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Thinking that may be...

Posted By: PAMT on 2006-07-18
In Reply to: U wouldn't associate with Paul McCartney? - Dude

one of the reasons his wife left. Not that I would hold it against him, obviously.   LOL!

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    Speaking of Kenny Chesney, is anyone thinking what I am thinking? see message
    When I hear the words, "annulment" and "fraud" in the same sentence, I can only think of one thing.  Anybody else thinking the same thing?
    LOL, that's exactly what I was thinking
    Let's try to focus on the original question, not debate the evils of daycare. I agree, many discussions on this board do end in negativity, but I thought this one was going pretty well until we hit the nerve about daycare.

    I think Kira has been given a lot of great information from a lot of different points of view. It's all food for thought.
    My thinking too - thus the OMG nm
    That's what I was thinking.
    It sounds like a case of misdirected anger here.  Grandma was probably waiting for the right moment instead of springing bad news on them the moment they came through the door.  Are you going to all have a yelling match late at night when your'e tired from your trip and all the kids are home?  Better to wait until they're at school and discuss it like rational adults.  How many times has the kid been arrested and suspended before now?  The kid is the one who was wrong by misbehaving in the first place.  If he's such a bad seed, why did he get left with Grandma anyway?  Everyone knows Grandparents aren't as good as enforcing rules as parents are.  All this communication and responsibility nonsense is control freak bunk.  The kid wouldn't have been arrested and suspended if you truly had honest and open communication.  Why was he arrested and suspended anyway?
    That's exactly what I was thinking
    I was just thinking. . . .sm

    I have a friend that was a Pug breeder. Unfortunately the "Pug couple" only had one litter as the female had major problems with her first and only litter.  She still has the male and female who are almost 10 years old and in good health.

    She "rescued" a "Puggle" (Pug/Beagle cross) a few months ago and that poor dog had the worst gas. STINK!  It was just awful.  She was feeding him Iams just like her older Pugs, but he would make everyone run outside.  We had him in the car one day and we were all ready to just bail.

    I'll have to ask her what she did to make the Puggle stop clearing out the neighborhood.

    I too have been thinking about it...sm
    I have not raised my price for five years and am seriously considering going up another penny maybe after the holidays.  I too pick up and deliver and we all know the cost of gas!  Anyway, I think I am due or overdue!!! 
    by that thinking
    We should all be speaking Native American, they were here first!
    Thinking outside the box (Where is this box?) and
    people calling eachother "DAWG" - how stupid is that.


    Anything that comes out of Paul Shaffer's mouth (that guy just irritates me).
    I was thinking the
    I was tought to type way back in the 10th grade. We learned right from the start not to look at the keys. Why do you need the letters to stay on?? I really don't understand it.
    Thinking about it.

    I have a BS that isn't that marketable (at least all of my A&P, Patho, etc.. were useful for this job) and am contemplating the same thing.

    I have thought about outpatient primary care nursing since I don't really want to work in an inpatient environment.  I originally wanted to get my BSN but got sidetracked and am thinking about going back through a BS to BSN program sometime in the future.

    My kids are 2,3 and 7 and while I know some people can do it, I think it would be really hard to go to RN school at this point in my life. Your child is older and it might be easier for you, but it will still be tough. You have to get to clinicals early and often stick around to get more information on your pt at the end. The night before your clinical, I have heard RN students have to do tons of prep work - you have to know your pt's medical condition inside and out and have all of your nursing diagnoses and care plans set up. 

    Its a lot of work but the career is very rewarding and the pay, despite all of the kvetching, is pretty darn decent. 

    If it is something YOU want to do, talk to an advisor.  Get the lowdown on it.  When I was in college the first time, the RN program had an information session for prospective students that included a Q and A with a current student.  But, make sure it is your goal - I let people convince me to go pre-med and within a semester I realized there was no way I wanted to be an MD.  Had I stuck to my desires instead of what someone else wanted for me and thought was a better choice, I might have been a pretty good nurse by now.

    Good luck. Lots of people do it. It is much harder than when you have no kids but people do it all of the time. 

    If the guy is really as bad as she has us thinking,
    and she could lose her current job and any future job. I am beginning to wonder if the site should start a "Support your local Jodi" page.
    I'm thinking about getting the DVD, too. sm

    I can't believe I didn't watch this show from the beginning.  I just really started watching it this season.  Now it's a must see show for me!

    I really don't know what he was thinking......I just think he is
    heartless and thought maybe he could leave the country and not have to come back or something??? I really don't know. I just think he put the gun back thinking he had cleaned it good and that no one would ever think to check that gun since noone knew it had been gone. As far as the computer, the porn looks bad if he is guilty but the fact is looking at porn doesn't make him guilty. On the other hand, if you take the computer then it does look like you are hiding something. He probably just didn't think about the computer....None of it makes sense to me either. I think he just killed her and then wasn't sure what to do.....
    Don't know what I was thinking...
    All of this is new to me. Forgive the stupid question.  I get how it works now.  Thanks.
    Yes, I was thinking that I would...
    need to gather some references, maybe a book or two. I have done some reports, but not a wide range. That is why I was hoping to get some imput from people who do psych on a regular basis.

    Any references, info would be greatly appreciated :)
    What are they thinking...?
    I have looked into it and, quite frankly, it looks absolutely ridiculous. All these outrageous rules, especialy when a man (who came up with the theory) decided a woman shouldn't make any noise while giving birth (but she can have all the drugs she wants) and some goofball decides for his wife that's the thing to do! Go figure.

    Exactly what I was thinking
    Taylor was already an established entertainer, maybe not hugely successful, but already had his on stage persona established. Elliott, for example, was undiscovered and uncharted territory. Ready to be molded. I have read on the AI message board that some people just "couldn't get past the teeth". Well, uh, I think he can afford to get some work done now if he so chooses. To me a talent show should be about undiscovered talent, someone who grows tremendously during the competition. Can ya tell I'm an E fan. LOL.
    I'm thinking it is because
    it is just as easy to chat here on the boards?
    i'm thinking you could
    but don't really know about laptops. I was just looking yesterday about replacing my KVC and saw lots of variations. Could probably get your answer from one of these on-line sites or just call a local 'puter guy and see.
    not sure about this, but when I was thinking-sm
    about doing this, I was told I would need a program that would *transfer* the video from the camera to the computer, and I believe it is Dazzle, or something like it...once that is done, you could use your editing program. but again....not sure, as I have not actually done it. This is just what I was told. Good luck.
    What was he thinking???!!!
    What a very painful thing to do to your son. He should have called you or atleast tried a more sensible approach (OTC products) to take care of the problem.

    Your family physician can refer your son to a podiatrist, but most PCP's treat plantar warts right in the office with a procedure known as cryotherapy (freeze method.) It is a quick, relatively painless (some temp. burning) method that works well. In the office I work at children and adults of all ages have this done without much complaint. I would check into it. Kudos for taking pictures of his sores on his foot and sending the documentation to your attorney. Every piece of documentation counts in a situation like this.
    I'm only 26 and thinking that already.
    It's a shame we spend so much of our time trying to make a living, with any job really. My son is 7 now, and it is really starting to hit me that I only have so much more time with him until he is off to college.
    That is what I was thinking that you could always
    do something different with it as well, but you can do that with the dental too, teaching, etc.

    I have read some nursing forums (there are not many I can find for the dental side) and have seen how they say they have to clock out after their 12 hours and do charts and could be working still 14-15 hours later because of the charts. That is why I am really leaning toward the dental hygienist program, but I just don't have many people that I have come across that can tell me more than the generic info I am finding on the internet.

    my way of thinking
    I do think of the first letter of each word when it comes to phrases ... but I have trouble remembering a lot of phrases, unless it's one that I've heard 10,000 times.

    And then come the was/were combination: The wound was irrigated ... The wounds were irrigated --- The first letter for each phrase is TWWI ... so, how do I differentiate between the two?

    And with IT, you're saying that you basically stare at the bottom of the screen?

    I was thinking at least $26.
    That's what I usually make once I'm familiar with the account. I'm in Missoula. :-)
    See, that's what I'm thinking.
    People start shouting about cherry picking when they have no idea what is going on with others. All you can worry about is yourself and figure what comes to you is luck of the draw. There are going to be waves of good dictators and bad, depending on who is in the hospital catching up on dictations. Some people just have to think they are getting cheated out of the good dictations is what it always sounds like to me. Nope, we are all getting crappy days and then better days.
    Well, I'm not even thinking
    HIPPA, I was just reading all this and remembered when I enrolled my kids in school, I was told they had to have that to make sure they were who you say they were and that you are the one that was supposed to have them! So, I was just wondering if that was true. Kind of too late now-they are both in school. What state do you live in, sm?
    Maybe in your thinking, but not everyone
    I've juggled both, and it worked well.  You are not the norm if you can't be a Mom and have an at-home business.  You must not have what it takes.  I am considered a professional and so should the OP.  Just because she has a baby does not give you the right to say she is giving this profession a bad name.  Shame on you.
    That's what I was thinking too.
    That's what I'm thinking. sm
    I'll be talking to them more this week, after they've talked it over amongst themselves.
    Just what I was thinking, lol.
    I am thinking
    that it I would almost be better off not accepting the insurance benefits, and going with my own insurance.  I was going to work for one national company.  Their monthly premium was not too bad (for just my husband and I), but they had a high deductible.  My husband is over 50 and he has gone with AARP, with a decent monthly premium but a high deductible ($3,000.00).   My in-house transcription department was terminated in August, with the company outsourcing the transcription.  I have had COBRA on myself since then.  It is a high monthly premium but I have the same deductible of ($800.00).  I will be 50 in March and I can go on AARP.  I know the deductible is high, and insurance will probably never kick in, but we have it if there is a biggie, if you know what I mean.  Just seeking opinions on this matter, because I am under enough stress in my life to have to worry about keeping insurance coverage if my production is down.  TIA
    That's just what I was thinking nm
    If you are thinking they are using another
    service for their work, then I would go to the office in person and request my equipment back. I worked for years for a physician that retired, doing letters only. After he retired the new physician said he would continue to use me, however they might send me a tape through the mail every 2 or 3 months. I don't complain, I just do it as it comes in and mail it back to them.
    Actually I have been thinking of that -
    stopping my check from going into the joint account or having it come via old fashioned paper check so I can deposit what I want, when I want as my husband is not a saver and that's an understatement. He can't save money to save his life. But, I have decided to take back the bill paying instead. I used to do it before I started working for beans at MQ and thought I'd like him give it another go. Obviously its not working. Can't complain though, overall he's a great guy. It's actually nice to know others deal with this same "not working" issue.
    Thinking about it too lately
    I'm not real sure what the pay is, probably about 8.00/hr or so, but I do know that when my sister worked there several years ago while in school, they gave employees a very generous discount, 25% if I recall correctly.
    lol That's what I was thinking too!
    They are only concerned with TAT and people who can work to keep it in check. Sounds to me like it would be better to work extra hours on days when you are not doing your fulltime job anyway. Many MTs work 7 days a week at their fulltime job.
    I was thinking about this and
    that a recruiter (otherwise known as sales person) would be rude to you. They are not very good at sales, I think. IMHO she should have kept her mouth shut, because if you did not work out for this position, perhaps you would come back in the future if she had what you wanted. To turn around and be rude to you is just plain bad business practice, she burned her own bridge, and did that do anything for her? No. The company she works with will find that she will eventually run out of candidates because of her acting like a child, and she will eventually will be out of a job only to go somewhere else and do the same thing. Sorry you had to go through this. But glad you found out now what kind of place this is if she is any reflection of the business practice there.
    I have been thinking about this for a while
    The first thing we need to do is understand the basics of union organization.  Some of us need to make appointments with local trade union organizers or BAs (business agents...every local has one), tell them our situation and seek their advice.  Then we need to set up a steering committee or planning board to meet regularly online, develop a mission statement, organization strategy, how to identify and handle legal issues, etc.  We will need to figure out how to modify their strategies to fit the online environment...though you never know, some of them may already have some experience there as well.  Just some ideas...
    I keep thinking
    maybe someone will steal my identity and pay off my debt!! :)
    I'm thinking she is a QA and the
    companies she has applied with all hire from within, why else would she care???
    No, but thinking of ...sm
    going to community college in the fall for networking.
    Thinking a little more...sm
    I hope you noticed the URL in my post above. I forgot to call attention to it.

    Now, I'm thinking (can't you smell the sawdust burning?). Maybe this actually does mean that there will be job opportunities here, or maybe even secondary business opportunities for someone to help get these systems into small clinics, train personnel, etc.

    I definitely need to burn another carload of sawdust on this one.
    Exactly what I have been thinking of doing!
    Or the shuttle bus driver from casino to airport. 
    I'm thinking

    that  they would have one devil of a time hiring a new LPN/MT combination.  A lot of people who 'can type' might apply for the MT job not knowing what it entails, and the resulting reports would be horrific.  But the LPN job requires a credential and getting somebody to replace you who can do both jobs would be difficult.

    I think I would begin looking for a new LPN job and meanwhile insist that my pay be increased to compensate for the extra work.  I also predict that no way will you be able to keep up with the MT work load during office hours.  And it is really unfair to be constantly interrupted when you get 'on a roll' transcribing.  I get in a 'zone' and interruptions really mess me up. 

    Any MT's out there thinking about

    I've got to get out of MT one way or another.  Only have 2 years of college, majoring in English.   What qualifications skill-wise are needed to do medical ultrasounds?  Would this suit an ex-MT well? 

    I'm 58, would have to keep working full-time and going to school just part-time, so it would take a while.  If I started now, I'd probably be in my early 60's when I got certified as a tech.  Can a more "mature" person do this job, or is it only for young people?  Any ideas what this kind of an education might cost?

    I'm also interested in court-reporting, but I'm concerned about working at it for years, and never achieving the speed required to become a CR.   Also, most CR's are independent contractors, I'd rather be a salaried employee.

    Any feedback?  

    Hi, I have been thinking about going through the M Tec program to become a MT.  So I am wondering if anyone has gone through the program?  Did you like it?  Were you able to get a job after you were done with the program?  I know that the economy is hard right now and I am wondering if that has affected your job as a MT?  Any help would be appreciated!!  Thanks!!
    Thanks for sharing that, cause that's what I'm thinking it must be. So
    if you had to type each and every report from "scratch", no normals, do you think 200 to 250 lph is a ballpark figure you would hit??
    You are too funny. I'm thinking about it.

    It would be absolutely fabulous with my pink carpeting.  Well, at least it would match.