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Where's best place to obtain credit score?

Posted By: I'm confused on 2005-12-12
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I know I see Free Credit Report all the time on the internet, but they are not really free, right? Don't you have to sign some sort of protection coverage and pay a monthly fee? Is the best place straight through the Equifax, TransUnion and that other place? (Can't think of the name of it right now). I'm in the market for a new house and want to make sure everything is okay. Any advise?  Thanks in Advance.

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Actually, NOT having open credit accounts hurts your FICO score.
I closed my credit cards 10 years ago and paid them all off.  All I have left is my student loan and my mortgage, which are both paid on time every month.  You'd think that would show me as a responsible consumer because I pay cash for everything and don't live off of credit.  Instead, my FICO score stinks now because my available credit to my used credit shows as maxed out.  It's complete bunk.  People are rewarded for using credit while responsible people who pay cash are punished by this FICO system.  I have a 4% interest rate on my mortgage, but the credit union tried to milk me at 12% interest on a car loan when they advertised 5% because of my FICO score.  My only option is to open up some credit cards or something, but then that shows as excessive inquiries or too much new credit.
great website for credit and credit cards, interest rates
great website
Has anyone used a credit counseling service to consolidate credit cards?
What was your experience?  Was it worth it?  Which ones are credible?
I want to obtain my own account
but looking for advice on how to set up a contract.  Its just my own way of doing things I guess.  I feel more secure starting out with a contract.  I rather have my butt covered now then worry later.  thanks for the luck though!  who knows.
Is it possible to obtain someone elses IP address
and use it? I don't know much about how this works so was just wondering if someone could get my IP address and use it.
sounds like you need to obtain a clinic acct or two. nm
News stories do have to obtain permission to
My DS has much experience in this field.

Gross line counts are easier to obtain IF you have sm
a fixe font; however, 6 cents is not enough. I would not accept under 7.5 cents a gross line and only on a FIXED fot with the margins spelled out. For instance, if they say a 65-space gross line, that means 1-inch margins on each side. Of course, anything on a line is counted as a line and that means if there is only 1 character, that is counted as a line, but always get it spelled out the type of font that will be used because if you have true type fonts, you could be doing as much as 125 characters on a line.

As good as gross lines sound, today's world is not really based on that and it is much easier to calculate a 65-character line in the perspective of today's world.

I don't know how much experience you have, but even if you have just a few years, that still is not good pay and again, if it is a TT font, you would only be making something like 3-1/2 cents to 4 cents per 65-character line.

It is true...and the sales reps will tell you anything to obtain your business, but then they...sm
get you once you start using the ULD.  I know, I have been told the same thing that you say you have been told but then I received the dreaded "cut off" notice.  I wish you the best, but it is just a matter of time until they get to your area.  It's not allowed! 
CREDIT, everyone is living on credit, and from what I see
with a rather, 'might as well, we have no future' kind of attitude.

our credit cards are maxed out, we are buying gas, food (which I swore I would never do, how stupid - all that interest for food, yuck!), paying bills, and we would not have survived without them. now they are maxed out, and we are not making one bit more than we were.

glad things must be going so well for you, but look around in your own neighborhood.

the gap is closing between rich and poor. like it is in somalia, for example.

call us doomsdayers, but I call it protecting our own interests.

why is it the only people who are supposed to care about themselves are the rich?
Any suggestions where I can obtain free invoicing software, or reasonably priced. nm
There is really no way to compare number of reports to a line count. The more experience you obtain
faster it will go and the lines will increase so don't give up. All of oldies have been there. Most companies require 1000 to 1200 a day, so you are not far off from that. Just keep plugging along, you will get there. Use Expanders for your most common phrases, words you find you have to look up constantly, etc. for starters to help build your speed.
It's the only place I have ever lived.. Great place to retire or raise a family. Low crime rate e
living is pretty easy here. Low stress..
You need a copy of your report. Whatever bad stuff you can pay, pay it and get a receipt. But let a medical collection be the last priority. Do not let anyone else pull your credit report. Pay everything you have on time. Dispute things that are incorrect. Email me. This will take a while.
Since you say you are just starting out and you are a small operation, I assume that you do not have a lot of capital to invest up front.  When I was getting started in my business I learned of a FREE service that you can consult with and get all the answers you need.  It is called SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives).  They are a volunteer organization and specialize in consulting small businesses.  Look in your local yellow pages or Google SCORE and find a local office.  Unless you have money to invest in an accountant right now, this is what I recommend.  It was the best decision I ever made.
My score was 31--
I guessed on quite a few (not the US or England, though) and even got some of the cities right.  I didn't think I'd get even half.  Cool game!
Well, I have a 99% or higher QA score.
I make between $45K and $48K doing this.

NEver been in trouble for QA. Never lost a job for QA. Have been hired for every single job I have ever applied for.

Anyone I've ever worked for has been sad to see me go. People I work for now are very happy with me. I make good money and have a good QA score.

All with no PROPER EDUCATION but just on-the-job training.

I love my QA score and even like my QAs
I am trying to prove a point to "I-type-fast" girl.
QA score formula
Can anyone post formula for figuring QA score.  Thanks!
CMT pass score

Can anyone tell me what is the score required to pass the CMT exam?

What was your QA score for acct?How long did
Monthly audits = QA score. sm
Usually companies audit your work monthly. They will pull 5 or 10 reports you have transcribed and do a random QA check on them. If you have critical errors, they will deduct whole points, noncritical errors usually a half point.

If you total QA score is below 98% three or more times in a row, some companies will do what they can to help you, put you back on QA review for a while so every report will go to QA. Other companies may just fire you or let you go.

Is this the answer your were looking for?

That's funny because after we went through CCCS our score went up significantly. nm
The older the account, the higher the score . . .
so they are the ones to keep.  :)
Execuscribe On-Line Test Score
No, they didn't tell me what score was passing before I tested. They invited me to test based on my resume. I don't know about having to use a C-phone once hired but no I did not need one to test.
How is QA score measured? Is there a standard scale? sm

Is it per report?  Is by the number of characters in the report?  I am guessing that a missed comma is counted differently than a wrongly used medical term...

Thanks for any help!

Maybe your experience and a high test score - sm
is perceived as a *threat* - i.e., that they may soon need to pay you closer to what you're WORTH, in order to retain your services. Maybe some MTSOs think they can make more of a profit by hiring the less-skilled and "bringing them up to speed", so to speak, within the company while at the same time keeping their wages ridiculously low. Hmmmmm....
I believe the original poster is the one doing the scoring, and she is SHOCKED at how low the score
is for the MT, and she doesn't even know what to say to the MT under comments. I can certainly relate - lately, its abysmal in my company.  How, oh how, do these MTs get hired?  To me, that is the BIGGEST mystery. 
Expecially if you can try to impress strangers with a bogus IQ score
I have heard the test is a joke and you don't need a high score
basically because they're desperate and need to keep up with TAT. Now this is just what I've heard but by the looks of what is being hired, I truly believe this!
The position varies from place to place..
Sometimes you end up doing VR, which can be really easy or a real pain. Sometimes you end up simply editing files and all is good. Other times, you end up with more job responsibilities and hours than you ever wanted. All in all better than typing LOL.
No credit card is a good credit card.
Just kidding. I'd suggest not using credit cards to pay debts. It'll only dig you in deeper. Look into a signature loan or putting a lien against a vehicle or house. Lower interest rate, pay off sooner.
Amen! A great IQ score is wonderful, but there are some dummies in the MT world!
Talk about anger...anyone who posts a high IQ score is a pathological liar.....
So, are you saying that no MTs can have high IQ scores?? Just because you don't, we all have to be pathological liars? Sorry.
They will put this on your credit

Please get them to explain to you that this does affect your credit in a similar way that a bankruptcy does.  After having this explained to me, I filed a Chapter 7 and was done with the problem...no payments to anyone (other than the attorney). 

I was able to immediately (upon discharge 3 months later) get secured credit cards and purchased a new vehicle after 12 months.  Best move I ever made.


Cars and homes can be purchased 1 day out of discharge.
thanks, but the credit goes to......
the--ahem--offshore MT who actually transcribed this. I don't think it's an urban myth.

getting credit for CCs
I guess really I don't care what the client wants, necessarily, I just want to know if we get paid for those Keystrokes if we do have to add physician names and addresses to the CCs.
Give yourself some credit.
consumer credit
i don't know about them, but CAmbridge is a good one. They pay the creditors on time and are always in follow up with you. They do, however, charge a fee but it's not too great of one.
Consumer Credit

I talked with them and there was a HIGH fee for them handling my payments.   Too high for me.  I talked to the credit cards directly and worked with them.  I think my payment to CC would have been about $70 a month.  Also through them, the interest rate was lower, but the payment was higher as they do a percentage of the balance.  But now that the credit cards are doing higher minimums, more people are going to be in this situation.   I did go throught Trinity Credit Counseling and my fee to them was only $25.  So you need to check around.

Just my two cents worth.



Credit not way great...sm
I have a pre-pay credit card; it's a Visa. The bank account, well, we don't have one, but I could give my mother-in-law's; she let us deposit in her account before, no problem. This is such a great idea. I hope this all works out. Thanks for the info!
credit cards
Don't charge unless you can pay the piper.
credit cards (sm)
Yes, this is what I am referring to.  I have been receiving these notices in the mail lately basically stating that the credit card companies can do whatever they want, i.e., raising interest rates, miminum payments, etc.  This was attached onto the new bankruptcy bill that was passed in October.  These changes will take effect I believe in Jan 2006.  I am getting rid of all of mine.  I have a good FICO score of 765 and have opted out of these new changes with the intent of paying off these cards.  Hope everyone else is paying attention.  Happy Thanksgiving!!
Credit card? I'm not sure either.
Credit counseling
Yes, it does go on your credit report. I explained this to my banker that I had not had a problem before in paying my bills, just that I had too many. My banker reviewed my payment history and still approved the loans I requested. Each case is individual, and going through credit counseling may or may not affect your ability to get loans in the future.
Then, do not get any more credit cards,
bank in this country, go to the doctor at all, have insurance, buy a Dell computer, or do any customer service calling. Boycott .. look around they are everywhere .. ;-)
Credit checks

I totally agree.  One's credit is personal bussiness and should not be a deciding factor of one's employment.  I had several jobs fall through because of credit problems that I did not cause.  My Identity was stolen some 15 years ago and I also had a child abducted.  I have spent the last 10 years searching for both, my child and my life.  I can live without my life, however without my girl I am finding each and every passing day harder and harder to live.   MY credit score is now in the upper 600's (took 6 years to fix) which is not great but heading in the right way.


credit reports...

So true, it is across the board just about. My daughter applied at a dept store yesterday and had to agree to have one pulled...and she's only barely 16!

I can see it in one way, but just isn't fair in so many more ways...same with insurance rates being higher because of a poor credit rating. Just another way to *get us*...!

Credit consolidation
I just finished 5 long years in a debt management program.  I just wanted to let anyone know if they are in debt and don't know where to turn to try careonecredit.com.  It has been great and I would have never been able to do it without them.  When I started it seemed like there would be no end, now the day is here and I'm debt free.  It just really feels so good.
Credit Check
I have never had a credit check done in my experience in applying for a hospital job, so I would not worry.