Use Windows Explorer, drag and drop. sm
Posted By: Diana on 2007-10-27
In Reply to: SAVING MY DATA - frace
OR you can copy specific files/directories from your main drive to your back up drive.
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- SAVING MY DATA - frace
Use Windows Explorer, drag and drop. sm - Diana
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Just drag and drop using Windows Explorer. No need for special software.
This is all stated assuming that you are using a Windows Operating System, XP or Vista. Put a blank CD into your CD drive, open Explorer, find the file(s) and/or folder(s) you want to put on the CD, left mouse click and drag them to the CD drive.
If she uses ftpsurfer she can just drag and drop
Are you saying the files are already in digital format and they are already on her PC? All she would have to do is open the file where they are at, minimize the window, click on ftpsurfer, click on your folder to open it, then drag and drop. So I would try another free FTP utility, like ftpsurfer.
If it is still sideways, try to grab one of the corners in a drag and drop fashion and see if you ca
Yes, you can do this from Windows Explorer. sm
Find the ShortHand folder on the main drive. Look for your dictionary names ending with the spf extension. You can copy those to a CD or flash drive or email them to yourself.
Use Windows Explorer. Are you using
WinXP? Click the setup.exe file.
Delete them in Windows Explorer. nm
Go to the "My Computer" icon or Windows Explorer (sm)
And click on the C: drive. Should be a folder named InstText. Inside that is a Glossary folder. Either copy the whole folder or go inside and copy the glossaries you want, then copy to your flash drive. Then install Instant Text to the new computer, attach the flash drive and copy the glossary files to C:/InstText on the new computer.
Win XP? Were you changing folder options in Windows Explorer? sm
Go back into Windows Explorer and look at the options on the general tab of folder options. I no longer have XP and don't remember the exact name of the option you need to clear the check, but you should be able to recognize it.
You don't need to export. Just double-click the glo file in Windows Explorer
don't send them thru ES -- find the actual file thru Windows Explorer on your computer. nm
Are you working in DOS or Windows? In Windows, it's Kilobytes.
They will have to drag me away...
kicking and screaming from my 5.1. I've been using it since it first came out and hoping to retire before losing it. I convert to Word before returning to client.
Open ES first, then drag them into box. nm
Grab it with your mouse and drag it over to where you want it.
Single right click, hold, drag.
Do you mean the one where you drag files or programs to the
start menu and right-click the shortcut to assign your shortcut keys?
It's all good. Doesn't Star look like a guy in drag?
Especially since she lost weight. So who cares about her husband's "orientation"? I'm not so sure about Star.
We used to cruise the main drag, race on the old highway, and
stop at the burger joints to see where the parties were. The kids don't get to do that any more because the cops bust them for loitering, curfew, etc. In fact, that's the first thing DH and I noticed about each other was our cars while cruising the drag. He had a red AMC Javelin and I had a red Dodge Coronet.
For goodness sake, if you're going to drag the Bible into it
you might read the part about man being created separately in God's image. In the Old Testament, there are distinctly different punishments for killing a man and killing a beast. Now, no doubt God loves animals and they will be in heaven, but I can assure you, God has not created man and animal on the same level.
It's your work flow that's such a drag, not you or your software. Wow! Sounds like an
Same thing here, only the crows peck all the bags open and drag it around. nm
You can drag options back from the tools customize dialog.
You can still do it through Explorer.
To select a group of consecutive files, left mouse click on the first file, hold down the shift key, scroll to the last file in the group you want to move and left mouse click on it. (The files in between will also be selected.) Continue to hold the left mouse button down but let go of the shift key. Drag the group to the CD drive.
To select several non-consecutive file, follow the above steps but instead of the shift key, use the Control key. This will select each file you click on separately. If you click on an incorrect file, simple click again and it will de-select that file.
Using a combination of the shift and control keys will perform allow you to select non-consecutive groups of files.
Internet Explorer
Thanks very much! I'll check that out.
I have Internet Explorer
I have never had a problem before like this with it. I just sent tech support an E-mail and I will see what they might say.
Yes, I did know that and sometimes that works better than Explorer.
It all depends on what you're more comfortable with. Glad that it worked out for you.
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer trouble
Has anyone ever had IE just poop out on them? I was able to log onto IE yesterday morning with no problems. Then, about 2 hours later I needed to go online and research a medication. I got the following error message: "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error. Program:CProgram FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information." I tried running TrojanHunter Guard, Ad-aware spyware detection, and even tried uninstalling and reinstalling IE but it won't let me do that. I've downloaded another browser called Opera which was recommended to me just so I can get online. Anybody else had this problem? Thanks for any help or advice.
Internet Explorer Trouble.
First see the following Link:
and then how to resolve it:
If you are using Internet Explorer (Microsoft) sm
Go up to the top and click on "Tools", then "Internet Options". Click "Clear History". That should do it.
If you set your history to only keep one or two days' worth of info, it will automatically clear itself.
It would be a good idea to click "clear files" on the same screen as well. You should also click "clear cookies", but that will delete all your passwords and saved information. However, some of those "cookies" can be harmful so you do need to clear them out once in a while.
Ok, try repairing your Internet Explorer.
Go to Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. Scroll down to Microsoft Internet Explorer, highlight it, hit the Add/Remove Button. A screen will pop up with three options, install, repair, or uninstall. Click the Repair radio button, hit OK, then reply Yes. After it's done restart your computer and try going to your website again.
If that doesn't work and you can't get it to work through the Mozilla browser either, let me know and I'll see what else I can think up. Also, update and run your virus and spyware scanners to be sure it's not a virus locking you out. If you need links to free ones, AVG is good for virus, and either Spybot Search and Destroy or AdAware are good for spyware. I think both are available at
Here's the link for Mozilla Firefox, which is supposedly a more secure browser than Internet Explorer anyway.
I have an Internet Explorer
all of a sudden when I type in an address in the address bar on IE and hit enter, it takes me to "organize favorites" and makes a new folder. Anyone know how to fix this or turn it off so that when I type in an address it will just to the web page I am looking for?
Thanks for any help!
The easiest answer would be use Explorer. sm
More information would be helpful. Is this an Olympus recorder? Is there software that came with the recorder that is needed in order to download?
As an example, my OMs download dictation to their computer using Microsoft Explorer (not Internet Explorer, IE).
More like 2 seconds, if using Internet Explorer
It would help if you were a little more specific about what the issues are that are making your frustrated.
"Cleaning your cache" and deleting cookies are very simple and easy ways to keep your computer free of adware and spyware, although you should have a firewall and run a good malware/adware program frequently.
See link below.
Internet explorer problems - sm
I have I/E 7 - and I get this error message:
I/E has encountered a problem and needs to close. My options are to debug, send, or don't send
Have tried to find help online, but nothing that I can understand so far
Is anyone else having the same problem and/or had the same problem and know what to do about it
Thank you
Intenet Explorer Problems
Sometime agao, I was having probelms with my Internet Explorer. I finally had to call a help desk. I don't know if this will help you or not, but these are the instructions i was given:
Turn off or unplug moden.
Turn off computer.
Wait about 3 minutes.
Turn on moden and wait under 3 lights are on solidly (cannot be flashing).
Reboot computer.
The lights on my moden are:
I hope this will work for you. If not, you should have a number to call a help desk.
If you have Internet Explorer, click on View, then
How do you find which version of Internet Explorer??
I can't find this information on my computer.. Where do I find it? THANKS!
Lost toolbar on Internet Explorer
Can anyone tell me how to restore the tool bar with the buttons such as home page, refresh, go back arrow, forward arrow? I know that there are other buttons on there but those are the few that I use most often and can remember. My guess is that something has been inadvertantly turned "off" but I don't know where to look for it.
A much better browser to use than Internet Explorer. You will love it!
MQ drop down box
Came with the new update @ 4:00 am yesterday, the one that had the system shut down for 2 hours. Gave plenty of notice and if you check the little box next time you go into DocQmanage, you can read all about the new and improved :)
I would drop by
I always pursue until they tell me that they have gone with someone else. I am not super aggressive I just let them know I am interested. But it does sometimes take a while to get an answer but it sure wouldn't hurt to drop a brochure by or at least mail one out. Whose grandson was screaming in the background? If it was your MIL that could have been a turn off but not sure. Anyway good luck, see if she will let you become the Public Relations and you start pursuing accounts.
Let's drop this
I have getting lots of email with SUPPORTIVE ANSWERS to my questions. The rest on this board are a bunch of hostile women too lazy to read what I wrote. I took early retirement because my children are defending a bunch of slackers ande users in Afghanistan and Iraq and there are three grandchildren to keep. I live a four hour round trip from the other grandma they are living with. I am not trying to cheat ANYONE you nasty. I was trying to find out HOW to become an IC and WHAT the best tax options were. Don't tell me YOUR sorry behind is paying unecessary taxes. It is PERFECTLY LEGAL TO HAVE THE TAX TAKEN OUT OF HIS PAY. Till I got sick and my children were deployed, I was the breadwinner in this family and I earned $60K a year. Then I had heart failure, diabetes and lost toes in my feet and I STILL worked. But I will not toss my grandchildren out. I am 62 and I HAVE to work but I cannot work full time. That bothers you? If it was immoral or illegal, then the government would not ALLOW you to work and collect social security at the same time, you fool. But they DO, but ONLY UP TO A CERTAIN AMOUNT. If you can't answer a simple question, stop bashing me. I am not doing a singlething immoral or illegal and I have had four offers already from THIS web site that are within my restrictions. If it was illegal, would they do it??? NOT!
Now drop it and leave me alone.
Why drop him?
You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. I don't quite understand. Once they dictate, then type it when you can. You can only be as consistent as they are, so if it takes longer to get it back to them, then so be it. If it is good income that you don't want to lose, I would stick it out.
Furthermore, you are making yourself look bad by complaining. If he comes across a colleague that may be looking for a transcriptionist, he may not recommend you due to your complaining. You want to keep a good reputation. JMO.
This is a very basic computer skill/concept. You copy files to another drive using Explorer.
There are very detailed instructions in the Help files that accompany Windows. You can read those for more information.
Basically, you open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer). Locate the files you want to copy, highlight and right mouse click. Choose Copy. Now, find the location where you want to copy these files (usually another drive like D: or H:, whereever the flash/jump/thumb drive is located) and paste the files there.
Drop dead.
perhaps you could drop your TC a
just to say hi, and welcome. She/he has many, many more people to get in touch with than you do, so why not make the first move? I'm not at all trying to be ugly, please don't take it that way, it's just, why not just send a message saying hi, and introducing yourself? Just a thought! Good luck with whatever you choose to do!!!
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
I guess you mean Transcription Coordinator -- what I called my new supervisor. I hear you, but I really don't see that as my responsiblity. MQ is so chaotic, I always get the impression they'd greatly prefer not to be bothered. I'm kinda way past that point with that. Thanks for the welcome anyhow.
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
I think you've misunderstood me. I agree completely with your most recent post, i.e. being left alone to do my job. Absolutely. I just don't think a courtesy note from a new supervisor is too much to ask. That's not breathing down my neck; IMO, that's courtesy, i.e. Here I am, I'm your new supervisor, here's how things may or may not change, just wanted to say hi and make proper notation of the fact that a change has taken place. WHATEVER.
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
Okay, now you're making me mad. You don't know me, and you have no right to lump me into a goup with "(my) fellow nut-case MTs" ...and you have the gall to say "nothing personal"? Freakish behavior? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Wow, I came on here looking for some support, and now I'm a freak and a nut case. No thanks! See y'all around!!!
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
Read your phrase: "your fellow nut-case MTs." It does not say "your fellow MTs, some of whom are nut cases."
Read your phrase: "freakish behavior en masse." It does not say "the freakish behavior of some MTs."
Both of these groupings include me. You are guilty of bad syntax and just plain rudeness. I consider these equally offensive. I most certainly did not fly off of any handle, nor did I (until now) TAKE TO WRITING IN CAPITAL LETTERS TO EXPRESS MY OPPOSITION TO YOUR POINT OF VIEW when a little careful wording would've rendered that unnecessary. I proved you point? You sure proved mine. GOODBYE.
no, we are only a drop in the bucket of MQ