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Try the Vocational Rehab in your state

Posted By: diddles on 2006-02-11
In Reply to: Do MT companies have to provide for the visually impaired ? - At Home MT

You may qualify for their providing you special equipment to continue doing your work.  Their mission is to keep people gainfully employed, especially in the face of disabilities, and off government aid like SSD.  There is a well-known woman in the MT community who has had tremendous accomplisments with the assistance of Voc Rebab.

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Vocational training is fine, but as I said above...
not everybody is going to get a college degree.  As a side note, I don't know a single mature adult who is working at Burger King.
After I went to a 1-year MT course at a vocational school, it was so bad that I did the 2-year colle
Not only did I finally receive the proper training, but the woman on the advisory board hired and mentored me. I also joined the local AAMT and networked. Good luck. I know how frustrating it can be. A community college will have a good program to include medical language, MT courses taught by local MTSOs, business English, anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, etc.
Rehab is good. Might get a little boring to some
Rehab i
Rehab medicine will include PT, OT, sm
speech therapy, etc.
I think the Ortho and Rehab is the one I pick up the most as well.
I have a Stedman's Ortho & Rehab book too

I type strictly ortho reports and that book has helped tremendously!! They have other books for other specialties too. They are worth every penny! 



My most worn Stedman's is the Ortho & Rehab.
The binding is totally beat and I actually have pages starting to fall out...second to that would be the Cardiology and Pulmonary words.  Congratulations on your new gig!
Stedman's Orthopedic & Rehab Words, both on CD and book
With the CD, all you do is highlight the word and click on the icon.
I have Stedman's Ortho and Rehab Words electronic on
Get a Stedman's Ortho & Rehab word book, . . .
and you can check.  Put them into your word Expander correctly (capped or not), and you won't have to try to remember which tests are and aren't capped.  :)
Rehab is easy, some muscle names might get you at first but you will learn quick - sm
I first started on PT, good way to start when you are green. Loved it, simple and good lines.
Can't live w/o the Sted's Ortho&Rehab Words. Still use it often 12 years in! nm
Not the OP, but the Sted's Ortho & Rehab Words is invaluable and should cover
Sted's Ortho & Rehab Words and QLDB for the drugs by
Work for a company in a state that has no state income tax
I think there are 3 or 4 out there (Florida, Texas, and a few others.)  Then you really avoid the tax situation. 
My Sted's Ortho & Rehab Words book is the most worn out. Love it! nm
I've found this resource pretty useful for rehab work. Link inside.

Have this as one of my bookmarks - found this handy whilst handling rehab work. Hope this helps!


Stedman's Ortho and Rehab words. You'll keep researching screws & pins as long as you do
Name a state and put every company in that state under suspicion.

Tell what the first letter of the company is and every company with that initial will be suspect.  I would imagine that everyone who works for that company has received an inquiry from department of labor, so they would all be aware of it. 

Why do we persist in setting up companies to be torn down when there is no reason for it.  If a company is suspect, then give the name of the company, don't give big hints that cover at least 5 companies, 4 of which may be the best companies to work for, but fall into the category of an alphabetical letter, etc. 




Contact your local BBB in your state and in their state if different from yours.
Not mandatory, as you state it depends on your state - sm
or county. Where I am I do not need it; though if I was cutting grass or landscaping I would where I live, makes no sense to me as I am providing a service, but very happy I don't have to have one. We pay personal property tax here and I would have to list all my business related equipment and pay taxes on it every year I was in business. So until I am told otherwise by my county, I will not be getting a business license.
Gotta get the Stedman's Ortho & Rehab Words. Wheeless encylopedia is a good site to book
varies from state to state...nm
deluded are ye? state by state..sm




Some people just CHOOSE to live in DE NILE (DENIAL) and we all see you are ONE OF THOSE.

Some of us CHOOSE to go through life as a REALISTS! 




Things are different from state to state, but I think
you probably could, if you are actually "laid off."  You would have to get a letter from your surgeon regarding your temporary disability status and take to the unemployment office and to Medicaid....but you know how Medicaid works, 1.5 pennies over the income limit, you don't get it.  But, as I stated, laws differ from state to state, so you would have to inquire or go on their websites and see what they will approve and what they will not.
If not in your state, try filing in THEIR state. Then they
Each state has different laws. Where I live, if I have clients in the same state I live in, yes I ne
have clients from another state, no I do not need a license. Every state is different. I checked with my attorney and the State Business offices.
Lots of 'em, but use a Lab Words, Sted's Ortho/Rehab Words, & Tessier's Surgical Words most
The Sted's Ortho & Rehab Words is probably my most used book and then the Lab Words book. GL! nm
what state are you in. May be able to tell you nm

Again, I must state...

Why does any state take them in

"we have enough losers of their kind here already, i'm pissed"

WHY? Because your have competition???? As they say, it takes one to know one. 

Your just a very sad case if you ask me & probably would be the first to demand it all if it were you

Can you tell us what state they are in?
or the first letter of their name? TIA
state -


Did not want to state her as there are men who are MTs also.
What state are you in? Maybe we can help.

you state....
"serving his country" Our military over in Iraq is NOT serving the USA, sorry to speak. I support our soldiers and have several friends and my brother over there serving. But, I am not in support of the war itself or our president who put us there.

In reply to some of the other posts.......I also have friends who got a good education paid for due to their service in the military, so yes it is a reason for many to enlist. I would not encourage my own child to enlist, mostly due to fear that he or she would need to go to war one day and my love for them far outweighs my love for my country. And, I personally don't feel that war is the path God leads us in.....
All the ads do not state exactly what they want....sm
a lot of them do state looking for IC status but most certainly do want to dictate times working and weekends, been there and needless to say refused !!
maybe goes by state.
What state are you in?

I am in North Carolina, but the this is coming from Illinois.  It just sounds like a mess to me.  I know you can get incorporated online, but I would rather talk to an attorney first.  

Any info on proprietorship would be appreciated.  Sounds like more federal, state and county money.

I do all that you state above but I do know - sm
that many don't do this. I have 2 IC jobs, neither has a true QA dept. I am expected to proof my work by relistening, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, though I do always go over it quickly. My one manager complains a lot about how most of the MTs do not take the time or effort to look up doctor names, or to call her if they have trouble with a name. I have told her a million times it is because (1) they don't care, (2) they won't take the time since they are not getting paid for it. I generally limit myself to 5 minutes, then if I cannot find it I call her later on and she finds it for me and I fill in my blank. Yeah, it is a pain to do and cuts into my bottom line but I do turn in good work and they have no complaints as far as I am concerned anyway. Too many MTs think they are above the little stuff that counts, one more reason for hospitals to outsource to India. At my one IC job, we just got the work stopped from going to India overnight, which is great, now we have more work than we know what to do with and are working our butts off to keep in TAT, but at least we are the ones earning the money; so if I have to be a bit more dilagent in more work it is worth it, and I wish other (more) MTs felt the same.
What state was this in? How's the pay?
What state are you from? I live in Indiana
its different in every state nm
No...you would not be a resident of that state, so therefore, you still have to pay your state taxes. They usually dont care where you do the work as long as it gets done. I travel quite a bit and have my platform on both my desktop and laptop so that I can work wherever I am at the moment.
So, are you going to tell us the state???
Oh, my, again I will state
about the fact your program is not being trained. On the weekends I type mostly ESLs and if I did not have Escription I would pull my eyebrows out 1 by 1 (including the nails on my fingers). You should never have to retype like you are saying, never. Why are you using the so called "hot" keys? You do not have to do this, I don�t, had typed far too long straight to learn a new trick now and do great with the mouse alone. As I press my foot pedal once the actual dictation starts each word is encapsulated in a red box, always lets me know where I am. Get your mouse, give that a try (the companies are not going to fire you because of not using the hot keys) and see if that will alleviate some of the distaste you are having at this time. Wish I knew how to tell you about the sorry reports you are getting but your program is not learning, simple as that.
check out state
Maybe check out state or federal jobs.  That is how I started.  I was hired with absolutely no experience to work in a clinic for the state.  They then sent me to a local college at night and paid for my education.  MQ used to hire from transcription schools.  I dont know if they still do.  I think I read also where Encompass does.  I know Chronicle Transcripts used to as I worked there as lead transcriptionist and used to help train newbies.  Good luck!
State of the MT industry

Obviously, you work some place that pays very well and you might even have secure employment. If so, that's great.  Some of us worked for companies that were sold or sent all their work offshore and we had to take jobs where we could get them.  Don't be so quick to judge other peoples' choices.  It's true that in some companies, wages are lousy, but do you really think you'd be a fry cook at the clown's over working from a home office?  If you are earning great wages and have a good job, I sure hope you're able to help other MTs find something as good as what you've got.



Which state board?