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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Sheri from MT stars

Posted By: Tamera on 2005-12-19
In Reply to:

Sheri, I just wanted to let you know that I have not received an e-mail giving me a chance to draw from the gift bag.  I made a donation using paypal on December 2nd and have not heard anything.  I do have the reference number for verification.

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Paid, thanks to MT Stars and Sheri
I had an issue with an MTSO who had ads on this board. I contacted Sheri (board owner), who made haste in getting in touch with the MTSO. As a result, I was paid today.

Many thanks to Sheri and MT Stars for your support, concern and willingness to get involved!!!!!!

Thankful MT!!!!!!!!
No, I'm not Sheri.......but........
You asked this on a public forum. Do you honestly not expect any kind of response from others? Are you so single-minded that you actually believe that? Gimme a break.

You may choose to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas Day as most living humans do. That is certainly your choice. No one told you NOT to. So, why in the world would you post something like this, in this period of goodwill toward our fellow man, here?

Why must there always be someone who wants to start a conflict? Can we at least call a truce for Christmas, for Pete's sake? (And, yes, I know Pete and he has given me permission to use his name involving "sake"!)

Thank you, Sheri.
There is so much subterfuge and backstabbing with some of our jobs these days, that it is rare and refreshing to have someone come and explain their views in a professional and thoughtful manner.  You are right, I guess it is inevitable that offshoring is here to stay...it just makes me feel really sad when I see what has happened to our industry.  We never did really receive the recognition that we deserve for the complexity of our profession and now, any faint remainder of dignity is completely gone.  I am just downhearted about the whole state of affairs.  Where does one go after wasting 30 years of one's life in a dead-end job?  I'm tired of fighting for the respect that never did materialize after all....
Thank you Sheri for not catering in....sm

to the small percentage of people that have decided to try to take CHRIST out of Christmas.  Gimme a break.  I got an e-mail from a friend who recommends that everyone who believes it should be CHRISTMAS, not "happy holidays" or "holiday tree" etc. to send the ACLU a  CHRISTMAS card and tell them to leave our holidays alone.  Their address is: 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

If people who want to celebrate CHRISTMAS flood them with cards then they'll have to open them - after all, they want to see if there are donations in them, correct?  Let them spend some employee time opening cards!  Also I wonder if the ACLU employees are required to work on Christmas?  How about New Year's?  After all - I'm sure that with every federally recognized holiday that someone out there is *offended" and therefore the ACLU should never be closed right???

For anyone who reads this and is offended by CHRISTMAS -  I supposed you're volunteering to work on December 25th so that those who do celebrate it can take off correct?  I get tired of people stating they don't think we should celebrate CHRISTMAS but yet they're often times the first people to request to be off on December 25th.  Double standard! 

I'll get off my soapbox now and get the fingers moving again!

Thanks Sheri for your good
old-fashioned values.  We need more of the same.  Hooray.
Question for Sheri (only)

I am only interested in her response, since she is the moderator, and it is her response that will decide what I do next.

If I respect anyone who celebrates December 25th as a religious holiday, will I receive the same courtesy in return (to not celebrate it as a religious holiday)?

I haven't celebrated December 25th as a religious holiday since I was a kid. I don't see it that way. I've also used the "Xmas" spelling since my early 20s, along with the spelling of G*d, and "JC."

Will I be allowed to post my messages with these spellings, or can I expect them to be blasted (like last year) or deleted?

Like I said ... I'm not denying anyone the right to believe as they do. I'm only asking the same courtesy in return.

I'm with you 100%, Sheri, and am very proud of your
Why are you speaking for Sheri?
Who made you team leader of the hijack news?  This gets more strange by the minute.  I feel like I'm watching an episode of LOST.....cause I'm LOST!!!!
WAY TO GO, SHERI STEADMAN!! I just now saw your post
Merry Christmas, Sheri!
I'm tired of all the anti-Christian sentiment in this country too.
Is there a reason you answered for Sheri

I think *that* shows a lack of respect for someone. I also said Sheri ONLY was to answer the question (because she is the administrator of the board).

And in terms of "when in Rome do like the Romans do ..." Just call Rosa Parks.

Hurrah for you, Sheri. I agree!!!!
Sheri, can you at least file a claim
for the automatic $100 of insurance UPS has? I know it won't help immediately, but perhaps you can recover something.
Sheri...does that mean that the job seeker's board will have sm...
companies posting jobs that off-shore transcription?  I am trying to find an office that does not off shore due to the difficulty of the reports left over for the US MT, so I need to be careful if that is the case.  Thank you!
I think that's a very fair compromise, Sheri. nm
I got the cool T-shirt! Thank you, Sheri. It was a pleasure to participate. SM

I commend you on making the world a better place!

how do you know for certain that Sheri is not an honest person? and Dr. Ahmed is from Pakistan, the
or is there any owner here. No one answers any of my questions. I have been posting all day.
I am assuming you are talking about Sheri. What answers of hers are not lining up?
What info do you have that I do not or others? Never heard of you either, American regular MTstarser??? Strange posted by if you ask me.
I disagree. I think the site was sold to Sheri and she was screwd
deleted because the new guy doesn't want people to think maybe she's right and he isn't. I still think if Sheri put her phone number on her site then maybe she's telling the truth.
I've read the statement; think sheri sat on this and lost it for both of them out of spite
matches her personality.
They were saying that MT Stars could see (sm)
the message. Supposedly they sent one to an MT using the Reply By Email function and were told not to mention other boards that could be in competition with this one. Since the info was sent as reply by email, they warned that evidently that's not so private here. ??
MT Stars has one

Thanks MT Stars!

Wow!  This is great!  Thanks MTStars & MetroScript for making this happen!!!
Thank you, MT Stars!!!
I needed one!
Post on MT Stars
Hi, saw your post. I too am a Spheris employee currently on FMLU time. Found a great company that does not require you to adhere to a schedule; work just has a 24-hour turnaround time. Producing 1100 lines a day is wonderful. I am just starting, but am satisfied so far and learned of this job from another MT in my small town, who has worked for this company for years. They are InHealth Transcription. Carol Scheer is the recruiter. Check out their website. Good Luck!! Let me know how you fair. I haven't been at this but for 10 years, but I am becoming disgruntled also. I would love talking to someone with this much experience.
I second that! Thank you MT Stars for doing the right thing!

Empty Box from MT Stars
Sad day when someone goes through the mail and takes your gift.  I received a tube from MT STARS today and it was empty...This was my gift from the Santa donation.   I hope whoever took it really likes the gift.
Dancing with Stars
Yes, I love it. So far, Jerry Rice was my absolute favorite!
addicted to MT Stars
It is not just you. I am constantly checking it as it is a nice diversion. Plus it is great when you need word advice now and then. It is also a good feeling being able to pitch in and guess a word when someone else is stumped. Just like any job--we always wonder what everyone else is doing down the hall.
Thanks MT Stars for the recognition!!!...n/m

MT Stars giveaway
Thank you guys so much for my gift certificate from Lisa R from Wolcott NY.  It is much appreciated. 
Thank you to MT Stars for the fun contests! nm
MT Stars flashcount


MT stars board
is this owned by an MTSO or just who is it owned by?
I would thank my lucky stars I still had a job
You've really got some gall to do that.

You're no lab rat, ma'am. You're trying to manipulate your employer.

You work FOR an employer, at their discretion.

If that shoe doesn't fit you anymore, go get a different one.

If I were your employer, I'd fire the both of you as examples to the other 2, regardless of what it took to recover from it.

You asked for opinions. That's mine! lol
MT Stars IS Santa! sm
I love this board and gain so much from it, I cannot imagine how anyone can find fault with anything on here. Just refund their money if they don't like it!
Yup - it's why I'm reading MT Stars right now
MT stars board
something very does sound amiss.(teehee) MT stars should have easily transferred to the new domain by now. But, I would very much remain optimistic about it at this point. This so called message from this doctor sounds like so many of those fraudlent emails that are sent out. you know the ones - I am from foreign country, cannot deposit this sum of money. Would ask that you make transfer into your bank blah blah blah .....I wouldn't trust anything from overseas. If it does happen that it is this way, then all will find out in the end, until then chill....
Saw your message on MT Stars
Before you get your hopes up, I wanted to say I don't know of any jobs just yet but will keep an eye out.

There is a web site I've been working on that might help you as you're looking. www.medical-transcription-and-you.com

I'm not sure how to get that to be a link you can just click on, but it looks like you'll have to copy and paste it into the browser.

Anyway, there is lots of information which may or may not be helpful to you, but it does go through the process of resume, looking, applying, following up, etc.

And, don't worry, I'm not trying to sell anything! I started the site because I was a single mother 7 years ago and was totally lost when it came to MTSOs and working from home and I've picked up a few tips along the way that I wanted to share. Plus the page on voice recognition humor might pick up your spirits.
MT STARS: Thank you for my lovely gift.
Thank you MT stars for the beautiful print. I am going to have it

framed and hang it in my living room.  I think you are doing a great thing with the Santa's House project, too. 

Does anybody watch Dancing With the Stars?

I want Drew Lachey to win so far. Such a great show. 

 I wish I could ballroom dance but unfortunately..... not so good.

You need to repost this over and over - it is great, glad I did not miss it.
The e-mails show that they come from MT Stars

Any time someone e-mails you from a MT Stars post this message is attached to the e-mail showing that it comes from MT Stars.  Just because you didn't get one doesn't mean a thing.  They have to open a post and click on the blue to e-mail - they just haven't done it to you yet.


You are receiving this mail in response to your message posted
on MTStars http://www.mtstars.com

Your Message is available at:

If you didn't post the message and have received this mail in error
OR to report Spam Abuse, please disregard this message and inform us
at : webmaster@mtstars.com

Now, now,. No gold stars for little girls and boys
who have an ugly attitude. You might have to sit in the corner.


Does MT Stars FlashCount work with WP12?
Question for MT Stars about Santa's House
I made a donation on December 2nd to Santa's House and have not been contacted to pull from the gift bag.  I have the reference number for proof of donation.
Am I hallucinating or did I just see a promo on Fox for Ice Skating With the Stars?????
I can't believe I missed Dancing with the Stars last night.
Fill me in.  How did my favorite Drew do?  ( I don't want to hear anything too bad about Drew.)  What about the others.  HELP!  I need a rerun.
Maybe she should join Tatum O. on Dancing With the Stars. (sm)

The Desperate Housewives are always great, they get my vote.