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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

We love the Wynn. We got free offers when they first opened but just the other day we got an offer f

Posted By: TravelerMT on 2007-05-30
In Reply to: I get mine for free too at Venetian and - me too

The Wynn is pure luxury.. We loved it and the buffet was excellent. Where do you live? We live close enough to drive there to many times a year haha.

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You know, I dont think people care anymore what MQ offers or doesnt offer, I think everyone is just

sick of all the confusion, dishonesty, sneakiness, etc. You never know what is around the corner so after this there will be something else no doubt. I think I and most other MQ MTs just want a company that they can respect and trust. MQ can offer this package and turn right around and change that. Leopards dont change their spots. It seems like they are intent on running this company into the ground and they are doing a good job of it. I dont see how they ever will stand up against the money they owe all of these hospitals. You still have to wonder what prompted them to send checks out to the DQS MTs for mistakes in calculation of lines. Give me a break. Maybe they are trying to settle lawsuits to get out of the MT business and focus on just technology. They sure dont know what they are doing with the MT side for sure. I think they felt they had everyone up against a brick wall but as accounts leave so will MTs or MTs will just move on to another business as the wages get lower and lower so then all the work can go to India. Older MTs will cut back or retire and younger ones will leave for something else when they see what they have to battle with the work left over from ASR or VR for the small amount of money not to mention EMRs coming quickly.

Only do Free offers - no cc needed!
Take a look at my blog again - even in free offers they are trying to sell you something, you simply say "No Thank you". Also, I included a couple of links that are how-to guides. E-mail me if you need more help or visit the forum. Best wishes!
Switch offers free trial so can see if it is what
Does anyone know of a site that offers Free dictation samples? n/m
Offer to do the work for free. You have not done something that has not been done before.
Stedman's offers 1/4ly now? Didn't know that. Love it anyway! nm
Offer a free trial for a few days
I think ShortHand and SmartType offer free trials. nm
Free Software Offer for Spellex - Happy MT Week!

Dear Medical Transcriptionists,

In honor of National Medical Transcription Week (May 14 - 20), Spellex Corporation has started another contest in addition to our Spelling Quiz.


Spellex Corporation will give away two free copies of Spellex AccuCount, our new line count program to two lucky MTs. Other participants will receive a 30% discount on selected Spellex products.


To win your free copy of Spellex AccuCount, simply be the 5th or 10th MT to download Spellex AccuCount and send us a review. 


Please visit www.spellex.com/downloads/select.asp?Version=accucount to download a trial version of Spellex AccuCount.


Once you have reviewed the program, please send your review to mtweek@spellex.com.  Please make specific references to the program in your review.


If you’re not the 5th or 10th reviewer, you can still save!  All medical transcriptionists who send us a review are eligible for a 30% discount on any Spellex single user product during National MT week.

Once again, congratulations to all Medical Transcriptionists for the important work you do!

Spellex Corporation


We're not a transcription service. We offer toll free call in dictation
service at rock bottom prices. I was only offering you an alternative without having to put out a lot of money by buying handheld units.
I use Abacus and love it. Free too! nm
I actually love that, it is like free lines! nm
try the MPCount one that is free!! I use it for my MTSO and just love it (sm)

Here is the link!



I love those long reports. I think of them as free money.

It's just straight transcribing with no stopping to verify patient or physician information to start a new note.  I'll trade you for 1 minute long dictations by a little Russian guy?

I do understand the frustration at the duplication of information.  Then again, the copy/paste feature works great at giving more lines for free with no typing.  LOL  I always thought that if I could find a way to simplify the medical record while still utilizing MTs, I'd be rich. 

Love my Abacus too! Awesome free program! nm
There is also a 30 day free trial and I absolutely love this expander!
I take MetaboLife, ephedra free. Love it, lots of energy. nm
Thanks.. we love Vegas..get our rooms free and now you can pay like $10 for 24-hour internet service
Gotta love it..  Have fun on your trips too..
Offer 1 week notice, but willing to offer 2 if they would be in a bind. Also, (sm)
make sure your resignation letter is written with class.  Never good to burn your bridges.
I just opened Word, opened the template and saved it as a Word template. nm
Well, that is out. I just opened a post sm
with no emoticon and it definitely went "wahoo".
Since been MT, my opened and opinion has
I got my BOS 3 years ago. Only opened it ONCE, and
So, imagine my apathy when the next BOS edition was being touted as 'the thing to have.' Yeah, right. I think we're all becoming wise to AAMT/AHDI's BS.

Stedman's - Thumbs up.
Internet - 2 thumbs way up!
BOS - 2 thumbs down.
i think it means the thread has been opened
or read over a certain number of times
Well...the move the Omen opened on 6/6/06....
And it was obviously done intentionally! ; )
I opened a savings account ...
and I put 30% of everything I earn in there. Then I can be sure of not spending the money and it is available for the quarterly payments.

If I didn't do that, I KNOW I would spend it and then having trouble coming up with the payment.
Same here. Haven't opened a book sm
in about two years. Things change too fast, and all is available online. The key is good online references.
I wondered that as soon as I opened it earlier, LOL.nm
Walmart opened up 15 stores in CHINA....nm
Was gonna post, then decided not to. Opened
my door, went outside to water my petunias. Went to turn on the water and uncoil the black hose, and there was A HUGE SNAKE COILED IN WITH THE HOSE!! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It did not move - it had a fly walking on its back, and I PRAISED THE LORD THAT IT WAS DEAD!! DEAD SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not as bad as a living snake. As I was going to poke it with a stick to fling it, my daughter screamed - ITS NOT DEAD!!!! ITS JUST SUN BATHING.  I looked and looked, and it sure looked dead. IT WAS NOT.................................. It was about 3 feet long, which will probably morph into 8 feet by the end of the week as I tell my tale!! It was HORRIBLE. I live in NJ, and moved to a new area a few years back. Never saw a snake, a tick, or a black widow spider in my LIFE. Now they are everywhere. I laughed at the posts to call animal control. If you live in an area with snakes and the like, they LAUGH at you. Believe me, I know. I actually called the POLICE when I found my first bonafide black widow spider guarding her nest. She ATTACKED US!! They are actually aggressive when by an egg sac. Turns out they are everywhere in this 1 section of NJ - brought in via immigrants, per the Health Dept. So, I feel your pain!!  I wouldn't kill them either. Killed a 2 foot rat about a year ago, and still feel bad. The thing lived under my fridge.  HORRIBLE. One night the thing ate a 12 pack of English Muffins. Anyhoooooooooooooooooooooooooo....I can relate!! My only advice - RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I opened your message to read it, I saw something that made me chuckle. SM
At the top of the page, there was an ad defining Alzheimer's disease (with an apostrophe) from alzheimersconcern.com. We're probably the only one's following this new guideline. I wonder how many people read these apostropheless terms we are now mandated to transcribe and actually do think we're nuts. Even if it is correct, and I do understand the reasoning behind leaving the apostrophe off, it still doesn't help our image any, at least in my opinion. Just a thought.
I just opened the post regarding Jen having an ugly nose and there was the OSi ad. No hunt here. I
the post about Jen's ugly nose lol

I guess they are enjoying their ad campaign on here though trying to drive the moderators nuts
Baking soda, opened and on its side, in every corner

No, they didn't. Just the tape covering that I had thrown out when I first opened them.. NM
My DH thought football shoud be postponed and all stadiums opened for evacuees.
Abacus is not free. It is $20 but worth it. You can download a trial version free which does not h
I have used this for years and have compared to Sylvan, Word, and MP Count, etc. When you have it set to count every character, bold, shift, tab, etc. It is great and always higher than the others. Now if you are wanting gross lines like in Word then no it won't be as high because Word counts blanks lines and Abacus counts a line only if there is a character on it. There is also two places to check for it to count the Headers/Footers. If you have the FREE version then it must be the trial or a very old version so you don't have all the features and functions.
Free? As in, free trial? Otherwise, I don't think you'll find a spellcheck software that's
Check out the free demo of MTStars FlashType. It's free for 7 days.
Then, if you like it, you can purchase it for $59.95.  See link below.
Yes, yes and yes!!! I had so many offers...

after I graduated that I was shocked!  The standard 2-year experience requirement was waived by every company I contacted. 

Yes, M-Tec is totally a self-paced, self-study program, but there is also incredible 1-on-1 instructor support.  The program is very comprehensive and definitely not easy but well worth every penny! 

If you want a career as an MT, you can't go wrong with M-TEC. 


CPL offers
are usually set in motion by what the MTSO is receiving in pay from the facility. As a small MTSO, I am very much restricted by what the facilities are willing to pay me as a vendor. It is an unfortunate circumstance, but it is a sign of the times. There are MTs willing to the work for 8 CPL, and if not, the Nationals outsource it overseas. I think that sums it up in a nutshell....It is a shame, but it is where the industry has gone of late. EMR, VR and outsourcing cutting into what a MTSO can get from the facilities for line rates. Sad but true....I hope you find what you're looking for.
I am not a CMT and I get job offers all of the
much unless you like having initials after your name.  It is not like you can put it on your reports.  XXX/xxx, CMT - can you?  So no one but the company you work for (who probably doesn't care) and you will know... nobody else.  Most CMTs complain they aren't compensated enough anyway, so who gives a hoot?  The only benefit I see is having initials after your name, which unless you are in this field, who knows what that means?  Sounds important, but to have to pay hundreds to test and then to fail only to have to pay hundreds to take it again?????  I'd think that one over and over and over and over... JMO.  A penny more a line???  Just seek out your own account and you'll make lots of extra pennies per line...  believe me!
It is only because no one offers that anymore
I don't think anyone offers PT MTs benefits - sm
at least I have NEVER heard of any. I don't think I have ever even heard of any PT job that had benefits. All you can do is start making phone calls to said companies and ask them. Good luck.
Just because someone offers their opinion,...
and it differs from another's, does not make it negative.  You didn't hear what you wanted to hear in my responses, but that does not mean I am being negative toward you.  I just think you need to do your own work.  Asking for help is one thing, and asking for a handout is entirely different.
You may not need all that MPWord offers.

I've looked at MP Word several times myself and it just more than I need, although in a different setting/situation, I may need all the options. If you have a choice and you have MS Word available to you, you will be fine. You should have an encryption method available to you; WinZip offers encryption with it's Pro version, about $50.

Just something else for you to consider.

When you take on too much work. Getting 2 PT job offers plus have FT with national (sm)

Two local doctors offering me 2-3 hours per day each, plus the FT (about 6 actual hours of typing a day) with a national. 

One doctor is orthopedic, the other vascular surgeon (H&Ps in office).  One is a mumbler, the other has a lisp.  The national job is radiology (fairly easy - would be faster if I could master IT, though).

What should I do?  Am afraid I will take on more than I can handle and at same time, refuse a job that I later will regret.  I need the money, needless to say.  Anyone ever face this? 

I wonder if the state where you live offers
In Georgia they do have this, and a person who is convicted of a felony and completes the sentence requirements then has their rights restored, such as voting and the ability to officially answer "No" when asked about a felony conviction. Supposedly the information would not be available to a potential employer and most others, though I believe some are still privy to the information.
Does anyone know if IT offers a trial period? sm

From the comments on this post and the post I placed yesterday, I am convinced I would like to try IT.  I hate to spend $189 though and not like it but I do not see on their web site where they offer a money back trial period.  Also, do you know if you download it and have it immediately or if it comes in the mail? Thanks to all who have offered their opinions, it really helps!

Whoa, are you blessed! You see offers out here for 6-8 cpl
For Iowa their 12 cpl is good. IHP usually offers...
11 cpl to contractors. If you're from Iowa IHP should be one you recognize, their statewide.

The local service in Waterloo, pays their MTs 6 cpl, ridiculous. Hospitals paying hourly are still around $9 hourly.

It's the midwest, for those others who don't know but cost of living is nothing near other areas of the country.

Personally, I work for a national on the east coast and make 10 cpl employee status, far better than anything I've seen in my home state.
Have 2 job offers, one pays 9 cents per 65...sm
character line and the other 11 cents per 85 character line.  I am not sure how to figure the difference so am not sure which might be the better offer line rate wise.  I would SO appreciate some help!