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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Sort of like passing your driving test and knowing. . .

Posted By: omt on 2006-01-04
In Reply to: that is so funny because - sm - me too

That you'll never have to take it again!

Well, at least until you're 80.

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I tried to get an MT job but even with passing the test
I had some real problems. I could not keep up with the volume. I had no one to help me with new words or even how to reasearch them. I sent stuff to QA but no one at QA ever told me what I was doing wrong so I ended up making many mistakes over and over again. Even though I had excellent training, I did not know how to run the software the company uesd and many other details. I failed miserably. My best friend however did take an internship and it was at 3 cents per line. It was a very nice MT service owner who basicallyu took her under wing and she learned tons of stuff. The lady worked with her and taught her a bunch of things that I wished I could have learned to stay alive in the field. She also got raises every few months so at the end of ayear and a half she was making 5.5 cents and had great production because she knew the dictators so well. By the time her two yeras is up, she will have the two years experience and be able to choose any job she can. So I guess I wish I could have had a chancd like that. I am still looking for the place that will hire me.
It would be interstate driving, he and I driving as partners so we can
drive hard. The company we are talking with will give us the sleeper truck. I am envisioning MT while he is driving. Obviously, not full-time, though. I just hate to lose my grip with the contract I have - gravy work.

How would I get the internet access? Satelite will be available across country? Can't put any permanent receivers on the truck.

I remind you, this is not MY midlife crisis. I'm trying to work things out to accommodate him.
passing through -
I say go for it passing through! There are men willing to pay $$$ for MIL* cam ladies! :)

I know what you mean Hayseed. Sometimes I get out and am driving and suddenly remember there is a whole world outisde my apartment! :)
Thanks for passing that on.

passing along a recommendation

My husband learned from an associate of a program called Ewido, that is supposed to beat the pants off all other spyware products. I tried it against others on my system:  Spy Sweeper, Spy Bot, and Spy Blaster. Ran all three first and then put Ewido through the paces. Ewido still found 7 more infected areas before it removed them.

You can try the product for free before you purchase it ($30). For anyone who is interested:   http://www.ewido.net/en/

this is merely a passing phase...nm

thx for passing that on--awesome! (nm)
No, just passing on information
I wish I had a way to find out if Needsomeone2listen is following up on these.
It feels like life is passing me by sometimes. All alone here. I
I just joined a gym. Where are MTs who quit the smokes? I just did too! I want to sail into my 50s without knowing what it likes to have chest pain! I have had it with my fat jiggly arms. I'm going to start living cuz if feels like this is the opposite of it.

Oh dear, I vented. Sorry!! Just had to say that to someone! Thanks for being an ear :o)
Passing through may have the wrong place...

I have been there for several months now and never been paid late.  The quality of the work I have been assigned is excellent, no ESL and no hassel about working for a line count instead of hours.   The benefits are acceptable.  I did have one friend who they hired who seemed to have not good luck with their program and she had to quit.  Overall I would give them a 4 on a scale of 1 to 5 and expect to be with them until something better comes along.  

I don't care either way. I'm not passing judgment.
I don't care who's gay or who reads the Bible. I'm not preaching or Bible-thumping, as your dander up implies that I am evidently. I just thought it silly that the other poster said a man married another man so as not to live in sin when the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin. It's not a debate or a judgment call. Stop taking it personally and see the humor in the other post. It's ironic. Geez, make an observation and get an invitation to debate religion. No, thanks!
Makes me wonder how the MTs in India are passing.
Do they get *minority* points!?! LOL.
Long time passing..nm
Extremely welcome, Anon. Just passing it on like much came from others. nm
It's a test in progress to measure what MTs know and what type of test to give for the SM
different levels of MTs.  It's over $90.  That's a lot of money to pay to someone who is giving these tests for research as to what type of testing should be done for the different levels of MT.  The AAMT will probably take the results and make a test that they can give in India or the Phillipines or some other foreign country. 
tuning fork test: Is it about a hearing test? .See inside
A whisper is about 20 dB
Loud music (some concerts) is around 80 to 120 dB
A jet engine is about 140 to 180 dB

Hope I could help
I have several years experience and do okay passing tests....
Sometimes it just feels like I get passed up for jobs because I have no schooling.
Knowing what I know now, NO, I would not become an MT. nm
It is just knowing what you
are typing as you go along, reading as you type.  If you are using abbreviation expanders, make SURE that you have not typed a WRONG expansion.  Good Luck!
Not a medical typing test but this website can test you..

It's called www.typingtest.com

Atleast it will give you an idea.. Sadly, I had to take it twice before I passed it LOL

Why would they do a microalbumin test when she has the period? A lot of test s will come out wrong
Why would they do a microalbumin test when she has the period? A lot of tests will come out wrong.
Neer's test is a shoulder impingement test

Don't think that has to do with the knee.  How about "bucket handle tear" of the knee?  Never heard of Neer having anything to do with the knee. 

Comes sometimes with just knowing the right people. sm
Many of these positions are not advertised, just referred.
Knowing English as well
In your post you said "I am knew" to the transcription world. It should be new. This is just what would keep you from passing a transcription test.
I would be interested in knowing this as well....

Not knowing your husband, so I'm
not sure if this will work.  Place the clothes in the basket but DON'T wash them anymore.  Clean the dishes but DON'T cook for him anymore (this also eliminates the need for paper plates).  See if he notices....LOL. 
Knowing what my mortgage is....sm

truly keeps me motivated....the mortgage is HUGE....*bites nails* 


I has been my experience in knowing other ICs--sm
that they usually try to find someone who will cover for their work load while they are gone. It is not fair to overload the other ICs who work there too and that would keep you from being overloaded yourself when you return. It may make your employer a little more amenable to you being gone, if they knew that there would still be someone there to do the work. just a thought.
Knowing what I have heard from others
including nurses, the field is wide open for the pay scale. If I had the chance to go either MTing or nursing, definitely choose nursing. The situation in transcription has been going down in pay and I doubt it will improve. I have met nurses who have their house notes paid, their vehicles paid, $$$$ because of physicians wanting someone in their office. To me this is a no-brainer. I do not think the 2 compare when it comes to the bottom line, money that is. The working at home is ok but my pay, for example, has fell in the 80s from the high $50,000 to maybe the medium 20s now. If younger and had the chance, I would say nursing is a wonderful opportunity.
I'm interested in knowing how much

one should make after 19 years?  I ALWAYS short-change myself and would love to know how to know when it is okay to push for more and when it doesn't matter because they won't go any higher.  A couple of weeks ago, for example, somebody said Diskriter offered them nearly 10 cpl, but I had 18 years of experience when I interviewed with them last year, and they said 8 cpl was as high as they would go.  If I had said, no thanks, I have to have more per line, would they have gone higher?  Somebody explain to me how to negotiate...  I would hate for my paycheck to be 20% less because I'm not savvy enough in this regard.


Knowing the truth....
Anyone who has been in this industry doing MT for more than 30 years and has survived knows the score. We feel grateful for our skills and we are humbled by the years of dedication it took to crack any nut thrown our way. People in the industry know who we are and most of us just prefer to do straight transcription because we know what we are doing and feel comfortable.
Also, we love the challenge of being able to decipher a really difficult report and make that doctor happy especially the ESL.

From my point of view, there are just to many MTs who go to QA hoping to learn something but the learning is in the transcribing. Just reading the reports is not going to give you that edge. You need to develop the "ear" and a knowledge of the specialties that only true dedication brings to the forefront.

We're living in a time when people want to make easy money without really having any experience or real knowledge. They just feel if they go to that good school, they will be all set and ready to make big bucks. It's that mentality of entitlement minus the years of hard work and dedication that is ruining this country. Sadly, it seems the more you know and the harder you work, the less you make.
Call it moral degredation.
You gave notice to your old job w/o knowing
what your line rate would be? Am I understanding that correctly?
thanks...just knowing there are others, same age bracket, skills, etc...does help...
like you, I LOVE this job, and actually chose it - not the other way around. Fortunately, it has not cost me anything, really, like the other poster mentioned; but I too am scared.

It is always upsetting when you life changes because of things out of your control...at our age, we are from the times when people had one job until they retired. I know that is history, but man, this way is ridiculous. Flying from job to job, no continuity, no structure. What good can come of this anyway.

like the other poster mentioned, who cares about us anyway, really. the rich only care about getting richer, and that crap about giving the tax cuts to the rich and they will 'share it' - what a bunch of fools we have been.

thanks for sharing!
ROFLMAO - you're better off not knowing!
I am interested in knowing more about wireless

I am in the very same situation as the first poster, although I do have a reliable ISP and connect at 50+ Kbps all the time.

I know nothing about wireless and am wondering if it would be advantageous for me. Please keep in mind, I not the most computer literate person. :D Could you explain it to me in further detail? If you would like, please feel free to send me an E-mail.

Thanks so very much.


kids have no business even knowing about this!!
You're right, it doesn't, but it does help already knowing
the basics of medical terminology and such.
Hard to say without knowing your interests.

Try to find a site that helps you determine a good fit for your likes and skills. You may also want to consider some community college course(s) in subjects of interest to you to help determine where you want to go. Look at this as an opportunity to try something completely different if you're so inclined.

Yes, I work 80-90 hours a week. I am going to stop because life is passing me by and it has caused
depression. There is no way mentally or physically you can keep up the pace. It is finally getting to me and I now realize there are more important things in life than work.  I have been a workaholic all of my life. It started as an escape to a bad marriage but I ended up missing my kids grow up, I've lost friends because I have no time for them, and this is my last chance with an 8-year-old child left at home to get it right and put my family first. It means giving up a lot of "material things" but what do they matter when all you need is the love of your family. I'd never recommend this to anyone.
I'm interested in knowing the brand - I'm looking a new chair. Thanks! nm
Without knowing the details of your finanacial situation . . .
it's impossible to know.  If you have good credit 18 points shouldn't be hard to do.  Didn't he have any other suggestions?  One thing you can do is, if you have a good banking relationship, get a small signature loan from that bank and pay it back in 30 days.  That will raise your score, but ONLY if the bank doesn't pull a credit report, since that takes off a few points.  Get a $500 or $1000 loan, let it sit in your account, and then pay it back.  It will only cost a month's interest and should raise your score enough.
I would be interested in knowing if they have young children too?
They might not, but I would still get satisfaction knowing I didn't keep quiet about it. sm
And you know AHDI probably has the attitude of "well nobody has ever come to us telling us we're not working for them," or some such thing.
happens quite often i would test again or go see your GYN for blood test which is more accurate
It's like when you are driving.
You are so used to it that it's just automatic.
Thank you ALL so much!! This has been driving me...

Must be nice! 58 and only for driving? sm

I've been wearing regular glasses for nearsightedness since 3rd grade.  Of course vanity put me into contacts many years ago and suddenly, about 3 years ago,  I began wishing for longer arms when trying to read something like the side of a Childrens' Tylenol bottle while I was wearing contacts.  I told the eye doctor they were making the print smaller and smaller.

It went downhill so fast from there that I either have to wear my regular glasses to see the computer screen or put on the magnifying dollar store glasses over my contacts. Yes I know, time for bifocals, but who can afford them? 

Truck driving
My friend and her husband drove as a "team" before he passed away.  She said it isn't as easy as it looks-- especially if you are a woman.  She said she had to back the trailers into the loading docks and all the "macho men" would just stand there and stare at her-- apparently they are too "manly" to have their jobs taken by women.  Anyway, she said the driving part was fun, but the company monitors you every second via some kind of tracking device and it isn't like I thought-- that you could stop in various parts of the country, etc.  There is a lot of technical stuff you have to know about the truck, maintenance, etc., as well.  She said she wouldn't do it again.
Dictating and driving
Can you hear me now?? I have a physician who dictates while he drives,and by the way, his dictation goes in and out so unable to get really what he is saying.
How about while driving home - sm
I used to have one who dictated while driving in his car, I could almost see him with the file on the passenger seat flipping through it while trying to drive and dictate at the same time.  I could hear the traffic and his signal light going on and off.  I am glad I moved to a different doctor before I got to hear something like him having an accident...  Do they even know that there is a person on the other end of the dictation??? 
Thank you so much, it was driving me crazy