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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

There are probably at least a dozen jobs a week

Posted By: Check out the job boards on 2005-08-23
In Reply to: Need advice - Kim

posted for companies looking for people to work at home.  Pay may not be as good as it is usually production-based.  There are pros and cons, just like any situation.   With gas prices the way they are now being able to work at home is a plus, but working at home isn't stress-free either.   Lots of companies hire part-time and you could take a position for a month or two and try it to see how it will work for you before you decide to quit the other job. 

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I currently work 70 hours a week and three jobs...
so it is physically possible to work that many hours. I am going down to 50 hours a week in two weeks, but you do what you have to do.
Been interviewing for jobs this week, today a company
confirmed what we have been saying all along, they send the good dictation overseas and leave the crap for us.  
At 53 working 2 jobs 80 hours a week is impossible. I tried it, it does not work!! (sm)
I have been at this business 30+ years and at one point worked 3 jobs and 2 were for hospital contracts with taxes taken out and the other IC. It gives you no life. My suggestion, if you need the extra $$ work your 40 during the week, then 1 or 2 nights 2 hours and then Sat/Sun 16 hours which would give you 20 hours. That is more than enough and will give you a chance to see if you want to make a job change. Have tried the 2 FT 80 hours and almost had a seizure over it. Remember if your not physically well you cannot do it all!
Six of one/half dozen of the other
I have had both over the years (have bought my own insurance since 1989).  Neither gave me any grief.  Blue Cross was eventually cheaper for me than Mutual of Omaha.  The downside to Blue Cross is that if you move out of the area where you bought Blue Cross, say you have Blue Cross of Illinois and want to move to Georgia, you cannot take Blue Cross of Illinois with you, and just because Blue Cross of Illinois accepted you does not mean that the Blue Cross plan in Georgia will accept you when you apply.  With Mutual of Omaha, you would not have this problem.
printed for my dozen coworkers! LOVIT!! -nm-
MTSOs are a dime a dozen, but your kids are not. - sm
I'd have no problem at all postponing the training time with THEM, since they had already done it to ME! The kids are only kids for so long, and I think it would be more important to honor a promise made to them for swimming night, than to be further strung along by the company. The people at your new job are perfect examples of what happens if people grow up not learning to honor their promises & commitments. So in your same shoes, I'd keep my promise to the kids, which will help them to learn to keep theirs, as well. And I'd tell the MTSO what time is convenient for ME to have them train me. They deserve nothing more until they've earned it.
I work 7 days a week because I work 3 jobs.
Workaholic here who would seek counseling if I had the time. hahaha
I have not found one yet. Tried a dozen of them - nothing really works well or lasts long. nm
Go down this page a few dozen posts to where you posted this before. There are a few replies
Yes, I bought a dozen or so awhile back and over half did that....sm
I have always used Maxell but that batch was really bad.   I was wondering if they had been on the shelf too long.   I went ahead and bought 12 more (different place) and so far these have been OK. 
Is there engineer week? Astronaut week? Veterinarian week?
Absolutely - woke up this morning to a dozen of long stem red roses, box of candy and cards from my
Beautiful day! Everything was sitting out on my dining room table for me when I woke up. Hubby had already left for work and teens getting ready for school. Plus, my coffee was already made and bagel in the toaster for me.

I am blessed!
Typically this week is a slow week in lots of places

because it is a big vacation week.  Typically things slow dow a bit in the summer too because people are putting off elective surgery, but at the same time lots of people going on vacation so it should balance out.   



Lowest runs $900 week, highest $1400 week (sm)
Get paid 12 CPL. Been doing transcription for about 12 years.
supposed to be, after people lose their jobs, they are forced to take part-time, lower-paying jobs..
with little to no benefits. service jobs. where are you going to work in a few years, when Medical Transcription is replaced by technology? McDonald's, Walmart? you really going to like that?
Several jobs on Monster & CareerBuilder for inhouse office jobs down there through an
I did 3 jobs for a while about 3 years ago, you burn out quick, I was doing 3 MT jobs though...after
10 months I cut down to 2 as I don't like to have all my eggs in one basket.  But I am considering going down to 1 in September for my sanity, its a good steady job so financally it should not be an issue.  I have 2 right but have not worked the 1 in about 3 weeks due to some problems at their end, supposed to learn a VA account but not sure if I want to pursue it right now or not, they are waiting to hear from me at this point. I still have a lot going on with chemo, etc. so am mulling things over.  But if you have a full-time day job, then I would just go with 1 part-time MT job at night, unless 1 is during the week, and the other weekends only, then of course you will be working 7 days a week, very tiring I know.  I have been working 7 days a week for 3 years now but I do slack off now and then of course to recharge and get sleep etc. But burnout happens fast and I doubt you want to lose your day job so be careful. Good luck.
I work 6 days a week every other week

Due to my company's payroll (it runs Sun-Sat), I'm able to work a rotating schedule with every other weekend off. Week 1 I work Sunday through Thursday with Fri, Sat, Sun off.  Week 2 I work Monday through Friday with Saturday only off.  Then I'm back to week 1 and get that following weekend off.

I've found that I'm more productive with shorter shifts and I have kids in school anyway, so I work a lot of split shifts during the week.  If possible, you might want to consider cutting back your hours to 30 hours and just work five 6-hour days in split shifts, 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening. 

Two jobs very common, 3 jobs not unheard of.
Yup! Not only short jobs, but also jobs from
extremely difficult dictators, bad sound files, jobs that need lots of ADT info added, and anything else that is not "easy" to do. I also questioned them about this and was told the same - they do not allow cherrypicking. Definitely not true!
I have no AC. Will be in 90s again her in WI next week...

Ugh. Ugh. Worst part is my little kids. And, everything feeling sticky. I hate that.

*send me cool breezes* LOL!

Maybe twice a week. That is enough for me. nm
$60 a week ($12 a day) nm
Did see that one, but saw one last week where...
this anti child predator group posed as young teenagers on the internet and lured men to a house where  NBC cameras were set up.  In 3 days about 20 men showed up to have sex with 12/13/14 yo boys and girls.  What was shocking was that not all of them were non-functional anti-social types.  Many of them were professionals including a TEACHER, rabbi, ER doctor, etc.  You should have seen their reaction when they realized they were speaking with NBC  Primtime and their faces were going to be showcased on national TV.  Needless to say, the  professional men's lives  have been ruined.  It is scary to  think there are so many seemingly trustworthy men who would show up to have sex with a child.  VERY SCARY.  Lesson for parents.  Don't allow you children to use chat rooms PERIOD!
I wish I saw this last week sm
I just ordered a bunch, but I'll keep track of your web sites and check them out. Thanks for the tip.
She already said 50 hrs per week and
That means she's making around $25 an hour, which is about right for an experienced MT with their own accounts and lots of shortcuts, templates, and expanders. Working for a company and working for self are two completely different ballgames. If you work for a company, then the person you are working for is making 3-4 cpl (at least) more than you are in order to pay you what you make and still earn a profit to run the business. If you work for yourself, then you set the rates based on what you need to make to earn a living. I would say a good average CPL rate for MTs with their own accounts is probably 12-13 cpl so you can do the math. If an MT is working for self making 12 cpl, in order to earn $25 an hour, they'd need to produce 208 lines. Not exactly unrealistic for anyone with experience and expanders, etc.

Sorry if you all aren't making that kind of money, but it can be made if you are good at what you do and you utilize production aids and don't settle for measly 6-cpl jobs.
my first week on my own
Wow.  I started with two companies at once which was dumb, but on is limited and pays better.  Only thing is their software is the most unuser friendly thing and I can't seem to understand.  I have to download the voice files from their site, transfer that name -DSS onto the text name, type the reports in Word and transfer them over too.  It's ridiculous.  Then I started with Infomatics which seems like a sweat shop.  If i made $75 all week, it's a lot.  They finally sent me a food pedal, and would you believe it was defective?  I've used either hot keys or the screen on the monitor. Takes 4 hours to do a 20 minute job, no joke.  They are like a sweatshop.  Got offer from Ameriscribe but don't want to work weekends.  I ran my own service, apparently from the stone age, and this is really a hard transition.  The typing is easy if I had a footpedal and with the other company could understand their stupid, stupid software!  HELP!
I had one the other week who...
kept slamming the receiver down on a hard surface while she paged through the chart.  And then when she picked it up again, she started speaking before she had it close to her mouth, so I lost a lot of what she was saying.  What a pain!
By the way, I was going 2 x a week at first, then 1 x a week and - sm
as I said now once every 2 weeks. As mentioned below avoid those that want to see you every day (I did that once years ago....bill was $600 after 3 days...needless to say I argued the bill and got it knocked down to about $200 and never went back) or use weird gadgets, etc. There are good ones out there.
This is the second week that

I didn't enjoy the show.  They all seemed nervous or off.  Kelly's twang is getting on my nerves. She reminds me of Ellie May from the Beverly Hillbillies.  Is there anyone else out there that thinks Kenny Rogers looks like Merv Griffin? His plastic surgery certainly is subtle.   

I am going to do it once a week. (sm)
I'm so excited. I may finally be blackhead free. I was just about to buy some expensive stuff. This cost me a whole doll-hair!!!!
mt week
is MT week next week?? thanks
What do you think this week?

And again Taylor and Elliot take the cake in my book.  I thought Katherine did poorly again.  She should have thanked her lucky stars that she didn't get sent home last week and picked up the pace, but obviously she didn't.  Chris was just okay in my opinion.  He is actually boring me lately.  I used to think he was great.  Still think he has talent, just not entertaining anymore. 



MT Week.......................nm
MT week
Thanks a bunch for the good wishes! It means a lot to all of us.
MT Week
Happy MT Week to All!
mt week
nothing so far, i did send an email to the group. 
MT week, that is
MT Week
Yeah.  I never ever win anything.  That just made my day.
MT week

I took my I/C's out to a nice lunch, gave them a raise and am taking myself to Vegas on Monday for three days. 


MT Week
Yes, my company made a donation in all our names to breast cancer research. I think that is a very wonderful thing to do. I was touched and pleased.
OMG, you are going the same week I am!
with a 3-1/2-yo. Caravelle is great, too, but Compass Cove has better pools and a couple of lazy rivers, one that's indoor for rainy days. Plus they are cheaper, too. They have a kids pool with a submarine that the kids can climb around in and water buckets that tip over and pour water on them, etc. Very cool and my kids love it! They are 6 and 12, and even my 12-yo has fun with the dumping buckets. You should email me and I can tell you more about both places, but Compass Cove is the best all-around deal. We are going the exact same week so maybe we can even meet and say hello!!

Oh, and yes, they have a really good buffet breakfast that's included in the package deal. In fact, if a place doesn't offer that, it's a dealbreaker for us now! LOL!

If you're interested in email about this, I'd love to chat with you more about it. :) I think I'm set up so you can email me but if not, let me know and I'll try to change it, or I can email you. :)
WOW! I cannot believe we are going the same week...lol

There is not a link on their to email you...I get a little confused with how to do it too...lol....Where are you from? I am from WV....It is about an 8 hour trip for us but I cannot wait...We used to go 1-2 times EVERY year but for the pasted few years have slowed down - last year we did not even get to go....We usually stay at Sandcastle South - I usually go with my family...It is okay -kinda plain in decorations..and too expensive for what they have to offer I think...My family loves it though...So since we are going just our family I am going to where I want to go....lol...

I will try to add my email on here so feel free to email me...and yeah, maybe we can meet...that would be neat! 

very bad week

One of my favorite neighbors was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and will be lucky if he is here in three weeks.  His gallbladder and pancreas are gone as well as 2/3 of the liver and so he unable to eat anything.  But he says that he is in no pain.   They were treating him for ulcers for the past six months.   My 15 year old doggie was diagnosed with a cancerous growth on her neck/jaw and if I don't have it removed she won't be able to eat in a month or so and with removal the doc thinks that I will have a year or so since she is still in good shape and this type of cancer does not metastasize.   So it has been a down week for me but all you can do is to put one foot in front of the other and keep trucking. 

MT Week
I see where you got the impression that Diskriter gave out AMEX - that was donated to MT Stars as a giveaway.
MT Week

Funny thing is, shortly before I quit, they sent out an email asking everyone to nominate them for MT Company of the Year for MT Week. 

Hmmm....  Doubt very much they are going to win that award!  :)


Thanks Transtech for the American Express Gift Cheque.  You guys are the best!!!!

It took me about a week

to get used to it and about a month to get proficient with it.  I have been using it for six years and I can't type without it.  I have entire templates in it, phrases, words, you name it.


Just about $500 a week
but that's as an employee.
What a week!
Is it just me or has anyone else out there had a H*LL of a week too. I don't know...maybe the stars are out of whack or something. It just seemed like no matter how hard I worked I couldn't get anything done.
On VR for a 4 day week
I average around $500 per week (some straight but mostly VR at 4 cents per line).