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Thanks for the compassion

Posted By: MQer on 2005-09-19
In Reply to: *applause*applause*applause* - thank you!

Appreciate it

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You don't need any compassion. You need some ambition
Grow up.
Those who claim to have so much compassion....

say so only to make themselves feel superior.  You think you're better because you say what you say.   But how much do you do?  When Bush cut taxes, did you feel  so strongly that it was a mistake that you insisted to continue to send in the former higher Clinton taxes?  Or do you think that only those horrid selfish "rich" people should pay?  Sounds bites and lip service. 

you need to have sympathy or compassion--sm
to be a friend to someone. Yes, encourage them to help themselves, I understand that. Most people DO want to help themselves, but a true friend needs to be compassionate toward that person first, to be able to do that. Kicking them in the behind and telling them to figure it out for themselves is not being an encouraging friend. You said you have no patience for people who do not help themselves. patience is a virtue. everyone learns life's lessons at their own pace and in their own time. Understanding that makes you a friend. having no compassion or sympathy towards them does not.
I have compassion and I have belief they can
important thing in situation like this is to help friend help herself, not just give pity. Show strength and initiation and pass that to friend, not just poor you.  Give compassion but also give the feeling friend CAN make her life what she wants it to be.
Having compassion is not the same as joining
People should save their compassion for someone
The liberal-loonies never learn. How sad.
Thanks for your positivity, understanding and compassion!
Compassion often is term for enabling. Often a
Ray Nagin is the one who showed true compassion
Tell it like it is..Thank you.  So much ragging on the Mayor of New Orleans, please, point the finger where it belongs.  This disaster could not have been taken care of by local govt alone.  We needed the feds to step in.  The president was on the TV two days before the hurricane warning it was gonna be a bad one.  Well, if we all knew that, there should have been planes and ships already loaded up and ready to move down to the gulf the minute the storm abated.  If anyone is showing true compassion, it is Rag Nagin.  If you ask me, FEMA did not do it's job.
No compassion for the woman who finds this circmstance a

I agree. I think it shows compassion and nothing unprofessional about that. nm
You had our compassion but the constant whining has turned that to antipathy. nm