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This actually looks do-able. I haven't dieted since a teen. Hated obsessing about food.

Posted By: OP (NM) Thanks! on 2006-01-02
In Reply to: I am enclosing a link for anyone interested - chubby to skinny


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well, I am NOT obsessing over animal rights! sm
What exactly are you doing to make the world a better place? Discussing the killing of dogs in another country sure does help, yeah, uh huh...get over yourself
You are one paranoid woman (?), rather obsessing over cherrypicking.

Her post had not the slightest to do with cherrypicking, you have egg on your face, and you SHOULD apologize. Though I doubt you will, as you get to hide behind your anonymity.

Food stamps, WIC, food banks, churches, family...
There are many answers to that problem.

No one has the right to steal and writing a dishonorable check is stealing. It is called "theft of property".

My tax dollars support government programs to prevent people from going hungry and to provide for women, infants, and children. I make donations to food banks and churches, etc., for those who just need help as well.
Food for the staff and doctors, if you can afford it. Food is always a big hit in a doctor's off

One of the biggest perks I can remember when I worked in a doctor's office was when the drug reps or orthopedic equipment reps would cater lunch for the whole office just so they could meet with the docs.  The whole office would get so jazzed at the idea of free lunch.

If you can't afford to cater lunch, then I would do something like a muffin basket and bagels always go over well.  But food is your best bet.

Really???? I miss 'burgh food. Philly food is okay, but it
The food is resturant quality food and very good
I hated it also and am now doing MT again.
At least we can say we tried it and didn't like it. I love transcribing and will never do QA again! This, after transcribing for 25 years and QA for 5. Can't believe it took me 5 years to realize how much I hated it. I was miserable and am very happy now, again!

I can relate!
I have tried one and hated it sm
I finally gave up and went back to the regular flat one. HOWEVER, when I did, I found I was holding my hands differently than I had previously. I went to an ergo to help hand and wrist pain, but it really didn't do much. Adjusting how I hold my wrists, paying attention to other issues of ergonomics and retraining myself is what really helped enormously.

Been in the 3 worst professions for carpal tunnel and these are the only types of jobs I have held in my adult life. Carpal tunnel? Not me! The first local AAMT meeting I ever attended addressed issues related to hand position, chair height and other work station problems. That is probably why I am still comfortable working all these years later.
I hated it...
We used EditScript and I hated the platform so much that when I found out we were going back to it, I quit. That is the first time I've ever had a problem with a platform. I didn't mind the actual VR work or the typing...I just felt that there were too many things that had to checked, double checked, triple checked (location codes, WT codes, demographic settings, etc) and yet I wasn't getting paid to do any of that. Not to mention the spellcheck was a total waste of time.

Kind of off topic but the company I worked for paid 3.5 for VR and 7 for straight, but I was QA so it was easy for me to accumulate tons of lines daily...but I definitely wouldn't want to work like that as an MT.
Hated my first year
I really hated my first year of MT. I worked in an office, which was really great experience to be surrounded by other MTs who helped me learn, but I was always frustrated, my back and shoulders hurt getting used to sitting in place all day, and I wondered if I was ever going to be able to get up to a good speed and not have to look up 20 things in every report. After about a year I finally started getting in the groove of things and for the next few years tolerated it and then finally started enjoying it.
Favorite most hated dictators......
His reports are 15-20 minutes long.......and about 7 pages of dictation and about and hour of whistling to fill the caps when he is looking for information in the chart. To top it off.......he dictates in a monotone. My eardrums are killing me!
I did and hated every minute of it. I am now back to
SE and so much happier. I couldn't handle the sitting for eight scheduled hours every day. I like the flexibility of getting my required lines for the day and then typing more whenever I can. Fortunately, I didn't need the insurance benefits (my husband carries insurance) and I went back to SE after seven months of full time. I am sure there are people who love full-time, just not me. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. Have a great day!
3-1/2 weeks...though knew from day 1 I hated it.
I had it for a year and hated it and changed the day after my

contract was up.  Download speed is not dependable - it can be fast or as slow as dial-up.  Uploads are usually faster as they are usually are text files, which are much smaller than a voice file.   If you have trees that may have branches that will blow in front of the dish during windy weather you may lose service.  If it is raining hard of snowing hard you can and probably will lose service.   I had service with DirecWay and their customer service stinks.  

Can you get cable internet? 

we are hated all over the world today....
I'm with you, Peg. I hated EMDAT. I will never touch
Demographics weren't filled in and had to look up every doctor name/address, and sorry, but the spellcheck was horrid. Even with the "setup" the company gave me that was supposed to correct it, it was the worst I've ever seen. Please, Rosey, do not make such broad statements and expect everyone to love something merely because you do. A lot depends on how the company maintains their platform. Have you ever worked on any other platforms? EMDAT is one of the most cumbersome programs out there so I doubt you've had much experience with more sophisticated platforms.
She said she hated the laptop but was hesitant to get another. That is why I said wait.
DSG offered me 10 to start. BUT they are on DQS and I hated that, so left after sm
a few months! Good luck! Yes, you do deserve it.

I wish I had all boys!  How do you deal with a teenage girl who continues to lie about everything.  Sweet in your face one minute and the next thing you know it is all a lie.  It is so devastating every time it happens.  It breaks my heart.  We have even tried counseling.  This is a girl who has everything going for her.  She's beautiful, talented beautiful voice (college scholarships), athletic and top student.  She draws trashy boys like flies and tries to hide the relationship from us because she knows we will disapprove.  Daddy teaches at the same high school so it is hard on them both.  Him, because what she does reflects on him and the little respect he gets from his students and her, because I know it has to be hard having Daddy around all the time.  But she has not earned our trust.  There has been one incident after another for four years (She is a junior in high school).  Just when we begin to trust just a little, we find something else.  Last night while we were at a meeting, she had a "boyfriend" whom we do not approve of, come to our house.  How she got her little brother to keep quiet I don't know but I will find out.  (He is the worst secret keeper.) 

My husband and I are struggling financially to provide the things she needs to further her talent and school activities and functions.  The latest is giving up things we usually do for Christmas to buy her a used vehicle.  Now, after this latest stunt I can't justify it or trust her enough to let her get into to go anywhere.

Thanks for letting me vent.  Anyone have any advice?

teen problems
i could have written this post myself. at least we have seen the boyfriend, still do not like him. if you talk to any parent of teenage girls this post could have been written by anybody. wish i had all boys also.
To Tia on teen problems

I'm not sure why you think boys are easier.  I have both and they all try to pull the same stunts. 

Most are doing great but one in particular (a boy) could just as easily have been your daughter.  Lie, lie, lie and he acts like we have stupid written on our foreheads or were never teens. 

With the last "minor" accident, but the 4th one, the car is locked up tight and Lord, you'd think we were depriving him of food and water.  Thank God he has never hurt anyone or himself but when you already have restrictions, (no use of cell phone, no more than 1 kid and only a sibling in the car)...well...you just can't justify letting your girlfriend drive the car home because you were feeling "kinda dizzy"........He just does not get the drift of the need to call home for any reason that he can not handle, and especially if your "kinda dizzy" 56 miles from home when you were supposed to be right around the block...

He's sulking, trying to make our lives miserable, disrupting the rest of the household, but I've now put a chart up and for every act of defiance, whining etc, another week gets added to the lack of wheels... took him a couple of hours and 4 more weeks tacked on to realize I mean business. 

Christmas vacation is coming up and guess who will be w/o wheels during it 

You have to realize that your not her friend and the decisions you make now on your expectations and her inability to follow them needs to be cleared up.  Hang in there, they do eventually grow out of this stage...only to head into another one.

I have a teen son with acne, not bad and

not cystic.  We've been to the dermatologist twice without success.  He now uses a generic (Wal-Mart) version of Proactiv and it isn't 100%, but lots better.  Accutane can cause you to be suicidal and to me the risks just are too great versus any possible benefit. 

The blackheads can be handled with good hand washing, keep his hands off his face, washing his hair daily if it is oily like my son's, and washing his wash a couple of times a day.  The white heads could be handled with a soft puffing, like those disposable pads that are on the market.   There are antibiotics that might be helpful.  There are lots of OTC products that might be a little pricey, but I would exhaust every possible option before trying Accutane.   We have a local oral/maxillofacial surgeon that has a clinician in his office to help with skin problems and they sell products that are not prescription.  I can't remember the name, but do a goggle search for acne products. 


I worked as a teen..
and I think it's a good experience. My dad didn't want me to work, but I insisted because I wanted my own money.
Well, I never worked as a teen (more)
and I had next to no responsibilies, had a new car and a checking account that was always just magically filled with money. It was a huge disservice to me. No teen is going to turn down a life like that...they just don't know any better, but my life would have been much easier had I learned responsibility as a kid rather than struggling to do that as an adult.

My parents are wonderful people and did what they thought was best. I just wish they would have been a little "meaner."
Friend was there, hated it, payement & system issues, etc. I'd say No. nm
My kids hated organized sports and groups. They

are both social, happy kids, but enjoy spending their spare time with Lego's, pets and especially reading. My 5th grader reads at an 11th grade reading level and my freshman reads well beyond college level. Both enjoy school very much and are on the Challenge tracks, A's and B's. But I think they have learned how to entertain themselves and enjoy a slower pace because we don't have a T.V. Definitely gears down the speed of life.

I worked as a housekeeper as a teen.

It paid maybe $.20 more than minimum wage.  I think you can make more than that as an MT, don't you?  You just haven't found your fit yet.  If housekeeping is something you really want to do, go for it.  It was a really nasty job, though.  I'd rather do transcription at home than clean up after a bunch of slobs.  Oh, disgusting.  And the things people would leave behind in their rooms.

I did not work as a teen as my parents would not let me - sm
I did look for work though and tried to get work locally (i.e. walk or ride bike) but there was not much around us and the 2 positions I tried for I did not get unfortunately. My mom refused to drive me anywhere (driven out by my 2 older brothers so I suffered), I bummed rides everywhere or rode my bike, but my 3 best friends either had a car or had one available to them so I got around okay, but was not allowed to work (only 1 of my friends worked but that was only because her father had a business he ran out of the house). So I tried to earn money where I could but it was few are far between, dog sitting, cutting neighbor's grass on a regular basis for $10 a pop every 2 weeks, the odd babysitting job (not a lot of little kids where I lived at the time), think I made about $25 a month in the summer months. I wish they had let me work while I was in school. I did work after I graduated though, my summer job (warehouse/front office gopher where my mom worked) before college was my supply money for college, and I work a few PT jobs during school as well, probably $50 a week but it helped. But YES teenagers should be allowed to work as long as their grades are good. We plan to have our 2 work at King's Dominion once they are old enough (only 14 miles away) for summer jobs, I might too, who knows!
Unless he is being interviewed by another teen (probably not), shorts are NOT appropriate. What is
I'm not "afraid" of Halloween, but I was never into it, either, except when a pre-teen. Jus
I hired a neighborhood teen (sm)
I had my children at home, and hired a responsible neighborhood teenager. I worked part-time during the day with the sitter and then a couple of hours in the evenings when my husband got home. This was much cheaper than day care plus I got to take breaks and see my child and if my children skinned a knee or were really upset, I could take a break and take care ofYou need a backup in case the sitter is unavailable. It worked really well for me. Even better if you know another mom nearby with a child your chid could play with. Don't be fooled though - it is challenging and you will be tired, but was worth it to me :-)
I hated it - but if you do go ahead with it, I have the proprietary foot pedal you'll need that I
find a teen in your neighborhood to sit for a few hours (nm)
well, I am an adult with teen kids, so it's not too hard to

Help! Need teen halloween custome ideas?? anyone? nm


Forgot to mention - I am an 80s Teen - younger than you! nm
It's not a fad. You need her doc to refer you to a therapist for her. Took my teen years to get
My pre-teen Halloween story - happened about

There were always literally hundreds of kids out in our neighborhood on Halloween.  When I was about 12, I got a gray wig and messed up the hair, a rubber mask with a large nose and lots of wrinkles, wore an old long plaid robe tied at the waist and socks with open-toe bedroom slippers.  So here I am, messy gray hair, ugly face, robe and slippers and walked with a limp down the dark street.  Two men were waiting at the end of a driveway for their children.  Here I come, limping by and one man pokes the other one in the side and says, "Hey, Jim.  Is that your wife or mine?" 

I will remember that for as long as I live.

Hated it. The office politics, the dressing up, the back-stabbing. I do in 4 hours what I did in 8
at home.  That hospital environment with all those women backstabbing, worrying about how long other people took for breaks or lunch, who was in favor with the supervisor, who fit in with the cliques,  UGGGGGGHHHHH!   I can't believe I am saying this but MQ looks good compared to those days now that you got me to thinking.  (Not that good pay-wise/benefit-wise though)
For mom with teen girls, what type of dance classes sm
are appropriate for learning moves to try out for drill team?  my daughter is 14 and has never been in any dance classes.  i am puzzled by the jazz, hip/hop, etc. and have no clue where she needs to start.  she wants to try out for the drill team next year.  TIA!
Teen son is on this and has an increased appetite, so he's putting on the pounds while his outloo
Dog food
Try switching to a better dog food, such as Nutro. Also at her age she deserves all the best in life and I would even consider giving her a meal once a day of chicken and rice or beef and rice, very inexpensive also. The table scrap thing, although stated by the vets all these years, is a bunch of bunk in my opinion. Dogs like a varied diet just as humans. Just so long as it is whole natural foods, not processed. You would love you to death to give her this small pleasure at her age. Good luck.
I think it has less to do with food....
and more to do with activity.  I'm 45 and remember eating Ring Dings and chips and all kinds of junk food back when I was a kid.  Granted we hardly ever had fast food, but moms back then didn't exactly cook according to Weight Watchers.. We had spaghetti, meatloaf, fried chicken, all that good stuff.  However, what did we do in our spare time back then?  WE PLAYED OUSIDE!  We didn't have organized activities or play dates, we just went outside and played, all day long if we could.  I remember being dragged in at dusk because I didn't want to stop playing, riding bikes, skating, etc.  What are kids doing today?  Sitting on their rears watching movies and playing X-Box.  Maybe that has more to do with childhood obesity than diet.  Food for thought anyhow.
AMEN to the mexican food and margarita!
Baked beans - 1/2 cup is considered a serving and for the hash browns, 4 ounces would be considered a serving. You can add or substract from this to make it come out. Better to have a little bit left over than not enough at all. Good luck
I do like his food. nm
And what about pierogies?..lol..yes, Primanti Brothers makes a pretty tasty sandwhich. :)

..I meant for this post to go under the pittsburgh post..thanks.
I totally agree. Also, I just got an awesome recipe that is a dip for fruit. I would get a fruit tray and make this dip. I took it over for a July 4th cookout and it was a hit. It's best with strawberries. Anyway, the dip is one 8oz package of cream cheese, one 7oz jar of marshmallow cream and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. You can even add food color to it if you want to.
Food lol
I have some doctor friends/clients and once in a while I book a traveling coffee place for them. Then they can get coffee, hot chocolate and muffins or something that they can pick out.