With Adam & Steve, there would be no people on earth now, would there?
Posted By: nm on 2006-01-17
In Reply to: God created Adam & Eve-- not Adam & Steve - nm
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God created Adam & Eve-- not Adam & Steve
What on earth is wrong with you people? sm
So this means that you don't give a rip who types YOUR and YOUR FAMILY'S medical reports or how badly it's done? That you just zip through the reports to get them done with and rack up those lines? Shame on you.
You know, all this bickering and fighting is because MT is paid "by the pound." Anytime people are paid strictly on production, this is the result. Not good for us, not good for patients.
Why on earth do people let their animals roam free?
Never have understood this!
Yep. It's the Adam's apple dictators
what is the harm in telling the rate? i don't u from adam and i won't steal your job.
She picked Steve.
Steve Irwin
I just heard myself. It's so sad. So young and with a young family. My prayers are with his whole family.
May you R.I.P. Steve Irwin!!! nm
Steve Irwin
This was so sad. I cried a river. I couldn't believe how strong his little girl Bindi was when she gave her speech. I think she's going to grow up to be an outstanding human being and hopefully she will carry on her dad's great work in conservation.
Steve Irwin 'Crocodile Hunter' has died. May God comfort
his father, sister, wife, children, friends, and fans during this tragic time.
Mr. Irwin was filming a documentary when he was pierced in the chest by a stingray barb.
In case anyone is interested, 20/20 tomorrow night at 10 EST will have Teri Irwin (Steve's widow)
who will be interviewed for the first time since Steve's death. I think this will be an interesting and sad segment. I know a lot of people here adored Steve and want to know how she and the children are doing. Just thought I'd let everyone know!
Reminder: Croc Hunter fans, watch Steve Irwin's Memorial filmed
Reminder: Croc Hunter fans, watch Steve Irwin's Memorial filmed at his Australia Zoo's Crocoseum tonight on Animal Planet. The memorial is commercial free and airs from 9 to 10 PM ET/PT tonight and then an encore will air at 12 to 1 AM ET/PT. If you are a fan of our beloved Steve Irwin, make sure to have a DVD or VCR tape ready to record!
What on earth does that mean??
But why on earth would QA want
an exclamation point in a letter or report? They just aren't used in medical reports or letters, and here the OP is saying they want one in every letter? Is this a foreign-owned company, maybe on the planet Pluto?
What on earth?
Why should she give it a rest?? If you see a post with Toth in the subject line, just don't read it. It's not like there's not room on the website for another post.
There are a thousand reasons why someone could have gotten sucked into a terrible situation. It doesn't mean they were obtuse or saw red flags & ignored them or behaved in some way irresponsibly, & it's rude to suggest otherwise.
I can't understand what you think you are going to get out of censuring and/or censoring her.
What on earth is the 100 number
an no one ever answers?
WHAT on earth are you talking about?
How did you get any of that from my post? Haven't you ever seen the jokes on TV about the hairy women from Russia or Germany? Or that French women don't shave their pits? Don't have TV or anything under that rock of yours? How does a jokingly exaggerated TV-induced generalization make me nonCaucasian? Or are you the racist here? You certainly were quick to blurt out muhbaby daddy there. WE were joking around. YOU need to take a nap.
eww, why on earth would you want to date.
And chances are you will find the person boring, annoying or unappealing. I don't see why people date on those sites, its so set up. Its better to meet by chance, more natural and less pressure. I'm in my early 30s and I see my friends either divorced or miserable in their marriages, same with my family. It gets old real fast, why not have something to look forward to, and use this time to figure out who you are, your passions, and the right person will be drawn to you to complement you, rather than being forced together because you feel like you should be in a couple. At this point I have my own life and forcing a relationship into it would make me irritable and obligated...BUT if in the process of living my life I happen upon someone who fits in there without me knowing it...meaning I can stand him there...well that would be a big bonus. No need for it, or want..been there done that...i'm old enough to know I want it on certain terms. In the meantime, i'll just hug my dog and cat way too much.
Why on earth do I need to "calm down"? sm
If you don't agree with my opinion, advice, or life experiences... that's OK. And I don't have to agree with yours. The OP is free to read all of the responses and take away from it whatever she can. She can take everyone's advice, or she can not take any of the advice... that's her choice. I was simply offering her advice based on what my experience have been. And let's be brutally honest here... she's going to continue to get beaten, and her children be beaten, regardless of whether she instigates it or not. Tigers don't change their stripes.
But since you want her to just leave the next time it happens, what do you advise her to do for food and shelter for her and her children? She needs to make a plan, and stick to it, with the least possible upheaval for her kids' sake. If she wants to plan for it, and then just leave the next time it happens, that may work too. I'm certainly not going to knock that advice. But, please, don't just shoot down other people's experiences and advice. If you have some real advice or a real plan to share with her, feel free. But don't just offer the pat answer of "you need to leave"... it's obvious she knows that.
How on earth do you KNOW FOR A FACT
Give me a break, are you that paranoid?
Where on Earth were you born?
I was born at Fort Leonardwood, Missouri - my papa was in the Army. How about you?
what on earth does this post mean?
again - how on earth could you assume that I could not do your job with the same
education and training. Who is bashing?
What on earth is a flame war?
Are you referring to the flame next to posts on here? That just means they've been viewed a certain number of times.
14 Years here on Earth and in the USA
I write about a transcription process that you are not aware of and you assume I'm from Mars? What a leap. I'm curious as to how many years you've been in this field that you wouldn't know that this is the way it was done for many years. Believe it or not, there was even a time transcription was done on the typewriter - no headers, not even documents! Here. On Earth!
I don't feel the need to defend my credentials and citizenship on a message board, but I assure you, I had a successful career as an MT and MTSO since 1992 and my mom was in the field for a few years in the 80s. If you don't believe MT was routinely done that way (one doctor/one date/one document) you can ask some of the oldtimers on this board about it. I don't have time to go over the different stages of progression in MT.
Maybe I'm whining, but I came here for advice regarding this technological change (electronic medical record) that I'm having a hard time adjusting to. I'm feeling discouraged about re-entering this field because of this and the pay cut I've had to take. I'm asking for opinions - if others have had this problem, if they have gotten used to headers and can still get good production. Maybe I'll get used to it. Or maybe I'll find a job where they still do it the old-fashioned way - good luck with that....right? :)
What on Earth possessed you...
to initiate contact with these people? I read what others say on this board about companies, and if there are 2, 3, a half dozen complaints, I KNOW to steer clear of a company and tell others to, also. I trust the information I get here. There have been numerous complaints about this particular company on here! In fact, I have never, ever read any good feedback here on it, and just for that fact, and knowing from your first post that you know it, too....it makes me wonder what on Earth possessed you to begin this little experiment? There was nothing to gain from it whatsoever, you had no intentions of working for them, but now you have a psycho-stalker for your efforts. How did you think these people would be to deal with? One does not step in crap and not expect it to stink.
Why on earth would doctors
WANT to keep dictating in a lousy, ridiculous manner? Apparently many do, because they continue to do so when QA has to keep leaving blanks or asking for guidance.
I simply cannot understand this. I have one who will literally leave small phrases right out. What does he expect us to do with that?!!?
How on earth do you make $10-$12
per hour getting paid 6 cpl part time?! What kind of account/s do you have and how many lph do you type?
Wish I could do the same!!
What on EARTH are you talking about??? sm
Please provide a reliable source for your Acusis 30% pay-cut info... or your *announcement* is similar to yelling FIRE! in a crowded building: If not exactly criminal, it's at the very least pot-stirring and mud-slinging and rabble-rousing.
if you live among trashy people, low income people, people w/o goals or direction,
content to just get by, you by default become a part of a group. "people" have decided to group trailer people as trash. that is because there are enough people in that group to earn the title and even if you aren't trash, you are categorized by others. did i think i was trash in lower class neighborhood surrounded by people who drank and fought all weekend? no but i knew i wasn't staying and did not try to pretend that all the fools in the neighborhood were just nice folks who ended up where they were because high horse snobs deemed their neighborhood low class. people for the most part live exactly where they belong because they don't want to educate themselves, they don't mind "trash" around them and they don't want to be bothered trying just a bit hard to extract themselves from that world. they justify everything to themselves i guess saying everyone who doesn't like their lifestyle is a snob and the comedians (Jeff Foxworthy/Chris Rock, etc) who make fun of them are just ill-informed.
As for me, I fought hard to get out and don't even want to look back. It amazes me people stay for generations.
We have the Sleep Number Bed. BEST BED ON EARTH, especially
The last man on Earth scared the dickens out of me when I was a kid.
Just a nosy question - why on earth would you not want him to go outside? nm
The Shire, Middle Earth. nm
Why on earth are c-phones so expensive?
Any ideas on where to find a c-phone for less?
What did I miss? What on earth is WQAR?
The earth is a dynamic thing, and to think that WE can influence it all that much is IMO
"Peace on Earth" - Merry Christmas to
you, also :) John Lennon was human and made many mistakes, but his message was that of peace and love. No war! No hate! No prejudice! Sounds good to me! A blessed Christmas to all.
How could they NOT treat her? I mean, how on earth could the docs not 'touch her'?
Doesn't the physician on duty have an obligation to treat the patient? It'd be a greater lawsuit potential if they refused to treat her and she worsened or died. That doesn't make sense that they could chose not to treat her. It probably is stated as a complication but those can't really hold up in court. The possible complications list practically anything that could happen, including death, but that doesn't mean that if a person is injured or dies from surgery that the physician is absolved of any wrongdoing if they messed it up. I hope and pray she recovers fully.
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth sm
And I learned the rules of grammar, we were taught that the period should always go OUTSIDE the quotation marks if the quotation marks surrounded only a few words and not the majority of the sentence.
I'm just saying.....
OK, I'll bite -what on earth does the East Coast have to do with it?
Please enlighten me!
And we have the largest economy on earth, and lots of good comes
Why on earth are you begging him for work when he doesn't pay on time? nm
Both my kids were born there. Best hospital food on earth! nm
Made from all natural products - minerals from the earth nm
so many people was wishy-washy nowadays...love to see people make
a stand for what they believe in...
it is kind of wierd those statements have to be made in the first place but guess we are an ever-transitioning country and are still young. so many different beliefs yet not much tolerance.
I found your post respectful, and right on as to how you feel. it does not seem that difficult to sift through to read and respond to messages someone might not care for...
Just remember that it is not the people on this board who short changed their people and ONLY after
caught did they (after they were suied) make an effort to look good by sending out these checks. Now, think about this--had they done this many years ago when they short changed everyone, that would have been honest. Does it not bother you that only after they know they are under the gun that they are doing this to try and make themselves look good?
I used to work for MQ and I used to like what I did. I never can say I really liked the people that I worked with, but I really think they had some of the best accounts that I have ever come across in the MT industry. I loved working the major teaching hospitals that I did, but that certainly does not mean that I enjoyed being cheated out of pay.
So chill already. People have been cheated, were lied to, and only AFTER they got caught have they tried to return some of the money they robbed us of (as well as cheated their clients).
We all have reasons not to be happy with this company and you go off on us because we are complaining of things like small refund checks of a penny or a few cents or a few hundred dollars and NO WAY to even check to find out if this is correct?
I am sorry you are unhappy all of us thinking that there is still a dead rat in the cellar, but there is still a dead rat in the cellar and nothing will bring the dead rat back.
I would hold no love for a company that I know willingly cheated the very people who helped THEM make money out of their hard-earned money.
Go take a deep breath and think about that.
My people skills are just fine. I just want to hire people who want to work.
I've not been ugly, I've asked questions, legitimate ones. Please tell me what is wrong with that. This site is not just for MTs, it is for QA Editors, Supervisors, Service Owners, there's even sections for Billers, Coders, and Nurses.
rude people? I would take good pay over polite people any day
Besides that they have never been rude to me and I have been here for almost 2 years. What do you consider a bad account?
I know my account is a little tough, but I am used to it. I am tough!