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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

You're forgetting ALL the stuff you CAN buy because....

Posted By: SM on 2006-05-30
In Reply to: My idea on what the U.S. should do about offshoring work of ALL kinds... (s/m) - My 2 cents worth!

it's more cheaply made.. If you have to pay 10 dollars for a widget because we had to pay high union wages to an American worker, not that many people would be able to buy a widget.  Lots of things are inexpensive because they are made offshore, and you are buying them and enjoying their low price every single day.

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You're forgetting all the stuff you can't buy when you're UNEMPLOYED!
Unemployed people have a hard time buying anything, including cheaply made offshore products. How many will have to end up depending on public assistance? That means more tax dollars being eaten up - besides the taxes NOT being collected from the overseas workers. In the long run, are you really enjoying a lower price?
They're all really the same, from the simple foot pedal to the more technical stuff.
Doesn't bode well to me, and I'd not waste my time or my computer!
Got that right! They're exhausting! Moving all the stuff in and out, rearranging, then packing it
Might want to check out eBay if you're not into JCP or Sears stuff. Can find some good bargains
are we all forgetting something?

We are in an economic crisis here!!!  We should all be grateful to even have jobs!!  My husband has had his work cut (not in the medical field) so severely it is pathetic, but he can't sue over it!!  Either there is work or there isn't.  Sometimes people promise work based off of previous statistics in their company, so you can't necessarily blame them for no work.  You have to get another job to supplement or just ride it out.  I know many people in my community that have been laid off from their jobs and had to take up any crappy minimum wage job they can find to make ends meet.  Just another perspective from a financially stressed out person.

selective forgetting
Some people only remember that they want to remember.
You are forgetting one thing...

Most companies are not giving raises anymore, either. Sure they say they do, but in the end, just ask for one and see what happens.

I, for one, have never had a problem with getting a raise, but the companies are tightening their belts big time so they can compete with the overseas companies. All in all, the rates ARE an insult to an experienced Transcriptionist and I will not take a job at the lower rates "just to have a job". 

The main problem with today's MTs is that they are willing to take these low paying jobs just to work. Then they complain because they're not getting paid enough. If MTs would all stick together and stop accepting jobs like this, companies would have to change their attitude and start paying us what we are worth.

When one company lowers their rates and gets MTs to work for them, another company decides to try the same thing. Next thing you know, all the companies are offering the lower rate....and the ball keeps rolling... Before you know it, we U.S. MT's will be making LESS than the overseas companies because of it. 

I do wish everybody would wise up. The economics of the situation is supply and demand. We supply...they demand (more and more work for less and less money or benefits). Where will it end?

Forgetting to hang up - got me my job in college
I actually got my transcription job in college when the original Transcriptionist find out she was getting fired. The doctor didn't shut off the recorder and he and his partners started discussing putting an ad in the Sunday paper for her job. She quit - I walked in the next day (before the ad was ever placed) just going from office to office dropping off resumes and voila - MY LUCK ... well, not really. It was a horrible place to work and I ended up quitting after 3 months.
like walking into a room for something but forgetting what it was !

How about forgetting about other people and thinking
I started doing that years ago. We have the ability to just tune in our our headphones and tune out the garbage. Take attitudes for what they are. Here is something once I heard I always try to remember when someone in the field, either a coworker or boss, etc. is nasty: Always be kind as possible, everyone is also fighting some kind of battle.
This means we don't have to get in other people's heads and figure out why they are out to get us. Don't waste the time. Chances are whatever it is has nothing to do with us. If QA is instructional fine, take from the mistake and learn and consider that learning experience a blessing.
Conversely, besides the money which I also need to feed my family, think about that patient you are serving silently from home, and how you are in service. There is no job greater than to be in silent service to others. So, 2 things we can learn about our unique situation in this job: 1. Be thankful we can work quietly and remain quiet even through the storms of others. 2. Remain quiet while serving in a noble manner those who are at a time in their lives when they need you most, the sick and dying.
A lot of the way we are treated is drawn by the way we look at the world. Change your outlook and things will change. That of course is just my 2 cents. I am not in control of anyone else, not this business, not the other posters, not the docs, not the people in the industry alongside me. I can only sit quietly and appreciate the fact that I am an MT and that is where I should be and I enjoy that fact every single day, even for 26 years I have served thus far. Happy Thanksgiving.
I think I smell either VR on the easy stuff, or offshoring of the easy stuff.
For Pete's sake, you're not terminating a pregnancy, you're just typing a report after the
It's already been done before you even hear about it, and NOTHING changes regardless of whether you or someone else types it. Sheesh.
It's not funny when you're on a board where language is one skill you're selling.
Hope you're gonna have a glass of wine while you're relaxing

in your spa goodies. Congrats!

Well, you're all complaining that accounts are current and work is low, so, gee, maybe they're
focusing on WORK, as in CLIENT and transcribing, as maybe half of you should be focusing on!!
If you're experienced, try for 9cpl or higher, and you're lucky to get that! nm
Skip it. No one cares. Either you're good on the test or you're not.
You're probably right. Plus we're losing our percentage of good people by .... (sm)
allowing every loser from every 3rd world country on the planet to just stroll on into our country, some legally, most illegally, and take advantage of the social services all us hard working little gerbils pay for by having money taken out of our pay every month. But I don't think we're all lazy. Just the ones on permanent welfare driving around town in brand-new Cadillac Escalades. Saw one just today on the Bayshore Fwy. Brand-new black Escalade with expensive spinner wheels, with 5 or 6 Mexicans in it. Well, who knows - maybe they stole it and it was on its way to a chop-shop. Smart-and-hungry people aren't always hard-working and honest.
You're not going to find a word expander for free. You're going to have to pay
I really, really saw a shooting star or an angel or something the day before my Dad's funeral 10/15/00. It was a crystal clear day, I heard something that just lead me outside and I looked up and saw the shooting star or whatever. My Brother-in-Law saw it too because he was outside washing the cars. But it was a calming thing, like he was giving us a signal that he was doing just fine.
QA stuff
I have a hard time with ESL's but I was trying my best
I'd tell them to stuff it, but that's just me
Sick of the way the companies refuse to let the facilities or the physicians know when they're just being ridiculous and take it out on us because we're "nobody important."
Do not buy from the(right)stuff
I paid $390 for a C-phone that worked for 20 minutes. It kept shorting out, and then died. The repair shop said motherboard was fried, not repairable. The guy did not even include the power cord with it. Rip off.
I could become such a cow on that stuff!
It is addictive. Yummy.
Well, I know my stuff, been doing nothing but ER MT
for 10 years...why I don't I get paid for my knowledge, for being a good employee, i.e., never call off even if sick, never miss my shift, and still not valued.  Not sure I understand what you mean in your post about MTs not being good MTs because when you do find a GOOD MT, y'all don't value them anyway!
QA stuff
Hayseed, I don't know squat about QA, but learning something new in this field only makes you more valuable to yourself and to the company you work for. You have nothing to lose, lots to gain, and if you hate it, you can always go back to transcribing. Variety is the spice of life!

Congratulations! Let us know how you like it after you get a few days under your belt.
I do all that stuff too. But sometimes you just don't
Even more often, you don't always get the CORRECT results. Then you end up having to do research on the research. Sort of like looking into a succession of never-ending mirrors.
There's a way to get around all that stuff -
When mgmt. gets stingy about vacations, all you have to do is catch the "flu". A cold, they want you to come in and give it to everybody. The flu, they DON'T! Cooking for potlucks? The easy way: Just say NO to potlucks. Feel you MUST participate? Bring in a small bag of potato chips or carrot sticks. Office meeting? Good time to do those Kegel exercises or other isometrics. Pretend to be taking notes, & have a page of a crossword puzzle hidden underneath. Mentally think of what you need at the market and make a shopping list. Play tic-tac-toe or hangman with the person sitting next to you. If you're stuck sitting there watching someone's mouth flap for an hour and a half, try to envision money flying out of it and into your pocket, which is essentially what's happening. Not getting enough breaks? Develop "overactive bladder", and occasionally overshoot the ladies' room and instead go outside and take a lap around the building. If you have a computer-related pain or injury, a doctor's prescription can buy you mandatory breaks at regular intervals. Nothing they can do about it.
If you're on the job, ask for samples to do it how they want it. If you're testing, separate o
You're not losing it, you're burned out on your main job.
I feel for you... I am having my own "version" ;-) of these kinds of struggles. Lots of recent changes at the admin level have made my job do a 180, going from a really great one to a really crappy one.

For me, it's a struggle to get through the day with a shred of motivation. I get distracted in the way you discuss as well.

I just try to make my environment as comfortable as possible and make the best of it while I decide what the best way is to deal with the burnout... I figure if I can't change my inner brain workings so that I still like this job, I need to find another one, or this feeling will possibly get worse!

I hope it works out for you. Wish I had some better advice for you, but this really does look like burnout and extreme job dissatisfaction to me. We all wear it differently. Try to be good to yourself while you figure out a solution.

Don't know what you're complaint you're making with this post. sm

You stated in your original post that you don't want to work weekends or odd shifts. What is your definition of an odd shift?  Second shift?  Third shift?  Sounds like you want to work M-F on days.  Sounds kind of rigid to me. 

Personally I like second shift, so everyone working days means more work for me! 

crock pot stuff, one more
This is something I made when my kids were growing up. SO EASY! A blade pot roast is what I always used. Put IN crockpot...sprinkle on a package of taco seasoning mix, NO LIQUIDS. Cook eight to 10 hours. Shred meat and serve on tortillas, put out chopped onions, chopped green chili peppers, avacado, chopped tomato, actually anything the kids like...let them make their own soft tacos. Enjoy.
Maybe some, but I do. However, I have MTs that don't and GUESS at stuff.
Yesterday and all the other old stuff.
Not to worry.  No depression here.  I just think it's a beautiful song.
All the original stuff. nm
thank you. This MD always says goofy stuff
especially when there's only bad stuff to show
I noticed that Shepard Smith on Fox (not considered a liberal news outlet) was not especially impressed with the government response to the disaster. He was desperately begging for help for people stranded for days on a bridge.
I do now and then, mostly stuff about the house but have been looking
for additional $$. Know what I want to do and currently researching finding suppliers, preferably here in the U.S. I'll be happy with an extra few hundred, but if it takes off...... I'll take that too!
The funniest stuff????? Please!

Apparently a schizophrenic patient (frankie boy and my goodness obviously same person talking to self) has escaped the mental institution and wound up on this board!  Can the administrator please delete this nonsense and ban Frankie Boy - my goodness!

This seriously is the funniest stuff
I have ever heard.
weird stuff
My daughters had pityriasis rosea on their legs. That was my first though when I read this post. In fact, Dorland's says it is "most often seen on the trunks, arms, or thighs."
Sometimes stuff just happens and you need to move on
I sure wish life was a simple as you get married and stay together forever..Life is not that simple and even though we think that we will stay married, things happen sometimes and we find ourselves in a situation we never thought we would be in..i.e., falling in love with someone else or getting divorced cause our spouse has fallen out of love or in love with someone else.  I will not past judgment on anyone who separates and/or goes through a divorce..Been there, never thought I would be..Thought our love was gonna last forever, thought he would never cheat on me..Stuff happens in life. Having gone through it, I realize people grow and sometimes the other person does not grow in the same direction.  Why stay with someone you are miserable with..Life is too short..Nothing worse than living with someone you no longer love or there is so much pain between you that it is even painful just to be in each others company..
Shorthand stuff
I appreciate the hints on SH too; 100 years ago, I took actual Gregg shorthand. When I got PRD+ I never typed numbers and used PRD's suggestions.
j - shun sound (tion) hosj = hospitalilzation
s = pleural (fts = feet) singular = ft
g = ing (ugg = undergoing)
d= past tense = (presd = presented)
ly = ally or ly ending (bll = bilaterally).
os = ostomy
ec = ectomy
ot - otomy
isis = used for words ending is iasis or isis
Most of the time, I just listen to a word and pick out the highlights. duodenum = ddm duodenal ddl. Klepingers becomes kleps. Vicryl is vcl. #1 Vicryl is 1v,etc.
To expand an abbrev. I just double the end letter of the abbreviation and don't use a - as sugesstedin PRD+

I've always used the first 3 or 4 letters and added whatever the ending was. I was always taught that # required to much fumbling around as well as other characters, so I avoid them

These are only a few of my shortcuts and they have worked very well for me for 30 years.
Call him. Tell him come on, help you get your stuff.
That is just the song I needed right now! You're feeling me, Listenup! Thanks.
Lots of stuff - sm
powdered drink mixes (PowerAde, Gatorade, KoolAid if it is presweetened.)

Hard candies.
Decks of cards (I also sent a book with about 1000 card games in it.)

Dental floss.

Magazines (nothing
pornographic or even remotely close to being so.)

Hometown newspapers
DVDs (most units now have DVD players for R&R)
Journals and pens/pencils

The most popular item was Baby Wipes. The dust and sand get into everything.

Basically you can send just about anything except...
No glass containers.
Nothing of a religious nature (bibles, etc...)
Nothing of a pornographic nature.

Someone said they sent jerky. We weren't allowed to send even that when my son was there. It was also considered offensive to their "host" country (Iraq.)

Yes, especially when it's all "nitpicky" stuff. It's almost like they (sm)
Can't find anything wrong, so they start on the little stupid things.  I hate that.  I never mind being corrected when it's legit; for example, I found out after about 10 years of transcribing that I had been spelling "Fahrenheit" w/o the "H".  Things like that, please tell me.  Otherwise, don't bother. 
Yep, they spell out that stuff...
but would never think of spelling out a difficult medical term or another physicians name... nope.. and they think they are really helping you out!!
Thanks to MTStars and MT-Stuff

I just received my mouse pad from MT-Stuff.  Thanks to MTStars and MT-Stuff for the great recognition of Medical Transcription Week.  It was great.  I usualy have no luck at all so this is truly amazing.

What is with this jammie stuff?
YOU obviously work from home too, so why are you so down on everyone else?! Jealouse much?
wow, wonder if Barbara really said all that stuff (nm)
Really? I keep getting my stuff from them and so far still AAMT...?
Just wondering when the BIG change is coming..lol