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Thank you so much... I fixed it.

Posted By: Bella on 2007-08-10
In Reply to: Escription playback question... - Bella

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I might have fixed it....
After I was able to get the links to show up again, I then saved the page in "Favorites" (deleted my old link that was there) and now when I click on it from my favorites, the links are continuing to show up on the left side/blue area - so far. LOL. We will see if this lasts now. :D
I really think it is fixed! sm
I tried voting for Chris on Tuesday night and I could NOT get through at all! I honestly believe that they did not want to send Katherine home because that has the potential of losing the male audience! How many guys sit around and want to watch 3 guys sing? I truly, in my heart and soul, think the entire thing is bogus. Although, he is really and truly talented and I think he will definitely be selling records in the near future, which I will gladly buy!!!!! JMO HE SHOULD HAVE WON IT ALL!!!!
It's Fixed Now!
Thanks for notifying.

MTStars Support Team.
Thanks we fixed it.
It was on my kids computer; not mine.  My daughter was playing a game, and the letter keys wouldn't work.  It's a Logitech Cordless (cheapo) and I downloaded software from the site, and then my son pulled the plug on the optical eye, plugged it back in, and it now works!  Thanks....  Everyone!!!! 
OE problem fixed!

Just wanted to let you know that I just did a restore (a quick 10 minute fix) and my OE works fine again! Apparently I had some corrupted files. I was very hesitant on trying this in fear of files I might lose (particularly work ones) but everything appears fine so far.

I am just So upset that I wasted SO many hours  trying to fix this!

Here's how I fixed that...not to say it will work for you.
I work as an IC for a large service. I went through the misery for about two weeks after getting a new doctor who was either too lazy or too clueless to give the demographic information needed. I swear that I spent as much or more time looking up old reports if the dictation was for a followup, etc., as I did typing the darn report. I said forget this. Every time he left out the SS#, MR# number, DOB, or did not spell a name, I used my highlighter on the tool bar and typed in "not given". It took him about one week of getting reports back to his office where one of the office staff had to look the info. up or give the report to doctor to fill in missing information. I made him as irritated as he made me. About one week later, and to this day, he very rarely misses any pertinent info. I ran this through the MTSO before I highlighted, and explained to her that when I ran my own service, there is no time or tolerance for doctors who fail to give pertinent information on an important medical record. Any MTSO who pressures you otherwise to waste your precious time on this is not worth working for! Good luck to you!
If not identified, it will never be fixed!
I don't want to crucify them for making an error.  I want the error to be known, noted, and corrected in future editions! I also want to be aware of any other known errors in this publication so I will not bilindly follow the book and make the errors they are providing, considering I have PAID for their PROFESSIONAL guidance!!   Is that unreasonable?
Fixed wireless.
Has anybody had any experience with this. We have a company providing this close by. We only have dial-up and satellite has such bad reviews. I am trying to research any possibility.
Fixed wireless
I looked into this in IL when I lived for a short time in a rural area -- VERY expensive and if you rent, its a hole and mounting "a permanent structure" -- also, you are locked into a contract with that as well and not everyone has radio towers available or in the area -- frankly, the newer cards are a better alternative.
Hey, got it figured and fixed!
I went to the Nuance/Dictaphone web site and looked at their information base and lo and behold, there was the problem and solution. Apparently it's common with Windows XP or 2000 and they recommend a particular file download, DPVoicer1132.exe. I did that and ran it and after rebooting, problem fixed!

Thought maybe an update might help someone doing a search on here in the future.
I FIXED IT... see link...
http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word/HA101055371033.aspx#1 I followed these instructions, and wahlah!!! :)

I will print your suggestion as well. I watched a demo on Word earlier and it is so "full" (for lack of a better word). I am so impressed with this edition!!

Thanks to all!!
The problem is fixed.
Don't forget to push control+F5 to update your computer cache.

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MTStars Support Team.

macro - fixed
between windows & mac, something got squashed in the file name reference. Let's see if it pastes cleanly now.

Make sure you create a text file c:
eplacetext.txt and put the entries in the format specified

mjsmithx|Michael J. Smith, MD,

Note - if you want to change the file name or location, change the corresponding OPEN statement in the macro below. Also, if you want to change the delimiter character from the hardcoded (single pipe) value to something else, change the delimchar line below and the text file accordingly.

You can insert this into a module in your normal document template -- or in a specific document or template if you don't want it in Normal -- post here if you need more details

This will run through every entry in the text file and make the corresponding replacement in the target document.

Sub replacemulti()

Dim TextRaw, FindText, ReplaceText As String

Dim delim As Integer

Dim delimchar As String

delimchar = "|"                 'Must be a single character for this version.

Open "c:
eplacetext.txt" For Input As #1    ' Open the find/replace source file.

Do While Not EOF(1)             'Loop until end of file   
Line Input #1, TextRaw      'Read file, one line at a time
delim = InStr(1, TextRaw, delimchar, 0) 'Get the position of the delimiter

 FindText = Left(TextRaw, delim - 1) 'FindText = text to left of delimiter
ReplaceText = Mid(TextRaw, delim + 1, Len(TextRaw))  'ReplaceText = text to right of delimiter
'Do the replacement



    With Selection.Find 
.Text = FindText
.Replacement.Text = ReplaceText

.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue

        .Format = False

        .MatchCase = True

        .MatchWholeWord = True

        .MatchWildcards = False

        .MatchSoundsLike = False

        .MatchAllWordForms = False

    End With

    Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

Close #1    ' Close file.

End Sub

Thanks all. I got it fixed but have no idea how. Think it had to do with my keyboard though! nm
Fixed wireless works well
If you're talking about tower wireless (like a radiowave wireless type), as long as you have it set up to receive the signal well (requires high enough antenna)then you should have a nice, clean connection.

problem with mail fixed
This morning when we tried to download our messages, nothing downloaded. We tried our WebMail function, and got a "Unidentified Server Error". So we thought attglobal.net was temporarily down. Waited till 10 am, and still the same. We call AttGlobal support, and they got things back. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I just got fixed wireless broadband
And I love it! No lag like satellites. I thought I'd never get broadband since I'm a mile from the nearest house but this is a very nice connection.
Obviously it is not fixed if Norton keeps detecing it...

mine keeps detecting it as well.  It will stop for a couple of days and then start in again.

I would like to know what the "glitch" is exactly...

No, had that fixed a long time ago!

No CAD for me, will buy my own CABG. 

At an old job we could return work we did not want, but then they fixed their platform so you could
so it is probably only a matter of time before all companies do that, smart thing to do but yes it does cut into your paycheck if you get a horrible run of bad ESLs.
never mind, his smart wife fixed it.

I fixed it. Some days I really get tired of making them look
Has Spellex fixed all those weird entries yet? (sm)
Doesn't DocQScribe use their word list? I remember going crazy trying to delete all the Brit and Ozzie terms. Um, hello, I work for American docs who get peeved when 'color' is spelled 'colour.'
I'm using a fixed wireless broadband connection
And so far, so good. The tower is just across the cow field, though. I haven't had any cutting in and out and I feel like a kid with a new toy since I'm able to watch You Tube, etc. now. My provider (SEIdata) came and did a site survey before installing it first and told me I had an excellent signal. They put a small box on my roof and ran cable to my office. I plug into an Ethernet modem and I can WIFI it with a router if I want to, too.

I've heard mixed reviews on the "cards," but I would recommend fixed wireless if you have a provider that does a site survey and installation.

Oh, good! Maybe they fixed the problem. I'm going to check right now. Thanks!
Oops... well sort of fixed! Geez...
I am learning as I go, so forgive me. I was able to add the normal.dot BUT autotext doesn't pop up when typing as it did with 2003. I obviously need to learn A LOT more :(
Thanks. I think I have it fixed now. I will print your instructions in case I have another -sm
one of those days in the future which I am sure I will!!!  Thanks again. 
No, not zipped. I was missing a Codec file - Fixed now! Thanks anyway! nm
I'd get the riding mower fixed pronto, granted - sm
push mowing 3 acres is probably great exercise, but it must be a bit time consuming. I used to cut 1.3 acres and it would take about 60-90 minutes on a riding mower, and that is with a house and pool in the way; can't imagine how long it takes to push mow 3 acres.
Thanks y'all. Changed hot keys and that fixed the problem. nm
mine stopped doing that weeks ago. I believe the glitch is fixed. NM
Auto backup has to be fixed through the call-in system

Go under keypad menu, and then fix the auto backup space or through the Transcriptionist ID settings on the setup. Also, the dictation system should have a separate code/key for larger rewind to hit.


Hope that helps!

Yup, mine did that a few years ago. New battery fixed it right up. Be sure to write down your setti
My "techies" come to the house and most of the time get it fixed here. They built the computer
Bkea1985 - Did you get your chipmunk problem fixed with Express Scribe? sm

If not, did you see my message below about trying a different Wavplayer, such as Bytescribe or any other wavplayer.  You can usually download a trial (know you can with Bytescribe) and see how that particular voice file sounds with that.  

I am laughing so hard, I swear I fixed my 'pot' (for potassium) expander, and it came out pota