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Stayed at Vistana time share resort and it was EXCELLENT 5-6 years ago.

Posted By: Problem is February on 2005-07-28
In Reply to: Travel to Florida/Disney - experiences? - Lynne

I don't know what kind of prices you are going to get at the height of the season but phone Vistana and see what a weekly rate is. They do have shuttle service and lots of activities within the resort itself. There are lots of time shares that have been built since then so check into time share rental. Vistana had two bedrooms and sleeping room in the living area plus kitchen. Whirlpool bath in master. Tennis, swimming, etc. Great place to stay, highly recommend.

PS: I went in the late summer and price for a week was approximately $700.

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i stayed for 10 years...
Until I started experiencing the same problems that everyone  complains about on this board... low work, no work, constant account switches, mysterious messages from corporate about new pay plans, etc., then I was out the door. I have more  respect for myself than to put up with that!
Uh, probably for the same reasons YOU stayed for 10 years? nm
Share, share, I've been looking for some time...sm
sending out resumes gallor, have great experience, but they sound like clones of each other in what they offer, yet what they want is it all!!!  I'm so discouraged, in the depression boat myself!  They want you to commit to FT, new equip, DSL, on and on!!!
Quit after 2 years. If I wanted to work 8 hours a day, I would have stayed in the hospital. Seemed
to be working all day long just to make a decent living.  Although, I wanted to be home with my kids until the baby was at least 5, had to breakdown and return to working outside the home, to make ends meet. Just to stressfull trying to make a good living with the rates they are paying now. 
Thanks for taking the time to share!
That's a long time! That's excellent.
I had been a "chicken only" eater for years, but 2 years ago I read something from PETA that completely changed that, needless to say! It's been great eating new and exciting dishes that I never even thought of before. Could you tell me how the Tofurky tastes (I think that is the name?) Last year I just ate sides, no substitute for the meat. By the way, the new issue of Vegetarian Times has some excellent Thanksgiving recipes in it.
please share corrected version next time too; thx!
Very good ideas! Thanks for taking the time to share.

Excellent idea, I like the 0.25 per resend. I will implement that the next time she does this. THA
Shorthand is excellent--had for 5 years, does everything but diaper the baby, NO problems. Great pr
To the person giving the ShortHand tips - thank you very much for taking time to share!! nm
Only as a last resort

I had this same problem occurring on a different computer about two years ago so I'm not even sure a reformat will make it go away because it still occurs on my "new" computer (2 yrs. now). Again, it is sporadic so it's hard to nail it down.

I so HATE to have to think about a reformat since my computer is so customized but I will keep it in mind as a last resort. Thanks.

Do it as a LAST resort. Try to work with your creditors.
It will follow you around for some years, depending on how you file. My opinion from what I saw in my former world of banking.
I must admit I would resort to something like that. Love my dogs and everyone else's but enough
enough. We have 2 dogs and neither are barkers. I think that is the first thing I teach them. They don't even bark to go outside, just sit by the door. We did have a German Shepard once who was a terrible barker, the neighbors called the police, etc. We bought one of those shock collars, put it on her when she was out and wow, what a difference. She only wore it during the day when she was out. We brought her in when we came home, the collar came off, and she stayed in during the night. Unfortunately for us, our neighbor, 2 doors away, worked midnights, so it bothered him. It didn't stop her completely but it sure helped the incessant barking. Of course, the neighbor didn't want to make any noise, period. I wouldn't recommend them for a small dog or older dog, though. As far as the hose goes, congratulations. My neighber has a dog who ambushed both my dogs, bit the older dog and terrorized the puppy, twice. The next time that dog was going to get the hose as I knew there would be a dogfight. The owner would have gotten it too, I have enough guts for that. Big brother golden retriever hates it when another dog comes by his little cocker spaniel brother. We resorted to a fence and now the dog doesn't even come in our yard. Darn, couldn't try the hose.
When one cannot win an argument with logic they resort to name calling.
They can't help themselves. It's instinct (hee).
Last resort is applying at the service the hospital is using.
Congrats, girl, and get your share of any money that you share before he wipes you out. nm
I have used this one for 5 years. It may be time for a new one

1st time 22 (6 yrs). 2nd time 33 and 13 years.
Still going strong! 
26 years is a looongg time to be
doing this job, and every weekend at least one day.  Had about the same experience with my DH, me working all the time trying to get line counts while he would go weekends to the lake to go fishing....  I had about all I could take, and for a couple of weeks, at times, I would sit at my computer, trying to type while crying....stress of the job, financial stress, and him gone fishing and having a good time.  Well, it just so happened that he heard me crying, not because I wanted him to (he has hearing difficulties) but he just happened to come into the room when I was sobbing and typing, having a real hard time with this job, getting knots in my stomach.  He asked me what was wrong, and this time I told him exactly what was wrong, how I was feeling, what this job was doing to me, and he came to a decision that it didn't matter if I worked or not, he didn't want me getting physically ill.  That did it for us.... I don't know if that will work for you, the crying part, but it got my DH's attention.  Sometimes you just have to come out and tell him, or do something, that lets him know you will NOT go it alone anymore.  Years ago someone asked me if I was tired of being a doormat....wonder if you are feeling that way?  You were not put on this earth to keep everyone happy..... I'm still trying to learn that but you MUST say something...  After awhile, you won't be able to hide it ...you will either get sick, or you will just blow up.  Stress has some nasty side-effects. Hope this helps.  God Bless.
IC 12 years, took 2 vacations in that time

It is very_difficult to get time off for vacation when you work for yourself and cut out middle people......I do exactly that and I haven't had a vacation since 2005 and before that during 9/11/01.  The offices may understand and allow you 2 weeks but then you have to play *catch-up* when you return, trying to bring them all current.

It's a trade-off for sure, unless you have friends that can cover your vacation time and who you trust with the work. 


Don't feel bad. For the first time in 2 years,
I didn't get my lines or hours. Work has been low lately. I've usually been way above the required production.
14 years at the time I took the test.
But if you have the CMT review guide and study it, take the little tests at the end of the chapters, you WILL pass.  just don't be nervous.  They give you something like 4 hours and I was out of there in a little over an hour.  You don't need to get a 100%, just pass it.  And before anyone starts ragging on how it's not worth it blah blah blah, I did it for ME.  I spent my own money to prove to MYSELF that I am not as stupid as all my supervisors who don't know s*it from shinola about MT imply that I am.  And I got a personalized license plate but I suppose the morons down here think I am affiliated with a cement company. 
Do you need to have 2 years full time experience or just 2 years' experience? nm
Ooops, transferred the 25 years old to your age at the time.
I had one for 3 years and it worked fine the whole time.

On vacation for the first time in 2+ years - YAHOO!

Actually, I have not worked as a full time MT for nine years
and that's the problem. Is there hope for me to get back in to MT even though I've been out of it for so long. I did work part-time from home from the lab for about two years after that.
Why would you allow this to go on for five years? You should have stopped it a long time ago. nm
Good things take time. (this is addressed to OP, BTW) My first 15 years or sm
so of MT was without the benefit of using an expander. When Expanders became the norm, I was reluctant to try, thinking that it would be more cumbersome than by not using it at all. Was I surprised and pleased I had ventured into the Expander world.

Since you're at home you can add entries on your free time, even if you do 5 or 10 at a time, when there is no pressure on you. Start out with expanders for "the patient," "-year-old," the names of your doctors, anything that is repetitious. You will be surprised how much time this will save you. My initial expander, PRD, actually calculated saved Keystrokes and productivity. Back then I was saving 30%!

The expander is especially helpful for those crazy terms that are hyphenated or have camel caps, those that I always had to look up to check myself. Create your brief form by just using straight lowercase, for instance, duoneb for Duo-Neb (or d-n).

Speed will come, don't worry. Good luck to you!

(Posted in the wrong place--I always do that!) This is in response to OP.

Why I stayed
Because I believed the BS/lies/contradictions until I was literally choking on them. I don't have people like that around me.

Dano, you're right about a good MT having options. So keep that good advice coming and thank you! I was so into the psychological abuse, I lost sight of that fact.

I'm sure you've heard of the battered wife syndrome. It happens gradually, not overnight. Well...I guess there's such a thing as battered MT syndrome. Hopefully, this site will put an end to it.

I'm not a war monger. Just trying to help MTs make an informed decision based on the facts of what happened to me and not to be as stupid as I was to buy into all of it. I don't have an axe to grind either. She's the loser. She can do whatever she wants now. I don't work for her!

Here's something for everyone to chuckle about. The coordinator told me I was greedy. Not productive, not fast, not you know your stuff, not you work smart, but greedy! I'm LOL now, but I was speechless then. Don't any of you tell me that was her euphemism for productive. My production went into the toilet after that. That is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Have a great evening!

why, then, have you stayed for

Why would ANYONE with half a brain stay somewhere so terrible for 9 years?

Can you not find another job? What's the deal? I wanna know!

There's no way I would have stayed...
After being treated like that. The first time I don't get paid on time, bye bye! The doctors don't work for free, and I don't either.
why subject little angels to the willey years ahead of time
The hairy thing might scare her. At that age, they are fugly.

Tell papa not to take ANY chances that could screw up her delicate psyche. If he continues, make an appt with a therapist and get an expert's advice.
Wonder if you scrub them too hard. I wear my soft ones for 2 years at a time! nm
I've used my laptop to MT for about 5 years, full-time. Couldn't
I love being portable, plus I have a small working space. It's great transcribing on the deck (or at the beach) on nice days. Have never had any technical issues; there's always some sort of adapter thingie that's available for whatever comes up.
Actually it's years to ears. I can spell just fine, just don't take the time to proofread eve
post as I'm busy transcribing at the same time.  Sorry to say my priorities are such that you guys here don't rank perfect posts.  Now, if you guys want to pay per post....  
Just experiencing acute care dictation, for the first time in years
the dictation seems lacking of a change in the tone of the dictation, inflections put on syllabyls or sentence structure are both missing. It makes the job boring with the sighs and "ummmm"s of which there are many, loss of train of thought. In my day, the doctor's dictated with some emotion which helped to enjoy the job even more, in fact, that is my fav part, typing a good job for the person dictating - that has always been my goal. It is very depressing since I see another 10 or so years in this field unless I sprout a new talent that can pay the bills.
I improved on it after a while, but then stayed the same.
When I first started on VR I had a really hard time because we don't have an expander on our program. I was so accustomed to typing shortcuts that I typed them when I was editing and ended up having to edit my editing.  But I've been doing it for a few months now and got used to the program, and my line production picked up a little.  I'll never be able to double or even get 60% to 70% above my usual typing rate though because I can produce a lot with typing (about 1600 lines a day).  I haven't heard of anyone producing 3200 lines a day when 100% editing. It would be different if it was like QA editing and just filling in the blanks, but sometimes this takes longer to do this than it does to type it.
The fact that you have stayed with them
for so long amazes me. You must be a saint! Good luck to you. I hope you find what you are looking for.
I think I stayed with it too long, too. Unfortunately, (sm)
most other jobs don't really suit my personality. I like transription cuz I don't have to deal directly with people that much. I'm not much of a people-person. I would HATE a front-office job! I'm concerned that MT may be dying out (mainly due to greed & dishonesty in the industry, not to mention in the Healthcare industry). I looked into court-reporting, but I think it's too late for that. Shoulda' done it 30 years ago while I still lived for free with mom & dad, and could go to school full-time! Getting a degree at night school is brutal. I have a friend who started working on getting her Master's back in the late 1960's, while working full-time. She's still working on it, and still going to school. Still isn't there yet, and she'll be retirement age in 3 more years!

Nope, I stupidly allowed myself to get stuck in a dead-end profession, that now shows signs of passing on, itself. So I figure I'll just ride it out to the end, and after that, so on public assistance and live in a cardboard box on the sidewalk somewhere. Either that, or go on the "Smith & Wesson Retirement Plan". hee!
No, stayed at hotel right near it, though.
Most of the places in M. Beach offer a package deal such as the one you describe. We have stayed at Compass Cove and Caravelle and both offered family value packages that include the suite, buffet breakfast daily, and tickets to local attractions. We are going back to Compass Cove this year, in fact. Both Caravelle and Compass Cove also renovated over the last year. Have you checked sites like Travelocity? Sometimes they have customer reviews that can be very helpful. Are you taking children? If so, I would recommend Compass Cove or Caravelle, either one. However, Monterey looks like a very nice place from the outside, at least!

Hope you have fun! :) When are you planning to go? We usually go towards the end of August. Rates are even better then. ;)
Thanks, I've done that too, stayed
in motels that had internet service, in fact many of them don't charge, although recently I had to pay 10 bucks a day for it. I was just wondering about the Spring broadband card that you can put in your computer and use where there is Sprint service and if anybody has used it up and down the interstate system, not just in major cities.
yep, 2 different companies, stayed with 1 - sm
quit the other eventually they had gone from being pretty good to pretty bad and I was not able to meet production (the ESLs were really, really bad) and I "left" at mutual agreement; like the platform and all but rarely got good dictators. As for the other company, I quit due to being stretched too thin, then went back to them when things did not work out with my "new" job (had 3 at the time). Always leaving on good terms helps, work notice, etc. then approach and asked if you can come back as things are not working out for you and you liked working for them, etc. Good luck.
hate daylight savings time, LOVED living in AZ for 2 years!
used to whatever time you are on, some government says, "EVERYBODY CHANGE AGAIN!"
I recently stayed at the Flamingo (sm)
it was very nice - they have a beautiful pool area, really tropical.  In fact, there was a wedding there when we were there and I noticed how nice it was.  If you sign up for their "card" they will give you a better rate. 
Just stayed at Drury, they allow pets.
also use a KVM switch but stayed wired
for security reasons, and ..

I don't want kids to have internet their rooms. Mean mama that I am. LOL

Maybe you are just uptight about one night stands? You should have stayed to the end.
I wore a Spanish mantilla - it stayed out of the way and was still fun.

She has to be the dumbest person alive to have stayed
married to an alcoholic and drug user, and to have had children by him. She endangered the lives of those children. She is blind, says she never sees anything bad that the press reports. Maybe that is because they are sheltered and protected from any protesters so they can continue to think they are the king and queen of the world.