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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

The main board is used to discuss many different topics. sm

Posted By: editor on 2005-12-28
In Reply to:

There are many posts on this board that if you were to be really technical about it, should be put on the company board, word board, productivity board, religion board, etc., but they're allowed to stay here and be discussed. If you don't like this topic, then feel free to skip it. But it really isn't a political discussion per se, so it shouldn't have to be taken somewhere else.

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    Please use Offshore board to discuss those topics. (NM)
    What is the Main Board for? All general topics seem to get moved to the new gab board.
    Main board is for MT topics. Non-MT goes to the Gab board! nm
    Keep all posts/topics about this on Main, please. NM
    A board to discuss how MT skills can
    be transitioned into another line of work couldn't hurt. No matter how secure any job or profession appears to be, the situation can change at any time. That is the reality of the workplace with mergers, technology, etc.

    One of the the worst career management errors is to become complacent. I can look back on seventeen years in this profession. It has changed, and not to our advantage. I can't predict the future, but it would be naive not to at least consider other options.
    And its gonna kill you to post on the Company board rather than the main board?
    Please post MQ topics on the Medquist board.
    Please use Offshore Concerns board for those topics. (NM)
    All religious topics go on the Religion board. (SM)
    Stop now with this or I will delete the whole thread.

    If you'd done a little checking on this board, you'd see that all kinds of topics are discusse
    Posts about political topics go on the Politics board

    If you are talking about President Obama's stance, action, statements concerning offshoring - it is political.  It goes on the Politics board.

    If you are talking about healthcare industries and what Congress, the Senate, the GOP or other leaders are doing or not doing about - it is political.  It goes on the Politics board. 



    You put them on the company board, not the main board. They are still there.
    this should be on the main board, because
    It's the MAIN BOARD
    I thought we could gather as MTs at the main board and discuss pets, TV, etc. if we wanted to. This was more a comment on the show rather than an attempt to open up a discussion about sex change anyway.

    FWIW, I thought the show was funny last night. I did feel a little squeamish when Zachary was on, though. He seemed to come away with the impression that he was being discriminated against because of his look, or the way he? is, and didn't seem to understand that he can't sing. What's new, though. I think my favorite so far, though, has been the "I shot the sheriff" guy.
    What is the main board for?

    A week or so ago, I responded to a post from someone who was asking about Files To Go. My message was wiped from the board after a very short time. This morning in my email box was a digest from MT Stars by a person asking where her post went...she was asking about keyboard trays. I can't find either one of her messages on the board.

    Why are our messages being deleted from the system?

    Main Board

    I'd like to thank the administrator for helping me with my question about the main board. Being new here, I looked around for "instructions" but must have overlooked them. It's nice to see the administrative message at the top of the main board explaining how to use it -- I took the word "main" litearlly, as others new to this board possibly have.

    I do have a question. When I signed up at Yahoo-Groups , I signed up to receive daily digests, which are digests of the main board. Is there a way to receive digests of the boards listed on the left?

    Main Board

    Does the active topics selection at the top of the page show all active topics for each category at left or just certain ones?  Thanks.l

    why are you posting on the main board ??
    of the Main Board here??? huh? hmmm....nm
    Again, the Main board is for anything that would not be a topic that should

    be posted on any of the boards in the left column.  If your post is about equipment questions, then that should be posted on either the Equipment or Technical boards.  If a new MT has questions, posts should be made on the New MT board.  Questions about a particular company?  Post is on the Company board. 

    We receive well over 5 million hits to this site per month.  If everything was posted on the Main board we would have a major problem on our hands.  That is why posts are deleted. 

    Main Message Board
    This is the main message board. If you notice, not much on this page is directly related to MT. This is where we go to talk about anything else non-MT related.
    Thank you. I moved it to this Main board. (nm)
    do a search on Main Board
    Moved to main board for more to see...sm
    We are not endorsing nor advertising this product. This post was on the New MT/Student board and is a nice discount for all of our MTStars posters, so I thought I'd bring it out for everyone to see.

    Thank you Danny!
    What EXACTLY are we ALLOWED to post on the MAIN board?
    Just about every other post has been saying post this on this board or that board....well what goes here?
    I think y'all should have to stay on the main board.
    That way we youngsters can read your posts and go, "Wow, we're sure lucky we didn't have to put up with all that bunk." Thanks for paving the way for us!
    The Main board is fine for this subject. (SM)
    Non-MT topics are fine here.

    If you would like to take this up with the Administrator, you can e-mail her at admin@mtstars.com.


    In other words - the main board should not even exist then.
    do a search on OFFSHORING on Main Board
    I asked on main board, don't know why I didn't
    think to ask you all!  We are still all a team, right? I am going to return to transcribing, I was an MT for 20 years and QA for 10.  I figured out financially that I would have to transcribe 1500 lines per shift to make out OK.  Of course, if I got paid 12 and 13 cpl like the old days, the requirement would be less! But I'm figuring a 9 cpl start. I would have to do 1500 to keep afloat until I get moving up or transcribing faster.  Anyway, is 1500 lines of work easy to get on a steady basis around the average MTSO anymore?  I used to work 2 jobs for years long ago, and found it was easier that way. When one ran low, I jumped on other one, and always had work. That's my biggest fear, quitting my hourly job, going back to MTing, and then finding no work. I don't know if 1500 lines per shift is out of the ballpark to expect these days? I used to type a lot more than that, but I'm a bit more fidgety these days! What do you think? Sound possible as far as the MTSO's side? Or is my goal too high? I just don't want to end up homeless trying to break away from this company.
    Main Board is for any topic. Don't start the flaming. NM
    you're welcome; use Main board for general MT questions
    This also involves AHDI, so I think it should be discussed here on the Main Board, not just MQ's
    Post word questions on the Word board NOT the Main board.
    We had problems with the Main board and some posts were removed. You did not offend

    I am aware of the religion board, just thought main one would be more active...thanks anyway. nm
    To the service who posted a job ad on the Main board, the reason your post
    was removed is because all job ads are to be posted on the Job Seeker's board. Any "well-deserving MT" knows to look at that forum for that "chance to work for an excellent company and make an excellent line rate". Feel free to post your ad there.

    Thank you.
    MT Week prizes are posted on the Main board. Watch for them and then
    follow the directions to enter. If you see a post that has a winner announced beneath it, that prize is no longer available.
    You realize you are posting this on the main board, right? Not everyone at this site works for MQ.

    Please post offshore topics on Offshore Concerns board. (NM)

    Thank you. 


    Topics (SM)

    If you do not like a particular thread, skip over it.  If you want to voice your disagreement or discuss it, etc., then do so respectfully.

    If we begin removing threads simply because some are unhappy with the subject matter, then I guarantee that sooner or later your particular subject matter will be the next target.

    Everyone has a right to post here within posting guidelines.  Simply skip over the threads that are of no interest to you.  Granted, many controversial subjects are posted sometimes and if it is too sensitive of an issue for you, just don't read. 

    No one is required to read any or every post, nor reply to any or every post.  Use good judgement for your postings.

    Thank you,


    Why don't you discuss this...
    With her doctor and tell him that you know you are not a doctor but you read that menstrual blood among other things can effect the test results. Tell him she was on her period at the time so is it possible to test this again after she has stopped her period? Get his opinion on this.
    If it ever comes up, discuss it then
    with your supervisor, but until then, I would not worry about bringing it up. If it ever happens, just ask her should you do it or return it to the pool and let her make the call.

    I did type a doctor's visit for a close friend's dad one time. My friend nor his father ever knew that I did it, and it's been so long I couldn't tell you what was in it if I wanted to. I do believe if it was family or very close friends, though, I'd let the boss know and do whatever she/he decided.
    Inane topics
    I am have done medical transcription for 25 years -- and frankly I thorougly DISGUSTED with the "ME AND ONLY ME ATTIUDE" on this board  -- POOR babies in California whine cause they cant make a living  -- know what? change your life  -- I have managed to stay off this board work a life and help a fellow MT out who is trying to help other MTs wity Katrina  -- I live in Vegas and we have had 1000 evacuess come in -- my first grandbaby is due tomorrow -- I cant be there and I am NOT pissing and moaninng -- MAYBE what we REALLY need to think about is what this country was based upon  -- my family goes back to the Revoution on one side  -- my mothers family goes back to great uncle who said "Go West Young Man"  -- I wear the last name of one of the first men who stepped on the moon  -- you know what? NONE of these men said "get your toys"  - I dont post but when I see NOTHING BUT me -- its upsetting  -- you put the mortgages on at the tune of $100,000 plus "oh I can work at home and have babies and work when I want"  -- well with the price of gas etc and the economy going in the toliet  -- good luck!!!
    I'd tell me to discuss it with his boss

    You gotta be r-e-a-l careful when you're talk state laws. The boss might consider him "problematic." I mean, how much money are we talking about in terms of travel from the boss to the client? If he's getting, say, $10/hour and it's a 15-minute drive ... For $2.50, I would just let it slide.

    I'm an IC and work exclusively for one company, which makes me a statutory employee by IRS law. However, I'm making a high line rate, so I'm more than willing to leave things as they are and pay 100% of my social security tax.

    This is one of those "silence is golden" situations.

    Please discuss what you have firsthand
    I have 14 years experience working for a prison system that included a work release center. Penal systems have to abide by certain guidelines set by the federal government when placing work release inmates in jobs. Inmates are forbidden from handling any type of mail. They are also forbidden from any job that involves access to credit card information or peoples social security numbers and other info.

    If you have first hand knowledge of an entity or facility that has inmates working in a capacity where they have access to this information, please list the name and I will report it to the proper entity.

    Please do not make statement about it being 'common knowledge that inmates process catalog orders' if you don't know what you are talking about. Which catalog has inmates processing orders? Please tell us. Some of you people are so messy and quick to spread false gossip. As adults, you should try to be more responsible about what you say.
    I would discuss it with the head of QA....nm
    The Active Topics page contains
    a drop down at the top where you can sort number of days and specific board.
    Advise you discuss this with your doctor. Soon.
    The mature thing to do would be to discuss your

    feelings with your trainer.  If not satisfied, go to the transcription supervisor, and then to the overall manager. 

    First, sit back and take a deep breath.  Put it all aside for a few hours and watch TV, take a bubble bath, do whatever, but get it off your mind.  Then make up your mind that you can do it, but you first must take time to organize everything in your mind.  If you really believe it is still the company's fault, then it is time for a new job. 


    Find a doctor who will discuss it. I SM
    don't know about the patch. I do know there are various dosages of the pills, but all of this needs to be discussed with your doctor. Sounds like you need a new one.