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Wow! Too weird. I did that tonight, no joke.

Posted By: omt on 2006-07-02
In Reply to: recipes - clk

Boneless ribs in the crock pot.  I'm not as creative as you though.  The lazy way is to broil for 15 minutes, dump the ribs in the crockpot. pour a bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce on them and go back to work. :)

Low 8 to 10 hours, high 4 to 5.  They were sooooooo good. 

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That's not weird
You may think I'm weird. . .
But I find MT very relaxing. I used to work as a human resources manager and had a phone to my ear all day and people in my office complaining about their supervisors, complaining about their employees, and just plain complaining. My job had TONS of variety - like when one of the companies I worked for had a big layoff and I had a suicidal employee in my office telling me she was going to kill herself because she was being laid off. Frankly, you could pay me all the money in the world and I wouldn't go back to that. I think MTs great - more money would be nice, but other things are important, too.
another weird one..

I didn't transcribe this one, but a doc I worked for was telling us about this man in the ER with a gerbil (s/p?).... you know the little furry animal...stuck in his rectum.  Apparently the gerbil was put in his rectum using a paper towel cardboard tube-thingy and got stuck behind a gas bubble in his intestines!!!!

I don't know what ever happened to that man, but I hope he went for some serious counseling after that...

This is weird...
There are no menu keys at all, no view. I clicked on the small window and it made the page smaller. Now I have my menu keys, my tool bar, everything. When I enlarge the page back, then I lose everything again. If I keep it small, everything is okay.
Something that happens weird (sm)

When I'm typing along with my Instant Text along the bottom I'll occasionally (too much for my tastes) lose letters, especially when I type a period...I'll lose the last 2 or 3 characters of the previous word.  It's really bizarre.  I have no other problems with IT when typing in Word all by itself or any other program, so I assume it's just a problem when I'm using the ExText with IT.

I like going back into the old documents.  It takes a bit sometimes to load different things but it's good overall.

So weird

Its so weird, this happens to me too..

I wonder why though?

That's her and she is really weird...
So does this mean that now we have to be leery of posting on here as well in order to avoid even more scam artists than usual?
The thing for me is this sounds like you were working on site in the office with all this drama. How can you even see how much work someone else is doing if you are a virtual worker? And everything else sounds like the hospital politics of working in the hospital, strange that it could go on virtually.
how weird am I?

I won't give out my phone number, but yet I invited an internet friend of mine from Australia to come and stay with me for a couple of weeks while she was in the states. 

I'm happy to report that her visit was absolutely wonderful and she did not turn out to be a serial killer, as my daughter had portended :)

I must be weird
but I have always typed B with my left hand (6 with right).
Weird question for you MTs
Do you ever notice when you have your head phons on that sometimes your ears itch inside really bad, like you can feel water moving inside?  REALLY!
Weird question for you MTs
I used the stethoscope type ear phones and had the same experience with itching. Stopped using them and no problem anymore
The weird part is
is that everybody does care! I will continue to say this over and over and over again every night. Just don't look at it or post a reply to me if you don't like it. To me, this post is kind of like all of the MQ complainers who whine day in and day out. So, welcome to my world.

Did you know that the administrator of this forum weighs 375 pounds, has a beard, mustache and moles all over her face. It is insane.
Sounds weird.
Considering this new plan doesn't start until January 1, I don't see how people could be getting in trouble. Quit trying to stir up problems. Once again, this hasn't started yet and this person is already complaining and making things up that couldn't possibly have happened yet. The package sounds great to me and I am looking forward to it!
weird stuff
My daughters had pityriasis rosea on their legs. That was my first though when I read this post. In fact, Dorland's says it is "most often seen on the trunks, arms, or thighs."
Thank you! This is weird about the food. sm

My son has chronic eczema. He had so many food allergies when he was small. We were told he would "grow out of them" and, for the most part, he did. His major allergy was, and probably still is CORN.

Now everything you buy has corn syrup or cornstartch or corn something in it. Even the dyes in Kool Aid have a scientific number, which is actually a corn biproduct of some sort.

As you can see, I have done my homework about corn. My first time shopping for him "corn free" a decade ago took me almost 3 hours.

Unfortunately, cold weather aggravates his eczema and we live in the Northeast.  He has  been to the best dermatologist  in the state and has 4 meds that keep it under control. However, he's 15 and he goes and eats pizza with his friends (no pizza sauce ever made without corn syrup - you have to make your own out of tomatoes). McDonalds, etc, everything is loaded with it.  I only found 1 local breadmaker that actually has white bread without corn syrup in it.

Weird google ad ...
I clicked on the New MT board, and the Google ad (right above the messages) that popped up was "DEATH PENALTY"  ..... NOW I'm scared
Weird. Nobody has ever had me cap allergies anywhere. SM
I believe you guys, I really do o-- I've just never had to do it.
NO! NO! That is so weird. I literally just got off the
phone calling Frontline with the SAME THING and asking details on cat treatment then after I went out and bought some. I got a really nice girl! NO - dog flea products are often fatal to cats.  I have 2 adorable rescue kittens who are loaded with fleas. We have been waiting til they were old enough for Frontline, and I'm short of cash too, so was thinking of fudging with the dogs' Frontline that I have extra of!! Good luck! Meow!
Weird MT products
I am sure that with equality of hiring acts, ergonomics, handicap working issues, everything that can be thought of is out in cyberspace somewhere.  I think it is just a matter of surfing the web til you find these products.  I have seen one-handed keyboards that look similar to a joy sticks, as well as other configurations.
I can't find it. That is too weird!
I thought it was just me, but she is getting very weird...sm
it has gotten to where I just do not even want to watch her, as she cannot seem to talk straight, cries at the weirdest moments, etc. I heard a rumor they are looking to replace her with Jessica Simpson or Britney Spears next year. Don't know though that either of those people would be an improvement. lol.
That sounds weird.
First of all the hospital has a contract with IT dept. and setting you up would be no different than if you were set up in house.  Most MTs that are home based are set up in under an hour and it's all done through your computer.  Sounds like she had a change of mind.  Also, if your being paid by the hour - they can't change you to "per line."  I worked for a hospital and that's not how its done.  But you must reach a certain amount of lines per day, just like on site.
This is really weird, huh? So funny!
I always thought I was adopted...hmmmm...
weird x-rays
I used to work in a radiology department and we had quite a few patients with such "accidents". It was amazing how many people just happened to be naked and "fell" on mason jars, etc. I actually got to see some of the x-rays. Wild! I still think the AA batteries are pretty creative. Looks like it should have went with something else though. Wonder what made him decide on AA? Why not AAA? Or C? D? Okay, I'm getting silly, but really, how on earth do they decide to do that and how do they just pick some random object?
I don't think the Amish are Weird. They are

a kind, loving, pure, and forgiving community who look out for themselves. They are hard-working, self-reliant, and do not worship anything green.  My aunt married a Dunkard (a Mennonite sect) and I would stay with them every summer, and was taught many a lesson. I absolutely envy them (which, of course, is a forbidden word). LOL

For those who care, there are 2 funds set up through the Fulton Bank branches. One is called the Nickel Mines Children's Fund and the other is called the Roberts Family Fund. They are accepting donations until Nov. 1 and there is a committee of 9 Amish who will be taking care of the proceeds of the fund.  I'm not sure of any of the addresses, but for anyone who would care to donate, you can go to WGAL-TV on line and find the addresses and correct names of the fund.

Weird stuff
Years ago when working at a hospital, I typed a report where the doctor dictated that the gentleman was "entertaining himself" with a Real Lemon bottle. Needless to say, he had to be seen in ER. All of us about died on that one, wondering what SIZE Real Lemon bottle he used?
Weird Biology!
He must have some really weird ideas about biology, lol -- I have one doc that calls polycythemia "polycyclothemia" -- maybe it's a red blood cell mood disorder? hahahahah
That is weird! I dunno why?
Honey--not as weird as you think. sm
1 or 2 tbsp pure raw honey before going to bed. It is fantastic for sleep. I haven't slept this well in years. It also does help with weight loss. Check our th Hiburnation Diet.
No, but I have weird habits.
This may sound weird, but sometimes
If I totally get stumped. I start at the beginning of the sentence where the blank is, and then read it out loud trying to imitate the dictator's accent. Sometimes, it just kind of pops in your head what he is trying to say because you figured out how he is pronouncing it wrong.

Also, look at the rest of the report, too. Sometimes what you are looking for has been stated already somewhere in the report where you might have understood it already.

These both work for me sometimes.

I know, if you snuck up on me some night, you would think I am taking a language course or something. My son laughs at me, but it helps, it does.

Did anyone get a paystatement e-mail from ADP for a paycheck that we will be receiving sometime in the next few days? It is for a weird amount, under $75. I called payroll and they told me that I will be getting a letter explaining this check. Were very secretive.  DOES ANYONE know ANYTHING???
It is in NJ, which I've always found weird. nm
Need some help. Weird stuff on my son's arms. sm

I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before.  It's just too weird and I have worked for doctors (mostly general practice) for 20 years.

My son is 20 and he has these really weird looking discolorations on his left arm. They are flat, pink, scattered and in many different dimensions from the size of a pencil eraser to an actual small squares. They are not raised, don't itch or hurt, but they've just been appearing slowly and are now covering more areas of the arm.

He works in a kitchen at a nursing home, but the spots appeared before he got this job. The nursing home said he needs to have this checked out before he comes back to work on Tuesday (he has tomorrow off).

Rundown on his health history is that he is asthmatic (not enough to be on meds)and coughs a lot. Unfortunately, he is a very heavy smoker and I've been trying to get him to stop. He has cut down, because he's living at our house now and smoking is outside. He doesn't cough as much, but still coughs a lot.

He is 6 foot 4 inches and weighs 135 lbs. He eats constantly and never gains weight, but he's been like this since he was in grade school. He has a confirmed diagnosis of thalassemia and also has symptoms of what may be Marfan's Syndrome.

One last thing is that he had months of unprotected sex with a girl he was in love with until he found out that he wasn't the only one she was sleeping with, so he left her and moved back home for the time being.

Any ideas would be helpful.

weird stuff on son's arms
I think you need to go to the doctor with your son in the morning -- mostly because you will understand more about what the doctor is saying (because you've been typing this stuff for so long), you'll be able to ask the right questions and be sure it's not passed off as dermatitis which it most certainly is not.
Good luck - let us know.
Soooo weird. Hmmmm
This post refers to the posts below from the ICs from TRX (I am one) - I find it interesting that a person would come on here and call someone out of there name (the owner) and then walk away without explaining how he/she came to their conclusion.  Seems a person would want to make their case or maybe just persons like myself and the other IC who stood up to ask why.  I'm so confused.  I guess we're all just different that way.    Some people are yellow and some aren't.  That's right, I said it. 
That is weird, the first time I pulled up
her post, it said something totally different (like she was asking what FTP stood for). Ah well, thanks for letting me know:)
4:30 a.m. and wake up before the sunrise. Weird. sm

I can't sleep in if I know I can, but wish I could when I can't. I set my alarm (which I never have to do) for 8:30 this morning and got up at 5:20. If I hadn't set it, I might have slept until 7:00, but I highly doubt it.

Funny thing is it never matters what time I go to bed, whether it's 8:00 p.m. or 1:00 a.m

Hubby was born around midnight and has worked the graveyard shift for nearly a decade, as he could never get out of bed in the morning for work. He goes to bed between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. and sleeps until dinner.

Two sons, both born at night who would sleep until 4:00 p.m. if they could.

Two daughters, both born in the a.m. that "sleep in" when they can, but never past 9:00 a.m.

This is too weird. Now I'm thinking I should have been born around 9:30 a.m. Then I could sleep until 7:30.

I can, however, nap on demand. I say to myself, "Okay, time to sleep for an hour now" and I'm zonked out for an hour, never longer, no alarm clock. Weird.

Okay, weird, I'm 32. This is not a good sign.
I think it may be from having kids too. Oh no! What will I be like when menopause hits??!? Is this early Alzheimers?!?! Great. That's all I need.
That is weird. Sounds like there are trust
Been asked to do many weird things... sm
because my sked is flexible where others aren't. I always barter for something in return -- Bring dinner to me and my family so I can make up work; have to make up the time Saturday, so so-and-so can come clean my house, etc. They tend to be able to do their stuff themselves, but I have had some takers, and with the things I barter out, I feel I come out with the better deal.
lots of weird tests
I liked it but it took me a lot of time to learn all the labs. Good learning experience though.
i'm so weird but i have to hear the typing
a new one!! LOL different strokes for different folks!
You're not weird, actually you are in the majority!
It's weird that they cannot figure out that we HEAR
everything they are doing!
Is this a joke?

You are a joke!
I would bet the farm that you are in management or just someone playing on this board, because I know the facts, my dear, and MQ DOES NOT PAY FOR SPACES and lots of other quirks are out there that we do not YET know about.
If you don't think the joke is
Why don't you just head to Walmart now and go buy yourself a new sense of humor - LOL LOL LOL
what a joke
or go to Walmart. The field is now paying close to minimum wage for newbies,really! At 6 cents per line and 100 to 150 lines per hour,it only equals 6 to 9 dollars an hour. That is great pay.......in India!
Joke of the Day

It's a beautiful day in the neighbor.  Sun shining, have been outside with my short sleeved scubs, sat on the porch drinking coffee.  TAT is 15 minutes, life's good.  Check e-mail and my lead thinks so too.  She sent this joke and I had to share it...




Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy "Will you marry me?"


The guy said, "NO!"


And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, dancing, drank cocktails, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had sex with whomever she pleased and farted whenever she wanted.