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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: Dragonlady on 2006-05-02
In Reply to: VR question - Lu

It doesn't matter if you are working from tapes, or what because if you use VR to transcribe you are basically listening to what the dictator says, then redictating it into a VR program. I have been doing transcription this way for several years. I use Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical Suite because it is simply the best you can get when it comes to recognition and ease of use. Just as it is with typing a report, you can make macros and normals in Dragon that you activate by speaking an identifier rather than typing one. If you are working in Word, you can still use any Auto Text and Auto Correct entries you have in those since it is sometimes quicker to do a couple Keystrokes than dictate something. If you want to get your dictators on text-to-speech, you need them to spend about a half hour dictating into your Dragon program. Once they have done that, then there are things you can do to increase recognition, but re-recording from a tape, or anything for that matter, doesn't work. Dragon is made to work in Word. It may work in other platforms, but you might not be able to use all of its bells and whistles, so you need to be able work in Dragon them copy and paste. If you would like to know more, please E-mail me.

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