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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Well, this is just pretty much par for the

Posted By: snickering on 2005-07-11
In Reply to: Okay, talked to a tech support guy at my office and - this is what he said (sm)

course for MQ. Guess they never heard the saying "If it's not broke, don't fix it." I'm sure the underpaid tech people will fix it soon.

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    I think I'm pretty bright and pretty good, too, but
    I am not a CMT. I am a medical transcriptionist who enjoys her job very much (most days). I have chosen not to pursue certification simply because I cannot afford to do so. I believe the certification is a nice thing to have, but I don't believe it is necessary for employment or for excellence in my job. If you can afford it, go for it. If you can't, don't feel too bad. You can still take pride in and do a very good job without it.
    But they have such a pretty name...
    Isn't that the main thing to look for?
    pretty much just what they are- I know nothing

    How are they like CD's, are they better, worse?  Basic info.  I've googled it, but still not sure.

    Pretty is as pretty does.
    and your not looking too good here.
    Thank you for reading my post and taking it the way it was written.

    Some others on this board twisted what I said - as if I was saying "everyone is doing it" by citing the fact that hospital staff are under the influence of various substances - drugs (legal as well as illegal - although someone took it to mean marijuana), alcohol, glue sniffing, aerosols, etc.

    Nurses and doctors have the highest percentage of addiction of any professionals - there are many factors that go into, but it is merely a fact, not an accusation or finger pointing, just a fact.

    Very nice!
    Pretty sure you have to pay for that.
    Which makes it even sadder. That she paid for such a poorly worded post.
    I am pretty sure I know where the ad came from
    These are usually meger start-up places who think they can get by by offshoring and will find out very quickly how bad the work is going to be.  I see these all the time and am pretty adept at stealing the offshore business after the client gets a taste of reality.  :)
    Pretty much the same way (sm)
    This doc dictates on cassettes, but he only turns it in when he has filled up the tape. I've asked him to turn it in everyday. The only thing they want on their reports is the transcription date, which is what their accreditation requires. Their accreditation also requires a TAT within 4 days, so when he dictates from Wednesday to Wednesday, and I get the tape on Thursday, he is out of that 4-day range. The transcription date is sometimes a week or so later than the actual test date, which is what he doesn't want.

    Thanks for the tips!

    I do it now, pretty much always have sm
    Right now, it is a FT employee with benefits and a PT IC well paid (10 cpl) as well as some hourly QA work. As I have said many, many times, I am not a good sitter. Actual my fanny is in the chair, hands flying time is for full time is probably 5 to 5-1/2 hours, perhaps 6 a day. PT job is much the same, can't sit still probably only work 3 hours a day. The longest I ever sit at a time is the QA stuff where I will sit straight for the 1 to 2 hours that is going to take me.

    My income is full time money, about $900-$1000 a week and I don't eat, drink and sleep MT. My income is going up a bit now because I gave up cigarettes and I don't stop to go out and smoke. I take breaks, but the breaks are much shorter and I am faster and faster on the keyboard.
    Pretty much the same. SM
    Some things the programs I've worked with seem to learn quickly, some they seemingly never learn. (It may be that VR work attracts passive-aggressive-type computers. After all, no computer can really be THAT dumb!)

    Regarding making all those corrections, tho, use your expander. If yours won't record the Keystrokes you use to make all these corrections, get another. Let it delete "q.i.d." and type in "4 times a day" for you. Let it break one sentence into two for you. Let it type in a discharge diagnosis heading and then copy the admission dagnoses under it for you. Have it replace the phrases the computer will not learn with the correct versions for you. While you get paid for it.
    That is pretty much the only way to use them
    now because you need ULD and no phone company offers true ULD.  I worked with a company where I had to use a C-phone and I had digital phone service through my cable company.  I no longer work for the company, but I used it without any problems whatsoever. 
    Pretty much.
    Soon MTs will be nothing more than minimum wage workers.
    This is pretty much
    what I do. I make them for everything (plus individual words). Maybe because of the original way I was taught to make Expanders (using all consonants), I have had to alter my pattern in numerous ways (and now include vowels).

    I typically use more of the 2nd word when doing two-word combos, like, ihrn for inguinal herna and hdss for heart disease, but I do have others where I do the reverse because of feel or whatever.

    I continue to alters my patterns, shorten them and alter some because of letter combo comfort.

    I guess it's just difficult when the goal is to have them for "everything" but not being close (because how many endless combos would there really be?), so then I'm not sure if I have one for certain things or not. And given the fact that there are umpteen ways to say the same phrase, I often would swear I had made one for a certain phrase ... but then, a word or two was different.

    My thought was maybe it would be better to disregard certain types of phrases/words, and that is why I asked for examples of things you all do not make them for.

    When I do the same account or two more regularly, I have a lot less problems. When switching it up, I fumble more. I suppose there is a certain flow and type of speaking with each account and various dicators, and alternating too much disrupts the flow of my autopilot.

    Thanks for all the responses. If anyone thinks of anything to add, I will be checking back again.

    Actually pretty much anywhere
    It's usually over by where the Boost and stuff are carried, Walmart, Walgreen's, Target, even some supermarkets. It tastes good too.

    Let me know how it works for you!
    They do work pretty well, but.......
    Hate to have to wear them for work, as it is so hot here they slide down my face. So far at my ripe old age of 58, I only need them for driving.
    Pretty much say the same thing
    We needed to be there, still do
    Pretty bad punishment...
    To be sent to OSi is truly torture...lol...
    I'm pretty sure it's "layed down"...
    according to Google search.
    Yeah, pretty much (sm)
    That's why Sunday/Monday can be rough sometimes.

    If I have nothing else going on I do stay up all night, preferably doing something productive. However, if I have to do something with "normal" people, I just try to take a nap Sunday evening.
    that pretty well covered it....
    Are they very quick with getting back with you when you apply? I have 5 years exp and taught one quarter of med trans at a local community college. I'm working in a doc office now (not doing transcription) but want to get back into working at home doing transcription. I had gotten away from it in 2004 because my husband got deployed and I wanted to make sure we had good insurance while he was gone which is why I took the job with the doc office. He was gone for 16 months and is now home and getting ready to take a really good job, which is going to allow me to start working at home again doing transcription. Hoping to hear from them soon. Thanks again for your input!!!
    Your time will come and it won't be pretty. nm
    Pretty scary. Do you actually think you
    are Frank?
    Mig was too pretty for them. Am I the only one who thinks (sm)

    that Marty looks like a drug addict?

    Anyway, I think they made a good choice.

    Astrology is pretty old...see

    At one time was it wasn't considered anti-bible or anti-Christian.
    Sounds pretty sad.
    I think the little girl needs a lot of prayer.
    pretty scary
    I know that this does happen.  I just try not to think about it.  It's amazing how many physician's and other big tim professionals are functioning alcoholics and drug addicts. Even more sad is the fact that other hospital staff know that these people are enebriated and don't dare say anything to anyone about it. 
    pretty frightening if you ask me!!!! sm

    It's pretty easy (sm)

    My DBF is an "IT guy", & set ours up for us.  He's on a conference call right now, so I can't get him to explain it, & if I tried to I'd probably have you and I both confused all to heck....soooo, I found this site that is pretty thorough...


    If you still have questions, if you have a Best Buy or Circuit City nearby, you can ask them to help you out...they're pretty good about this stuff.

    Hope this helps

    She's a very pretty rocker. (nm)
    LOL. Although, your job sounds pretty
    interesting on coming across Hollywood celebs. Who do you work for?
    Not enough obviously, that's still a pretty hefty sum they got. nm
    Well it's pretty fast. SM

    Brown your hamburger and maybe drain it if you don't buy extra lean. Add chopped onion and 2 cloves garlic, stir it all up till the onion is clear. Add salt, a smidge of sugar, just a little. Chopped bell pepper if you like that. Then add chili powder till it looks right, add canned tomatoes, tomato sauce (I don't like paste, but if you do, I guess you could use that). Ground cumin.

    I'm no Texan, so I like beans in my chili. Pork & beans used to be $.22 per can so we got a taste for those in our chili, LOL. That's what I use.

    Did I forget anything? Oh, if it looks too clear and orange, you can make a paste out of a tiny bit of flour and water and thicken it with that. Simmer. Serve.

    Any chili cooks out there? Did I forget anything? I just make it without thinking!

    You can also use chili seasoning in a packet but I don't like that as well, personally.

    Wow! Thanks! That pretty much covers it. :)

    I'm leaning toward the ham and asparagus casserole. My hubby and I love asparagus.

    The kids can have cereal.

    I think it's pretty easy--
    You'll hear a lot of the same terms over and over. The only thing is it can get boring, but you can make good lines at it.
    I was just going to post pretty much - sm
    The same thing. There are lots of healthy-looking bodies there! I never think, wow, what are they doing here? Instead, I think, wow, if they look like that from coming to WW, I can too! The on-line version is great if you can hold yourself accountable. Personally, I need the benefit of "weighing" in at the meetings to keep myself in check! Good luck!
    Well, I keep the volume pretty low (sm)
    and just reach over and bump up the remote occasionally.  My quality is very good but I will admit that my productivity probably isn't.  I could probably do 2000 lines or more a day easily without the TV.  I do about 1750 a day without it. 
    Pretty soon they will outsource THAT
    I sympathize. I'm pretty much in
    the same boat.  I worked for this co. for almost 4 yrs as IC, holidays and weekends as well as nights when  there was no work during the day.  I supposed they were either sending it out or overhiring at times.  At any rate, I inquired why there was no work one day after one week of almost no work and the OM informs me they lost the contract and it would end in about four more days and she was going to tell me so I could look for something else.  Heartless indeed! 
    Isn't it pretty clear?

    You say you'll have set hours to work.  If your baby needs a didee change or a bottle during those hours, or if he/she's just cranky and needs to be picked up and loved, what are you going to do?  If you're a normal mother, you're going to stop working and take care of your child.  So that pretty much answers your question, doesn't it. 

    I will never understand why some people think they can work at home with an infant.  After all, if you worked outside the home and took your infant with you and he needed attention, you'd have to stop your work and tend to him there, so the fact remains, unless one is superhuman, they cannot work and take care of a child at the same time.  Pretty clear cut!


    My husband has this and doc said there is pretty much nothing he can do.
    If you find out anything post it please.

    It's ibuprofen, I'm pretty sure. nm
    No, you are not the only one. I am pretty strict with my two also.
    In bed by 10:30 pm, only 1 hour on the computer other than homework, and curfew, absolutely! 12 midnight on weekends, not allowed out on school nights unless they have sports, and I usually attend them, so I know where they are.

    I say, if they don't like me then I am doing a great job as a parent. I am not their friend, I am their mother. When they get older, mature, and settle down with a family, then I will be their friend and always their mother!

    If have found parents who are popular with their kids, are trying way too hard to be their friend and not their guiding and loving parent!

    It is pretty much expected that you will do all that comes to you -
    It is often the nature of the beast when you are in a pool. I had thousands of docs at the last place I worked, 4 hospitals all with very different account specifics, and did every work type under the sun for acute care. I found myself scrambling every day to get my lines in and frustrated beyond belief many days. After 2 years of that (and a few other issues with the company) I decided to move on.
    Hehehe. Just as well. It can get pretty big!
    Still, it is a harmless one.
    It is pretty much immediate for most DC purchases as far as my
    which sometimes take as much as a week. But, with that being said, one time my got all screwed up and some things were not showing on line but showing me overdrawn, and after talking to my bank was told that DC purchases are promised to retailer the minute you swipe it and even though it was now showing up online, it was not there. Im sorry if this is your case. I know it can really be mess. The only good thing being that if there are overdrafts, you should not be charged by the retailer, only the bank because the bank pays them, and not like a check where they send it back to the retailer.

    1.20 is pretty much average
    links is ok, since you're getting the same amount of pay for joining two exams into one. the only problem is i've noticed most hospitals are using one exam instead of two like they did in the past (pelvic ultrasound with transvaginal scanning is now one exam at one of my accounts).
    Here's one that I think is pretty complete
    That's actually pretty funny, not for you though!
    That is pretty routine for them to want
    I have had both office accounts and surgery center accounts that requested that I send them that information.  I'd rather not have to do it, but sometimes you just have to do what comes with the territory.