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They're a small company in Texas. Would that be the one? nm

Posted By: wanderer on 2006-01-03
In Reply to: Global Transccription Network - mt15


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Was this company in Texas?
I worked for a Texas company who had 90% ESLs and not just Texans sm

It was EFD and OMGoodness!  They were the toughest reports in the world!  They were primarily Hispanic and the 3 American's who were not ESLs were Texans and might as well have been ESLs.

If it is EFD I am here to tell you, really great people when I was there, but the account was tough for me THEN.  I suspect that these days I would be fine. 

small company
You just keep your eyes open all the time. Keep looking. You will find them. Opportunity comes knocking at the strangest time if you just keep looking.
small company would not pay.
It is a medium-small company...
but isn't hiring at this time.  MTs tend to stay as they are treated with respect as well as paid well.  The pay is based on a 65-character line with spaces, an 11-word line or gross line, depending on the account.
Oh no... This is a small local company. nm
Small company in Ohio did that to me.
Had Indians working on something called Expresive. Wanted to pay me by the hour to put all my normals up on her FTP for the other MTs, then I got all the difficult OPs, asked to QA for 2 cpl, then stopped giving me acute care work & switched me to Rehab on a cumbersome Meditech program.
I'll bet it was the same small company that
nearly did me in as well. Do they come at you for compound modifiers?  Yikes! I felt the same way - just could not do anything right, decades of experience. I finally got thru the constant QA barrage, and now am glad I did. But I know the feeling. I left the job down the road, part time and just too many rules so that it messed up my other jobs!! I would get its the same small company - they have very high QA standards, which is great on one hand, but...I also knew that some of it was a tad ridiculous! I would be sick while working, and that is NOT good!
No, I work for a small company in AR
Do you work for a national and, if so, do you like it?
Just a very small private company. nm
I'm with a small local company....sm
so that doesn't help you, but I have heard good things about WildBlue, you might want to check out their website.
I make more than that as an employee for a small company ---
Maybe it is time to change to that?
look for a small local company in your area


I worked for a small company and although I did get paid by the line, I made way more than $16 an hour and could pretty much name my own hours to work. I did, however, have to pick up tapes!

I work for a small local company.
It seems that the smaller MTSOs pay better than the nationals. Maybe that would be a good avenue for you to try. I just think the low rates offered by the nationals are insulting.
Yes, small company wanted to charge me
$50. a month for 5 or 6 months to cover cost of software licensing fees. I would have taken the job if not for that major glitch.
Yes - I work for a small company in Iowa and
I've know the owner and it is a small company. He doesn't know the first
thing about MT, word processing programs, etc.   I have worked for the company through 3 owners and now I do prn work for him.  
How do you do 2000 a day? Do you work for a national or small company? nm


Even with a salary you're kind of a small business owner!
Even if you're paid a salary you are your own agent, so to speak. Why not hire a part-time helper and pay them a subcontractor rate. That's what a service owner does. You are no hero for not getting some help. MTs who have their own accounts have responsibility for 7 days a week coverage, but not all of us type 7 days a week. Put an ad in the job seekers board and pay someone to take up the overflow. You will burn out and not be able to work at all eventually. Good luck to you.
Unlimited Long Distance + C-phone, small company needs MT

I currently need an experienced MT (at least three years - actual medical typing) to cover a 2 doctor account.  Very simple dictation - SOAP note format.  This account is looking for another doctor, so that could add in.  Currently, very small amount of dictation - approximately 800-1300 lines total per week.  24 hour turn around. 

If you have a c-phone and have unlimited long distance, please send me your resume + 2 references for people you have actually typed for.  Start rate 8cpl (65 character).  This is an IC position.

I am the owner of a small transcription company in Virginia - have had stable accounts and great MT's for over 13 years.  THANK YOU!!!

My first job was a total cold call to small local company...got hired over the phone- sm
give it a shot. Look in your yellow pages or on-line white and yellow pages and see what you can come up with. MT Daily has a list by state of MT companies to with their contact info. Also test your butt off anywhere and everywhere on line, you will learn a lot during the process. I found it quite enlightening when I was doing it 3+ years ago. Good luck.
They're idiots. Look for a better company. sm
Assuming you work on production, you've gotta need to produce.

When I work, I give blanks to things I can't hear. I usually do a review of the blanks after I'm done with the report. I spend limited time researching, and then send it on. That's what QA is there for. They're paid by the hour (at least at my company), so they can dig.
I know what company you're talking about.
Congratulations and welcome aboard!!
A small national is a national company that is smaller
than a big national.  There are a few "big" nationals, where they have hundreds, if not thousands of employees.   I work for what I call a small national, only has about 30 employees.    An MTSO could also be considered a small national. 
I don't know if you're interested or not, but there's a company hiring
radiology MTs right now.  It's not a national.  Diagnostic Imaging  Fax your resume to 843-571-2963  I don't know anything about pay rates or location, but the job was delivered to my email box.  Work from home, flexible hours, pay by the line, full time openings.
You're right! I wouldn't work for a company that SM
expected me to surf all over the world just because some prima donna didn't want to be bothered with proper dictation.
Search thru the Company board. They're all bad! nm
oh my gosh, I know which company you're talking
about. That is the same one as our hospital. I'll be glad when they get canned! Which will be happening once the contract is up ... hopefully sooner!
Can we ask why you're leaving a company paying over 9.6 cpl? nm
misery loves company, and we're all with you!
I would be downhearted too. But if this is the company's norm, you might decide to cut your losses early. It may have been a rough day for the company in some way, but i would certainly expect more and better communication in the immediate future. Sure am curious who this outfit is.
as my kids would say, make like a duck, and let it roll off your back!
If you're testing for a company, set up isn't that important.
Maybe if they feel the company is unethical, they're trying to save others
small mentality usually means small pocketbook
Still make more than you and I but that is deserved. They've put the effort forward and educated themselves.


I think she is thinking of the one in Austin, I believe.  Don't remember when it was, but I do remember someone shooting at the students on campus, was it University of Texas?

Don't come to Texas either - UGH

Texas A&M
West Texas A&M but currently on scholarship to study in Japan for a year.
Texas weather
We haven't hit 100 yet, but i'm sure it is in the near future. Thank God I'm not in arizona!
TEXAS school
Does anybody know of a good MT school in Dallax, TX
Texas School
Stay away from the "trade" schools and business colleges - nothing but a waste of your or the governments money - I know, I worked for one. Try to find a community or junior college with an accredited program. The noncredit courses are also mostly a waste of your time and money - unless you already have some experience and are just wanting to brush up. Hope this helps.
TransTech in Texas does them. nm
lived in Texas too
I posted to you about where to look. We also lived in Dallas and they are overpriced too.  You don't pay a state income tax in Florida, but there are a lot of hidden sales taxes and such.    The problem with living on the water is you can't get insurance and if you find it, it's extremely high.  We left Florida and went to Biloxi, Mississippi and it was about half the cost of Florida and we were 1 block from the beach. We had planned to go back but it will take a few years to be rebuilt. In the meantime, heading to TN as they do not have a state income tax, a vehicle tax, and the property taxes are much much less.
22-years-old, Texas.
Pecos, Texas
is where I was born...a hot dry dusty place.  Lived around Ft.Worth area growing up, then got married and raised a family around Cleburne, TX....I currently live in Arkansas, where it is beautiful and the people are more friendly.  I have 20 acres in the woods, so could not be in a better place for me.  I have my two dogs, three cats and together we are a pack, with me as the leader of course, ha ha.  Kids have grown and left home, are both in their 20's.  Gotta get back to work.  Living out here is the perfect place to work from home, but I cannot just work all day in a nightgown, have to get dressed except for shoes (like to use footpedal barefooted) to get in a mindset of "going to work".
Hope this is not a doc in Texas. sm
I had a podiatry doc that did this and it was not worth doing as he only wanted to pay 3.50 per page but the margins were 0.25 on each side, 9 size font, and 0.25 top and bottom margin. Awful, awful, awful!
Texas Tech
Nope--I'm in Texas
Live in Texas....
I'm on balanced billing since I like to know exactly what my bill will be every month. It is $238/month year round. We have a family of 4 and keep the house at 75 all the time with all the fans running as well. My DH would like to keep it cooler, but that is cool enough for me!

Stay away from the D/FW area and Houston - too much traffic and illegals.  Drugs, gangs, etc.  Try to find a small town or country setting.  It is HOT and the concrete of the cities just increases that heat.  Also the pollution in these areas is bad so if you have any type of lung or breathing problems - stay away.  However, if you do not mind sitting in traffic for an hour to get to a job 10 miles away - then you should move to a big city.  If you are planning to work from home, remember that internet is not available everywhere in Texas.  Personally, I wouldn't move to Texas - I would choose SC or FL - much better options.



Is it the Texas heat?

I think we may have worked for the same lady!  She never had the AC on in her office except for a unit in the room with the phone equipment to keep it cool, so my husband used to say that it must be the heat frying her brain cells.  If it isn't the same lady, it's a real clone.  I don't work for her anymore, either!



Actually, in Texas the employer must have
if they do have such policy, they must follow it.

I checked. :)