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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Try cutting out soda and replace with

Posted By: wimt on 2006-03-17
In Reply to: I lost 70 lbs on Adkins... but - Kat

Green tea. I don't know if it will work but I cut out all diet pop this week and have been drinking diet green tea...Arizona brand, Lipton Citrus, and I've been making my own just with tea bags. I'm also 43, lost my dad in October, really depressed here in the Wisconsin winter, and a week ago I was at my highest nonpregnant weight. Well, let's see, actually I weighed about the same as I did at the end of my pregnancy with my first child back at age 21...and I gained 50 pounds during that pregnancy! So...not so good. I can't go all the way on induction again, but I have been watching my carbs this week, although I really believe that even without that, this green tea is helping curb my appetite. I used to sit here and grab a snack and always be munching on something all day long. I haven't been as hungry and have hardly been snacking during the day. I'm also not falling asleep in my chair at 2-3 every day. It might be a little change you could try and see if it works for you. One other thing I've done...I've actually gone outside and walked. I work all the time and never make time to exercise, but I was feeling at my wits end and very depressed at getting to that weight. So, on Sunday before anyone got up, I went outside and actually walked for nearly an hour..and it was 32 degrees, although sunny. I've done that 4 more times this past week, when weather has permitted, and I mentally feel better. I've lost 8 pounds this week with these little changes, but mentally feel much better and am just taking it one day at a time to keep it up.

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10% to 15% MTs are cutting pay cuts or thats how much they are cutting from everyone's pay?
Know any good companys that are hiring? LOL
So does diet soda.
Just kidding
baking powder or soda for height...nm
anybody remember grape nehi soda?
They don't make grape like that anymore.
Leftover chili, mango soda and coffe.
Baking Soda-make a paste with a little water. That's all I use. (nm)
Baking soda, opened and on its side, in every corner

Cherry coke from the soda fountain, mmmmm (nm)
Absolutely no alcohol. Coffee, water or diet soda.
If it isn't a real high traffic area, sprinkle baking soda on it, leave it overnight,
and vacuum it in the morning. Good luck!
If the cutting you take is - sm
woody (stiff and tree-like), then you really should dip the end in some rooting hormone and start it in dirt under a plastic bag until you see new growth. Woody cuttings are hard to start in water, and sometimes just rot. English Ivy has woody branches, unless you cut the very last inch or two off a branch, which may root in water. Hope this helps.
MT not cutting it
Most places allow a 90 day probationary period.  I would think half way thru that a new MT should be able to at least be fairly proficient with at least one work type and the easier dictators.  There has to be an equal upward progression in both speed and quality.  I have learned from experience though it's better to dismiss someone that you can tell just is not going to get it - no matter how much time you give them.
QA, pay not cutting it
I accidentally posted a (whinier) version of this to the Medquist board, oops. Sorry if anyone is seeing this as a double post.

I have a community college certification in medical transcription, but have only been able to find work as QA. I've been working QA for about 9 months and now do oncology exclusively - I had transcription work for a while, but then the account went over to an electronic system and that went out the window.

The pay I'm getting right now ($0.02 a line as an independent contractor) really isn't cutting it. I know I'm relatively new, but I just don't have 5-10 years to spend making this kind of money to get enough experience for a company that will pay me enough money to live on!

After losing the transcription work I had, I don't have much faith in transcription itself for a career. I think editing would be best, since presumably even doctors/hospitals utilizing an electronic program need someone to edit/proofread the reports generated. So, is it possible to find a QA position that pays adequately? Do salaried QA positons exist? What's the difference between QA and a transcription editor, if any, and how does one make that transition?

Should I just go back to school and become a coder instead?

I would also appreciate links to any QA/transcription Editor message boards.

I want to specify that I am grateful for my job. I like my supervisor and I greatly appreciate that someone gave me a chance. It's just that I can't live off it!

Thank you so much for any input.
I don't think cutting wages is against the law.
Not paying overtime for employees, inappropriate classification of statutory employees, etc., those items fall under DOL.

If cutting wages was a crime, then the airlines, factories, hospitals, virtually all businesses would be under "investigation" and in grave trouble.

What are you trying to accomplish with your post? Just put information out there about a company you won't name? Wanting advice? Truly, I don't understand what you are wanting in reply.

Cutting back.
My whole point in saying that some might need to reevaluate how they are living is that those complaining shouldn't be. Coming on these boards to complain about making money is quite disrespectful to those who are struggling to make half of what they make or are watching their family members struggle to survive because they don't have a job anymore. Does that make sense?
I understand that cutting back on
caffeine helps. If you work alone (as I do), try to use your speakers instead of headphones as much as you can.

Better no word than the company cutting you off before
Are you still cutting and pasting normals? I can't do
Cutting and pasting from Word....
...was grounds for immediate dismissal at one place I worked.  So what I did was put an icon for the clipboard on my Toolbar so it was easy to clear the clipboard after every report.  That way there was no danger of accidently cutting and pasting onto the wrong report.
Sounds like they are cutting wages.
They want us to type for free.
Medical institutions are going to feel it as well. They WILL be cutting
Single spaces when cutting and pasting.
I was told when we first went on that platform that even though it looks different when you cut and paste, when it prints out, it matches the other part of the report.  I was never able to verify that by printing it myself, but that's what my manager told me. 
An operation involves cutting, procedures do not.
editing/cutting/pasting charging

Would like to know what to charge a potential client that is using voice recog for their discharge summeries, but they want me to cut and paste it into the form on their system. 

Any suggests on how to charge for this since I will not be listening to the actual dictation and doing it.


thanx for any help


typing in MEditech and cutting and pasting - here's how I do it
When you are in Meditech, and it says something like - I can't remember what it asks, but it says something along the lines of Y/N RTF Editor or something like that - ... type yes, and it brings you into Word. Type your report, and then click on the RED X in the corner of your page and HIT YES. This will cross the report OVER INTO Meditech. Then proceed with finalizing your report the way you do.

Hope this helps
Exercise, cutting down on sugar, and Prozac helps me. nm
Could anyone recommend a good headset and where they got it. Mine keeps cutting out.
I have had a heck of a time finding a good set of ear phones.. Everytime I buy a pair they either break, cord isnt long enough or sound quality isnt good.. HELP...
Hey, it you arent cutting me a check, dont edit
As long as you are cutting and pasting inside DQS, its okay. Just don't try to paste from a Word
VR and ASR will never EVER replace MTs
I have done reports, in fact one just now, where the dictator jumped three or four different times from the hospital course to the diagnosis.  How is a voice rec machine going to pick this up and put it in the right format?  Also, the other day I had a doc that dictated a surgery on both the left and right foot....although in the diagnosis it was the right foot only. I get docs who are confuses as to gender of patient, says he...she...he...then she through the report.   And again, more than once a day, I get a doc who talks on the phone as loud as he is dictating.  Won't the machines pick this up?  What about period as opposed to the actual symbol period?  I don't care what you say, we will not be replaced!!!  Not possible.
Do a Replace.

Edit, Replace. Search for .(one space) and replace with .(two spaces) You can also write a macro to do this for you.

You may want to replace your

PS in example just replace Alt J with f3 if that is the you want to go
Why replace them?? Don't you know
i used to replace them
just as soon as a new edition came out. Now, am only updating my most used ones, which include the surgical book. i've been at this 30 yr, and do use the I/N for lots of research, but prefer the books, where i can make notes, highlight, etc. I find them more reliable and quick than the I/N in may circumstances.
EMR will replace some
some MTSO. Our local hospital here is using eRecord which allows the doctor to dictate into certain fields and requires in-house transcriptionist/secretary to go in and transcribe directly into EMR. However, at my old group of hospitals in prior state I lived the EMR we had incorporated DolbeySTAT into the EMR so it depends on the hospital
Looking to replace my headset.
I'd like to hear what everyone prefers for these.  I've tried all kinds but am not sure what I think are the "best."  I want good sound quality whether it's from my computer or C-phone and will be using them for both (unless I should have 2 different kinds).  At any rate, I'm curious what you all use or what you think are the absolute best.  Thanks.
You get what you pay for. If you're willing to replace in

2 years might be okay.  

Sounds to me like he wants you to help him replace you. sm
These doctors are so clueless! They have no idea how many times we save all of them every day from looking and/or sounding ridiculous. They have no clue concerning the many, many mistakes they make in their dictation or the great lengths we go to in order to get it right when they can't, don't, or won't. After years of making our lives miserable with their completely rude and thankless approach to their dictation, they now would have us help them send us to the soup lines. Don't help him replace our industry. They all need to find out just how much we do for them, and it seems reasonable that they should start by being victimized by their own careless and often unintelligible dictation. If he plans on using VR himself to produce these reports, then let him deal with the frustration of watching the VR platform just sit there because of its inability to decipher and record what he just ditated. Let him reap the mistakes that will glare back at him due to his lack of understanding of the language of his own business. Let him catch his own mistakes and fix them if he can and let the rest go through to his own embarrassment. He may even be one of the better dictators, but that still doesn't eliminate the fact that he would burn us all tomorrow along with our profession if he could. Don't help him. He needs the rude awakening I'm hoping he'll experience without you. If he plans to replace you with another company and wants your macros to help them do a better job for him as they offer him a lower rate while benefitting from your hard work, I say let them do their own hard work in creating their own macros while they sell themselves and the rest of us down the river by cutthroating the price.
not sure on this, but maybe just delete and replace nm
need to replace DAC phone

Hi all.  I need to replace my DAC phone and looking for recommendations.  I currently have two and both are on their last leg.  ONe is a DA-125 and the other is a DA-127.  I don't think I necessarily need the same exact one.  I just need to make sure it is good for VDI.

I have had the DA-127 worked on, but with time the issue is back and it is just plum worn out after almost 10 years of use.

Any suggestions are welcome.



you say ESL MTs have better quality and should replace US MTs?
Can you back up your claim? I do not believe for one second ESL MTs are better in qaulity than US-based MTs.

Have you had first-hand experience editing reports from ESL MTs?

Blaming the MT is almost ridiculous in my opinion. Blame the MTSOs and the managers for it is their responsibility to hire/train/mentor/teach and deliver ongoing support and supervision.

Blame the hospitals who demand we as MTs single-handedly carry the entire burden of quality all the while cutting nurses jobs (jobs that directly and adversely affect patient care), who got in bed with the devil (offshoring) to make their profits, who day in and day out come up with new ways to 'cheat' patients of care and make more money for themselves.

...and the MT is supposed to carry all the burden? we are not martyrs, we are working women most of which just trying to make a living on what are now becoming third-world wages thanks to every suit in this business that used to be more of a humanitarian effort rather than a cash cow.
does anyone know any natural way to replace estrogen?

I have to replace mine every 3 months or
so, but I use the cheapies, too. I found that the expensive ones got just as sticky and gummy and slowed me down, so in the long run, they cost me even more money because I would not replace them often enough.
How to replace letters on keyboard? (sm)

The letters on my keyboard get rubbed off within a couple of weeks of buying the darn things (just bought a new Microsoft ergonomic keyboard 2 weeks ago and already the A is half gone).  Is there anyway to buy replacement letters for these darn things?  Or do they make white sharpie markers?

I end up replacing the stupid keyboard at least yearly because after the letters are worn off, I find I wear grooves into the keys.  This is ridiculous.


Thanks in advance!

How to replace letters on keyboard
I have the same problem.  I have worn 11 of mine off and my keyboard is new too.  I am going to try that keyboard sticker idea.  Anything is worth a try.   My husband and son also use my keyboard from time to time and they fuss about those missing keys.  Thanks for the idea. I will try.  I do not use any lotion on my hands when I type.  They just do not make them like they used to.
How often do you replace your reference books, or (sm)
do you all strictly use medically acceptable internet sites for research now?  I've been using the internet a lot, but I'm thinking of getting a new Surgical Word Book.  Wondering if it is worth my $50 to do this.  Thoughts?  Thanks in advance.
How did they replace MTs that couldnt cut it as obviously some wont want the stress of it.
I've had GE for 35 years, getting ready to replace with
new GE as we are updating the kitchen.  
You can do a find and replace or even make a macro to

Crtl+F, in the find section enter a period and two spaces, in the replace section enter a period and one space.

Record this and make it a macro.