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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

The AAMT is IN FAVOR of offshoring, not against it...do you ever get out of the house?

Posted By: my head's not in the sand on 2006-02-06
In Reply to: ABsolut-a-MUNGO!!!! And who better to ... - Worried, but still transcribing


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Offshoring to India...Offshoring.
A favor please? sm

Please put this site in your favorites list and visit it once a day and click on the free mammo icon.  Help to get free mammograms to those who need them.  TIA




You'd be doing him a favor as well.
By staying, you are an enabler. IN other words, you don't want anything to change. In past times, such as with his parents, there was not information (Oprah shows, tons of magazine articles) available to let people know that staying and bandaides do nothing but allow escalation of out-of-control anger. It's time everyone grew up in that house. Sure, it is scary making a move out of the house but if you both love each other, you'll be back together in a year or two. The problem here is three children who deserve a fresh slate so they can go on to create happy homes without being tainted by their role models. When you are quite old and need your kids to be there (and you will), that is when this sacrifice of comfort (if you want to call it that) will pay off.
You probably did her a favor, Tatum.
If she can't handle transcription, she should get out and seek other work. We all have to manage our own careers. Good riddance to her, and good luck to you.
Do yourself a favor & save yourself a ton
of grief. Get a reputable real estate agent and don't screw with these FSBO agents.  I promise that all they will do is take your money and won't really WORK to sell your house. That's the difference.  A REPUTABLE agent will work their butts off to sell your house.
So you are in favor of training them to take your job?
Please do this industry a favor sm

I mean it. The last person I talked to about this has her own company. Clinics she charges 14 to 18 cents a line, depending on the difficulty and the logistics of the office. Nope, does not include printing or tapes, they have to call in, period.

For hospitals, she charges 22 to 26 cents a line and she gets it. She usually types as many of the OP notes as she has time for and doesn't sub them out because she likes that. Any lines she does herself goes into the corporation at 100% and she pays herself a salary for all her work, not by the line for MTing she does. She has 20 yrs of experience, all of it in acute care.

She says, DO NOT sell your skills short. Don't try to undercut someone to get the job. Remind these people that they get what they pay for and deliver on every promise, but don't make promises you can't deliver on 99.5% of the time. Incorporating is good, better than not and I know all of the reasons behind that too.

I wish you every luck.
Yes--if they get things going in our favor.
Everybody complains and complains and is so reluctant to act at all.  How many have still not signed the petition or written your congressman or newspaper?  How many complain but don't try to be a part of the solution?  It's free for now so why not? 
Chill out ms. ???. If you can't be pleasant do us all a favor

and keep your hands off the keyboard.  Why are so you so dang miserable anyway?

Add me to the people who favor at-home work. sm
There really are a few companies an MT can count on for reasonably good benefits.

As someone who has no children, no husband, boyfriend, or parents, if you have what I don't, CHERISH IT! The people you love are far more important than PTO! Enjoy the beautiful office your husband made for you. It obviously was done with love. You're a very fortunate woman.

Don't forget to count your blessings every day!
I'm in favor of showers for all pregnancies/babies
Diapers and supplies are always needed regardless of which pregnancy it is. Also, babies are so wonderful; I love celebrating them (and their moms) with baby showers!
online testing seems to favor BOS2 but..
my hospital used BOS3. I failed a test recently because I used BOS3 so you can't win.
I took offense at that too, but I chose to ignore it in favor of the issue of the post.
I figured if we made a big deal of that one word the focus would be taken off the real issue.
It's a small doctor's office so I am doing it as a favor for a mutual friend....
Nice to do something different every now and then.

That sounds like an episode of Animal Cops! I'm glad it worked out in your favor. nm

Yay! That's three votes in favor of knuckle cracking! Everytime I pop my knuckles, I hear my mo



Oh, someone benefits from AAMT - AAMT DOES!
Just remember YOUR elected representives allowed this offshoring to happen. Nothing illegal thanks to the politicians is happening when work is shipped offshore while allowing Americans to lose jobs while increasing taxes.

This is all the fault of the greed and power of the politicians and the corporations. It's not about an Indian worker who has been offered a job and can't lose their accent to please the consumer.

As far as contacting you in a few years when our jobs are overseas, they are shipping them out daily. Where have you been? Check OSI, Precyse, etc. They all offshore some outright and some undercover.

I don't have problems with the workers. I have problems with the government allowing this to happen and the corporations who cut costs while cutting quality by shipping work out of our country.

Keep you eye on your enemy and it is some Indian who is trying to keep a job to make a living.
To those against offshoring...
Have you noticed that anywhere you call, whether it be the phone company, the gas company, the insurance company, you get someone foreign on the phone.  Oh yes and do not forget Microsoft and other computer related companies.  I realize this cuz i get so damn mad because i can't understand what they are saying to me and they don't understand what i am saying to them.  Now I noticed the post below about Earthlink and I am wondering...all of you who are against this..what are you going to do about the fact that the computer company that creates most of the software you use has places in other countries..your gas company..you insurance company, etc. etc. etc.?  I, too, do not agree with offshoring, but I do not think there is REALLY anything we can do about it.  Not working for companies that do it, yes thats a start, but what are you going to do about the rest of reality and everyday living?  Just curious to opinions on this.  I am not flaming..just concerned.
Offshoring - don't be too sure.
Look at history....work will be outsourced whether we like it or not. What happened to the steel, printing, shipping, automotive, and many other manufacturing efforts is happening to transcription. While we may produce a better product, if it can be produced cheaper somewhere else it will be. Sometimes MTSO's are forced to look at other avenues because they can't hire and maintain TATs. Clients want their costs reduced when it is already at rock bottom. Transcriptionists want higher pay and the profit margin isn't there to allow this. The transcription business has changed and will continue to change. After all....the only constant in life is change. The offshore MT is hungry and willing to give up just about anything to put food on the table. They probably don't argue, call in sick, complain or quit without notice. They don't bad mouth their employer. They just want to work...much like American workers decades ago. Take heed. I'm in the same boat and don't want to see it happen, but there are many factors that result in change. Transcriptionists are by nature not an organized group. We are mostly solitary and therefore have no voice or at least not one loud enough to be heard. We're all on production. We don't have time for such things. There is no large group lobbying for us. There isn't enough money in transcription anymore to have lobbyists and that is how...regardless of our protests...change happens...silently. People in India and other countries will learn to transcribe. It's only a matter of time. For myself, I am just going to try to do the very best job I can every single day and hope it is appreciated and know that I am not adding to the problem. Actually....I need to get back to work.
A - As soon as I tell them my pay has gone down about 40% since the offshoring (sm)

they are no longer interested in entering this field.  In fact, their mouths about drop to the floor.

Having another American MT is not going to save another American job.  They will send their work offshore if you are living next door and can do a 4-hour turnaround, just because the price is lower.

I'm getting out also, only doing part-time now and probably won't be doing part-time much longer.

Don't know about this company, but there are companies that offshore and lie about it.  Know this for a fact.  I work for one.
OSi Offshoring - sm
If you are an employee of OSI, you should be able to access that article from the employee web page, try going back to about April or so...it should still be there, where it was originally posted. Read it for yourself and maybe then you'll believe it.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me. All this happened before I started. New employees are probably not aware of it, like me.

I probably got myself on the $hit-li$t now, but that's okay for something I did today to see any reaction.  It wouldn't be the first time I've been on the list and probably won't be the last.

I will stay, though, as I really do like working for them...and I like the work..

OSi Offshoring

Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me. All this happened before I started. New employees are probably not aware of it, like me. This breaks my heart.

I probably got myself on the $hit-li$t now, for something I did today to see if there was any reaction, but that's okay. It wouldn't be the first time I've been on a list and probably won't be the last.

I will stay, though, as I really do like working for them. I like the work, and really don't have much of a choice anymore.

I think if these companies are going to offshore, they should send the work from the ESL's that can't speak English correctly. That work should be easy for the offshore companies for them to do.

I just wonder who these big businesses think is going to buy their products/services when all the jobs are in foreign countries.  Not only that, when there are no jobs, or only minimum wage jobs, who's going to pay the big fat salaries of our idiot politicians?  Heard on Lou Dobbs the other night that while the minimum wage remains stagnant, the senate voted themselves a hefty $30,000 raise!!!!  Doncha wish we MTs could "vote" ourselves that kind of raise?  Or maybe we're not so greedy and we'd settle for a fraction of that.
Is there any way you can share as there are others of us who suspect this also and maybe it's the same company. If not, that's understandable too.
Keystrokes does not!


I need some Positive Proof that offshoring is occurring.. .will help in our hospital's fight against outsourcing all of us..  thanks


There was an article on the internet quite some time ago where a MQ bigwig admitted to MQ offshoring. I have posted on here before regarding offshoring, tell all your family and friends that when they go to the doctor, they need to tell him/her they do not want ANY part of the their medical record being offshored, including transcription. You have that right as a patient. My family and friends know. Unfortunately, none of us have been to the doc lately.

I agree.  I am also wondering where they are making out on this deal.  I have lost 5 Docs due to outsourcing to India.  They are not making out in the end.  They just think they are.  It is such a shame that the US Transcriptionist is the one that are suffering because they do not know what they are doing.  Maybe they should have asked one of us to do the math and we could have showed them that they are not making out.  Also, you have to take in consideration that all these people's(patient) records are going over to another country.  I bet they would have something to say about that.  It is such a shame that someone thought they were going to save a buck and did not do the math, and now we are the ones that are being hurt.



I too have been affected by offshoring, and whether we see some advantage or not, it is here to stay, and will eventuallly grasp more than half our work in this country. In my experience, I too am amazed at how much doctors will put up with this poor quality work. I personally know of, and have seen large medical offices, radiologists, large clinics, send their work to India, and put up with their error rate as if it were an acceptable part of the equation. BUT, if an American Transcriptionist put out an inferior report, we would most certainly get that pointed out immediately. I watch with amazement at how much those clients are willing to put up with all because they are paying 6 to 8 cents a line. AMAZING. I know of one radiologist who sent his work to India three years ago, kept one transcriptionist in his office to edit. Three years later, she is still marking all the reports in red ink. She has confronted him with the red-marked reports under his nose, and told him how much he is really paying for the reports as she spends her whole day editing. He won't look at her in the eyes, ignores her comments as if she were not in the room, and goes about his business - three years later! I have been told by CFO's that this is only a transition period, that eventually, the Indians will get it right, and it will be worth the hassles, as this makes "good business sense." We all need to realize that right now is the time to be smart and start training in some other field because even if it takes the Indians 10 years to "get it right," this offshoring has dropped the American wage to a paltry low.
No Offshoring
This may have been asked in the past, but I am pretty new to the board.  What nationals do not offshore their transcription?  I am currently an in-house transcriptionists, but I am looking to do some at-home transcription on the side.  I do not want to support any nationals that offshore.  We need to keep our jobs in the US!!!!!
Yes post a list, and I for one will write..as that will be so helpful.. can you post addresses also?
because that is offshoring
and nobody wants that.
Say something against offshoring and see how
Excellent letter. You've inspired to start writing my senator too.
Offshoring going away too?
Hi all;

Offshoring may not be the problem. All of the local med facilities here are moving to EMR (Electronic Medical Records) and releasing ALL of the transcriptionists, both in-house and contracted. Truth be told, we are more than a little worried over this. Has anyone else seen this move in their area? Is there a way to 'cash in' on this move to EMR? Thanks.

so does offshoring. nm
Aside from offshoring
Regarding a post down the list a ways ... what about the EMR software that the president might be pushing for? - I think that is probably a bigger threat. Shouldn't we write about that as well?

From below: "Basically just wondering if we should write to Obama regarding keeping the same systems in place and just putting the electronic files now dictated together (rather than specific software for the docs to do their own).

We could mention that we don't want to lose our jobs."

again, offshoring.
Offshoring and tax time. sm
Don't forget, a lot of these big box tax preparers and even some local accountants send the work to India to be done.  Ask ahead of time.  I did, so I went back to doing them myself. 
Offshoring is still an option

I am working in an offshore MT company and our US client is happy with the result of our transcription work. To those against offshoring, do not be greedy. Have the heart to share! ... PLEASE check your spelling, it's "REQUEST" not "REQUIST."

If the company offshoring gets 8-9 cpl, then YOU, an
You should sell your services on the QUALITY of your work, not how cheaply you can give it away. If you work for less than 9 cpl, you ARE giving it away.
You asked how he could not be offshoring if he was from
But no, I'm not the rimrod poster. No, I don't have any other information.
Offshoring may not be the problem
Hi all;

Offshoring may not be the problem. All of the local med facilities here are moving to EMR (Electronic Medical Records) and releasing ALL of the transcriptionists, both in-house and contracted. Truth be told, we are more than a little worried over this. Has anyone else seen this move in their area? Is there a way to 'cash in' on this move to EMR? Thanks.
Unless Offshoring is reversed.. SM
(BTW, to the moderators, I responded to this already and a bunch of other people did… when posts are moved are the responses deleted or something?)

Anyway, back on topic, until the trend of offshoring American medical records to other countries is reversed, I don't see how anyone would find this a good field to get into (again, at this point in time) unless you can find your own accounts and they will pay you what you are worth!

offshoring to Canada sm
My supervisor said offshoring includes what MQ does which is "offshoring" to Canada.  Are they saving money there?
Would also recommending sending it as a CC to all your state's congressional delegation.
Take Further Action On Offshoring

Please, PLEASE people, especially all who left posts on the news story below, call the White House.  It is your right.  I do it all the time and I have not been abducted by the FBI yet.  They do not ask for your name or phone number or anything.  They usually are pretty decent to talk to. 

Tell them:  I AM CALLING CONCERNING THE OFFSHORING OF AMERICAN JOBS, ESPECIALLY OUR MEDICAL REPORTS LEAVING AMERICA WITH SENSITIVE INFORMATION ON THEM SUCH AS OUR NAMES AND SS# . Then take it from there.  Tell them that you MUST make your feelings be heard and you want the President to take action on this situation. 

As one person, I am only making a peep with my calls and emails, but if we all start calling and emailing in droves, we will make a roar.  Please, don't be afraid, we have to start taking action here folks.  Time will not wait.   

The White House Phone: 202-456-1111


The Capitol Switchboard:  202-224-3121

Obama and Biden:

Middle Class Task Force Questions:  Tell them to save jobs and stop all offshoring:
Your senator: Upper right hand corner, "find your senator"
Your congressperson: 

Let's do this together people