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Yes that's tasty but Mango downside up is my favorite cake, with a papaya drizzle. Yummmmmmmm.

Posted By: Beronhout on 2006-06-13
In Reply to: Pineapple upside down - :) nm


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Earthquake cake? It that like Mudslide cake with a mocha drizzle??????????????
Lemon pound cake wtih lemon drizzle. mmmmmmmmm
I respectfully disagree. The BEST is CHERRY cake with cherry drizzle. YUMboooooooooooooooyyyy!

NOthing beats lime cake with lime drizzle......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
What is your absolute favorite cake?

If you had to pick just one cake, what would it be?  I love just about any kind of cake, but I have to say honeybun is my all-time favorite.  I think I could eat the whole thing if I tried. 

Any other absolute favorite desserts?  Oatmeal candy has been at the top of my list since childhood.  My mom always made it at Christmas and now I always like to do the same.  Yummy!

Just one? Texas cake (chocolate cake no frosting) and ...
the other favorite is butter cake with chocolate frosting. Or chocolate with chocolate fudge frosting. Not sophisticated, but wonderful choices all.
I agree. Men should be the icing on the cake, not the whole cake.

I see. I agree the three installs is a big downside. ..sm..
I had the same thing happen.  I ran out of installs and then bought a dongle because when I tried Express Scribe the sound was terrible.  I'm glad the sound is better now.  Thanks for clarifying.
Yes, it smells like tropical fruit, papaya maybe. It's awesome.
Using BBQ sauce can be tasty. nm
try strawberry muffins - really tasty and quick
let me know if you're interested and I'll dig up my recipe.
Pineapple? Coconut? Mango? Do tell! :) nm
Leftover chili, mango soda and coffe.
DOG: Alex. CATS: Betsy, Heather, Kim, Buzz, Mango, and Ashlee Kaloo
Love my pets!
I agree. Here in this household we put drizzle on EVERYTHING!

Raleigh. I don't mind the drizzle or even the sleet we got today.
We need a lot more rain, and I prefer to get the non-hurricane-related type, LOL.
Good grief people, what;s up with all this drizzle stuff??

I prefer drizzle over frosting. It's thinner but has more flavor. nm
What's your favorite food. Favorite in that you could only have one last meal what would it be?

Indulge me while I stare at computer screen waiting for Q work that isn't there.

I love spaghetti but only served with a great salad with olive oil and some garlic bread. Can't have pasta alone.  And needless to say a glass of red wine.  No dessert, just extra spaghetti.


yep, rum cake mmm
your making me hungry!!
Actually, it is not I who wants my cake and eat it too
but it is the client. When I started with them, I had no previous experience. They didn't want to hire as employee, but wanted IC, so they don't pay benefits, etc., but they want to call the shots, telling me no subcontracting, they want me to pick up tapes-no courier, they refused to telecommute, they want me to go out of my way to abbreviate, etc. to cut lines as much as possible, and they want to dictate pay per line.
Graveyard cake
I made the cake before -
and it was soooo good - rich of course, but delicious.  Gotta try the meatloaf tonight. Thx for the recipe.
Wedding Cake

Could anyone direct to me some good web sites with wedding cake pictures?  I have found a few, but it seems they are all "cookie cutter" and I am looking for something original, but not crazy.  Am having a smaller wedding (under 100), outdoor.  Any links anyone could provide, I would be majorly appreciative!  (I have cake appointments next week and need to provide some ideas for them.)

Princess cake
Earthquake Cake
Has anyone had Vesuvius cake?
It's a layered cake that sort of looks like a volcano.....with a layer of chocolate cake, a layer of cheesecake, a layer of chocolate mousse, topped off with a really thick ganache icing! Yum!!!!
piece of cake?
Decided to try transcription after I tired of nursing (management). Thought it would be a snap. Suffice it to say that a good MT has a broader knowledge base than a registered nurse.
That DOES take the cake! FIRST PRIZE! ;D
Piece of Cake....

I made the transition from doing multispecialty clinic and acute care transcription to Radiology about five years ago, and it was one of the easiest transitions I've ever made.  Just have a couple of good radiology reference books and I don't think you'll have any problem at all.  The cpl sounds very good, too.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.  I attempted to email you a couple of good reference materials, but the email came back as undeliverable. 

Good luck

Thanks! I am going to try and make the cake this weekend.
I will try and make the meatloaf too. I have made several of her recipes, they were all great. One of my friends recently went to Savannah, GA and ate at The Lady & Sons (her restaurant). She said it was awesome!
Okay...hand over the cake recipe;
King Cake and let me be the one that gets the baby!
My family makes a cake that is very
We just call it "Pineapple Nut Cake" . . . basically, the pineapple is the liquid for the batter, and because of the cream cheese frosting, folks always say, "This is the best carrot cake I've ever had!" It doesn't even have the spices that carrot cake has (but I believe that a Hummingbird cake does have the spices, but also has the pineapple and pecans).

Anyway, one of my favorties.
I think you, like me, thought this would be a piece of cake
I had worked in hospital settings, doctor offices, etc. and when I started training (on the job for a year) I kept my nose in dictionaries, English and medical. Just because you have any background in something medically related does not mean you can be a transcriptionist. I trained for a year and before I was able to have production, had to have less than 3 errors (either English or medical) on each page and yet type 75 minutes of dictation a day- sorry but so long ago do not know now how much that was but quite a bit. I think you have probably gotten in over your head with no training per se and having said that yes I most certainly think you should do at least 1200 per day- you need speed as well as training to make a go of this. People who say no background should consider themselves very lucky to have made it.
I, like you, thought it would be a piece of cake
And I trained hard for a year even though other hospital work, clinics, etc. I have been at it for years now, also.
Radiology is a piece of cake
and you can get great line rates. One person's experience is not anothers...
In the newborn phase, piece of cake (sm)
It's when they get mobile is when the going gets tough. I had to have my sister babysit while I had some serious deadlines to hit. I couldn't do it with a mobile toddler running around. Sometimes I tried to split my shift and working some through the night, but that didn't last long because I needed sleep and very well couldn't sleep with a baby in the house, during the daytime, that is.
Care to share the cake recipe?
Barnes & Noble has cake magazines
in their wedding magazine section. It is a bit pricey for a small magazine (about $10) but they have pictures of every kind of cake you could possibly imagine! From the simple & traditional, to off-the-wall unique & creative. This is where I found the design for my wedding cake.
It's similar to German Chocolate cake, but
you put the pecans and coconut on the bottom of the pan and layer the chocolate cake mix with a drizzled layer of cream cheese and (can't find my recipie!!) When you bake it the cake cracks in the areas that you have drizzled the cream cheese mixture, thus the name. It's soooooo good!
My housekeeper telling me cake from strap??
She meant scratch but she just sweats her way is what she knows.
Today's e-mail is just icing on the cake!
Okay . . . so I am just venting about my QA, but to all people doing QA I don't think everyone is like this, I just can't use names, so I am stuck somewhat generalizing. Sorry. Please don't take offense, I don't mean all QA people just a couple I have dealt with lately.

A few weeks ago, I got blamed for something QA changed on my report. They got it wrong, not me. I blanked it and QA guessed wrong. Very frustrating.
stuftfed cabbage rolls, cornbread cake and



cheeseburger meatloaf and peanut banana gooy cake. nm
LadyBaltimore is very good cake but Sir Philly's got it beat hands down!
For me, it's ham, mashed potatoes/gravy, yeast rolls and some nice dessert, pie or cake.
Ham, cheese potatoes, asparagus, roasted cauliflower, deviled eggs. carrot cake, family and friends

Orange cake wtih orange drizzie......Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Just about anything CHOCOLATE. German chocolate, Texas sheet cake, etc. YUM YUM ;-) nm

he was my least favorite as well, but what comes around goes
Brenda cheated on him with just about everyone, even a woman, the first season?  Still in shock.  There are three more shows left, who else is a goner?