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Yes! a new outfit for under $20...

Posted By: meowmeow on 2005-08-08
In Reply to: Me too! I have a really good one nearby. - Endiqua

I'm in the mood to go shopping tomorrow...

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My 5-year-old daughter in a dress-up outfit.

Your outfit choice sounds perfect to me (nm)
It's selling-out because you're supporting an outfit
for more and more offshoring of American work, that's why. And when the possibility of plugging the leak by passing a bill to forbid offshoring of Amercians' info. without their consent, or another one getting rid of MTSO perks for offshoring our jobs goes to Congress, who do you think will be spending YOUR money to lobby against the passage of those bills, thereby possibly keeping YOUR job safe? You guessed it - AHDI. These people are all snakes. Passing a test and getting some fake letters after your name might make you feel better than other MTs, but it doesn't MAKE you, or any other MT better. What makes us better is on-the-job experience, not the shady auspices of the AHDI scammers.