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That chicken looks good, too! Fried chicken is the one thing

Posted By: cookerator MT on 2005-11-13
In Reply to: Whats for Dinner Tonight? - me

I'm terrible at making. I just can't do it. Whenever we do have fried chicken maybe once a year, I buy the frozen boxed stuff or KFC.

I haven't thought about dinner yet. I'm making muffins today, spiced applesauce muffins, Tabor City yam bread muffins, and banana zucchini muffins. Going to send some to work with hubby and freeze the rest for breakfasts.

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Like my chicken fried! nm
We all know she's really having fried chicken. LOL!
fried chicken - NEVER FAIL!!
I have been using this for years, beats the heck out of KFC or God forbid, frozen!

McCormick Season 'n Fry Seasoned Coating for Chicken. You'll love it, I promise, and so will your family. Just don't tell them, surprise 'em!
she's having FAKED FRIED chicken *lol*..nm

fried chicken, mashed potatoes and asparagus
(canned asparagus - lazy)
those whole roasted chickens or fried chicken parts
you buy in grocery store are chickens that the sale dates is very close to expiring, so they cook them and avoid throwing them away. I like my meat a little fresher than on the border of rotting time.
My version of fried chicken is baked! I NEVER fry anything! YUCK!

Smoked chicken, fried okra and pinto beans
Southern fried chicken. We're having friend over, too. I love it but
I can only eat fried chicken once in a while.  Makin SMASHED (taters, eh?), blackeyed peas and green beans with pepper sauce.
dinner tonight? I'm having fried chicken and macaroni & cheese. I'll make sure it's a whi
I have my cholesterol checked! 
Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, milk gravy, veggie. nm
anyone have a good crock pot chicken recipe?

Me too! I'm looking for a good chicken enchilada recipe!

I have boneless chicken breasts marinating. Any good recipes? Too hot to grill outside.


chicken pox
Poor child, I had the same; I couldn't swallow - even my saliva hurt going down.
As I recall, that lasted about 3-4 days.
Chicken Fat
Whole chicken. sm.
I like to bake mine whole too.  I put a full can of beer inside the cavity (up its butt sorta speaking), but then I cook it in one of those Reynold's cooking bags about 20 minutes per pound.  It falls off the bone.  Sometimes they have specials where I live where you can get them for only 29 and 39 cents a pound. I buy 3 or 4 then.
I have a chicken dog too :)
My dalmation is so afraid of storms.  She tries to crawl under my desk when it thunders and just shakes.  If I pet her for a while she will calm down.  The other day we had a storm and I was doing dishes and she tried to crawl under my kitchen sink, knocking everything out.  She also hates the vacuum and the hose.  I don't know that I would give her medication.  That may be more trying for her than the occasional storm.  Maybe letting her in your office might help if you see it is going to storm.  A few treats never hurt either!
Chicken Little
Yea. The sky is still there, but my pay/money is gone!!!!! Where'd it go??!
quit trying to stir up trouble and GO away!!! I make 52K a year TRANSCRIBING but 30 years experience -- newbies WANT the dinero but dont want to work for it -- try watching Oprah and Dr. Phil and you will understand -- LAZY work ethic "hand it to me cause I deserve it"
Chicken pox in the mouth
I'd be calling my doc asap with it being in her mouth. The home remedy I had to use was Maalox/Benadryl and doc added diluted Xylocaine to numb it. My dd had it on her uvula also. Made a concotion of yogurt with the above also and added Lysine to it to. That is after the doc had a look at her. Good luck but don't mess around.
Um, chicken, not chick.

chicken recipe
The recipe says 2 toss of garlic. Is it suppose to be 20 toes of garlic since you call this 20-garlic chicken? Thanks for your help.
20 garlic chicken. sm
At the risk of sounding dumb - are you supposed to use two whole actual things of garlic.  Garlic has always confused me.  The recipe sounds wonderful but two whole garlic or two segments of one garlic thingy? 
Chicken and Dumplings
How about grilled chicken?
Garlic Chicken

Thanks for posting this.  This smells so wonderful. 

I had gone to a Garlic Festival and they made this with pieces of chicken and added rice.  Wrapped it in a tortilla.  Walaaaa wonderful!!! You could smell it everywhere!  Which is how i found this food booth. 

Anyone eat chicken a la king?
Chicken a LA King Recipe
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup fresh sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 cups evaporated milk or half-and-half
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
3 cups diced cooked chicken
1/4 cup chopped pimiento

Melt butter in a medium saucepan. Add mushrooms and green pepper; cook for 5 minutes. Blend in flour, salt, and pepper. Continue stirring and cooking until smooth and bubbly. Gradually add milk and chicken broth, stirring constantly. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. If you'd like a thicker sauce, blend 2 tablespoons of cornstarch with 1/4 cup cold water; add to sauce, a little at a time, until desired thickness is reached. Cook for a few more minutes. Add chicken and pimiento; heat through. Serve on toast points or pastry shells or rice. Chicken a la King Recipe serves 6 to 8.
Never had anything but chicken livers and
Sometimes I do boneless chicken
breasts marinated in barbecue sauce. Just put them in on low and let them cook all day long. They come out so tender that they just fall apart!! Also, pork tenderloin is excellent in the crockpot. You can buy them pre-marinated at the grocery store or you can mix up your own concoction. Boneless chicken breast is also excellent if you use Newman's Own Balsamic Vinegrette salad dressing as a marinade. I know it may sound strange, but I guarantee you if you try it, you'll fall in love with it!
Chicken tetrazini...
Roasted a whole chicken last night and always have leftovers.  Tonight made tetrazini with the leftover chicken and whole wheat pasta, which I told my son WASN'T whole wheat.  Yummy!
Chicken Kabobs....
Served over rice. Yum!
Chicken spaghetti.
It is SOOOOO yummy!!
Lemon asparagus chicken

4 boneless chicken breasts

1 can cream of asparagus soup

1 Tbs lemon juice

1/4 cup milk

1/4 tsp fresh ground black pepper or ground black pepper


Brown chicken breasts in 1 Tbs oil and set into a casserole dish.  Pour off any grease. Combine all the rest of the ingredients and add to frying pan to deglaze.  Bring to a boil and pour over chicken.  Bake chicken at 350 for 45 min or until done.  Serve with wild rice or something similar.  Peas are a good side with this too.


what is the 20 garlic chicken recipe!
sounds incredibly good! Love both garlic and chicken...pls share!
lemon crock pot chicken

21/2 # chicken, cut up, 1/4 cup flour, 2 T cooking oil, 1 6 oz frozen lemonade,

thawed. 3 T brown sugar, 3 T catsup, 1 T vinegard, 2 T cold water, 2 T cornstarch. Combine flour with 1-1/4 tsp. salt. Coat chicken and brown thoroughly in hot oil. Place in crock pot. Stir together lemonade, brown sugar, catsup and vinegar. Pour over chicken. Cover and cook on high heat 3 to 4 hours. Remove chicken. Pour liquid into saucepan. Return chicken to crock pot and cover to keep warm. Skim fat from liquid. Blend cold water into cornstarch and stir into hot liquid. Cook, stirring until thickened and bubbly. Serve chicken with gravy over hot cooked rice, noodles, or whatever you like.



how do ya make chicken burritos?
40 clove chicken in the crock pot
Boy would I (and I am sure lots of us) love to have that recipe for 40 clove garlic chicken in the crock pot.  My mouth is watering.  hope it was good.
OMG! Wouldn't that be some stinky chicken?
40 clove chicken in the crock pot
Big thank you....I can smell it now...tutu
Chicken Cesar Salad (SM)
I need suggestions on how to cook the chicken for the salad, know how to make the salad, but not the chicken, do not just want plain chicken I was thinking about sauteing the chicken somehow, any suggestions?
want to try a new dish-chicken marsala-sm
and need to know if heavy cream is the same as heavy whipping cream which I saw at the store and what is dry marsala--a wine? Had this dish at an Italian restaurant recently and it was so good!!
I'd eat bunny if it tasted like chicken!
But would you eat chicken if it tasted like Bunny?
chicken fajitas...mmmm
I can tell you how to make a brisket and chicken
that will fall apart, but not very good with these myself! :)
No, she only eats chicken... that died from old age... LOL


Do you have any cans of chicken broth or
Just thinking you could cut his broth in your portion with one of these . . . maybe cook some rice and then add it in . . . the potatoes also may help some (love potatoes in anything, but thought they may already be in there).
Even 9 cpl is chicken-feed. I'm making (sm)
9.5 cpl, working 10-12 hours a day, and still barely making ends meet. Unfortunately I've been at this a long, long time (28+ years) and don't know how to do anything else. It's a little late to be going back to school, too. Still, if the right opportunity should arise, I will probably jump ship.
pulled-chicken sandwiches
1 sm rotisserie chicken 2 to 2 1/2 lbs)
1 c. barbecue sauce
1/2 c. water
1/4 c. red wine vinegar
6 kaiser rolls, split
1/2 lb deli coleslaw

coarsely shred meat.
combine chicken, barbecue sauce, water and vinegar in saucepan over medium heat 5 min until hot, stirring frequently.
spoon chicken mixture onto bottom half of rolls with coleslaw and top with roll.

family's favorite monday nite meal!
Just wanted to let you know that the 20-garlic chicken was AWWESOME!!
If anyone wants the recipe let me know..it is one of the fastes crock pot recipes i have done and sooooo delicious!