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Yep, we would be expected to

Posted By: Darn right on 2009-03-31

learn their language if we were doctors practicing over there. They should do the same here. Truth and racism are two different things :)

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Think it should be expected

I was a cryptologic linguist when I was in the Air Force. My job involved wearing headphones all day long. They tested our hearing before we started the career field and every year after because the wanted to monitor how much hearing we lost above and beyond the normal age-related stuff. Had an interesting talk with the audiologist about this. Wonder how many former MTs are getting disability for hearing loss?

But isn't that to be expected anyway?

summer because all we use gas for is to heat hot water and to cook on the stovetop.  As soon as we turn on the furnace, of course it is going to increase a lot, even in normal years when the price of gas is not as high.

Same with electricity.  It's a stable amount most of the time but once we turn on the air conditioner, it jumps dramatically.

It is pretty much expected that you will do all that comes to you -
It is often the nature of the beast when you are in a pool. I had thousands of docs at the last place I worked, 4 hospitals all with very different account specifics, and did every work type under the sun for acute care. I found myself scrambling every day to get my lines in and frustrated beyond belief many days. After 2 years of that (and a few other issues with the company) I decided to move on.
What was the expected pay rate?
Actually, I never expected an answer--

I was sending him my opinion, expressing my anger concerning the jobs leaving in droves to India and other countries. 

I can't imagine the number of letters he receives in one hour let alone one day.  So, I realize I would never be answered. 

I just was stating my frustration and anger with a situation. 

As I said in my other post, I did call and I talked to one of the phone bank people or whoever answers the phones at the White House.  She was very nice and talked with me a while.  She told me he does get briefed on his mail and phone calls, he wants the good and the bad, he wants to hear how things are directly affecting us individually.  So I let him have it.  I just wanted to add my name to the list of people calling concerning offshoring. She told me many people from IBM who were just laid-off were calling in droves about the offshoring.  So, maybe many voices might at least make some kind of noise. Even if he doesn't listen or doesn't care, it felt good to get the frustration out, knowing I was talking to the actual White House.

My son keeps watching out the window now for the FBI to take me away because I always call and write to Washington. 

The handling of Katrina was a shameful disaster -- my heart goes out to anyone who went through that, and is still suffering because of it.  There was no excuse for that as far as I was concerned. 

I did send many emails and called about that, too,  Again, just wanted to voice my opinion. 

Wondering if VR not working as expected?

Our company has told us the company we use for VR wants to help us to edit faster, supposedly helping us to use the keys instead of the mouth. Now this seems sorta odd to me. I am wondering if the VR is not as satisfactory as was thought and perhaps the MTs are not really able to get reports out as fast as was thought and not eliminating the need for the MTs? Any thoughts on this?

We were $2.42 on Monday - shot up to $2.99 today and expected....sm
to go well over $3/gallon because of the pipeline distribution problem.  The governor has declared a state of emergency and is urging folks to not drive anymore than necessary while they're getting emergency shipments of fuel in. 
Saw it. I expected Randall to be the person I though he was... He wasn't!! He is out for himself
Rebecca on the other hand was the classiest woman they have ever had on the Apprentice! By far she out spoke Randall and more importantly she said nothing negative truly about him. Agree, lost all respect for Randall. Though I seriously think Rebecca will be hired by somone probably today she has offers pouring in; seriously for her brain and her gorgeous looks are just a plus!! A Rebecca FAN!!
On the contrary, Christians ARE expected by God to judge sin. sm
There are numerous versus to back this up. There is a verse that says if we as Christians observe a fellow Christian falling into sin, we are to go to that person (in love, not condemnation) and try and guide them back onto the right path away from destruction. How are we to follow God's laws if we do not judge right and wrong? That verse has been taken so far out of context.

WHAT WE ARE NOT TO JUDGE is another person's relationship with God or whether that person has obtained salvation or is saved.

WE ARE EXPECTED TO JUDGE SIN. I'll be happy to dig up the verses for anyone who would like to see them.
We are expected to learn spanish, make
Here's the dealio... MTs are expected to be able to hit the ground running.
We work from home.  There is no training curve.  That's just the way it is in the MT industry.  If you want to work from home, you have to know what you're doing.  If it takes you longer than three days to get off full QA, then you belong in an office somewhere getting training from a mentor who has the time and money to train you.  Working from home is all about the bottom line -- the MTs and the MTSOs.  This is career field you've chosen, so get with the program.  Sharpen your skills and quit expecting someone to hold your hand.
BTDT. They expected a heck of a lot from the MT for that kind of pay
All the emails, all the demands, all the changes, ugh. For all they expect and demand, the pay is way too little, not to mention the fact that they need MTs who do SPECIALTY work (cardiology) and should pay the MT a higher cpl than they do currently for that reason alone.
About how many lines are expected to be typed each day, minimum, on average? NM

As an educated & experience MT, we're expected to correct what's
Never said that typos were acceptable, what I said was is 100% accuracy expected 100% of the time.

Yes, I used to work in a docs office doing this as well as other things and but never had this problem.That is why I am frustrated.  My question was whether or not there was a curve for MT'ing or not.  I guess I just was not clear on exactly what editors/QA were really meant for.  I thought they were more of a saftey net for a TX company to ensure that everythign that goes out is what it should be.  But I guess I was mistaken.

Anyway, I was thinking that maybe there was something else similar in this field that would be an option for me to do.  Since I actually like this line of work, I don't see why I should give up so easily.

Lastly, its just me, but I actually think staying at home with my kids is a perfect reason to do this for a living.  I mean seeing as though I actually do want to earn a honest living doing something that I have experience doing ...why not?  It's better than relying the government for money to support my family isn't it? 

an overworked, underpaid, still expected to meet production go to person.

We are expected to follow AAMT unless client profile states otherwise or marked down by QA for it, s
You're expected quota depends on whether you are paid hourly or per line. SM

I'm paid hourly and I was told the requirement was 50 or more reports per day.  I've never worked QA per line, but I'm sure their line quota is pretty high, at least 2000 or better per day, as you get credit for every line in every report you QA.

Hope this was the answer you were looking for.

I figured she was cheap when she acted interested until I told her what I expected to be paid.
All I could think of was "how cheap can you get" I mean I have 3 years on the very platform she needed help with but when I mentioned a decent rate I never heard a word back. Thanks goodness for small miracles.
FDA warns that it delivers higher doses than expected, and has a higher rate of stroke. (sm)