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Sounds good to me! I'll take it. Unless their lines are skewed.

Posted By: $$ (NM) on 2008-02-02
In Reply to: Is 13 CPL a good rate for - IC status for hospital work?


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Sounds amazingly stressful. I'll stick to my 1200 lines a day, thanks. nm
I'll consider it--that sounds good and low tech, lol--NM
It's Dictaphone's ExText and it's good/easy, but some feel the line counts are skewed at
I'll tell you what this sounds like to me ...
it sounds like a foreigner who is coming on here to provoke more problems amongst the MTs, to keep us bickering with each other, possibly to cause problems for MQ and/or other companies in an effort to influence workloads being transferred outside the U.S.

That is what this sounds like to me. It is not even poor grammar but inappropriate grammar and punctuation. It reads like a foreigner.

I don't buy this for one minute. This is NOT an American MT.

With an expander, you'll do more lines in that amount
and let's not forget cherrypicking! That'll boost your lines way up nm

I'll bet she meant that's how long the lines are before it returns. nm
Wow, sounds like you are very deeply involved with AAMT. Nah, I'll take


Good for you. Sounds very interesting and a good chance of pace - sm

but I live in the northeast and not much need for that where I live.  I also live in a small town so that limits my options.  I have spent the last couple of years as a substitute teacher to supplement my MT job and just completed 4-1/2 months as a long term sub which I enjoyed and was a change of pace from MT.  The only problem is as a sub or ed tech you only get paid during the school year so I would have to keep my MT job for summers and school vacations.  With the way things are going in the MT world I hate to rely solely on that.  I don't want to find myself without any job whatsoever.   

Thanks for all the responses.    

Sounds like just where you work. Most places don't check so tightly on the lines produced AND you
good for you; you'll get more from it, with good socialization,
20 cpl is no good if you only get 5 lines
I have gotten slightly higher wages than i have now, but i tell you what my boss bends over backward to evenly distribute work. Granted I have proven myself by being very consistent and a high producer, but she tries to give us those dictators we each like when possible, but if two people have no work, she will split stuff up so it is even. I worked for a company for at 11 cpl only an average of 500 lines a week for a position that was supposed to be full time. Not once did I actually get to work a full shift. I moved on and am making a killing. I beat my personal record high today. :)
Is 757 lines in 5 hrs any good?

Hi all of you fast typing, experienced MTs,

I just typed 757 lines in 5 hours without interruption, which is 150ish lph Is this good?  I know it is not 300 lph.  I wish it was!  Anyway, I have been on this account for 5 months now, I use Instant Text and autocorrect/text.  How can I improve this to where I am typing 300 lph?! Help and thanks a lot!!!!!   

Good idea! I'll do that now.....nm
You'll get some good tips here. sm
First rule: Use your expander. You can't use it enough. Put all the medical terms in, general phrases from basic English, words you make typos in, medications that needs to be capitalized, Dr.'s names, anything you can think of. It takes time at first, but saves you hours later.

Also, if you have to find difficult words, keep a list. That way you won't have to look it up twice. You always think you'll remember it, but you probably won't.

The biggest thing is not to let the job overwhelm you. There is so much to learn. I don't know how it is for those of you coming out of a school, but when I started with no training, it took about 3 years to really train. So don't get discouraged. It gets easier. Best of luck.
I would agree with HP being good. I'll only
is better in this profession because most won't accept Vista anyhow.  The OP might want to try a secondhand computer store and then just purchase the Office Suite you'd like.  I did this and have good luck so far knock on wood with Office 2003.
Good luck, but you'll need your CMT...
The only other way possible I can think of, and someone above already mentioned it, is have another Transcriptionist train you. That's how I got into this field. However, most transcriptionists aren't in the situation to train to nor do they probably want to. If you do choose to do online courses, I would personally recommend CareerStep... just stay away from PCDI! I have two friends going through CareerStep and they both are enjoying the course.

Otherwise, this isn't a job you can just walk up to and start without any knowledge. If you want an easy job like that where you need no training, or training on the job, try a gas station or fast food restaurant. Sorry, I'm not trying to sound harsh, just truthful. You need a lot of training before working as an MT, as another poster said, it really is like a second language! You have to learn terminology, pharmaceuticals, anatomy, etc. However, I wish you the best of luck. If you *really* want to become an MT, then you can do it!
Maybe someday you'll be good enough
to be a QA, since you obviously have no idea at this point what the job entails.
If your trainer is as good as mine, you'll do just
fine.  The auto correct, auto Expander -- very easy to use and easy to access while transcribing so you can add as you go. 
Good idea...I'll check into it. Thanks!
Good advice...thanks! I'll save my $$ (NM)
I don't think you'll get a good answer from the info...
you provided. It varies too much from location to location.

I've seen some MTs on here that say inhouse in their area make less than $10 an hour. Our local starts newbies (providing they pass the tests) at $16.79 an hour.
10 cpl for gross lines is pretty good for Rad.
sounds good then?
so this would be good for me as a beginner? Oh, please say this is perfect for me.
Sounds good. Thanks!
Sounds good to me. Take it and run.
That sounds good!
sounds good thanks

Nothing sounds good.
My culinary creativity is wiped out lately.  Last night, it was fish sticks because the kids didn't like DH's BBQ ribs.  Maybe sub sandwiches...  I'd have to go to the store to get some deli meat, cheese, poor boy rolls and chips, but that sounds kinda good.
Sounds good to me, I have not been anywhere - sm
alone with my husband in about 18 months, unless you count quickies when the kids are asleep. I'd kill just for a night out, dinner, whatever without the kids, tried to talk him into this week since its my birthday (the big 40)....but he wants to take the kids with us....I love them to pieces but a few hours to ourselves would be nice. At this rate it will not happen for another 12.5 years. Fun.
MMM sounds good!
Everything sounds so good right now.  Maybe the garlic will help keep colds at bay!
mmm sounds good..... sm
What time shall I be there? LOL
Sounds good. Let's all do it!
Sounds good to me to.
OK, that sounds good. sm
I was under the impression that the main board was meant as a place to discuss a little bit of everything, and that's why I was so confused about why the posts regarding gas usage were removed. I don't understand how that was considered a "political" discussion, because there really wasn't much of anything about politics even mentioned. Thanks for your time.
Sounds good to me
I would say most people make around 9 to 10 cpl with acute care and ESL's. That is a lot of lph. If I type for an hour straight without breaks I average 230 lph
That sounds good too, LOL. nm
Sounds good, but they ...
still involve beef, pork, fish, chicken...thanks anyway.

I guess there is no way around those meat choices, so may be asking the impossible.

I have never made sheperd's pie so maybe that's an option.

thank you.:)
Sounds Good Too
I'll keep this recipe for the next time.
This sounds really good nm
Thanks - sounds good - I'm going to try it.

Well that sounds good.
That sounds good.  The unmatched SS tax the last time I was an IC, I am still trying to pay.  Good for you.
that sounds like a good

idea if you and sonn get that working and start to make them, I would like to know if price is not expensive.


Sounds good to me, especially for a
doctor's office, doing one speciality. You will probably have holidays off. You'll love that.
Wow. sounds good!
let us know how it works out.  I just got an ergonomic keyboard.  maybe I purchase the wrong thing here :)
That sounds all good, but none of us are
Sorry to say, but mistakes will be made.  We are only human.  Sorry to hear you have no life other than MT.  I have to say though that there are some great MTs out there that also attend sporting events and can produce quality reports, one being myself.  I commend you for being so dedicated, but after all, this is just a job like any other no matter where you do it whether it be in an office or a "home" office.      JMHO.
That sounds all well and good
needs 6 weeks off for surgery or wants 2 weeks of vacation time.   Who will do the work?  Do you then train p.r.n. employees or IC's.  I am also all for employee status, but you must admit as a human we do get sick and do need vacations.  If the office has no qualms with a 6-week back-up or a 2-week back-up, then so be it.  The nationals offer the fact that the work gets done no matter if Susie Q is on vacation or Betty Jo has to go out for gallbladder surgery.  Can we as employees at home compete with that?  Doubt it.  That is the first thing my supervisor told me where I worked for 17 years and decided to resign because I knew they were planning to outsource and wasn't going to "help them" is that we won't have to worry about vacations or sick time or short-term disability claims due to someone needing surgery.  The work will get done and in a timely manner.  JMO.
sounds good
I was doing office notes and it took me about 8 hours to do 1 side of a tape, print, etc.
Sounds like a good
deal for you then! Good luck!
Sounds good to me too!
I wouldn't mind typing up a novel - -something different for a change..
Sounds Good
This sounds like something I might try, though have many places of reference. It just seems like none are really fast when it comes down to it.

Quite a few people were recently stating that they know how to spell all the terms, etc., so I was thinking that maybe they had a good learing technique aside from a way to reference information.

Someone did mention writing the words down, but I already take notes of things I want to look up (unclear spots, etc.) while I am working. I don't think I have time to write all the terms I have to look up too. (There is so much I don't know!)

Think I will try your idea though. You never know which method might work much better! - Thanks again.