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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Virtual Enigma

Posted By: cartwheel on 2007-06-13
In Reply to: I'm not posting this to get yelled at!! - newbie

I agree that many in this industry have a lot to be angry about, but it is usually misdirected, and few are willing to contribute any constructive resolutions. Seems easy enough to pick on new people for some reason. Why? I would have to search deeper. Second to that, the virtual environment seems to evoke anger in people, and this REALLY puzzles me. Partially, the written word "can" be taken wrong because of the lack of tone of voice or of knowing the speaker. Why do people default to reading things from a negative viewpoint though? I say knowing that, people ought to become versed in behaving in the virtual world effectively, but instead it seems the Internet often provides a forum where people feel free to unleash what they would never say in person. It's really bizarre. Concluding, I do not think there is a huge population that thinks newbies are useless. I think the Internet draws a negative audience often, an outlet for the not-so-assertive, ergo, much nastiness. Big generalizations here. A few ideas, but I think the answer runs deep and is complex. Interesting question to ponder.

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Is or has anyone worked on the platform of virtual transcription?  I know it requires a different wavpedal than I currently have, but other than that I know nothing about it and have not been successful in finding out anything before I start.  Can anyone give me a heads up?

Virtual School

We have tried a few different ways.  My son who is currently in 5th grade was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism.  The public schools cannot seem to work with him.  We have done the traditional homeschooling route, which has its pros and cons.  There are several virtual schools around now, public schooling, but done at home by the parents, check out www.k12.com to see the options in the different states.  We attended one in Pennsylvania for 2 years and are going to be in the Florida one this year.  My son loves the curriculum.  Good luck!

Virtual vacation, anyone?

DH just took me to my favorite beach for a quick vacation.   It is Shell Island in NC (basically Wrightsville Beach, but the end at Mason Inlet)

We arrived at Shell Island resort and discovered our room was on the 9th (top) floor.  PERFECT!  The dogs were staying with the in-laws in nearby Wilmington, so no worries there.

The temperature on Thursday was 82 degrees.  The water was 81 degrees.   People were few.  We walked down to the inlet, where the surf is all disorganized with no crashing waves.  The water stays shallow for a long way out, only knee deep to waist deep.  I floated out there, often walking along on my hands, with the swirling water gently pushing me this way and that.   Seagulls called to us.  Pelicans did their gliding flight just inches above the water. 

After our ocean swim we got in the pool.  Then we laid out on the chaise lounge chairs to dry.  The ocean breeze gently buffeted us in a lazy fashion until we were nearly dry and went in.

We went back to the room and I sorted my shells out on a table on the deck.  Seagulls came by to try to entice me to throw food.  Now and then, pelicans in V formation would glide right by me, so close I could have reached out and touched the feathers of the nearest member. 

We went out to The Oceanic restaurant.  I had the Oceanic Platter with broiled fish, fabulous scallops, shrimp, and a crab cake that rivaled those in Baltimore.   It was all fabulous.

I had a fabulous time.   Vacations are good. 

Virtual assistant....sm please
Does anyone know anything about virtual assistants? I met someone and she said that she makes a lot of money doing this. I am looking to supplement my income, because I just can't support myself and my family off 0.08 cpl. I find that I am working way too much just to make ends meet. I have noticed that some virtual assistants are required to do transcription as well as other clerical duties. Can anyone help me with some info on this? Does anyone know how much they make, and if it is worth my time? Thanks.
Okay, what is a virtual line? nm
Use MS Virtual Machine
You can run XP on your vista machine using Microsoft Virtual PC. You can download it here:

and then follow the instructions very carefully, but it does work as long as you have the original installation CD for whatever other operating system, in your case XP Home, you need. I have not tested some of the proprietary transcription platforms on it yet, but it works well for my needs so far.
Virtual Private Network.
Virtual Line Count
The most commonly accepted format AFIK is counting total characters AND spaces, then dividing by 65. This creates a "virtual line count" with each line being 65 characters in length.
Oh, please. Tinks hides behind her virtual
water coolers and lobs virtual spit balls while hiding. A little different than a man in a suit having the hutzpah to say something. Not a good analogy. You admire her? Ha, must be lots of room to hide behind her and that water cooler. Bahahahahaha....yup, all offices need you guys, or life at work might just be pleasant!
I was told my virtual memory was low ..
Virtual Learning Center MT Course

Has anyone done this?  It looks good....but I need to know before I spend the money. 


I do virtual call center work and was having sm
trouble with people knocking and calling me interrupting my work. They were always asking for dumb things! (I'm single and this is our only income.)
The more time for homeschooling was a surprise!
We have been to the park more too. He is getting to bed by 8:30 (before it was Always after 10 no matter what I did) and I'm getting more sleep too.

Thank you for the help and advice. :)
In response to your query, a virtual line is

Virtual Line w/ Personal Ring - $3.00/mo.

Virtual Line With Personal Ring allows you to assign up to 3 directory numbers to the same equipment and telephone line.  Each number has a distinctive ring so you know which number is receiving a call. If 1of the numbers is being used, the other number(s) will appear busy to callers. If you subscribe to Call Waiting, each number has a distinctive call waiting tone to identify which number is receiving a call.

How about starting a virtual assistant business? (sm)

You could do all kinds of stuff (do a Google search under virtual assistant, there are some webpages that explain stuff).  U-Haul I believe also hires people to do phone customer service from home.  If you look on guru . com they have people who advertise for odd jobs and lots of them are virtual assistant kind of stuff.

Just some ideas.  You could also do daycare, pampered chef, that kind of stuff.  :)

Maybe you can create a virtual coin changer, so you just get the 'clink!' as feedback noise, i
virtual flashcards are fun...I used MemoryLifter to study medical prefixes, suffixes, etc.
You can download it for free.