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Ummm, nope. I never heard of it in all of NJ!

Posted By: But must be nice! LOL on 2006-05-31
In Reply to: My local store always takes them out. s/m - Californian


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Nope, I don't feel "LUCKY" to be treated like an imbicile by my company. Nope, No way.
The animals need to be hunted or they would overpopulate areas. It has to be done.
Ummm, sorry
This is the main board where everyting but MT related topics are discussed (haven't you noticed?). Good luck on getting a response. Try asking a dumb question...like, how many of you guys work while wearing pink rollers in your hair while wearing sky blue jammys...and you will get TONS of responses. Kinda odd isn't it?
Ummm, because the
*woman* called her husband's cell phone. His friend involved OPs husband in his nonsense. Husband shared this info with OP. She has ever right to have an opinion on this and consider it a situation she wants to watch closely.
"Do you give up your life to take care of an aging parent..." hello, what did your parents give up to take care of you.  If you're a parent, then you know first hand what they gave up...a whole heck of a lot! How selfish!
Of course it is the company who is to blame.

I was an MT for a long time before becoming a QA person and I know what it is like. But I also know that I did my research and only sent to QA when absolutely necessary.

The MTs that I am referring to are not brand new MTs. They are not mentees by any means. They are "seasoned" MTs who have been at the company as long as I have. That's where my problem lies.

I have no problem teaching MTs and showing them where to look - it's when they don't listen and don't look anything up that is the problem. That's all.
Ummm, I should know this one.
....but I don't. Let me think... I have Windows Defender, which I guess is for anti-spyware and any other unwanted software; I have real-time protection with that and it performs a full scan each night. I run the Windows Live OneCare regularly, but not constantly; I'm not really sure what all that scans for, but it seems to find a lot of things and fixes them. I have PC Tools Registry Mechanic, but that only finds faulty files (and usually a lot of them) and fixes them.
Now that I put it all down like this and started really looking, I realize I don't actually have any anti-virus software installed on my computer, but no viruses have been detected on the other scans, either.
I have been having "sluggish" problems for quite some time, which is why I started looking for programs and how I ended up with Defender, OneCare, and Registry Mechanic, none of which took care of the problem (or made it any worse).

Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Like I said, I'll start with the list of ideas posted previously and see where that takes me. Thanks again.
Ummm.... let me see if I have this right -
You stated, 'I'm working twice as hard for a quarter of the pay I used to get.'

And you're concerned about something 'not being fair to your employers?' Why? They certainly aren't being fair to YOU.
Well, er, ummm, I can't stay away. Let's just say that.
Ummm, I was siding with AMA.
Ummm......what's up with this .06 - 0.8 cents....
....per line for ICs?  Maybe to start as an employee.  But an IC?  What's up with THAT?  Are people falling for it?
Ummm...you need to talk to someone about this!
Why would anyone need this info? That is too strange. I would call a lawyer or another bank and find out about it. Did they SELL you the insurance or what?
Ummm...you know I would! Can I have the whole recipe?
Ummm, some MT's run their own businesses...

which was exactly the kind of advice she was asking for..

your life may be narrowed down to only MT but some of us do much, much more

Ummm, yeah!
Of course it is entered by doctors and nurses.  Yes, a lot of the information is not entered correctly.  I encounter this each day having access to EMR.  It does not surprise me.  No one seems to care. 
Ummm, forgot about him. Yummy again!
Ummm..Am I missing the significance of something here? So, they get 20 cpl? Is there something
Good for them - good for all of them. I've dabbled in UMDNJ dictators, and you couldn't pay me 30 cpl to do it! Yuck.
Ummm... How about 3 months! And love it!

Ummm, go to the Medquist board.
Not yet used concentration camps? Ummm...
::: Sound of me rustling through my kitchen drawers:::

Would you like that tinfoil hat in size medium or small? Extra small?


(I love Google desktop, too! If the government wants to spy on my wacky life of children and recipes and medical transcription and Arbonne business, they're welcome to do so, as long as they don't mind being bored to death...)
ummm...I still say it depends on a lot of things..and yes, how much do you and can you do. sm
I am a parent of three. But I have the opportunity to have a break by getting a babysitter when my husband and I would like to have an evening out. My in laws are never able to do that. They pay a private nurse 900.00 a week for in home care while they are at work. They can not afford to have her come so they can take a night off or attend a family function. My kids, as well as my sister in laws kids adore their grandpa and grandma, but never get to spend time with them because they are nursing and taking care of her mother. Everyone needs a break once in awhile and they dont get one. Taking care of an ill or aging parent takes a lot of energy, time, money, et cetera. I know that is what they did for you..but isnt that a little different? They chose to have children and take care of them. You did not chose to take care of an aging sick parent and spend the next 10 years or more staring out the window while life is passing you by. No I am not selfish. I am just looking at both points of view. Nursing homes are a great value...if you can find one that has qualified loving staff--just as if you were to use a daycar for your children. My mother has worked at a nursing home for 35 years now. She loves her job and often goes in on her time off to be with some of the residents. There is nothing wrong with nursing homes so that families may have a life.
Ummm...last I checked, WinAmp does not
ummm, the anonymous post below
gives her actual instructions. I tried them and they worked. Thanks!
Ummm, since MGMT's reply was so quick to try and nip this post in the bud, I'm not
exactly feeling real confident about asking them at this point. I had the feeling if it was something MGMT had wanted us to know, we would've received notification from them at the time it occurred, such as was done when other changes in mgmt happened. I had also thought that was one of the purposes for having an anonymous board such as this--to get straight answers without fear of reprisal.
Ummm, $98K, 30 hours a week. I believe that is what this poster is talking about. uh huh LOL. nm
Ummm...that's hemoglobin, not hemaglobin; platelets, not platlets (nm)

Ummm and you live in America? You need to set your sights a little higher than that hon
because I read in an economy mag that you are going to be paying close to 4.00 for a gallon of gasoline soon. You can't survive on 35,000 a year with prices like that. Milk will go up to 6.00 a gallon - everything will rise because it takes GAS to get the goods to us. Good luck.
Ummm 10.00 per month compared to earning 800.00. No not free, but might as well be. BUT look aroun
server software IS free BTW: I find my solution EXTREMELY simple!!
I spend a good deal of time tweaking the ones in there so ummm, may give it a shot lol
Ummm--read her post again, please--it don't say *keyboard* short cuts..it says *word* shortcuts
I don't even agree with what QA said, but they are QA. Question them, and your out the door.
I did that for a while, gave QA, my TC everyone my private email and then I got an email and phone call from my TC, no longer would I receive emails from them unless I did it through Imail..and now this new darn system..I dont need this drama in my life, for pete sake, Im just trying to make a paycheck, ya know??

not if being paid on production. Questions and blanks go straight to QA. But this could  depend on how much experience you have.

nope! nm

Did someone ask you what you think????? Nope!!!




I would just chalk it up to experience and move on. Actually, that is just what I did, or had to do. If I was counting on them to either pass my tests, or offer me a position, I would have starved to death long ago. I had even found THEM work with a small company that was looking for an MTSO to do some of their accounts. I was promised that since I found the positions for them, that I would be one of them to test for the jobs. NEVER happened. They gave the testing and the positions to three others. When I questioned them about it, they told me that they had not even gotten the accounts, even after I learned they had signed the contracts. Consider it a loss, and take it off next year's taxes. That is the only way you will get any compensation back, and a lesson learned. But frankly, I am still bitter. Even though I found some pretty good positions and am doing now what I love. Good Luck.
You would burn them up in no time. I would recommend unlimited services like Vonage or zerocents.com
I would do this if not verbatim

She is a 66-year-old white female, recently transferred to our practive with diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, who I refer, blah blah
Nope, not for you. sm
Sorry. I must have gotten the Florida thing wrong. I thought she also said she was going to Florida, so I'm sorry for having the wrong destination. And I wasn't trying to pick some sort of fight. I was merely posing another opinion/option. There's nothing wrong with not taking the kids on a BUSINESS trip. BTW, thanks for the all-caps on the BUSINESS thing. It didn't come off at all snotty. So, no, my response wasn't meant for you. Thanks for asking, though.
Gave up holidays years ago and have never regretted it.
you are mistaken here. type 0-9 in three lines in NotePad and save it as a file. You will see 30 bytes, not KBs.

Been there done that. The online classes are a joke and it is almost completely self study. Wish I had saved my money.
Nope, not to much to ask and we never should

have to!  That said, while I tried all the usuals, nothing got my kids attention as much as no clothes to wear, no clean glasses and their rooms smelling like something died in them. 

MOM, where's my jeans?  How should I know, I did'nt wear them, usually led to finding them on the floor under 3 feet of whatever.  They all got the same printed list of how to do's and now they do them well.


the company I'm involved with puts food on the table and pays my bills........I don't exactly call that "gotten to me".....

Sorry, but it's all hype, and potentially dangerous.  If you research it at medical sites, the phrase perforated colon is usually mentioned! 





Nope. You really don't get it, do you? sm
I don't think any amount of explaining is going to make you understand, either. The same thing that was MISSING when you posted seeking medical advice for what could have been an emergency is the same thing that is keeping you from understanding why people are annoyed every time you post anything. Go back. Start at your post and the content of it. Begin at square 1 and read your post and the responses, followed by more of your posts. I have little hope you'll ever get a clue about anything, considering your original post.