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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Thanks for your feedback. Will see about adding back the time.

Posted By: Administrator nm on 2005-08-08
In Reply to: To adminstrators. Love your new format. Could you please back the actual time of the post. - I miss that.


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Instant Text, over 19,800 entries, adding all the time,
and I don't have to remember because the IT is at the bottom of my screen for as many lines as I like, I have 3 showing.
I used them some years back and have some feedback...

The service was great, and sitefever.com's FTP servers were very fast. The only thing was that when I got more than one client or if I had a large client I wanted to use FTP for, their free service didn't cut it. But, they have a 300mb plan which is like 45 or 50 dollars for an entire year, and it gave me access for up to 10 different clients and plenty of space for them all.

So, if you're looking at sitefever.com as an FTP provider, you're looking in the right direction. The only thing I would suggest is if you plan on growing, just pay a few bucks for their larger accounts.

P.S.- The free FTP accounts only work when you have the public ID number, which changes monthly. I see whoever started this topic had posted a current ID number.

No, not really. Do you realize how much time feedback takes. nm
Thanks for all the feedback...time to kick it into high gear, I guess..nm
I would not do them back to back - I have done 2 and 3 jobs at the same time -- all PT - sm
It is possible to do of course but you will burn out fast. Now I do one almost FT (about 30 hours a week) and the other is about 8-10 hours a week-- I still get beat doing that and that is w/o set hours. I find that the older I get the harder it is to work late and I am only 40! But a mid afternoon 30-minute cat nap helps a lot in order to keep going on busy days.
Going Back in Time?
Hey all! I have another side of the old MT coin for you!  Well, I got the nerve up to leave that BIG national that we all know and love.  I have a job with a company, actually 2, that is nice enough, but...I really miss the technology of the big nationals.  I can totally remember not having work via the internet, but what I had forgotten from "the good old days" were the days when your supervisor got to "load" you with work - whether it be those old tapes or pooling work to your C-phone.  THE PRESSURE!  Its been only a few months, but I hate this. I had forgotten the drudge of C-phones and dialing in, and then the game of having to finish all the work in your pool "or else"... One night I started at 9 pm and wasn't done til 7 am the next morning.  But I did it like a jerk. My husband was furious with me when he woke up and found me typing - when he realized I had not gone to bed the night before. He was like, just hang up! But i'm the perfect wimp personality for being dumped on - how could I hang up? The work was in my pool, or the tapes were in my desk.  Remember those days? I do remember those were the days when I used to make BIG $$$$ - the tapes and work pools that you absolutely had to do, or you got fired. Period.  But I don't like it, either! I am really stressed out again, and dread work each day. I tell my supervisor I only want to type around 500 lines a day, but I get double or triple that. I really hate it, and am getting really stressed out again.  Its funny to me as well, with all the talk of voice recognition and Indian MTs, there are still LOTS of companies out there who use C-phones and tapes no less!  So, I feel like I'm going back in time instead of forward! I just read an inspirational message on my Sparkle paper towels...I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails...shows a cute little fish, but I feel like I'm swimming backwards........................has this happened to anyone else?
Man, if I could only go back in time...

Once upon a time, back when I lived in a city, I worked three 12-hour overnight shifts at an answering service and was all by myself.  It was considered full time and had all the benefits that went with that.  Sometimes it was busy but most of the time not so much.  If I knew about transcription back then I would have totally double dipped!  All I did all night was either read, watch movies, or surf por...um...educational stuff.

Personally, I adhere to the "don't ask, don't tell" policy myself when it comes to these sorts of things.  So long as one doesn't interfere with the other, go for it.  Like I said, if I had the jugs for it, I'd totally be hooking up a boobie cam so I could earn a little sumthin' sumthin' while I typed away. 


I think it's about time we took it BACK.
There should be a stiff financial penalty to them for doing that, too.

So let's all remember that when we go to the polls in November!
Mine too and 3/4 of the time I have to look at his back
while he puts everying in the computer. It's impersonal, it's rude, and it's the way of the future.
I applied with them some time back.

I was interviewed and asked to test. The test recordings were so full of static and hard to hear that I decided the tests weren't worth the time or frustration. I sent the recruiter an email regarding the poor quality of the recordings and never heard another word from her. Has anyone else had the same experience with their test recordings?

This has actually happened to me some time back sm

I transcribed the report.  I didn't tell the doctor about it.  I didn't tell the little MTSO I worked for and I didn't tell my family member.  I have not ever disclosed any of the information I heard, either.  As a professional, I can't be "interested" in what I am doing, not in that way.  What is contained in the medical records is not my business either.  I transcribed the report as any other.  I have to say that the family member in question doesn't know I transcribed anything to this day, although it was years ago.  It was, and is, my job to produce accurate medical records and not to concern myself to whom they belong.

I have talked to other MTs that this has happened to and they all did exactly what I did.  As a fact, the MTSO above had this happen to her.  A friend had an abortion, but told everyone she had miscarried.  This MTSO had been working for someone else at the time and had transcribed a report that discussed the abortion.  She kept it to herself because it was the right thing to do.  A gal who was a nurse at the doctor's office knew both the MTSO and the woman who lied.  SHE was the one who broke confidentiality, but before all was said and done the MTSO had been blamed for it, her boss had been blamed for it and there was quite a stink, but the leak didn't come from the MT end of the equation. 

Done that, but it turns back off every time.
Is there a trick to keeping it on? Or did I maybe get the one messed up program?
Thank you for taking the time to post back....sm
I'm sure he must be depressed, and my brother also. I'll bring up the subject to him and see if I can make him see that they are really needing some outside help here, more than we can do just as family members.  You bring up a lot of good points.  Thanks again. 
I know because we are back to the SAME argument but worse this time...
We have spoken today briefly. He is furious. He is saying everything is my fault, etc. I just told him I am tired of the bickering back and forth, that it is both our faults, and if he wants to do the bills he can have them - but I reminded him last time he was offered this but did not look at the bills one single time. What can I do? Nothing I don't think.
time it takes to hear back

General question for you all. I recently applied with a company that took a month getting me through their hiring process only to be told that one of their accounts dropped them so they could not hire any more MTs. Now I've applied somewhere else and interviewed, a company that sounds like a great company, but it's been about 7 days since the interview and have yet to hear back. I interviewed with them last Wednesday and was told that I would hear back one way or another by the end of last week. I sent a follow up email yesterday and have not heard anything. How long do these companies typically make you wait before hearing something back? How long before I should give up and apply somewhere else? Thanks.

I saw on this board a long time back
a suggestion that helped me. put the drugs in your Expander using maybe the first 3 consonants, ie, lidocaine is ldc. Sometimes i'll use 4 letters. for some shorter words i'll spell it out in expander, and cap if necessary. you may wish to make some exceptions to the rule too, ie for me, Neo-Synephrine is neos.
This is the last time I will post on this subject or back to you beacuse
you are most definitely a very unhappy person who needs something to fuss about...... It can never only cost 7.5% more because your social security and taxes are based on how much you make. When you add your IC income it is different for everyone, depending on what tax bracket they are in, and yes it cost me more. Even if it were 7.5% I would still say it is not worth it for ME but that is my opinion - you are free to have yours.

P.S. I do fill out my own taxes because I also refuse to pay anybody more than it is worth to do them when I can go buy Turbo Tax and fill them out myself. If you really want to see the difference, fill out your Taxes without your IC income and then put it in and see the difference!
I'm 46 and I went back to school this year full time for a BSN...sm

I was worried about because, let's face it, my short term memory isn't what it used to be LOL. Plus the program is ONLY full time. They had 1000 applicants and picked the top 70 of us. If you didn't have a 3.5 GPA, you didn't get in. But I am doing really well in school - after I got past the shock of the first 6 weeks - tons of work- and I am at the top of my class. My husband, bless his heart, is doing all the cooking and we are basically kind of ignoring the dirt. My house will be clean again another day. I am finishing up my second semester, have 3 more semesters for a BSN, and then another 2.5 years to get my masters and be an advanced practice nurse. 41 is definitely not too old! You will have to work smart to save your back but it can be done. Also MT is starting a slow slide out...you would be smart to start your second career now while you still have a job... IMHO

good luck!




I also lost my sex drive the minute I got pregnant the first time....never got it back....that was 8
To adminstrators. Love your new format. Could you please back the actual time of the post.
Love the little smiley faces that can be added too.  And the print.  Just bring back the time along with the date of post if possible.
EXACTLY! Thank you for adding.
And that is without adding in the
Ouch, ooch, eech, (walking out to grab the paper off the step this morning).
And adding to that. ..
What happens when the company runs low on work, which is known to happen.  There is nothing in the contract about the "penalty/incentive" does not apply.
Nothing about MQ is adding up anymore.
adding my 2 cents
It can be done, as I have been in your shoes as well. It will be tough without family close by, but thank goodness you have a job that can keep you close to your children. When I did it my job was 12 hours a day. Just wanted you to know that you have support here, and by the looks of it you have alot of it. You and your children are in my thoughts.
lol.. thank you for adding humor to my otherwise
Keep adding to that expander SM
Just backing you guys up. I'll never have those quick fingers either (nv hv tos qk fgs eir), just not in me, but by continually creating and memorizing abbreviations, I transcribe fairly challenging acute care hospital work somewhere between 330-340 lph--including short breaks for coffee refills and so on. It wouldn't add up to 3000 over 8 hours (most of my work is actually editing these days), but could be if I were doing work I could make more templates for, clinic for instance. Zero stress, BTW.
Adding Expansions

I was wondering how you build your expansion list, meaning, about how many words do you put in day?  A few, 20, 50?  And do you review them daily so you know what you have?  I tend to create them and then forget I have them and then do not use them.  What are you tips?  Thanks in advance!

Did you try leaving the .09 and adding .09.vox? nm
Are you getting paid for adding the
demographics, such as the patient's name, the medical record number, the dictator's name, two spaces instead of one at the end of a senstence. Is the space included in your line count? Some companies are now paying by the character only. Unfortunately, a lot of these things we used to get paid for have been taken away, thus you need to work a lot harder for the same amount of money. Try to master the more difficult dictators, and once you do, then ask for a higher rate.
just adding my 2 cents; not sure where you have
worked with 'Indians' to have such a negative viewpoint, but my experience was pleasant and the people I knew from India were polite, quiet, respectful but probably mistrusting of Americans I supposed. Most everyone is India gets a college education, not like here. Even on the phone from call answering centers, the 'Indians' I have spoken with for the most part are very soft-spoken and polite.

They were given an opportunity and are taking it and making the most of it and for that I don't blame them. It is our American companies that sought them out and went over there and started these transcription companies, yes?
I had 6346 and adding each day. :) nm
I am talking about adding a few more notches to
make the playback speed increase, only if you want it to, such as if you have a really slow dictator and you want to go back and proof the whole report. Since I proof every report by going back and listening, it really would make the proofing go faster to be able to increase the speed more than we are able to now.
td = 10/13/2005. in IT I just keeping adding them as td.
We got plenty and adding new accounts every day it seems - nm
Stuck adding dictionary
  I've downloaded Stedmans 6.0 to Word (program files) and am attempting to add the dictionary for spell check.  I can locate the file but when I try to add a file name, I get hung up.  I'm sure the problem lies in the file name, either the original download or my efforts to add the dic.  I would very much appreciate an assist, pulling my hair out.  TIA - I have googled extensively and followed the instructions but I am missing something here.
adding 5 a week would not work well IMO

I currently have over 1500 entries in my mail abbreviation program file.  If I had built this by adding 5 entries a week, it would have taken 300 weeks, or almost 6 years to build my main file.  I have an additional 6 other files with varying numbers of entries built specifically for different purposes - one for medications - one to correct misspelled words in my current MTSO's spellcheck - and one for each of the different accounts I work (mostly entire op notes and templates).

I believe the one on ShortHand's site is a good start.  Once you get familiar (or even while you get familiar) with it's pattern, you can add your own.  I constantly add to my main file.  Sometimes when I come across something I haven't seen in a while and don't know for sure it is in the file, I follow the pattern, and voile'...there it is and I don't have to guess at the spelling or look it up.   

In addition, if you activate the prompt screen of available entries on your screen, you do not necessarily have to memorize all the entries.  You get to chose from a selection of 9 entries to help jog your memory if needed.  I am a firm believer in the use of expansion software, even though the first one made me dizzy for 2 weeks

Beg to differ with the adding of words
to report if not necessary. That is commonly known as "line padding," especially adding "the patient" when it is not said. I know MTs who have been let go for doings things like that.
Adding some info to this post...

Here is an interesting bit:  http://law-wire.blogspot.com/2008/02/india-to-adopt-data-privacy-rules.html

Also, you may want to look into the Information Technology Act (India).

And adding insult to injury,
I have a few that dictate like they're trying to keep it all a big secret; ironically, it usually sounds like they are trying to keep their voices down so they don't disturb the people having the LOUD conversation 5 feet away! Hello, get a clue! Gaaaah!
Adding up line counts
I am about to start as an IC with a company.  Up to this point, I have not had to add up line counts at all.  What do you use to figure this out to invoice the company?  Any favorite softwares?
Adding insult to injury,
it's IC (independent contract) work with an insultingly low line rate. If I were going to take THAT big a pay hit, it had BETTER have one KICKER of a benefits package attached to it. No, thanks. Don't call me and I won't call you.

In addition to the various fees charged if you don't jump through all their hoops (and they were a bit fuzzy about whether those fees would still be assessed if the failure to complete the required work was THEIR fault not yours, there was also some verbiage in their contract that sounded like they might require you to use a dedicated computer--i.e. you can't use the computer you use for their work for anything else. Naturally, they do not supply this dedicated computer. Excuse me, if I own the computer, I can do whatever I bloody well please with it.
Just for your info.. this 30-year MT is NOT adding s to Down syndrome
so that is not what the problem is... I don't care HOW long you've been transcribing a split infinitive is a split infinitive!  and verb tenses haven't changed, as far as I know... so don't act like 30-year MTs just aren't "with it" cause this one is!
Determine your line rate by adding that 25%
get and don't forget to add in costs of marketing, setting up a HIPPA compliant system, printing, sending/receiving work, travel expenses, trying to mantain a client who wants to lower your line rate because someone else will do it for less and/or suddenly finding the need to get a different client because the own you got decided to use voice recognition and didn't tell you until they no longer need your services....
Thanks. I'm adding to my shortcuts. I Googled and saw different spellings.
Line padding is also adding little blank characters

like spaces throughout the report to get paid more.  I saw reports at MQ and Sp that had lines of spaces shown on reveal codes between paragraphs where someone either didn't know how to work their expander, was cutting and pasting, or was deliberately padding their lines.

As for typing out abbreviations, I work on an account that doesn't use abbreviations at all.  I use otcx for over-the-counter, etc.

You're welcome, thought to be fun. Will be adding falling snowflakes and
Personally I feel very uncomfortable adding something the doc didn't say

I would ask the OM for standardized templates so they would be on file and if there was ever any question, you would be able to show that you were given a template for that particular situation.

Let the doctors worry about covering their @ss. You worry about covering yours.

Thanks!...good idea about adding the def to the glossary...I'll try that too
Smarttype - Adding a text file list?

Is it possible to add a text file word/phrase list to Smartype? If so, how do you do this?


Line padding is also adding extra words. See inside.

Doc says:  "General. Alert and oriented, no distress. HEENT:  Eyes clear. Lungs:  Clear."

MT types: GENERAL EXAMINATION:  In general, the patient is alert and oriented. The patient is in no distress. HEENT EXAMINATION:  The patient's eyes are clear.  LUNG EXAMINATION:  The patient's lungs are clear.

I kid you not. And there are companies out there that will defend the MT's right to do so. But, would the client's approve of it? I seriously think not.