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That sounds so nice. I'd love to live the simple life again. nm

Posted By: honey on 2005-12-02
In Reply to: We decided to simplify! We ditched - Keepin' It Simple


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At least I live my OWN life and not my husband's

Flame you, why? Others love, you don�t, simple.
I love my simple IPOD shuffle! nm
Maybe you should both get your nose out of the bible and live the life He gave you...

Dishes once a week? My goal is to live life better than the day before.
Try to enrich my life, even if it's just a little extra prayer or a little thoughtful thing for someone who doesn't expect it. Everyday.
That's nice, we live in US and have to
pay for the privilege of speaking to an American.
You can't take it with you. Sounds like life.
Can't take it with you. Sorry, this is partly a pun, but isn't it true in life? Got to apprecite what you have, no matter what expander, or how hard you work. Because you "can't take it with you." LOL.
I don't know! I've heard people live longer with a healthy sex life.
Sounds like my work life...
I hear you loud and clear! This sounds just like my job too, so I know how frustrated and unappreciated you feel.  Hugs to you my friend!
Drug dealers live in nice houses, too.

I know of an "educated" person who bragged to me about buying a house wirth three times as much as my home.  Then we found out her husband had a meth lab in the garage and was dealing in stolen art.  He's in jail and won't see his kids for the next 10 years.  The house was seized, along with their cars, trucks, and hot tub.  We may not have much, but we work hard for what we have.  We don't do drugs, and we'd never do anything to jeopardize our children.

For that matter, go to the law enforcement auctions.  The property they sell, sports cars, houses, everything, was taken from convicted drug dealers.  So, no, meth labs and drug dealers are not only an low income, low education problem.  They're all over, and they make more money than we do until they get busted.  THEM'S the proven statistics.

I love my life, but I'm not happy with my job
I have plenty to be thankful for, that does not mean that I cannot come here and complain.
I did notice that some people that you meant the constant complainers.
I've only recently become one since I quit one of my jobs as an IC and I have been reading through the boards about how much people don't have any work anymore because of the outsourcing.

That should pi$$ EVERYONE off in this industry no matter if you have a great job (good for you) or not.

I'm more livid about there not being a standard for MT's because I pride myself on doing an EXCELLENT job but that doesn't seem to matter anymore, so yes that pisses me off and makes me not so much miserable ... because I am a very happy person. but when I spend the majority of my day doing my job... it does tend to wear on you you know?
I think that sounds like a nice idea
"And I Love Her," and "In My Life." nm
That's a good idea too. It sounds nice.
Love Joyce Meyer's outlook on life. nm
where do you live? Sounds like the dress code in Florida

I live here and love it, but

It is expensive and many, many of us work 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet.  However, I love the people and the culture and it is my home now after many years of not knowing what "home" meant.  If you can adapt to local foods and figure things out, you can live more cheaply but some people come here and want what they had back where they come from and that can get expensive.  I live on the Big Island and I like it here or on Kauai MO bettah. 

Other. June and Ward Cleaver with 2 well-behaved boys! I love my life... nm
No, I live in TN and love it ! It is beautiful!
It is warm in the summer and cold in the winter, but never too much of either! It is "just right!"
I live in Maryville and love it!!
Very nice features, compared and love it.
I also love to get nice body lotion
or bubble bath or great smelling candles are always good.
I love getting really nice picture frames.

My step-mom just got into gardening, so for her birthday I got her a plant encyclopedia that has a picture and description of hundreds of plants.  She loved it!  My best friend bathes in perfume, and she loves getting different scents. 

Also, Target has some games that I would absolutely love.  I think it's Monopoly, chess, or a dart board, and they are encased in really nice wood boxes.  If your sisters have families and like to play games, those would be perfect to give as a joint gift for the entire family. 

I love my hp pavilion and couldn't live without it.
next year when I upgrade it will also be another hp pavilion
I love Dutchess County - used to live in Poughkeepsie = sm
went to college there, but alas, I went back to upstate NY.
Love giving & getting a baby monitor, sun shades for the car, and definitely something nice for
A very friendly site. Have a nice day! to Love Cards you should be very Black: http://www.eonline.co
Your website is wonderfull. I'll come visit again. when Plane is Gnome it will Steal Opponents , Red Table is always Lazy Chair when Corner Make Slot Rape , Astonishing, Tremendous, Superb nothing comparative to Lazy Destroy Game is very good Soldier
Sounds great. Hope you love it! (nm)
OMG that is so true. I love their rhubarb wine. I known it sounds
The Amanas rocks.
A nice sunny room just for me in our finished lower level. Love my cocoon room.
Life is life....the haven't bonded the same as if it were a 2-year-old!
Yes Dyson..It's a NICE un. Love my Dyson!!
even better than my old Rainbow!
why no, i don't live in snobville. did you think you knew me? i live in heritage hills a suburb
it takes a little longer to get to work and shopping but thank god i have some privacy and am away from the congestion.  lovely trees and lakes all around.  maybe about 20 minutes to a large shopping mall.  but no, i don't even know where snobville is.
How nice is this keyboard? Nice light touch?
I have a regular Microsoft ergonomic one now but I'm thinking I should probably get a replacement and use mine as a backup. 
why yes the quality of air where i live is quite different than where the city people live.
Lots of pollution.  That's why everyone is moving away from the city and areas zoned for multiple housing units and low income housing and trailer parks.  Population is dense and near manufacturing.  So yes, the air is different but millions of people pay a little extra for the quality, the space and privacy afforded to those who move out of polluted crowded areas such as you defend.  There is always a reason why some areas and housing is cheaper than others.  Maybe it is the air and maybe it's something you can't quite put your finger on but you know you would prefer not to live in certain areas.  You know what I mean or are you living in one of those areas?  They tell after awhile you block out the sounds, the smells and get used to the pollution.  I don't know.  I didn't stay long enough to test the theory.  My mental and physical health is way too important to me. 
I know they live a long time, so if there is a chance they will out live you - sm
make sure you make provisions for them in your will. I have only had cockatiels and some finches, so don't really know anything about the bigger birds. I love African Grey's but they are very expensive.
LOL! Sounds like old I Love Lucy! Lucy does
I make sure the job is not my life and that it does not take over my life. sm
I have been at this 25 years, even once had my own accounts and worked 24/7 with cat naps to keep going but no real sleep. I really burned myself out. Now I work a regular 40-hour week, but it is not my life. It is a means of making money so I can go live my life. I work for a company that is not all about production. They want us to take our time and do it right. I am doing that, and it feels so good to be able to work at my craft and be allowed to do a good job while I am at work.

But after I get off, I have my family and I take time to have fun and enjoy life. I think that is the key to not staying burned out. You need down time, time to have fun, exercise, relax, etc.

Exercise is very important, too. It rejuvenates the hormone system so you have more positive hormones flowing through your body and helps get rid of stress.

That's what I do.
I was nice today, and people were nice to me.
If you steer away from the nastiness, there are a few nice and encouraging posts in there. 
Live and let live. Don't force your lifestyle on me.
I used to live in MN now I live in MS and they were both cold last night!
Will take MS cold over MN cold any day, and I don't miss the snow. I miss the Mall of America, though!
I live in PA, can I help? If they are close to where I live, I would go check them out for ya!
Where in PA is this company?
Simple as this!
Then you absolutely must stay where USA has jurisdiction and that is absolutely not in a foreign country.  Those are the rules and laws and everyone knows that up front.  The troops, the FBI, the CIA, the US police do not help you when you get drunk and/or lost in a foreign country.     But you know that don't you?
It is really quite simple. sm
If you are a good MT, which most of us are, and all of a sudden you start getting a bunch of crap.  I was very happy to be with a company that afforded you the luxury of being an MT, but yet a "hospital employee".  This was a very innovative thing and I jumped on the band wagon.  All the money is in ops, surgeons, they are predictable, macro-friendly, organized, don't flip through the charts and make me the most money.  After being with this company for over 3 months, at my skill level, and only to get cued 10 ops, most of which were rejected and cherry picked, that is a HUGE sign.  I did not tell "them" that is why I quit, they need to figure it out for themselves.  I personally liked the team leader, but she is obviously pooling work out to her favorites, and not giving new MTs a chance - hence they will still "be with the original team", not realizing that people unfortunately get sick, die, move on, and the "original team" will not last forever.  I am so glad to be out of there.  Don't know if new company is going to be any better, have to wait and see.
I think both, but not as simple as that.
We do all make choices, but in some instances there are very few choices.  Yes, we should first avail ourselves of education.  Basic education is available to everyone in this country.  After high school, education becomes harder to obtain, but it is available to everyone.  You do have to have either transportation or a computer, and you have to have time to participate, but if you want it bad enough you can find a way.  All that being said, if the company you work for suddenly closes, and there are few jobs available where you live, you can find yourself in a bad situation that you did not create.  I think government assistance is important for people that find themselves in a temporary bad situation, but should not be allowed to be a way of life, except in the case of disability. 
Very simple....
You tell them you're going digital, and they can either join you in the 21st century or be left behind.
well that seems simple enough! thanks
Might try Simple FTP....sm
They have an option where you can log on as a guest and try out.
So simple, when you know what to do!
Thanks, that worked by just turning off and back on. I am so techology challenged!
It is not your chair, keyboard, et cetera causing you to be so uncomfortable...getting up at least every 2 hours and walking the floors for 5 minutes works wonders in rejuvenating the body back to comfort level. It works for me and I didn't have to spend any more on equipment, hmmmm, not sure about the carpet yet though...LOL 
Hi - I wish it were that simple. sm
I'm not able to use Express Scribe due to company policy against outside players. The player is the one that is built in to InScribe. The sound quality is excellent, but there's no way to access the player that I can see, except as mentioned above, and those options have been turned off.

Thanks for your input. :)