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Posted By: Tj on 2006-10-03
In Reply to: Someone asked this recently and several - posters (sm)

I have a Hoover Fusion and just love it.  I have a long-hair cat and a 13-year-old and I cannot believe the sunction on this vacuum.  It comes with many attachments.  It is bagless and very easy to empty from the bottom.  I believe they have it at Walmart for around $139.00.  Highly recommend it.

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I recently bought the Eureka Boss, cannister, for $75 at Big Lots - what a bargain and I love it.
Where can I get this vacuum system? NM
vacuum cleaners -- value vs. cost?
Oreck?  Wal-Mart versions? what do you know from experience?
Great Vacuum Cleaner
Riccar Vacuum Cleaners are the only way to go. Very strong suction. Easy to use.
When we get them, now and then, I just vacuum them up....takes care of the problem. - nm
The Dyson...it's very expensive, but it's the best vacuum you'll ever own!
Need some good advice on a GREAT vacuum cleaner...sm
We vacuum at least twice daily because we bought carpet that tracks like you would not believe.  We bought a Eureka bagless vacuum cleaner about 4 months ago and it is the pits!  Does not pick up, you have to REALLY clean it every time...who knows what the real problem is...I would not mind paying good money for a GOOD vacuum cleaner that does not lose suction...Any ideas?
Any suggestions on a good Vacuum at a reasonable price?
I would love to have a Dyson but they are a little over my budget.  Thanks!
Vacuum it out or blow it out. I also would pick mine up and drop it from about
4 feet.  My boss at the time said she did the same thing.  
Can anywone recommend a good vacuum cleaner? My old one broke and has to be replaced. Thanks. NM
Vacuum the house a lot, garlic powder and brewer's yeast (not baking yeast) sm,,,
in all the dogs' food, and definitely give the little one a bath. You'll  need to comb the fleas and their dander and eggs out wtih a flea comb. My dogs used to love this. During flea season, I'd get on the floor and comb them after dinner every night. Have a bowl of soapy water handy (with the flea soap if possible) and dip the comb in the bowl when you start and especially after you find the fleas (and ticks!) on the comb to drown them. Residual soap will help keep them off the pooch. Fleas congregate at the base of the tail and in the groin area. Get puppy used to combing and he/she will come to love it as part of normal grooming. An herbal flea collar might help, too. The other dogs will need to be watched for fleas, too. Good luck!