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She was very vague. . sm

Posted By: Curious on 2008-01-17
In Reply to: I would never work for a company that did that. - IDAMT

I know the date of service is very important, but it can be fixed. I could  see if it was the wrong patient name or something really bad like that. When she said if the client rejects if for any reason,  I think that is just too vague. It is my first job and I really wanted to do a good job. I thought I was doing a good job. They never came out and said who the problem was with, so I'm not even sure if I did anything wrong. I guess I don't like signing in to work with a knot in my stomach worrying about whether or not QA will make sure the correct date of service gets put in. Thanks!

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Very vague question. Please be

your posts are confusing and vague, but--
I think what I am reading is that you have a computer now with only one plug in and that's for the monitor. You never specify if your pedal is a 9-pin, 15-pin, or USB. I can only assume that it is either a 9-pin or 15-pin, as somewhere in your posts, you stated that you DID have USB ports.

Ok, that being said, the pedal with the 9-pin or 15-pin needs what they call a *game port* in order to be plugged in. These *game ports* used to be on the sound card. *game ports* have pretty much become obsolete and opted for the USB ports as they are easy and simple. The lady below who said Google 9-pin to USB adaptor was correct. That is what you need. However, not all adaptors will work either, as the *pins* on the foot pedal are wired in such a way that one pin will make your left pedal work, another your right pedal work, etc. Alot of adaptors are not set up for that and still will not work. I had a 9-pin foot pedal as well, actually still do, packed away some where, which I never go to use as no adaptors would work. I purchased a USB pedal and will never get another 9-pin pedal again. These are *old* technology and pretty much obsolete now, as USB has taken over. You can try the adaptors, but don't get your hopes up. Some have luck with them, and some don't. If you go back to RS, write this down on a piece of paper... 9-pin to USB adaptor. and on a side note, the foot pedal will not work if you are looking for an adaptor for where the monitor plugs in. It is a totally different plug in. Radio Shack personnel are not up to speed on foot pedals and plug ins, trust me on that one. Most of them look at you like you're nuts anyway. Good luck!!!
too vague; depends on type of dictation and the dictator
Back up your posts with facts. Do not make vague comments.