work to an IC?  maybe this is the case?  I know I have dealt with plenty like that.  Perhaps, I am wrong - I know I missed something somewhere in all of this.
Maybe I'm missing something here.

"...my WAV pedal is acting in the same manner - tap the pedal to listen and tap it to stop the dictation." That's how mine works so what do you want to do differently? How did it work before?

you bet I do, but you are missing sm
the point. I think knowledge and experience should pay a whole lot more. My point is if you do learn all you can and can do every kind of report type and do it with an excellent report then you will not have the problem of not being able to make any money when the companies are only paying 8 cpl. The pay is not going to get better anytime soon. I know there is the exception to the rule and the companies, mostly smaller companies, who pay more but there are so many larger companies that are paying the 8 cpl. Personally to do OP reports all day long I think I should be making 15 cpl! Wouldn't that be nice but it isn't happening and I am perfectly ok making 8 cpl and doing what I do for now. Its better than no job at all.
I may be missing something, but I'm
where would you be if your daughter was missing (sm)
in another country?  The posts on down the board are appalling, some of them anyways!  I would hope that any parent in their right mind would be right there, no matter where "there" is, if their child were missing.  I know I'd be whereever I had to be.  I could not rest until I was there, waiting and helping to find my child.  I'd go to the ends of the earth to get my daughter back, no questions asked.  And maybe people are donating money to them so they can stay in Aruba and help find their daughter, as well as keep their lives going back here at home.  Where has compassion gone? It's truly sad that we ridicule people for simply wanting desperately to find their lost child.  Just Sad.
Me neither! Ha! We must both be missing something! Maybe we should try the warm
milk? Blech...sounds gross! Actually, I'm just getting rolling now - my morning - so am having coffee! If I were to have sounded irritated, certainly my irritation would be 100% to the dang fool recruiter who pulled this "faux paus" on the poor woman in the first place. Now, if you want to get me irritated, just get me yamming about recruiters...currently my FAVORITE people in our industry...I can't find the appropriate face-thingie to express pure disdain....How about, PEW!!
missing lines
I have had lines missing and they always pay me on the paycheck.  It never shows on my lines but when I get paid it is added to my lines.
missing girl
I did miss some of it, but if the missing girl was the man's daughter, then she was alive.   His daughter  was the one at the beginning with the ring in her nose.  Maybe someone else who saw the whole thing can fill in the details.