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Yes. Have you looked on the back of your DSL modem to

Posted By: techie MT on 2005-10-25
In Reply to: Question, can anyone help me? - justme

see if it has both ethernet and USB ports?  If not, you can rent or buy one that does.  You should be able to hook both computers up and surf the 'Net on both at the same time without having to plug and unplug the modem.  I've actually got three going on my DSL now with a networked minihub hooking up my two office computers and a longer cable out to the family computer in the living room.

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i looked back through the posts
and it seems (if i recall correctly) that the pay cut is in ASR and its down to 60%, and at the same time, the volume of that type work has increased for most...
Congratuilations! I did a year ago and never looked back!
No way - MQ is the pits, left 6 years ago and never looked back.
There is greener grass, believe me.
Well, I looked & looked but did not find it. Maybe tomorrow!
not the modem..sm
it depends on what phone number you are dialing into, how many people are also on that phone number, and the capacity of the server to handle that amount of dial up phone calls. location, location, location. been there did that. and I was not knocking earthlink. it just depends on where you are and server capacity for that area. if you want to spend 45 minutes waiting for 20 files to download, I guess that is okay. just my experience.
modem on
I also turn my modem off. Just be sure to turn it back on. I unplug my computer from the surge protector.
What type of modem do people use?  I am on my third Linksys. Most of the time it works great (but not right now).  Is there a better one to use?  I have a cable internet connection (not wireless).  Thanks!     
Most likely the modem will be provided by (sm)
the phone company (at least it was for me by Verizon). 
Not only that, but for those with cable modem
connections, or high-speed cable, did you know that even when our computers are shut off, hackers can hack into our cable and access our computers? We don't even know it. That is per Comcast cable themselves, confirmed by my bank, etc. So just because the computer is turned off, unless you unplug the internet cable from the back, anyone with a laptop and computer knowledge can pull in front of your house and jump onto your ISP. Happens all the time where I live. Scary stuff.
only if you have an external modem
Most modems are internal and you have to plug the phone line directly into it.  If you have an external modem, it is possible but troublesome. 
Verizon USB modem
I have been using a Verizon Wireless with 5GB limit as a backup internet connection the past couple months and for traveling. I have successfully worked with it without using very many MB (that's MB, not GB) at all. On evenings when I work and don't surf, my usage comes up to less than 100 MB for about 3-4 hours of work. 5 GB translates to 5120 MB. The evening that I decided to watch a Netflix video in a hotel room, I used over 500 MB, so I really wouldn't recommend trying to watch videos very often if you want to stay under your 5 GB limit. However, Medquist's DocQScribe program doesn't use much at all.

Also, when I have to use it from home because of my cable internet being down (frustrating, but it seems to happen a lot!), the whole thing works slower because I only get 1 bar of service here. From home, I can't even watch Netflix at all on Verizon because the connection speed isn't fast enough. From the hotel with full bars of service on Verizon, Netflix worked as well as it does from home when my cable connection is working properly.

Good luck! But seriously, if you're only working and doing emails on your Verizon, it should be within your usage limits without any problems!
Does anyone have wireless using a USB modem? sm
Have you ever been rejected for a job because of it?  I just was.  Also does anyone know if there is a difference between a card and a USB modem as far as speed?  I just got rejected for a work at home hospital employee job because the supervisor was convinced my wireless would not be fast enough for their system.  They use Dolby.  I have the USB 727 modem from Verizon, use VPN on it and have never had a problem.  Must say I'm pretty bummed.  I really needed that job and the benefits. 
I use my DSL modem for my router. sm
I would think it would depend on whether you have cable or DSL. I have TDS Metrocom for my phone and Internet. When I went home to work I called to find out what I needed to look for in a router. He told me my DSL is a router and all I needed was an ethernet cord. I went to Radio Shack and bought a 25 foot ethernet cord to run from the router to my new work computer. I ran the cord from the back of my DSL modem to the ethernet port on the work computer and haven't had a problem yet.
I am probably going to be changing from dialup to DSL - just exactly what do I need - new modem? nm
Never heard of a PC-DART modem -sm
Where I work uses PD-DART player to play the voice files, but you don't have to be on line to work. I go to a FTP, download my work, get off-line. Do my work, and upload the finished work to the FTP site. Check and see if this is what you can do; or if you misunderstood anything, as I said I never heard of a PC-DART modem.
wireless modem from Verizon
As long as you have a relatively strong cell phone signal at home, a wireless modem should work fine, speed is a bit different from DSL or cable, so you might have problems with some of your larger downloads.

Also, I found out recently that Sprint (my cell phone carrier), now offers a wireless modem/card that uses a USB port as well, so you could use it with either a desktop or a laptop.

Hope this helps.
Your PC doesn't have to be on, but your modem and router do.

Yes, DSL needs electricitym Modem plugs into outlet.
ISP is DOWN!!! Dial up modem is too slow to operate

Well, this is really something.  For the first time since being at home, Comcast is down. 

Dial up modem is too slow to register my keystrokes and I get kicked off the hospital's system (which is 3,000 miles away).  

I do believe, after experiencing this, that technology is going to be the determining factor in outsourcing.  I used dial up modem for a clinic when with MQ but it was only a few hundred miles away from me and worked just fine.  Could it be that the farther away you are from your account, the less optimal dial up modem operation is?

Can you imagine what would happen if all accts were linked to a foreign country and the server went down? 

This event led to a 911 emergency as I was only MT on my acct scheduled to work today.  I am actually shaking as I know  how important it is to get the radiology work done in two hours.

Just had to share this with you guys. 

Thinking of trying a wireless modem from Verizon
was told it should work as long as I have cell phone service at my house, which I do.  All I have is dial-up at home and I'm so so so tired of the slow, slow, slow connection.   Plus I can use on my laptop too.  Hoping this will be faster.  Just wanted opions if you got'em.  Thx.
I have both my computers connected to my DSL modem and no router
and both computers connected to the KVM switch, but maybe my DSL modem is a modem/router or some fancy thing like that.  It does have a bunch of plug-ins in the back.
Cell phone & modem reception can be very different sm
I have very iffy cell phone service with Sprint but have been using a USB modem through them for the past month with an external antenna and amplifier. I get up to 1200 kbps download speeds without the antenna being installed outside yet (it's sitting in my window until we get a lightning protector). 3gstore.com is where I bought my equipment, and they can answer any questions you have. In fact, the tech person I spoke with has actually written transcription programs, so he definitely knows what is involved.
Cable will not work if your modem has to be plugged in.
When I had cable internet, it did not work during a power outage because the cable modem had to be plugged in, so no power meant no internet. Now I have wireless broadband that does not require power and I just keep my laptop always charged up. So if we lose power, I can easily just switch over to my laptop without losing too much time.
Okay, I guess I'm wondering about a cellular modem card for my laptop. SM

That would allow me to connect to the internet via a cellular network, right?  Maybe I just need to call Cingular and ask them if I can get that on my current plan.


Did you sell the Vonage modem to recoup some of your lost dollars?
With short arms, I need chair with shallow seat, good back support and high back. Want arm rests
OK! I'm glad you're back down here. Now don't go back up there and read those evil posts ag
Okay? But I have to leave you now, sadly. Thousands of noble dictating doctors are anxiously awaiting my help with their "dictations"....They're all loading up on chips, drinking lots of soda so they can burp, and then have to go to the bathroom...You know the routine! Off I go to earn some pennies!! But, truly, I am thankful that I have a job!
PS.. It apparently worked..I heard back and already submitted the paperwork back.

I'm not sure how many people they are hiring but you shouldn't stress too hard over it. Do the best you can.

I don't think he looked
like a drug addict. It is just a look. I loved his singing and cannot get that song "Trees" out of my head. He did not look too disappointed when he did not get selected, perhaps cuz he knew he is creating his own success on his own.
I have looked.
If you're offended, don't read it. It's great that your job is going so well. Mine isn't. They overhired yet again. We're all either out of work or bouncing from one account to another. Why should I lose my house and have my kids go without Christmas because their management is too ignorant to properly staff? I would be making more money at Burger King because I'm not even getting minimum wage now. Don't even tell me it's because I'm not a good MT. I got 100% on my last QA, I do ESLs, I do acute and clinic. Ah, but that's what it's like around here. Any time someone is down, people kick them down further by blaming the victim of bad management. I am worth at least 3x minimum wage and then some, but how am I supposed to quit my job 10 days before Christmas?
We looked into it
I am at a small company and we looked into the Fusion Voice, but they wanted something like $18,000 to start us off.  For a small company, no way!  They wanted us to start off with everything new.  We already were using DVI, but they wouldn't or didn't want to, just license the software for us to use on the DVI system.  I also tried to find people that had it, but it does not seem to be a popular system as compared to others.  Why I don't know.  Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
I just looked under the bed....not there! nm
I looked into it a little bit...(sm)
And while I think it is probably legit, they are mostly surveys that either get your name into some type of sweepstakes, or you would have to do an awful lot of them to make any money. I could be wrong, so if anyone else out there is making decent money off these, please correct me...

Yes, I looked at those :)
I am going to apply to TRS and Webmedx tonight, as well as put my resume up on the board. I have a friend at those places and she recommended them to me. TY!!
Just looked...
...at their website...sounds very interesting!  What has your experience been with them?  How much do they charge you for advances?
I looked over it
mainly I was wondering if there were any other programs that could do it (for cheaper :O))

I reckon I'll have to save my pennies! :)
I have looked into this, but . .

In my part of the country: 

The training is 2 years.  You must pass with 95% accuracy these tests:   225 wpm 2-voice testimony, 200 wpm jury charge and 180 wpm literary.  Must do 40 hours of actual writing time during internship and submit 40 pages of transcript and a written narrative to get your degree. 

Also, you must invest in your own stenography equipment, $2,000+ (could go quite a bit higher depending on equipment).

Then you must do 2 years with a legal group. 

Then you can apply for a courthouse job after that (that's how my courthouse in a decently large city does it).

Then after you do 2 years of courthouse experience, the closed captioning company will take your application for consideration of hiring and "transitioning."  

Closed capitioning for live capitioning (news, sports, etc.) I am pretty sure those people can work at home. 

But if you want to do movies, etc., that is done in house.  At least in my neck of the woods this is how they do it and what I was told by someone at the company over the phone. 

I doubt that you can go straight into closed captioning from school--I am pretty sure that they want you to have pretty much courtroom experience and be pretty well versed with the steno machine. 

If you can make it, it seems like a pretty lucrative career.  I looked into it many years ago and went into med transcription instead.  Could kick myself now. 

Have had a couple friends who were court reporters, the machine seems it would take quite a while to master with any efficiency.  You know, it reminds me of the alpha-hand I took many many years ago.  But again, you would have to practice, practice, practice, and really enjoy what you are working towards. 

I just interviewed last week with a court reporting school and then with the local college to check out their court reporting course.  The court reporting school said as long as you get up to the 225 per minute speed, you can finish a little early, about 18 months. But not so with my local college, you must do the entire 2 years and classes only start once a year. 

Interestingly, I was told there is an 80% drop-out rate.  It is pretty tough going. 

I changed my mind about going this route, wasn't interested in the courthouse work, wanted to go straight to closed capitioning, but it sounds as though that is not possible.  I don't have 6 years to spend for school and experience.  

Then I have been reading on the internet that they are starting to get rid of the court reporters in a couple states and replacement them with the audio/video recorders that the courthouses already have in place.  So that doesn't sound to good to me.  Not sure how accurate that method would be for record keeping, but we all know with offshoring has done to the quality/accuracy of medical reports. 

Still thinking of what I should do instead now.   

Good luck to you.  Again, this is in my neck of the woods, could be different where you are.   

I looked into doing this myself - sm
I have decided againist it for a number of reasons.  First, I would be repeating a lot of subjects I already took for MT 10 years ago.  Second, the pay around where I live is about HALF of what I currently make as an MT.  Third, and the real decider for me, is that after I complete MA school I would be qualified as an MT, which is exactly what I am trying to get away from - argh!!  Nah, this is not for me. 
Hugs to you! I looked everywhere.
Never looked at that way, but maybe that's just why it works for me.
HAH!! I need some sleep - I looked right over it..
I looked at the web site.
Looks inviting and I might look into it more later. My dh is worried about me for worrying too much about this and wants me to rest. LOL. I was just wondering if they always have work available and how flexible they are. My old job said we had a 12 hour work window to get production in then they changed their minds on that and we have to get it all in 8 hours and forget to tell you the new policy until your already in trouble. I can get up to 1500 to 1700 in 8 hours if I stay focused but with the end of my pregnancy it was hard with back pain, rib pain and I was making what I thought was production which was a little over 1100 a day to get their 1000 a day by their figuring “sigh”

I am due 9/25 and am taking 6 weeks maternity leave. I thought I would look into something then as now I would hate to get hired on somewhere then take maternity leave 3 weeks later KWIM.
Well let's see, 216 so far have looked at the message
and only 3 of you are complaining so I guess YOU are out numbered.  Go get a sense of humor.
Thanks for the info. We have actually looked
in the Destin area too. It is just so beautiful there. I would love to live by the beach. I would be there everyday. My husband actually hates living near the water and said he never would. Now it is me dragging my feet. I love the newness about it, etc., but I hate to leave my family, especially my mom. I am really all she has here. She can take care of herself, but the emotional part you know. I have actually lived across the street from her for the past 7 years. She has already come to terms with us moving, but not to another state! I have lived in Houston my whole life and actually have only been out of Texas once. My kids have had her there their whole lives. They have been surrounded by family, and that has always been very important to me since I did not have that growing up. When we move, we will not know anyone. I guess it is just pretty scary. At least we will be moving to a great area though. Thanks for all the help.
I have looked at a lot of those photos before and I
thinking maybe it had something to do with the type - brand/style implant, or the amount of fat the breast had to begin with to cover up the shape, or SOMETHING.  But I would just die if I ended up with round things instead of breasts!
I just checked it out and it looked like (sm)

a "return to work" site to get people off disability and working.

They want you to sign up with a state worker to help you with vocational rehabilitation and get you back to work?  That's what I read.  And also they want you to work 30 hours a week with the telephone jobs.  That would be almost full-time, persons on permanent disability are not allowed to work that much.

When I looked into nursing ...
When I looked into nursing, you had to get at least your LPN or RN training at a real school where you could get the hands-on training. The part you could do on-line would be the more advanced book parts, like getting your BS or masters.
Wish I had not looked. Too depressing. nm
Just looked it up to see what the average is now. sm
The middle 50% of RNs earns 43,700-63,000. So you know the beginning ones are still in the 30s. Might sound good or might not. For me, it wasn't enough for something I wasn't enjoying at all.

I'm not loving the MT world, but I'm loving the freedom, and it's letting me have the flexibility to finish college for something else I actually enjoy.

If you do find you love nursing, there are lots of areas to go into. Just know it may take many years to get there. Specializing usually takes more schooling past the RN.
I realized that when I looked at the
She has tons of wigs and I've seen her with those styles through the years! We just don't know how many stars are wearing wigs and hair weaving! 
I looked into it and our number is still
registered as do not call, has been since 2003, but (and I did not know this part) it expires in 2010. I am glad I saw that. Thanks again!!