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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Weight Watchers

Posted By: MTMommy on 2005-09-09
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Is anyone on Weight Watchers? I have about 10 lbs. I need to lose and I was wondering if anyone has tried it.


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Weight Watchers is the way to go
Have lost almost 70 pds so far -- all with eating regular food WITH my family and making small changes here and there. Also, have continued to have my morning Mocha and always make room in my daily points allowance for some kind of treat daily.
Weight Watchers
I highly recommend WW.  I lost 30 pounds and still have most of it off after almost a year and after you loose, you can still follow the points as a guideline to maintain.  You end of memorizing them eventually.  Good luck.
All Weight Watchers employees (sm)
...are former Weight Watchers themselves, so none of that looking down on you garbage.  And waaaaaaayyyyy cheaper.

Wow, LA Weight Loss sounds really horrible.  Thanks for the info!
are not great, except Weight Watchers..sm

11 years ago, I power walked for 6 weeks and kept my calories to under 1000 per day....I lost 50 pounds in the 6 weeks and 11 years later have kept it off!!!! 

However, the only TRUE formal company diet that does work is Weight Watcher's....where you can still eat REAL food and don't have to buy theirs. 

Weight Watchers - need advice
I've put on about 20 pounds this year (post menopausal now) and NEED to lose them.  I'm not overdoing calories, am following a good diet (for the most part),  and I walk a half hour a day briskly.  Desperate measures are called for but don't want a crash diet type thing.  I've heard good things about WW, and it doesn't sound "faddish".  Can anyone give me some input?  Also, I see that they have "in person" weight watchers - going to weekly meeting, etc and also offer on-line weight watchers where you do it thru t computer.  Has anyone done the on-line one?  Any information on the programs they offer would be so appreciated!!   I also thought of Nutrisystem, but it is expensive and doesn't wound "permanent". 
Sounds like you're on the right track with Weight Watchers (sm)
Do they offer counseling too? I know of two people who did Weight Watchers and they were very successful. Seems like a good, healthy program. I am not overweight myself but my sister is and, like you, has struggled with her weight her whole life. So I know at least second-hand the struggle you're going through. I think maybe if Weight Watchers doesn't offer counseling that it might be a good idea to talk to someone about your feelings and help you sort through them. Best of luck to you and try not to be too hard on yourself. Your son and your husband love you for who you are.
Has anyone had good success with Weight Watchers flex point program? sm

I tried South Beach for about 10 days and have lost 10 lbs but I want something that is lifelong and to me SB is too strict....Thinking about switching over to Weight Watchers...Anyone have good long term success with it?  If so, how much did you lose and how fast?


Lost the extra weight and have maintained a good weight and size just by walking him twice a day. n
It depends. The side effects can go either way - weight gain, weight *loss*... sm
Or no weight change at all, but maybe some other unpleasant side effect. Or you might have only mild side effects, or none at all and it's like a miracle cure for you. ;o) Everyone is so different, you never know until you try a med. for yourself.
I am hating this cold weather.  I am turning 36 soon and I feel like I am just packing on the pounds and I haven't changed my routine one bit?  I know your metabolism slows as you age, but geez, I am beginning to think it is my profession!  I exercise and watch what I eat, even more so now and still the scale won't budge, it will go up if anything.  I guess I am asking for some advice or tips on what other Transcriptionist do to maintain thier girlish or boyish figure. 
I know about the weight training
but thanks for the ice water tip. That's one I haven't heard, but makes sense!
weight loss
I use TrimSpa (baby) it's working o.k. I am making a conscious effort to not fry, not add salt, eliminated cornbread (I'm a Southerner), etc., etc. I work a lot of night hours and this helps me with my snacking between 9 p and mid. I do drink green tea. I think it boosts my metabolism....
I don't need to lose weight, but I definitely need to
weight loss
just a general word of encouragement to everyone trying to lose weight that YOU C-A-N DO IT!!!!!   I am very small-boned, 5' 6', and weighed nearly DOUBLE my normal body weight.  Looked like nothing but a big bowl of pudding.  One day I decided to move.  Maybe it was the Nike slogan, but I just did it.  Could barely walk around ONE BLOCK.  But I walked the block.  One day, I could walk two blocks.  One day I walked a mile.  Took me two years to lose the weight, ladies, but I got skinny and toned by EXERCISE (95% walking, a bit at the gym, not much), and sensible eating.  Every single reader here knows what sensible eating is:  Eat healthy, not overprocessed food, and don't eat too much of it  PERIOD.  Deep down, we all know that.  Admit it and change your eating habits -- and walk and/or exercise, and you can do it.  By the way, I am not holier than thou, I did used to take ephedra at half the recommended dosage, every day in the early days, just to take the edge off at dinner time, when I would rip off the cabinet doors cuz i got so hungry for the deadly four: pasta, potatoes, rice and bread.  Couldn't get enough of it.  decreasing (NOT ELIMINATING) these and making myself full with veggies and water did the trick.  I eventually eliminated the ephedra.  GOOD LUCK  TO ALL OF YOU.  Nike:  Just Do It. 
losing weight sm
I lost 105.5 pounds total and have kept it off for a year (gained 10 pounds back with this pregnancy, but I am 32 weeks along).  I had to follow a more structured plan to actually lose weight.  I used the Weight Watchers calculator and books to lose weight, but I did not go to meetings.  I went from 235.5 to 130 on a 5 foot 5 frame.  I don't follow the program now, but I have learned how to eat.  I used to eat because I was bored, tired, etc.  Not anymore! 
weight loss sm
I tried the following - a little more walking, no more white bread,(12 grain), flavored non-dairy creamer instead of cream, not water-friendly, so drank a lot of non-caffeine tea (raspberry) and Sweet & Low (don't think this is a good idea). Tried Benefiber chewable to add bulk and fiber; lean beef, 90% lean a few times a week only, sweet potatoes instead of white, only 1 at a time and generally cutting out the obvious (no alcohol, fried foods, rich pastry). Took off 15 lbs. and was able to get into an old Size 10 for my reunion, from a 14, and saved a bunch on new clothes and felt great! Hope I can keep it up. When my son was getting married years ago, I hated the "mother of the groom" puffy chiffons, so I stationery biked from Feb. to May and went from a 14 to a 10 (700 miles total) and wore a lovely silk suit. Unfortunately, I ate my way back because I felt the "empty nest" syndrome. Once you lose, don't snooze, keep it up! You'll like yourself better. This profession can ruin your body, take control by getting up and moving around as much as you can. I did not do that and suffer the consequences with my back, my right thumb is totally painful so that I can't open jars, unlock the babies' safety belts, etc., it comes upon you when the damage is done. Don't let it happen to you, exercise when you can, you're worth it!
Has anyone used LA Weight Loss?
If so, what were your results. Any info would be greatly appreciated. TIA
I tried it and lost 40 pounds in 3 months or so but it came back as quick as it went. They are VERY expensive. Currently not working on anything but GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
Okay, hubby and myself on a weight

even tho this is a fattening occupation, sitting on my rear all day, so I take several breaks and take 15 minute walks with the hubby and puppies (one of them is getting quite portly) so we can get in an hour of walking that way and I can still type and don't get so stiff. 

Dinner tonight is low-fat lasagne and steamed carrots.  Yum. 

Dieting can be an adventure.  I get recipes and think of ways to cut the fat and calories, make them healthier.

weight loss
I needed to reduce my cholesterol, so I really cut down on fat in my diet.  By doing this, I not only lowered my cholesterol, but I lost about 13 lbs. in 5 months!  This is so much safer than those fad diets.
weight loss over 50
Thanks so much for responding and for your words of encouragement! At age 56, it's very encouraging to hear this. Small goals and one-day-at-a-time are very good advice Thanks again! (and congratulations on your weight loss too!)
I can tell you, 75% GAIN weight. But you might need them for a while anyway.
I think I actually keep my weight down with coffee..
I use the artificial sweeteners and fat free flavored creamers or half and half. And caffeine can suppress the appetite which works for me ;)
Yes, like a weight has lifted
Felt the same way when I made the change.  At Spheris it got so bad I would approach my workstation with dread and cried in frustration at least once a shift.  Then I decided to send out resumes instead of waiting for things to get better.  Good luck to anybody who's had enough misery - better places do exist.
How much does your husband weight? Maybe
175 pounds? Well, THAT is the 175 pounds you need to lose. Seriously, HE sounds like your major problem. I bet everything else would fall into place w/o his emotional abuse of you!
It is called The Weight, originally by
Did you lose the weight after coming off?

I'm gonna check into the things you mentioned and go by my local health food store. Before I went on the HRT, I did try the OTC stuff which seemed to work for a little while, but after a few months started having the hot flashes again. I did purchase some progesterone cream a few years ago while I was still having periods (after watching a segment of Oprah), but never used it right, then went on the HRT. I really do want to get off of it and get my weight down. Did you have trouble getting weight back down after coming off?


Thanks again for all your advise! You're great!

Did start to drop some weight but...(sm)

...it took a little while.  It's like my system was totally discombobulated (surgical menopause for me was a real bear!) & it didn't know what to do.  I was finally able to take most of the weight off, but I have to be very careful now, as it's so easy to put on (especially in my belly area) & harder to shed.  Everybody's different, tho', & I know women who have come off HRT & dropped whatever weight they gained & totally leveled out. 

Here's a link to a site I found very helpful & supportive - it's a hysterectomy support site, but they have all kinds of helpful info about hormones, fitness, etc.  You may be able to find some useful stuff there:


Glad I could be of some help...if you need support or info or whatever, please don't hesitate to e-mail me, k?

The treatments are based on weight normally.

I have a Frontline spray and it can be used on either, 1 to 2 pumps per pound, but if you have the other kind it is premeasured based on weight.   Can you call your vet and ask them?  The people at the front desk should be able to answer your question.  

I looked on-line and there is only 1 dosage sold for cats, but it didn't say what the dosage was so I couldn't compare it to a dog dosage.

If you buy your flea treatment from your vet check out www.entirelypets.com. 


I actually gained weight with Estrin-D even though
My mood swings were awful and I started having night sweats which I never had before and have not had since even though I'm perimenopausal. It DOES make you not want to eat but my mood swings were assauged by binge eating to make me more emotionally stable.

It isn't worth it and I still have 3 unopened bottles.
I've been on it.. and I have gained weight...
also while I've been on it, I have started working 2 full time jobs, stopped my exercise routine and gotten into bad habit of eating whatever due to stress!!  So, I can't say the weight gain is caused by the Lexapro. I thought, though, that it was one of the lesser evils on the weight gain issue, not like Zoloft.
I'm gaining weight just reading
Oh, and one more thing: MTs who don't pull their weight and
I work and I want my team to work hard as well.

weight loss over 50 years of age.
Your post is so inspiring--Would you mind telling your age (just roughly?) I so badly want to lose on my own--without going to expensive weight loss clubs. A so-called friend insists that once past age 50, metabolism is so slow, it is next to impossible--very discouraging to hear. Thanks for your uplifting post!
getting up and moving about or weight loss.NM

As we all know, the only effective way to lose weight
is diet and exercise. I have tried MediFast, SlimFast, phentermine, all of them. In the end, the only that really worked and help maintain my figure is eating right and exercise, exercise and more exercise.

I always wanted the fast road to a "skinny" body, but guess way, the weight crept back on faster than I lost it. So, I decided to just eat right, limit fatty foods and carbs, and exercise. I joined a gym and go 3x a week. It really does stimulate you.

Good luck to you, but really none of those plans work unless you change your lifestyle.

also be careful of the weight of the headphones and
if they require batteries and what size of batteries. The AAA or AA batteries can make the cord heavy if they go in the cord or make the headphones feel lopsided if they store on the side of the headphones. If I use them again I will spend the extra money and get something over $100.
But wouldn't you lose weight anyway if you
What does the Hoodia actually do? Does it suppress the appetite or does it actually increase metabolism or what? I am interested but so leary of all these diet supplements. Most of the ones that people seem to have success with contain ephedra, which is dangerous, and it would be nice if one worked without that stuff.
Such a tremendous weight loss!
Apple Scruff--Could you elaborate how you initially got started--did you follow a specific diet? With a sedentary MT job, did you force yourself to exercise much? A "scare" really is a tremendous motivator (it took a "scare" to get me to stop smoking, but I am not having success taking off approximately the same amount of weight that you succeeded at losing) Thanks for your tips.
weight loss and bypass

Hi!  Several things here - 1)You are on COBRA now, is the insurance your husband has group or individual?  If it group and you are on COBRA, then you are considered covered with no lapse in coverage and they HAVE to take you!  I don't think they have to cover you if it is not a group policy. 

2) Gastric bypass - my brother had one at 605 pounds.  I need one, but my insurance wouldn't cover and I can't afford it, so I won't do that.  But if you live in Arkansas, I have the name of a fantastic doctor  - the one that did my brother's! 


weight gain and depression!!! nm
Has anyone tried the green tea thing for weight loss? nm
Are you really dealing with a weight issue that significant?

excess skin after weight loss
Did you then have surgery to remove the sagging skin? I need to lose 140 lbs, which I have packed on over the past 20 years. I never weighed over 112 lbs. or wore larger than a size 3 (!!) until I turned 30. My lifestyle changed (not for the better) at that point, and I basically lose interest in how I looked. Now, at age 51, my health is seriously in trouble due to my obesity. What am I going to do with all the excess skin? I already have a big fat pouch under my waist, and above my waist I look like I'm 7 months pregnant! Are there any health insurance plans that will pay for surgery to remove the leftover skin? I see people on Dr. 90210 having the surgery, but I bet they have to pay out of pocket and I bet it's tens of thousands of dollars.
sagging skin after weight loss
Thanks for much the info about plastic surgery. I guess the only way to look at it is this: My health and life are in danger if I don't take this weight off. Whether or not I'm left with skin hanging down to my ankles (I hope I'm exaggerating!), at least I'll be alive and have more energy and flexibility. Guess I should cross one bridge at a time. :) I've decided to start Michael Thurmond's Lifestyle Change course. Ordered the whole kit from HSN (or maybe QVC), and truly think I can do it. Have never tried any diets in the past. Was in denial about my weight for the longest time...kept thinking it was a "phase." Ha-ha! You know how formerly anorectic people still think of themselves as fat? Well, I'm an stress-overeater in denial, and I still think of myself as thin...until I see myself in the mirror. Yikes!
Thank you. I do feel the weight of the world on my shoulders...sm
And I am so afraid that I am going to "break" one day.  He is a good person.  Ever since he has been off of work and considered disabled everything has changed.  He used to work 50+ hours a week, he took the effort for himself, etc.  I know that I am not perfect either, but seeing a grown man like this breaks my heart day after day after day.  He is wonderful with our son though.  I would love to find a way to get that "fire" back again, but I know I won't be able to unless he makes a little more effort to just do SIMPLE things...and another problem is we NEVER have any help with our son - no time to get away, even just out for dinner, by ourselves.  It is just hard and any advice I will take.  Thank you for your advice...
To lose weight & keep it off, you need to change your lifestyle,
Check out sparkpeople.com. It's a great site for developing better eating habits, starting an exercise program, and becoming healthier (and losing weight!) Best of all, it's completely free.
You shouldn't have to carry dead weight.
Give her a clear outline of your expectations and say do this or I will have no choice but to find someone who will.
Every MT who is a professional is worth their weight in gold.

Lately, there has been a lot of grumbling on these boards about new versus older MT, less experience, more experience, this, that and the other.  The best and most accurate statement I have heard was from a hospital MT director when she told us (those who were students all of the way up to those who were there to retirement) that ALL of her medical transcriptionists, were worth their weight in GOLD.

Each step of the way most of us, or at least those who consider themselves professional,and who act in accordance of being a professional (Professional in my mind are those who remember patient care while striving for the line count, those who appreciate the importance of our job as we serve others, while we bring home the bacon) act as professionals and our nature will not change  When new we may appear eager and more flexible, but as we grow in the business and gain years of experience we as professionals must daily recognize the value of staying flexible while we are challenged with more difficult work than those less experienced. Just as diamonds in the rough smooth out and have a different kind of worth, so do new MTs and more experienced MTs have different worth. 

What is important is that together they both contribute to a diamond mine of great value to those who they serve (the MTSO, the hospital, finally and most importantly the patient).

I say that we boost each other up instead of putting each other down.  I say one bad apple does not spoil the bunch. And to the boss like mine I had and other MTSO owners who agree with that statement, I say keep your team's self-esteem growing by a thank you for a good job every now and then.  To the MT, please appreciate your boss and MTSO if they show you the respect you deserve and when times are tough and tempers flare realize that a difficult situation has not changed your professionalism or your value, and that tomorrow is another day. 

Bravo to the professionals who remember why they came to this career to begin with, what it was like,and appreciate young and old. Bravo to the supervisors and MTSOs who do not kick the legs out from under themselves by forgetting to appreciate and treat with respect the MTs who hold them up.

Merry Christmas to my friends here who have cheered me this holiday season.  I think no matter who you are or where you are at in your career, if you remember all your blessings when times are difficult or when they are fantastic, when you remain your professional "self", you will indeed continue to  shine in this New Year. Thanks for listening. Peace and prosperity this 2008!

And.:.......We do not have to exercise to lose weight and get in shape!..nm
Has anyone tried any of the cortisol weight loss products and if so which ones and do they work? nm