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Word document

Posted By: mtathome on 2007-07-04
In Reply to: Need some help sending a Word file by e-mail... - MtMom30

I have sent really large Word files as an attachment even using dial-up.

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Can you save the document as a Word document? nm
Word document
Here is what I do . . . sort of the same thing. I sometimes work on temp jobs and if I think I know how the client wants something, but I am not 100% sure I highlight the area. The MTSO will then return my work -- if she makes a change she will highlight so I can find it easily and if what I did was okay she simply will remove the highlighted area and the report is good to go on to the doctor. It is very simple to highlight an area and just as easy to remove it. It won't exactly show what your MT did wrong, but the MT will know that you changed something that is hightlighted and see the correct way of typing. If she has her original she can match your highlighted area with her original to compare.
Can someone please tell me how to see document codes in Word?..nm
Open up a word document to use as a
template.  Do view header.  Go into th e header of your word document.  Go back to your scanned document, highlight the pic and right click to copy.  Then go back to your word document that you created and paste into the header.  Do the same if there is a footer.  Hope this helps.
I have a Word document question.
If anyone can help that would be great.  I have header and footer boxes that are really large, so now they are throwing off my already existing templates.  When I went for help in Word, it tells me how to make them smaller, but they just keep going back to the regular size.  Is there a way to change this across the board for all of my preexisting word documents? 
You should have no problem..just save your document in Word. A lot of our MTs use WP 10 (sm)
and as long as they save it as a Word document it pulls up fine in Word for the client.
How do you turn off the return symbols in a Word document?...nm
exophrenic..can't document this word but I know it means outside the kidney..sm
Is it spelled right? Thanks.
Is there any way to type in microsoft word and then get the document into wordperfect?
open a word document, under help type in auto text--sm
and you can learn how to create, save, delete, edit entries.
Anyone know how I can take addresses from a Word document and transfer them to mailing labels?

I have several hundred typed out, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to turn it into a mailing list.  I have downloaded Avrey Wizard, but when I try to do it, it asks me about field delimiters and no matter what I pick it doesn't work.  Maybe there is a simpler way??


If you have Word Perfect, it is easy. Just open any document, default the font and margins and do a

You can do a comparrison on gross lines versus 65 character line count by opening any document you have and counting lines both ways. 

I have almost always been paid the gross line and still am right now.  No matter what the margins or font is, all documents are converted to 1 inch margins and 12 Courier font.  You do not count blank lines.  I make an average of 0.08 a gross line, which the way I am paid would average out to about 11-12 cents a 65 character line.

Hope this helps!

At ease, soldier! This isn't a medical document. I repeat, this isn't a medical document. nm
What Document is that?
Is your document (sm)
going "full screen" when you do this? If so, use Alt-V to pull the View menu and change the view back to normal. I'm guessing you are hitting Alt-V instead of Ctrl-V for pasting. If you are in full screen mode, there should be a little box floating that says "close full screen." Clicking that will change it back too.
Do you want a new document to...
to show the template or the new blank page within the current document to show the template?  In other words, is every report created in a document of its own or are all the reports created in one document containing several reports?  Either way, I would think a macro would be very useful. You could use a macro to insert the template on the blank page of new document or, if several reports are joined together to form a document, you could make a macro that would create section break at the end of the current report and insert the template on a new page.
Don't get mad, just document.
Save QA e-mails in an e-mail folder. Then when you get conflicting messages, simply forward the conflict to the QA and very respectfully say that this feedback seems to be conflicting, so there must be something you don't understand.
If for some reason they do this over the phone, I'd ask if you could get that in writing so you'll be able to keep the rules straight.
Don't get mad, just document
The corrections go into an on-line type folder. I have e-mailed the person in charge stating that feedback seems to be conflicting. The response? There wasn't any. One Editor correcting the work will say "good report" while the next will do just the opposite even though you set up/type basically the same way. Some days I get so upset I could literally cry. I love the work but how can one please when the editors are not on the same page? Really broken at heart over the whole thing. :-(
So I can see the document (sm)
otherwise, it runs off to the right of the page.
Did you try it elsewhere in the document?
When I entered the cm2 as a formatted auto correct, it did make everything suprascript; however, go to another line and type the cm2 there. It should work correctly. Just don't know why it won't on the original. Let us know if you're successful.
Maybe it has to do with how you have your document set up?

did you try to hit F11 anyway? Usually you cannot see them after you save the document.. but they a
How do you move from one document
to another in the WordPerfect program without stopping to reach for the mouse.  I'm guessing there is a certain key(s) such as F1 or something like that that does it but I haven't been able to find it.  Thanks!
document where the IRS states this please? nm
document is a template
I am using a different computer in my house because my main one crashed. I had new templates sent to me, but when I open them to use them they have all of these arrows and paragraph symbols everywhere! Thanks for any help
I believe it is document preparation..nm
Make sure you are at the top of the document
It has been a while for me, but I still have the function key template card that goes overtop of the F keys.
Why don't you still just type 1 document - sm
then when done with all the sound files, then upload that 1 document? I do short little blips for a doctor, and she sends me 30 or so voice files and I type them up in one document for her unless it is a letter, then that is its own file. The then cut/paste the correct paragraph into the patients file at their end. (each blip has the patient's name and visit date). Did your doctor decide to change things from how you were doing it before?
How do you encrypt a document before using
make sure that the document you want
is highlighted and then try the "view" button.
It goes back to 0 with each new document - is that what you mean?
Docs have the right to document their time
as much as anyone else -- for insurance purposes and any other reason they want.
document solution center
Jen: Is that the one in Gadsden? with Tina Parker as president? You can email me for more info, but I worked for them for 2 1/2 years and I would not recommend it to anyone.  Thanks, Beth
Document Enterprise System I think
If it worked earlier in the document SM
the paintbrush on the toolbar - highlight a paragraph (including the paragraph mark itself) that DOES work, click painter, then click in the paragraph you want to reformat and it should add that tab (as well as any other embedded formatting in the paragraph you copied from).
can anyone document anterobasal hypokinesis?

Point is, the document is copyrighted
That is so true. A document that is signed
is read as having been approved by the signer of that document. We have no way of knowing whether the doctor reads the document or not. In the case of the digoxin dose mentioned above, even if an MT transcribes the wrong dosage (though one should be very careful not to), if the doctor read the note he/she should catch the error before signing his/her name.
RIU or RUI let's you type in a raw document, but their pay stinks! nm
change spacing in a document..SM
I know I saw here a long time ago..a way to change your doc to single
space inside Word..I mean to change a typed page that has 2 spaces after periods
back to 1 space..Does anybody know how to do this. TIA
Just last night I took a long document
with 3 jobs in it - figured it out with spaces and w/o spaces - both 65 character - note you said 55.... There was a 15.4% difference in pay.... I would suggest you just take a document in Word and do as I did but figure a 55 character line - Word does not have real accurate line counting program apparently - but I used the same document for all my figuring so worked for what I needed it for.
That does not change the name inside the document, does it?
It is obvious that we OK it, but still does not change name on document; only changes demo page information. If you know better how to do this, please post again.
word97 to 2003 document help


  I have to use a form where I have the patient name and dob on the same line.  BUT when I type in the patient name, it moves the DOB over every time.  I then have to back it up to have it formatted right.  Could someone please tell me how I can get this to NOT keep moving?  I remember having this problem on a form I converted from word5.1  to 97 several years ago and someone here helped me with something that fixed that.  Please if anyone knows how to fix this would be such a time saver as some days I am doing this for 80 patient files.....urghhhhhh.


thank you.


I remember checking a document

where the dr had said I was depressed, not because I showed symptoms, but because of something he perceived in a question I asked him.  Needless to say, I found a new Dr. That one was obviously mysogynistic before he even got his practice off the ground.

while in a document, help and then user guide
it'll open a whole website of indexes and instructions... what are you having trouble with?
yes. In a document, hit CTL CTL to open your abbreviations sm
then hit File and Save As. Then save them in My Documents as your name.esp e.g. Jane.esp. You should then be able to transfer them to a jump drive. Best of luck!
In-document typed time

My company is now tracking our "typed time" versus the hours we put on our time sheets.  In other words.  The exact amount of time that we are actually typing rather than doing other things that might be related to the job.   If there is too much of a discrepancy between what we put on our time cards and the "typed time" we get warnings.  Is anyone else experiencing this? 


I apologize if this posts twice.  I've never posted before.

In-document typing time
I'm an employee (at present).
No matter what you do to an VR document coming
down on your screen, even if you retype it as a whole, you are paid, in your case, 3cpl.
document solution center alabama


I was just wondering if anyone had any good/bad info on this company. I can't seem to find much information on them. Thanks.


I don't hand-write anything. I keep a document open Sm
that I toggle back and forth to, and I am paid for my log. I do NUTTIN w/o $$.