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That is actually cute...

Posted By: beNice on 2009-02-04
In Reply to: How about............ sm - m

quite catchy..

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well that's cute, how'd you do that?

Too cute

Giggle. Next you'll be telling us you're qualified as Chief of Staff at the hospital you nurse at and transcribe for.  Chuckle.  (Reminds me of the saying, Jack of all trades, master of none.)  Chuckle.

  Good one!
That's cute. :) (NM)
....What do you feed her/him/it???
That was cute! Thanks!
Cute, but THAT will be the day!
too cute!
And I totally agree!
That's cute...

But outsourcing to India doesn't concern me on iota.  Remember ..... they speak a different language than we do and when doctors here hire them, they get exactly what they pay for, which, when you add all things in, they charge for basically equal pay for a real sloppy job........

Never fear, my dear.....India's a joke......

That's why they'd much rather work call centers and do - more money for less work.  Much easier to speak it - albiet half azz - than transcribe it.

LOL!! Cute.
That's cute! I got a second dog for the
older dog as a playmate and they are stuck like glue now.  I wasn't too sure about it at first, the older dog is a Golden and the little guy is a Cocker, but it has worked out.  Now the older dog is in his second puppyhood, gets into mischief just like the little guy and teaches him all the good and bad ropes. And of course, they don't tell on each other when the Kleenexes are shredded on the floor.  In fact, the new dog was such a stinker that I went to midnights just to get work done. Couldn't let him out of my sight for a minute. I took 2 hour naps during the day when he slept, otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten anything done.  He's much better now that he is a year old. 
cute : )
Very cute!
too cute :)
How cute!! I usually have the 20 lb cat...
 laying at mine!   What is his/her name?
LOL! Cute.
Cute! :) nm
Cute! nm
that's cute! : ) NM
not laughing.
Cute but not really intelligent
anyway, I have to work 2nd and 3rd shift because all the MTs are busy crying and complaining on this forum instead of doing the work they are supposed to do.  Oh boo hoo, I have work oh boo hoo I ACTUALLY have to sit and type.  They expect me to actually WORK for the money they give me.  BOOO HOOOOOOOOOO.  By the way, at least I HAVE a personality.
LOL! That was cute. Thanks for the chuckle.

Cute and funny! :) nm
This is so cute! Thanks for posting.
I needed the smile and the "warm fuzzy" today. 
very cute site to see

Go to www.whitehouse.gov and on the right hand side there is a like to the BarneyCam.  It's a very cute video Mrs. Bush made to take to the Children's Hospital in DC when she visited the kids.  No matter your political persuasion, it's just too cute and you also get to see the holiday decorations.  My grandkids have had a ball watching it tonight.


I have and think it is really cute. I just wish pounds
would melt off me like the snow melts off the little boy LOL!!!
Cute avatar!

I've done that, too, unfortunately - when I was a kid.  Takes the hide right off!


Cute, but why do you have a litter box when the cat goes outside?

One way or the other. I wouldn't have cats if I had to deal with a stinking litter box. Yuck!

And no comments about how could I possibly like my cats if I let them outdoors, blah, blah, blah.

They've always been outdoor cats. We live in a remote rural area with no traffic. They are healthy, fixed, up-to-date on all shots, vet checked, well fed and well taken care of. We tried to keep them in after hearing all of the horror stories about letting your cats outdoors, but they weren't buying it and kept howling to go out. The eldest is 13 and the younger one is 9. They started out as outdoor cats and apparently are going to stay that way.


Cute! I wondered what that was. :)
I was just telling my DH what a cute name that is!
Isn't it cute? I love it. sm
Maybe it's a reward system for being pleasant on the board.
What a darn cute name, from.......
cute little ditty - sm
You're right...humor really does help. Here's a cute song written by Neil Diamond called "Talking Optimist Blues" which kind of goes along with what you're saying:

I got worries by the ton;
getting' cancer's only one.
Overtaxed and alimonied,
tired of eatin' fried baloney.
I got burdens on my shoulders,
dying young or growin' older.
There's some brain cells I'm missin',
but despite it all,
I'd like to say:

I'm gonna gave a
good day today.
Gonna have a good time anyway.
Put it all behind me,
lay it all away.
Gonna be a good day today.

Bills and pills and former wives,
past mistakes and former lives.
Bank account is overdrawn,
out of Prozac, hairline's gone.
Hearing voices in my head;
say I should've stayed in bed.
Dog just died, but what the heck;
Nothing worse can happen anyway.
So I'm gonna have a good day today.
And 'm gonna have a good time anyway.
Put it all behind me,
lay it all away.
Gonna be a good day today.

Pulled my back and wrecked my car.
Girlfriend stole my V.C.R.
Letter came from 60 Minutes;
say they wanna put me in it.
Tell me my career just died.
Years ago I might've cried.
Now I'm just to old to do it.
May be true, but screw it anyway.

I'm gonna have a good day today.
And I'm gonna have a good time anyway.
Put it all behind me,
lay it all away.
Gonna be a good day today.

P.S. This song is on Neil's CD titled "Under a Tennessee Moon".

those cars are so cute
I thought this was cute.
Thanks OP!    I can TOTALLY relate!!! 
Cool! He's 16 and STILL cute. ;)

One of my cute little ESL docs..
just said this, "She has a 1 x 1 cm SpongeBob square lesion, no, no, I mean just square lesion"... my funny for the day!
I voted for Kaysar too--way cute!!!..nm
How do you get those cute smileys to appear in your post?
Shoot, my animals are all cute.

My dog will jump on her hind legs and "box" with you by smacking your hands with her front paws.

My cat likes to go berserk inside cardboard boxes.  He also perches on my desk and dips his paws in my betta bowl.  Then he climbs all the way up the screen door and yowls if I'm outside.  Typical cat behavior, I guess, but this is my first kitty so it's funny.  He's a loverboy, too.  He crawls up on me, sticks his head under my hair, chews my hair, bites my neck, purrs and goes to sleep.

doesn't sound cute...

And don't forget to check out the not-so cute Sam

Another cute idea for Frazzled Mom

My kids did this in kindergarten and I still hang them every year.

It's their handprint on a piece of paper to make it look like a Christmas postcard but with yarn to hand on the tree.  Around the handprint is a poem about something like " you've seen this handprint on the walls, fridge, steering wheel of your car, etc and it goes on to when they grow up.  I'm out of town right now so I can't recite it verbatim (you'd think I'd know it by heart) but it is one of the most sentimental things I have from them.

The snowflakes are pretty cute. :). nm
That is so cute, hearing voices. nm
one cute gift idea I saw on

the bride had a cute pair of special socks made and she had her MOH deliver them to the groom the morning of the wedding to keep him protected from getting "cold feet" It sounds silly but the presentation & creative idea of it all was actually really cute.

Another idea, this is what I'm doing for my DH, our 1 yr wedding anniversary is coming up in June. We are going away next month & I arranged for a "deluxe honeymoon" gift. When we arrive, there will be champagne & strawberries waiting in our room, we'll have two 1/2 hour spa massages together, a romantic formal dinner w/a keepsake photograph, breakfast delivered to our room one morning, and a cake & champagne celebration. Arranging something like that for when you arrive at your honeymoon is also a good idea. Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!

Wow! and I thought mine was cute! nm
cute Q&A on WAHM board...

Such a funny cute post!
Thank you Admin for the cute cursor--sm
I just love the cute little christmas tree!  kind of brightens everything up!  Cute idea!