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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Yeah, and look WHO gets to suffer through the (nm)

Posted By: perfection of it (not to mention training it for t on 2006-02-02
In Reply to: Voice recognition question - tia


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Does anyone else suffer from ophthamologic migraines?
If so, how long do yours last and what do you do for them.  I have been almost blind for the last week.  Doctor said might take up to 6 weeks go clear up. 
I suffer from seasonal depression
and am using light therapy.  This has been about two or three weeks now, and I cannot believe the difference in my mood.  It is wonderful.  I put in a fluorescent light fixture in my office that takes four 4-foot bulbs  I bought bulbs at Home Depot.  They had a large selection.  I bought ones that say they imitate sunlight.  Now working under them for my regular shift, I have felt a huge difference in my mood.  I thought I was going to have to go on medication, but now I feel so much better. 
Agree...no animal has to suffer for me...
I have been using the wild yam - so far, so good. ?
Why make your child suffer...
just because you think medication is wrong? If the medications will help, why not use it? My son was on dexadrine from the time he was 2 until he was 12 and is now excelling in high school at the age of 16. Yes, his growth was stunted while on the meds, (he's now 6 foot 2, 290 pounds!), but what a trade off!! He was able to concentrate and get his work done without disrupting the class and we never had to do an IEP or make things difficult for the teacher. (By they way, they do have other chidren in their classroom who need to be taught, not just yours.) We also didn't just limit his sugar...it was forbidden! He did not have anything with sugar or sugar substitute (same reaction) until he was around 14. Now he doens't even like it and does not crave it. He's a big guy because of his family genes.

Meds are not a bad thing if taken corrently and monitered. My son say his doc twice a month for weight checks and to see if any changes needed to be made to his meds.

Another thing you need to look at is the childs IQ. My son tested at age 4 with a 168 IQ, which was part of his problem, not just his ADHD. He was bored in school and that caused part of his 'attention' problems.

You can't rely on the school to make changes for just your child, you need to take control and if that means meds, it means meds. It makes me sad knowing that a child is suffering because they aren't getting the meds they need. Same way I would feel knowing a child wasn't getting an antibiotic or asthma medicine if needed. It's sad. javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Do you think patient care will suffer any?
will treat the laptop like it is you, and ignore you, the patient.
Think this has been discussed before, but the sound quality will probably suffer if you do it. nm
...don't suffer needlessly. You don't have to feel a thing if
eternity is a long time to suffer for being wrong.
If you live as if there is no God -- you'd better be right.

Yeah, yeah, that should be "your work..."

Yeah, baby, yeah.
We are here for the long haul.
Oh, yeah!

I understand where you're coming from.  The respect is just not there anymore.  Everyone in this business has heard for years about how voice recognition and EMRs are going to replace us all, which I just don't buy.  I work for a national on a difficult account with many ESLs, and it generates lots of work.  Every summer we have problems keeping up with turnaround but the management has yet to come up with a solution that actually works consistently.  I suspect it's a combination of MTs having kids home from school during the day now, vacations being taken, and people not working their schedules,  but most of all I think it's just plain burnout - we deserve to enjoy the summer too.  Last summer I worked so much to the point that I think I did substantial damage, and my body just cannot take it anymore (been at it for about 20 years, the last 10 years of it steady).  The powers that be fail to understand that we are not machines! 

Oh yeah
Or when you are trying to sleep and in your mind you are dictating to yourself..i.e., and the patient..yada, yada, yada, happens to me all the time, especially if I have had a long stressful-difficult dictation day, LOL..Of even if Im day dreaming, sometimes I find myself falling into dictation mode, repeating dictating I have transcribed, or close to it..Yeow!!
intromission changed to interim admission.  LOL
yeah right.
dream on.
Yeah - sm
Diskriter. If you have 3+ years experience and want full time work, brand new benefits and line incentive - send your resume to them.
yeah, right, sure he is.
Yeah, right
Saying it doesn't make it so. You are probably QA'd by people in India. What a crock.
Yeah, sure.


That makes complete sense (not).

Oh, yeah.
I cheated on the soup, too, by buying a box of premade at the health food store.  They've got such neat stuff there.
yeah, me too, and it's not

Yeah, well--
That's why this country is going down the toilet.  Between the corporate greed and being overrun by the illegals, how long do you think it will last?  The CEOs now don't care-- they are too busy counting their money and buying those expensive cars, yachts, and their third and fourth homes, etc.  They have what I call the "Marie Antoinette" syndrome-- "Let them eat cake".  They have theirs-- so the h*** with the rest of us! 
You are full of it. You aren't an MTSO. No place has a "crew" that is "all friendly and kind." They work at home, so how would you know what they are like? Even the rudest person can be nice for 2 minutes while talking on the phone to the boss.

Oh yeah!!
LOL - good going MQLover - like your style!
Yeah, you ask how old I am, but
the person who responded to me is the one who said it first. Of course, come down on the person who likes workings for MQ. How predictable. Go take a shower and maybe the water will make you grow a real thought.
yeah right, 60K w/MQ...

Yeah, please don't.
This is fun to listen to.
Yeah, I am.
I didn't say anything perverted. You are stuck on this molestor kick.
Yeah you.
I am not constipated and I know you aren't. I guess your laxatives worked to help you lose weight. Now, go cut your bangs in the morning.
Yeah, I'm 47...
and I STILL haven't developed those skills (that's why I'm an MT)!
Yeah...here ya go....
Link to her website....
Yeah ....
Come to Texas, we'll go dancing, bring boots, I have the truck :-))

It's called MT stars, as in medical transcription, so post regarding medical transcription - as in the profession......understand that?


You want Regis and whatsername?  Post on that board.


You want Romper Room?  They have their board, too......   Get the message honey bun?

one doc for whom i worked used to dictate (breaking this up because i have no idea how to spell it): "die-ag-no-sis-siz."

eep. and they write med-orders in latin?? lol.
Get everything in writing!!
Yeah, right.

Account instruction#1 says bold and CAPITALIZE allergies, list medications in number form regardless of what dictator says. Do NOT abbreviate in HPI, but you can abbreviate in Assessment if the doc does.  Don't use degree sign unless doctor dictates it.  List assessment in number form, even if there's only one item.

Account instruction #2 says bold headings but never bold or capitalize allergies.  Only expand abbreviations in Assessment but nowhere else in document.  Be sure to use degree sign when typing temperatures.  If there is more than one item in the assessment, use number form in listing them.

Account instruction #3 says never bold or capitalize allergies, don't abbreviate anything.  Never number medications, even if dictated by physician.  Can use the degree symbol if Drs. A, B, and C dictate such.  If Dr. D dictates patient's name in body of report and uses words that don't exist in the English language, be sure to type what he says since it's a verbatim account, and he complains all the  time that he doesn't want his report to sound so *formal* by using *the patient* instead of the name.   For all other reports, use *the patient.*  If Dr. E dictates the patient's sister, Sara, do NOT use the name Sara and just type *the patient's sister," regardless of what he really says. Dr. F might not dictated a numbered assessment list, but that's what he means.  Dr. G prefers to see the text of H&Ps on the same line as the heading, but on his consults, he thinks it looks better if there's a hard return, with the text starting on the next line.

As an Editor for multiple accounts, are you sure that YOU'RE paying attention to all the little idiosyncrasies contained in the sometimes 20-30 PAGES of account instructions for any given account? If so, I doubt you would find it so easy.

Yeah right.
If you make more doing MT than using your bachelor's you've made a wrong turn on the pathway of life, hon.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Oh YEah ..i KNOW what you mean!!!sm
especially about the cleaning part.... Oh boy..I sure do love my hubby and don't ever want to lose him..but, man Do i EVER get tired of cleaning up after SOMEBODY ELSE!!!
Yeah, but they sure R fun@

Yeah... it's just too bad we don't

live in Bush's world.  Must be nice there! 

Yeah, well...
I don't believe it either, and I also don't believe it when Bush says our economy is STRONG!!  People say a lot of things that aren't always true.....
I would go for the scrubbing toilets... at least you get more  respect!
Yeah, ME!
Yeah, what she said! (sm)
And where else can I be paid $36/hour and work the weird hours that suit me?
yeah but
Try paying 5.00 a gallon for milk and such. It evens out (have a cousin who lives there).
Well, uh, yeah....
Yeah, there's "something" he's getting from it.  Frankly put - no doubt threesomes coming out the ying yang and one wild woman - exactly what most men would kill their own mothers for.  Come as a surprise?  Better wise smell the coffee.  It's called human nature.
I live about 10 minutes outside of Greensboro, and Richard Petty lives about a mile and a half from me. See him at the gas station every now and then. Level Cross is a small town between Greensboro and Randleman. Technically the address here is Randleman because Level Cross doesn't even have a post office.
Oh yeah!
Yeah. Right.

Although this is a 2003 article, I'm *amazed* (NOT!) at how the timing of this for June 2006 just *magically* coincided with our problem with Iran, and it mentions *bunker busters* which I've read Bush wants to use with our next war against Iran.

But, yeah, it's all okay and harmless, blah, blah, blah.  Do what you want. 

I sure ain't going near the "City of Sin" any time soon.


Well yeah,
technically I live in Randleman, but it's only 10 minutes outside of Greensboro so it's easier to say that because when you say Randleman, people always go HUH?