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YOU try having them for neighbors. You might change your tune. nm

Posted By: East Indians across the street on 2005-07-17
In Reply to: Hmmmm...Birds of a Feather Flock Together. - MTTweet


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    I am one. Can I change my tune? Maybe I'm across the street.

    I won't even use words to describe you - there are none.

    Some neighbors are child molestors, some neighbors are drug dealers and

    those so-called normal people next door are being arrested for drugs and molestation, and other crimes. This ideology of people thinking that low-life scum only living in trailer parks and the like probably have an everyday-average-looking person right next door that they should probably pay more attention to. Won't THEY be surprised when Mr. Smith who waves at them and visits over the fence with them now and again is one of these perpetrators. Think about it people. It has happened and will happen. And it doesn't ONLY HAPPEN to people in trailer parks. JMO. 

    Name That Tune...
    Hey guys, I need your help. I'm trying to download a song but can't think of the name - it was from the early 70s and is sung all the time at football games - it sounds like a bunch of guys yelling "Hey!" over and over. No other words. Can U help?
    Can't carry a tune
    I can NOT sing either, but after a couple of drinks I will. I refuse to go alone or duet with a guy. I have found that going up in a group helps. You can still sing, but let other people help. I used to go often, but it has been awhile. I suggest trying it just once. In a group is the safest. It really is fun.
    Hate to tell you, but I'm not changing my tune. I'm adapting.
    I've done this work well over 20 years. I, for one, know how to change! I'm not going to be unhappy or left behind. Times are changing? YOU BET!! I'm changing right along with it! I'm not afraid or scared or upset or unhappy about it!

    If need be, I'll learn a new account or accounts. So what? I'm not concerned. I know you want me to be, you want EVERYONE to be upset like you are -- but the truth is, we're not. We're tired...tired of hearing how unhappy some of you are regardless of what is given to you.

    You wanted to be treated the same everywhere -- you got it! You wanted the ability to move up in pay -- you got it! You wanted more benefits -- you got it! You wanted Mgmt to have better control over the workload so you will not feel you are losing your work to those who "jump on the system at the last minute and hog the work" -- you got it! And you are STILL not happy.

    If your glass was full to the rim, you'd complain that there was no way for you to pick it up without spilling it. Hahahaha
    Maybe something spiritual or a powerful show tune? nm
    Even 4.5 is too low. doctors do not change - they still hem and haw, change, change stuff along wit
    It is just not enough for the work. Speech is great on the wrists but you are not just reading what is typed, you are making a lot of changes. I have a hard time doubling a lot of days with all the changes I have to make. Just my opinion.
    Well, she could be like my neighbors.
    She lets her kids play outside, screaming and running around, until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning because they sleep until noon then watch TV until dinner's over.  Better the kids should be tired and stick to their regular bedtime than be obnoxious little brats running the household with NO parenting or organized activities.
    Hello neighbors
    I'm from Georgetown - just found this board. Who do you work for?
    My neighbors do that. They have

    3 dogs in their yard. Dogs stay out all night and barking is never ending. One is a hound dog (who never stops howling) rest are bull dogs and pit bull mix. The fleas in the summer are never ending. They bring their dogs across the street to play in the field daily w/o leashes. They had 4 dogs but last month one dog ran across the street, got hit by a car and died. They blamed the driver of the car and said since she was elderly, they wanted her to get retested for her license since she could have stopped in time. Had nothing to do with the dog being unrestrained or running out in front of the car. I've taken to calling animal control now every time I see them in the field unleashed because they charge anything and everything that is not their owners. They usually take them there to play right when school lets out so it could be a danger to them. Luckily for us we have leash laws here in our city.

    File a complaint! Just in case something happens again there is proof that it is a dangerous animal.

    I don't, but my neighbors do and all it does is bark

    yap, yap, yap, yap all day long.  Enough to drive anyone nuts.  My kids have nicknamed him "Yappy."  A woman I work for also has one and hers yaps all day long too. 

    So if you don't mind the constant yapping, go for it  They're still awful cute even with their little jaw flapping. :)

    where are you located? We might be neighbors!
    I live in the Chicago suburbs and a company down the street is owned by a man, and they have a VA account they are hiring for. Just curious if this is for BOS?
    Sheesh! We must be neighbors.
    How would the city or your neighbors know
    you supposedly ran a business out of your home. Do you have employees, a parking lot at your home to have the employees park there, overhead including insurance to cover disability in case 1 of the employees has an accident on the job. First of all, no neighbor of mine knows I have a business (if you want to call it that, I don't) but secondly if someone from the city came by asking questions the answer would be I don't know. In fact I had the city to come by 1 time to inquire about work I had done inside my house, told me they needed to come in and I said no to them. Never heard another word about that. I do not know what kind of work the person on the right or left does, oh I do know 1 lady said she works for IRS and that is that. She might have a zoo in her home for all I know. I would never think about putting myself on the line to say I need license. Bunch of crock.
    Don't change. I had to change back to cable. SuddenLink DSL stinks! nm


    If neighbors have DSL, can pick up signal with that same
    Exactly! It's just inconsiderate to your neighbors and unfair to do something like that!
    People think they're being funny or cute but making your house look like a piece of crap is rude to the neighbors and DOES make their homes worth less than they should be. I agree that they should be forced by law to change it back.
    What about your neighbors who work at Walmart?
    But I know one thing. I'm shopping for a portable dishwasher. Walmart has undercut Lowes and Home Depot by $100. I'm buying from Walmart. I don't have spare $100 to boycott Walmart. Do you?
    The neighbors are having garlic. Just walked
    Just gave the neighbors a show
    While walking the dog I did my best Jessica Rabbit walk sans the high heels. I noticed the dog walks the same way. Wonder if the neighbors saw me. I'm sure one of them will let me know if they did!
    If you have neighbors, trying petitioning the company.
    They're going to be more willing to listen when they know more than one home is interested in the service.
    I talked with the police about this issue when one of my neighbors
    kept trying to befriend my boys. The cop said that 90% of sex offenders are not in the database anyway because they have never been arrested. Those databases create a false sense of security because you think you're safe if nobody is listed in your neighborhood, but you still do not know if someone has the tendency or unreported history of sexual abuse. You have to treat everyone as a suspected child sex offender. They could have been doing it for years but nobody reported it. They could have had a plea bargain and charges reduced or dropped. They could have just never been arrested. We had a recent incident where a guy was driving past the elementary schools and kept trying to grab 11- to 12-year-old boys and force them into his car. The whole city was in an uproar because the police couldn't catch the guy, but he tried three times at three different schools. We suspect he's either moved on to another community or went back into hiding.
    Change provider vs change to business plan

    In your place, I would seriously consider changing providers if there were others available in your area, but I'd ask around about their service quality first.  It may not be any better.  If there are no other providers, then consider changing your service package to a business account rather than residential.  They're usually more expensive, but they also tend to get faster service if there's a problem.

    Last summer, I had no electricity for 3 days due to severe storms, but there were some 600,000 in the same boat with me.  We just had to wait it out.  It's a downside of working at home.

    I would get off during a lightening storm. My neighbors equipment got fried. sm
    my TV volume got fried during a storm. My company has told all of us that if we fry our computers during a storm, we have to replace them. I can't afford that. I wouldn't risk it.
    Yep, I agree 100%. I live in such a rural area, though, that my neighbors, the natives, think I'm
    NUTS cause I keep my dogs in the house, and actually still walk them on a leash in my yard.  We all have about 2 - 5 acres minimum each of woods in our neighborhood, and no real dog laws at all! Dogs run at large 24/7, which is no picnic for me with my dogs on leash, either!  And they ALL keep them outdoors, tied up with the chain and the smelly old dog house.  I think they just look at dogs strictly as deterents? Not sure really, come to think of it! Cause even if they were getting robbed, Fido couldn't get off the 6 foot chain! Oh well!  I used to be sad all the time for the plot of the dogs here, but I can't save them all! Only my guys!
    Oh yeah, after 26 yrs, I have tinnitus and the T.V. blares so loud the neighbors comment about it.
    Oh yes! Cops love it when the neighbors interfere, stand around, gawk. Makes their job
    Stay inside. Ask later, if you must.
    change attitude, change life
    The first thing you need to change is that defeatist attitude! I know that's hard at times like this, but that's when you need to most.
    I won't go into detail, but my financial situation is also at an all-time low, we couldn't even exchange gifts., daughter in hospital twice, & no med insurance)..but then I heard about how much worse things were for others around me this season. Now I'm thankful instead!
    Get out while you can. Things will *never* change unless you change them. (nt)

    Yes you need to change everything to

    reflect GA as your residence.   In my state you have 30 days to notify DMV of an address change.    You don't have to be head of household to claim office expenses and can claim in GA if you meet the criteria needed for a home office. 

    From someone who has BTDT be sure you have a legal contract with your renters, even if family member and do a video of your house before you leave for your protection.  Also you might want to look at getting some additional insurance.  I had a trusted family member living in my house for a year, rent free in exchange for upkeep, and they practically destroyed the house, which is why I suggested the above. 


    I once had a QA from HS change BMI to PMI sm

    This was in vital signs.   The pt BMI was 35.  She/he changed that to PMI....... 

    Anyone else have any QA mistakes they'd like to share?

    The very first QA notice I received when I started (January) was to double space at the end of a sentence. I felt like the biggest dummy for not knowing this. But, after viewing these posts, I guess it is not such a common knowledge thing. I NEVER, NEVER hear from MQ. I wonder if it is because I don't have their e-mail. I know they have my e-mail address, but NEVER hear from them. I wonder how many CHANGES I have missed?
    change that from 375 to
    365, but feels like 375.
    Wonder if they will change
    the offshore concerns board to the offshore board.
    Actually no change at all...
    just venting. Sorry to have gone on and on with being upset and angry all day and other family issues that have caused stress. I could state my personal life on here and all of my business dealings, but do you really need to hear every bit of a story? Should I recount every little detail about my work habits as an MT? Is that really necessary? Fine, I was crying and upset in the beginning thinking of ways to find work, what to do, then that turned to anger. Then that passed and I realized how businesses are run and that posting on a board and not editing my post and misspelling words and not using proper grammar (EMPLOYED AS AN IC) is just unfortunate I guess for me and I won't be posting on any boards any time soon. As far as the year of working as an IC (hope that sounds better for you) there were plenty of times when I made mistakes and yes, even the MTSO admitted to having made a mistake or two and overlooked a document and then paid me for it on the next check or found something she thought I hadn't turned it and I actually had and I covered for someone who was sick that day and did extra work and yes, I really made a few mistakes when I missed the TAT. I am not wanting to hear something terrible from anyone, like, yes, you should write a letter. I guess just a little venting and typing out loud and..wow, I hope things get better soon too. Don't worry, everyone, PLEASE don't worry!! I didn't do anything terrible, I didn't send a nasty e-mail to anyone, I didn't write a letter and I apologized again to the MTSO.
    This is what I am saying. She isn't going to change.
    I'd begin trying to drown her out with the stereo or a water fountain that is somewhat loud and runs all of the time. I'd not say anything at all but what you could do, in a kind way, is when you talk with her, say something to her that you overhead her saying and then mention that you didn't mean to be eaves dropping but that sound carries and it is impossible to not hear her. Keep it friendly. A neighbor who dislikes you makes life hell if they are the kind who act out.
    Name change SM
    They should change it to DEFUNCT
    Does anybody change
    just the first few reports to get the difference in price per line and just use the new rate figured to calculate for their font and margins?

    In other words, if the difference is 2.4 cpl or whatever, you just add that to your rate and count lines with their font and margins without changing them each time. Would that be kosher?

    I was wondering if you could make a macro to do it. Excellent idea!

    Thanks everyone.
    If you have a "normal" set and you want to do another temporarily, you can add the font/pitch icons to your toolbar.   I always leave them there anyway.  Then you put your cursor at the top left of the document and click on the font and pitch you want and they will be good for the whole document, unless you bring in one from somewhere else (like Instant Text or another document) Be sure your default is set for any text you bring into documents to match the document you are on (the document you are on determines the font and pitch, etc.)  Or, if it is a permanent thing you are doing, set up a template for it.   You can set up in instant text too, if you save with the format on it. 
    I have yet to see any name change

    Everything that i have gotten from them lately has been AAMT and nothing else. 

    We can now compete with China.  What a mess this is.

    Change happens
    Lots of jobs that existed in my lifetime do not exist anymore. Telephone operators were replaced by automated switchboards. Key punch operators are no more. And in the near future these jobs we do, too, will be no more. It isn't the Indian MTs that will eventually make them go away; it will be the improvement in voice recognition and all the blaming and complaining won't change it. The key punch operators and the telephone operators went to work doing other things, and we shall, too.
    Name Change
    The only way to change the name is to control T out of the document you opened and then start the document over and make sure the patient info is correct on your document info screen before you enter or say okay. Word pulls in the patient information through a template so you can't modify it once you're in the actual Word document.
    I was reading your message with interest and an open mind, until I saw the word "dear," then realized the unnecessary condescension and patronization of your message.
    I'm about to change over...
    to just my laptop. I use the laptop for traveling, which is very convenient, but I have to "synchronize" my laptop to my desktop whenever I'm leaving because my client may want something that I typed on my desktop while I'm away, which I wouldn't have access to, of course, so I save work onto the laptop, etc. Also, I'm getting ready to have to update some software for a client, so it will be cheaper for me to just work from one computer rather than having to purchase two licenses of the software I need to upgrade two computers. I use a 21-inch screen, and an ergonomic keyboard. I will use a docking station for my laptop, so I can still use my big screen and my ergo keyboard. It will look no different, and it will be much easier when I'm traveling. I will just unplug the laptop and go and it will have all my current work on it, so no having to pull from the desktop to save onto the laptop, etc.
    Change 4 the better...
    Personally I am elated about the demise of Sheri and Co. - they were the nutty as a fruitcake and banned people left and right (including me) if they dared to disagree with ANYTHING they said. This site had become the joke of the industry and I hope they fail miserably trying to get another site going. I'm staying right here and away from those two kooks!
    A lot needs to change

    You say that the Indian MTs are willing to do ESLs and harder work types? First, what I have heard is that they are often sent the easy stuff, but only the companies that send work overseas know the truth. Secondly, the Indian MTs are most likely trained and have lots of support and feedback to be able to do the harder work types and ESLs, as you state they are doing.

    How many MTSOs here are willing to take the time to train new graduates? Most ads say at least 3 years of experience if not 5 or more. Going to one of the top schools is not enough. We all know that. We still need time to transition from school to the real world because transcribing real reports versus reports in school is a totally different thing. If more companies were willing to give the new grads a few weeks or months, then the quality of the workforce in America would be better. We all know that this is a profession that requires lifelong learning to do it right. How many MTs actually spend the time to read up on procedures, drugs, other specialties to understand better what they are transcribing?

    Somebody needs to get the doctors to dictate better. The way some doctors dictate I honestly do not understand how they expect anyone to understand them. They should be forced to undergo training. It is not only a matter of making life easier for an MT it is also a matter of ensuring that the correct report is being established. If the doctor dictates by speaking clear, at an acceptable speed, in a quiet environment, this would result in a large number of reports being transcribed faster and with the correct terminology, dosages, drug names, diseases. If reports can be transcribed faster, this would mean more money for the MTs and MTSOs.

    How many MTs out there actually proofread their reports before they submit them? How many MTs are more interested in being able to say they can type 200 or more lines per hour versus saying they proofread every report and make only 150 lines an hour? I have seen reports that started out with a latex allergy and at the end of the report it had turned into a Lasix allergy. I have seen reports for a female patient with "he" and "him" mixed inbetween. These are clear examples of not proofreading. How often is mcg typed instead of mg or left foot evolves to right hand? These things can be dictated incorrectly by the doctor and that is when we have to leave blanks for this to be corrected. We can only do so if we actually listen to what is being said, proofread and check these things before we submit the report.

    If someone is paying for poor quality, don't you think they would choose to pay the lowest price for that poor quality?

    The basic problem here is that way too many jobs in too many fields have already been outsourced to other countries, and if no one speaks up, then soon there might not be any jobs in the USA. Outsourcing is not only an MT problem.

    I see that there a large number of problems in the MT world. Who is really still interested in the quality of a medical report? Hasn't it all just turned into a matter of spending the lowest amount for a report to be transcribed? Also, why do so many MTs switch MTSOs so often? How can it be good for the companies and how can it benefit the MT? Who controls what an MTSO does? Why are MTSOs so afraid to approach a lousy dictator? When you consider how much time and frustration is involved in trying to figure out what some of these dictators are saying, wouldn't it be better to approach them and convince them that they need to do better? How many MTs are out there that have no training at all?

    At the end of the day we should all be interested in producing an error-free document to ensure patient safety. "We" includes the MTs, MTSOs, and the dictators. "We" need to work together to find a solution. "We" need to look at ourselves and be honest about what we do to ensure a high-quality document. The MTSOs need to look at what they are doing, and the dictators need to think about what they are doing. There should be rules and regulations but also an organization that oversees these and takes the appropriate steps.

    I do believe that there should be a law against outsourcing medical reports overseas. All reports should be done in the USA. I also believe that greedy people have turned this profession into something different than it should be. For each and every person involved in creating a medical document the patient should be the most important part of this document and ensuring that the correct information is being put into that document. How many MTs, MTSOs and dictators are doing that?


    we could probably change the
    word medicine for money and find this same discussion in any bank or credit union. The worst breech of confidentiality I ever enountered was in our local credit union when someone told me they would not tell me who told them, but that someone at my bank told them not to worry about us after my husband died because I had just deposited the life insurance check. For once in my life, I would have gone after somebody's job for that one. AND, I have typed plenty of reports of some of their employees and never said one word. This should be just as privileged as what we do and I expect the same consideration and respect from them.
    Job change
    If you are making 10 cpl and you live in a rural area, I think you are doing pretty good, except for benefits. Have you seen the job postings lately? ekk...6,7,8 cpl...  I live in a Western City where we used to make $25-35 an hour at 10-12 cpl  (yes some still do), but ever since V.R. became popular every Hospital and Medical Imaging Center and Clinic seem to be sending work to services. I have been doing this for 24 years and I thought I would be able to do this forever also, but we still have a high cost of living and less pay. I have bad wrists and I am not sure what else I can do at this point. I am a caregiver part-time as well to supplement my income, that doesn't pay much $11/hour but it helps.  Good luck
    You are so right, and it's such a welcome change
    to hear from someone like you who cares about your workers. Hats off to you! The best of luck to you and your company.

    I have often said to my fellow MTs and friends that companies and MTs should get together nationwide and lobby.
    too bad they don't change the sm
    laws to read if you QUIT your job for no reason, you cannot get assistance period! It just might stop some of this stuff. People with this attitude don't deserve to have kids anyway.
    I never change what they say - sm
    I have one guy that says either African-American, or negro, Asian, Filopino, white, caucasian, etc. The only thing I may change is sentence structure/grammar if they butcher it. Have been told that is fine as long as I don't change the meaning of that they are saying. I generally only have to do that with one ESL I have.