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Terrorists?? Where were they??

Posted By: gct on 2005-07-07
In Reply to: Very well said - Hear, hear

Terrorists??  Pre and Post 9/11, there were no terrorists in Iraq..they were in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia..Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism..In fact, Saddams ideology and religion did not click with Bin Laden's..They did not even like each other..ONCE AGAIN....9/11 HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ AND SADDAM..Now, due to Chimp Boys idiotic immoral illegal imbecile attack on Iraq, sure NOW Iraq is a hot bed of terrorism but it WASNT before 9/11..For pete sake, open your eyes to the truth..In a poll, Bush was number one as terrorist in the world..In another poll, China is better liked and respected among the world than America..

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    But the terrorists were in the US on 9/11
    I am not defending Indian MTs, per se, but terrorists were here in the US...  So, I guess I'm not getting why you feel that would mean our medical records are in jeopardy.    My heart goes out to those people.  They did nothing wrong.  I did read something that the attacks were meant for the US and Britons that were in India. 
    Terrorists anywhere are horrible, awful!

    We are very fortunate, indeed. These no-mind brainless idiots could be right around us. We can't let them get away with it, no matter where. I never thought my beautiful, innocent first grader would come home and tell me they have to practice getting under the desk for cover, lock their door and stay under the teacher's desk if possible, should any "bad guys" come into their school. Heartbreaking. They may be preparing for the nuts who come to school with a gun but I hate to see this happening in little first graders lives. How sad! As much as I hate to see work going to India, I don't wish them any harm. It shouldn't happen to a dog, never mind people. I will pray for them because the shoe someday may be on the other foot, God forbid!  Yes, they were targeting Brits and Americans, that's how much they hate us, but I'm sure some people from India suffered as well. Terrorists know no boundaries, all they want is "terror" and heartache.

    I am thankful today for my freedom and for those who are putting their lives on the line to protect us. We live in a great country. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, even if times are tough, we have the privilege of living in a great country.

    And don't forget, we have native terrorists. SM
    For a broader view for a greater understanding and perspective on some of these issues, I'd recommend starting with a good book or two. The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman offers a thoughtful--and very readable--view of globalization and outsourcing, for instance. For now, hoping our files will be "brought home," i.e., basically wishing our local hospitals still had to hire those of us who live within a commute of them, is pretty much like hoping computers will go away. I'd spend my time and energy elsewhere.
    dear one, shrub gave the terrorists all they ever needed..
    an excuse! 
    No, what incites terrorists is the likes of Durbin and all the naysayers who give them hope that we