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Why not? Other MT boards refer people here all the time?

Posted By: ? on 2006-01-04
In Reply to: Yes. I think there has been a misunderstanding. (SM) - Goldbird (Moderator)

Are we supposed to just pretend other sites don't exist?

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    I refer them to the job boards so they can see how much experience they need. sm
    That is it. I don't deal with it anymore. I usually just write down the website and go take a look. You will see how much experience, etc. you need. Good luck.

    I have learned from past experience.

    Never hear anything again from that same person.

    I don't have time to refer to reference the law details but (sm)
    Check out:


    You'd be surprised!

    An employer has the right to answer questions, but a prospective employer is limited as to what they can ask. Unfortunately, not enough smaller businesses know and follow these rules, thus a terminated employee ends up being blackballed.
    Definitely one of the other board's people who refer to those on this board as "holy rollers,&
    Now go ahead and post your reply - I know you're dyin' to!

    these boards allow you to "backhand" annoying people so you don't take it out on your famil
    and don't be arguing with me today. you know i'm right.
    My problem is people who keep ridiculing others for typos on these boards!
    You cannot believe what you read all the time on these boards.
    Best to ask the company if you have a question.
    If the state boards are no longer active, why haven't they been removed so people don't waste
    There is NOTHING to post! The boards were trolled for a long time by the lawyers AGAINST MQ, looking
    for any lame info in a very unprofessional (not to mention unethical) manner.  They used us and left. Now the law suits are in the "discovery process", where both sides are gathering info, where they can then decide whether to proceed forward or not.  No news at all for us MTs.  Again, the $$-hungry lawyer(s)? were all over this board months back, stirring up the pot, begging us for info, and then VANISHED!
    I am sorry. I meant boards not broads. Now those darn boards have disappeared again.
    People do it all the time...

    just make sure you're not short-changing your employer(s).  If you're good at what you do and want to put in the time to do it right, what's the problem???

    I do ops all the time too and HATE them. Why do people like them? sm
    Give me a 10 minute discharge, ER, consult, H&P any day. I always wondered why people liked OP notes with all of the different equipment terms and such.
    What irritates me is that people on here actually take the time to answer her

    Those people obviously do not work full time or want to
    make a good living. I would work at McDonald's before I would let someone take my house. If someone is not making enough money in this field, it is them, not the industry. Tired of everyone tip-toeing around this issue. The money is there but you need to buckle down and do the work. Stop whining and start working.
    No but I wish people would take the time to find this information. sm
    Sometimes it just takes the effort to look. I see people wanting information. The information is easy to find, but they want others to do the research and hand it to them. I had to do the research. I now have 20+ docs/clinics BUT key point is I did all of my own research, learned about how digital works, etc. I truly believe, the more you read (research) the more you as an individual will learn and therefore be able to offer your clientm more.
    Geez people! Why are some of you so nasty all of the time? SM

    I don't think having your husband be the IC and hiring you is the the way to go.  It's too convoluted.  What you can do is apply and test for jobs under your husband's name.  That way on paper he has the job.  Then you just do the work.  The paychecks come in his name.  That way he doesn't have to "hire" you.  You can earn as much as you want.

    I wouldn't worry about Uncle Sam too much.  He's been screwing all of us for years.  What he doesn't know won't hurt him.  Of course, now you've posted it in a public forum...

    You people are having a real good time condemning me....

    Don't you know that you can DEACTIVATE your current OS when you upgrade to the next level?  Obviously not. But then, most people here don't seem to be all that computer literate. I asked a couple of computer questions below which got absolutely NO answer.

    Don't go jumping to conclusions that someone is a "scammer" and "ruining it for everyone else" until you do your homework.

    I second this suggestion. Just pick a time zone and let people know. (nm)
    but boards will be dano's boards and that's the issue. no one dare disagree with dano.
    yes the boards will be boring with just one-sided opinions but we need to please dano. isn't that the purpose of MT Stars?
    The worst problem with MQ is running people out of work all the time.
    People should have powdered formula/mild. Mix it up one bottle at a time.
    I don't know of any store in my area that hires people full-time.
    That includes Walmart, K-mart, grocery stores, etc. So I guess it's all slave labor. In fact, any transcription company that does not hire employees must also be the same. They certainly save themselves a lot of money under the guise of Independent Contractors, don't they?
    Some people like to keep a Time Clock thing showing on their monitors, too. But
    This message is defining what VBC is! It's time people realize the American MTs...
    are our own worst enemies.  VBC is NOT a good thing!  I personally think we should get paid per keystroke.
    Why do so many people LOVE operative notes? I see posts about it all the time...
    how they make good money on them, they could do them all day, feel cheated when they don't get them? I have been doing this for years and years and still kind of groan when I see them come up on my screen. Fill me on the secrets and maybe I won't whine so much when I do them. Thanks gal!
    Lot's of people work for cheatin companies. They bide their time and strike when they can.
    As for me, I have joined a class action law suit on behalf of shareholders and MTs.  Double whammy.  Not too dumb.  By the way, don't you have some managing to do or are you on duty all day to try to make MTs think MQ is AOK and everything else going on around them financially is just a figment of their imagination. 
    A computer's OS (operating system) is only meant for a 1 time install on 1 pc. People like yours

    who abuse this are just looking for a cheap break, jack up the price (theoretically speaking) for the rest of us, and are asking for a myriad of problems on their pcs.  To deter this behavior, about 1 year ago, many computer companies ceased to include all software when packaging the pc for shipment.  It is because of software abuse/misuse, computers that are delivered with a pre-installed OS are delivered without the OS + other necessary software, due to behaviors such as yours and many others.  However, if you call the company and verbally request all software: OS (installation CD), as well as other necessary software (tools systems, drivers, diagnostics, utilities, print driver, internet security, and WP/Word/Excel, et al), they will gladly send it to you free of charge.

    Think you need to refer this to your QA,
    they are 2 words where I work.
    It has nothing to do with having a spine as you refer to it..
    As long as the place I work helps me pay my bills, raise my children, and treats me fairly, it doesn't matter to me.  You are never going to get the entire transcription community to do that.  If we were all alike and had the same opinion life would be very dull and we would all be like drones.  If you CHOOSE not to work for companies that outsource, that is fine with me, as that is YOUR CHOICE.  However, I am happy where I am and it gives me what I need in life.  I hope that you can be a bigger person and respect other peoples choices in life.  They need not all be like yours. 
    What are these "loopholes" you refer to?
    My DH has been in administration healthcare for over 20 years (national health care company). He says there is no "loopholes" that keep him from following the wage and hour laws, overtime is overtime, PERIOD!! Their MTs get paid overtime just like everyone else, and have no FORCED mandatory overtime.

    You need to contact the wage and hour division PRONTO...something is stinky here!!!
    so it's okay to refer to doctor as like a pig!!
    but i suggest we might be more professional and MY post is deleted!!?? Good grief. What gives?
    Yes, I agree here. You want them to refer you

    You want to keep them happy within reason.  I doubt it would be that much of a bother.  You can write off the expense of the stickies and the travel. 

    The other worry I have is setting up digital for an office just because I don't want to travel and have them go with another MT because they could get cheaper rates by already being digital.  You don't want that to happen.

    Can you tell I'm a firm believer in tape work and loyalty? 

    No matter what, there are things in this profession that you do that are sort of thankless, but I think in the long run if you like the account, you're better off just cutting the stickies and attaching just a small fee each month as Patti says.

    Is there a manager for QA you could refer all these
    Here's a nice one I refer to
    This one has a good collection of ops.  See link below.
    Here's another useful site I refer to

    This one's come to my rescue quite a number of times.



    I'm sorry, but why would you refer to ?'s about ones puppy or what's for dinner
    Not trying to start a flame or anything, but what's wrong with a few non-transcription questions here and there? It helps break up the monotony of the job, don't ya think?
    We have a gal in our office who I refer to as the 'notetaker'. She's always got some e-mai
    that lists this or that infraction. No one is immune. She just isn't happy unless everyone is unhappy and I think the complaints are really just a way to elevate her own status in her own mind.

    Not everyone is like our "notetaker", but I've learned when it comes to work, do your best, meet your quotas and if you can have a little fun while doing it, then life is good. Pick your battles, don't sweat the little stuff, and you'll have a whole lot less stress to deal with.

    You should refer them to the testing site.
    That's what I do when someone says they *would like to work at home, like you.*  I had someone tell me, quote, *You just type what the doctor says, right?*  I just looked at her and said, *Yeah, you're right.  I just type what the doctor says.*  ARRRGGGHHHH! 
    Refer to the Spouse Equity Act

    You are entitled to coverage for 18 months...some of these responses just floor me!

    You refer to ME as smug when you call sm

    yourself "your fine self?"  That's rich.

    I'm so done with this.  I'm amazed you have a job. 

    A lot of physicians refer to their patients
    as heterosexual or having same sex partners, it is very relevant in some aspects, as in exposure to AIDS/HIV, etc.
    I still refer to myself as a 'transcriber' because I hate
    I don't think any of us even CARE what the real name of that buncha shysters is.
    Try to refer to ref sites and books
    Sites like these help.
    It's not a fad. You need her doc to refer you to a therapist for her. Took my teen years to get
    I read the posts. Most of my references refer to
    Without having Word open to refer to, I'll see if I can help...sm
    When you click on autotext to open it, it should be where you can type in a new entry. Type in the entry you want to delete, and when it is highlighted I think an option should show to delete. I hope this is right, but like I said, I don't have Word open and I may have missed a step. Hope this gets you started in the right direction anyway.
    That's what I'm thinking, too. Our agency told us to refer ALL creditors to them
    and they were awesome. I'm thinking she doesn't have a good one, either. She definitely needs to call them or switch agencies, like the one you mentioned, to help her.
    if you live among trashy people, low income people, people w/o goals or direction,
    content to just get by, you by default become a part of a group. "people" have decided to group trailer people as trash. that is because there are enough people in that group to earn the title and even if you aren't trash, you are categorized by others. did i think i was trash in lower class neighborhood surrounded by people who drank and fought all weekend? no but i knew i wasn't staying and did not try to pretend that all the fools in the neighborhood were just nice folks who ended up where they were because high horse snobs deemed their neighborhood low class. people for the most part live exactly where they belong because they don't want to educate themselves, they don't mind "trash" around them and they don't want to be bothered trying just a bit hard to extract themselves from that world. they justify everything to themselves i guess saying everyone who doesn't like their lifestyle is a snob and the comedians (Jeff Foxworthy/Chris Rock, etc) who make fun of them are just ill-informed.

    As for me, I fought hard to get out and don't even want to look back. It amazes me people stay for generations.
    We don't have to SAVE lists of mistakes to refer back to. They are readily available at any given
    Believe it or not, that's the kind of stuff we see all day long on a daily basis. Your resentment for QA is shining through. Perhaps you recognize some of these errors....
    Template lines usually refer to pretyped canned reports
    These would include such templates like epidural steroid injections and such where you are just typing in patient demographics and the date of procedure, cataract surgeries, or whatever canned dictation the physicians have come up with so they can cut costs and not dictate. Make sure you are not always having to revise the templates constantly at no cost; otherwise, that is a good price.
    supposed to be, after people lose their jobs, they are forced to take part-time, lower-paying jobs..
    with little to no benefits. service jobs. where are you going to work in a few years, when Medical Transcription is replaced by technology? McDonald's, Walmart? you really going to like that?
    Maybe try to find a good web site to refer to! Good luck NM