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Yea, tell it like it is

Posted By: Patti on 2006-05-25
In Reply to: Starting or regular pay? - me

See below, we are both on the same wave length.   I have gone to someone's house to pick up the finished dictation and she was in the shower, she called me and said, "I wanted to take a break and I decided to take a shower instead of finishing the dictation."   I will get right to it -- so how do I tell this to a doctor's office.   If some were working in a hospital or an office, many of their excuses or work ethics would not be tolerated.  So I totally agree 100% with what you have said.  I am smaller than you and slowly getting smaller as I will be 100% back to just me, myself and I doing accounts as the headaches of the past 10 years witih IC's does not justify the 2 to 3 cpl that I make for the time I spend on the accounts.   And, I have been a very good boss, paid well, on time and they have made $25 to $30 an hour on my psych accounts but again I need the reports done in a timely manner, correct and back to me on time and this gets harder and harder and so I am going to be only responsible soon for what I need to make to live on and pay my bills.  It is easier.   


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