She is wanting to take a transcription test without
Posted By: my 2 cents on 2007-10-06
In Reply to: Might try Simple - AllieCat
having to log into a company site (in which case she will be graded). She just wants practice.
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Were you wanting to bring up a transcription-related question, or just gripe? nm
Arrange for her to take a transcription test. NM
medical transcription test
If I am taking a transcription test from an employer and the dictator dictates physician names in the report, do I phonetically spell the name out or put a line for a blank?
I'd be happy with just a transcription test
How 'bout a test just on your transcribing skills that can also test your knowledge on spelling, abbreviations, punctuations, etc.? What I don't like are those things that are pages and pages of definitions, abbreviations, punctuation and all that, and THEN the transcription part comes. Can't we roll this all into one??
Need advice please re: formatting transcription test
It's been a long time since I had to do this. I've been given a couple of report types to do. The first appears to be a discharge summary. Should I just type in the headings the way I "think" they should be based on how I was taught in the past??
Also, is it best to transcribe verbatim or try to make the test report look as professional as possible (like we would be expected to when on the job)? As far as listed items are concerned, i.e. medications.....The old MT in me wants to number them. Is that acceptable? I'm really concerned with trying to format the report based on how I "think" they would want me to.
I would appreciate any helpful advice anyone is willing to share!!
Just did that kind of test for a transcription position about a month ago.
Interesting how they can tell whether you are qualified for a transcription position that requires you to listen to someone talking from a timed typing test where you type from a piece of paper. Urgh. Needless to say . . . I didn't get the job :(
It's a test in progress to measure what MTs know and what type of test to give for the SM
different levels of MTs. It's over $90. That's a lot of money to pay to someone who is giving these tests for research as to what type of testing should be done for the different levels of MT. The AAMT will probably take the results and make a test that they can give in India or the Phillipines or some other foreign country.
tuning fork test: Is it about a hearing test? .See inside
A whisper is about 20 dB
Loud music (some concerts) is around 80 to 120 dB
A jet engine is about 140 to 180 dB
Hope I could help
Not a medical typing test but this website can test you..
It's called
Atleast it will give you an idea.. Sadly, I had to take it twice before I passed it LOL
Why would they do a microalbumin test when she has the period? A lot of test s will come out wrong
Why would they do a microalbumin test when she has the period? A lot of tests will come out wrong.
Neer's test is a shoulder impingement test
Don't think that has to do with the knee. How about "bucket handle tear" of the knee? Never heard of Neer having anything to do with the knee.
happens quite often i would test again or go see your GYN for blood test which is more accurate
Yeah a 30 minute test---work for free, he gets enough to test, his work is done - nm
Or maybe that in itself IS the test! It's really an ethics test, LOL. nm
Are you wanting to know what it says?
That is not at all what I was wanting!!!
I came here for honest advice...positive and negative. I got that...and I am very glad for both views. Now it is just up to me to decide.
I have never expected to just graduate and make BIG money....I have NEVER said that or thought that. It is very obvious that most MT's don't get rich. Like I have already said...I am looking to supplement my husbands income....and I came here to ask all of you your opinions on the business....good and bad. That is all.
And thanks to everyone for that!!!!! I am sorry that a lot of you are getting discouraged about the MT business...It is worrying me too! Which is why I may not even spend the money to go to school. I have a lot of time to think about it....and that is what I will do!!!!!
Why are they wanting you to take it??
Will it mean an increase in your pay? If not, I would not waste my money. I was a CMT for 15 years (15 years ago). In the part of the country I lived then, it made a difference -- we were paid another 1 cpl, but once I moved back to the south central part of the US, nobody cared.
wanting to know more about Transcend.
I have been curious about them as well because I have thought of applying to work for them. I am with a company now but feel I need to make a change for the better. It is a small company and I feel I need to be somewhere else. I just was not sure about the company. I would welcome any input on this matter
Not wanting to start a war but sm
it just really gets old reading the same ole, same ole about SS. As far as I'm personally concerned, there are usually 2 sides to every story. If I happened to be in SS's shoes, I believe I'd be talking to a lawyer about something called "slander" and I'd be telling some folks to put up the proof or shut up. Nope, I don't work for SS, never have and probably never will. If I happened to be in the market for a new job, I believe I would give them a try just to see if they're really that bad. If they were......well, I'd move right along.
wanting to go digital
and I am totally clueless! Had a call from a cardio group today and they want to send me transcription via WAV files, guessing I need a WAV pedal?? HELP
Also, I am tired of the old tapes and want to "go digital" I have heard of 800#'s for a call in system, but dont know of any websites. Any help is much appreciated!!
They OFFSHORE and are wanting to do even more.
Pay not that good. I have 20 years' experience in acute care, can do ESLs and was only offered 8 cpl.
Just wanting to know if any IT users
would care to share tips on getting started with Instant Text, especially the best way to go about customizing the glossaries . . . just received my IT and I'm anxious to get going, but it does seem that there is a learning curve and takes some getting used to.
Thanks to all!
Re: wanting to work MT
Check w/ Diskriter. They have at least one account for a hospital in Florida. I have been w/ them for 1 1/2 years, plenty of work and OT. Hired in as hospital employee.
wanting to go digital
I have had my own transcription service for several years now. All of my doctors are local and everything is dictated on microcassettes. I am looking into going digital and I have heard that there are phone in services that you can go through for a charge every month. Does anyone know who would be a good service to use or how this works? If anyone has any info on this I would greatly appreciate it.
I have been wanting to rant too
When they start talking before the system is recording. Is it REALLY so difficult to turn it on BEFORE you talk?
Not wanting to work
I know this happens at every company, but why is it that when the work is there, nobody wants to get it done but when work is slow, they are always the first to complain? Do they not realize that by letting it be late that they are harming the company and could eventually lose their jobs? Or is it just Spring Fever? Anyone else going through this at the moment?
wanting to go digital
Please send me information on how to go digital.
We aren't the only ones wanting
more flexible chairs for work:
Bro wanting to use my disc to get his PC
Agree, verbatim transcription equals poor quality transcription.
re wanting experienced MT to answer q's
go ahead and e/m me if you want. I've been at this since 1975; will help you if i can.
Most companies are wanting a Sunday through
Thursday schedule, Tuesday through Saturday, so you would still be working 5 days, but would always be working 1 w/e day. If you just rotate weekends it depends on the company what days you would have off during the week, whether they would dictate the days you took off or you would be able to choose.
Wanting psych work
Looking for psych work. Will work any hours or days.
I had lots of people wanting her, just most
not good homes based on what I required. Tried the lab rescure, but everyone had all they could take and they would help me find her a home, I just had to keep her until then and I just didn't want to get too attached. All the other various rescue groups had reached their limits too and taking her to the pound wasn't an option. Even though I felt she would be adopted quickly because she was so sweet, there is absolutely zero screening and anyone that fills out the paperwork and pays the $$ can get a pet. When we adopted the cats we were fostering there was a grandmother in there dragging her grandson by his upper arm and she balled her fist and threatened to punch him in the face. This was not a home I would want my lab to go to.
I'm not 100% comfortable with the family she went to, but I told them if it didn't work out we wanted her back.
We are going to build a dog lot and dog house in the event we have another stray.
For the person below wanting brochure--sm
samples, check out the enclosed link. Tried one and did not see where there was a charge. You will need to modify with your personal info.
hope this helps.
Job posted wanting EMDAT exp..what's that?
wanting to start using laptop
Hi all! I was wondering if anyone could help me out here. I'm attempted to use a laptop this weekend to work and be away from the house, but it would not recognize the wav files. It has Windows XP office, all the same stuff my home computer has on it, but I cannot figure out why it is not working. Any ideas? Thanks!
Are you wanting to use normal headphones
With a dictaphone?
I got an adapter for about 20 bucks from Executive Communication Systems. They have an ebay store, here's a link to an auction for the adapter.
Hope that's what you need!
If they are newbies wanting to get into the field
they really haven't a clue. I have a major case of burnout, but I have also been doing this for 20 years. I haven't had a raise in 5 years. It isn't that I can't do the work, I can do whatever is thrown my way, but I certainly don't enjoy it anymore. My options are just limited right now because I have to be at home, but I sure am exploring my options.
Everyone's situation is different. Some may be having to take care of sick/elderly parents or have a child with special needs who requires lots of care, etc. All these things suck up your energy, but you still need a paycheck. Someone who has children in school all day or has grown children and doesn't have any of the other issues above can focus on their job, get it done and not have to deal with it until tomorrow.
You can't know what someone else's situation is and it isn't fair to say they can't do the job.
That depends on why you are wanting to be a transcriptionist. sm
If you are looking for a lucrative field and an easy lifestyle, don't do it. Transcription is the hardest job I have ever had, and I've had several. I could teach if I wanted to. I choose this.
You can make a living as an MT. A good MT can still make $20-30 K a year without killing herself, but she has to work, and it takes several years training after school to reach this. I don't think that will change in the near future. Unless the US completely changes its medical policies and facility standards, I don't think transcription will be eliminated, at least for many years. You have much more freedom in your life as far as scheduling, etc. If you have children, that's worth a lot. If you would rather not be around people all the time, that's a plus.
However, if you need benefits, raises, PTO, and job security, you might want to look into another field, such as PT, radiology tech, etc. JMO
Wanting PT QA work, is it worth it?
I'm currently a FT MT (many years now) and getting very bored with the work. It's so bad now that I'm finding myself constantly distracted (perhaps too willingly) thus not producing enough lines. I'm more than capable...just bored. I was wondering if doing QA PT would be worth it, on top of my MT work? I just need something to do other than MT work to break up the monotony. I've done QA work before but that was quite a while ago and don't know what the pay standards are anymore.
Sadly, while you are not wanting to spread the name...
...Some other unsuspecting MT is signing a contract with these folks.
Believe me, I felt the SAME exact way as you back when I was fooled by D&L. I gave them the benefit of the doubt for over a month, and actually believed payment would be sent to me. I didn't talk badly about them, well not until PA Dept of Labor decided there was nothing they could do for me as an IC. Here it is, 1 year later, and I still haven't been paid...either have 20+ others who were all just suddenly *let go.*
The only loyalty you should ever have in this business is to yourself, your pocket and to a fellow struggling MT. Don't be scared to let others know the name of a company to avoid.
Good luck dealing with PA courts/magistrates/Dept of Labor, etc. I hope you get your pay.
They are just wanting money (kickbacks)
Very see-through. But, they may have gotten more kick backs in the old days when MTs made the money. Now adays, they are just plain laughed at, I am sure, by all. This is like an advertisement, and extremely tacky. So, why don't they pay for us to get credentialed, have the government fund this so-called program, and then have the government set true guidelines on pay scales for MTs. LOL. Just a joke IMHO. I have been in this over 25 years, and after the grandfathering joke, the credentialing business was an obvious way to make money by the organization pushing for it.
Thanks everyone for your help. I am wanting to go wireless and am clueless.
If you are wanting to make it bigger, but
not affect the final report, look on your tool bar and there should be a box that has a number/percentage in it. Mine says 100%. You can increase it there so it is bigger on the screen, but does not change the "font" of the report. This is in MS Word.
Not to discourage you, but wanting to work at home
just to be with your baby is the wrong reason to get into this career field. If you want to be a stay at home Mom, be a stay at home Mom. If you need to work, you need to get into a field that interests and challenges you. Otherwise, you'll find it difficult to sit down and make yourself do the work. The ads are overwhelming about making big bucks doing MT while your children play quietly at your feet, but that is far from reality. There are other work at home jobs you can do that don't paying for an education, like selling yard sale fodder on eBay. I don't mean this as a slam, but I've BTDT with the babies at home while trying to work.
You should be good with grammar and English, have an interest in the medical field and a good ear, and be able to sit for long periods of time. You might have to put your child in daycare if your first job is inhouse, because most companies don't hire newbies to work at home. You might have to use daycare anyway if your child is demanding on your attention at every moment.
new here/wanting to leave MQ/seeking a better place!
That's right, MQ has finally really, really gotten to me after eight long years! I have told and told and told myself that it's okay there are major lawsuits against the company that imply terrible wrongdoing, it is okay that MQ seems to change CEOs every few months, it is okay that I haven't had a raise in two years, it is okay that I do a brilliant job without anyone caring... and finally, finally, it is just not okay. I am talking to Medware who apparently won Employer of the Year in 2002 and 2005. Can I get a witness? Anybody work for them? What about Spheris? Flexibility of schedule is utterly crucial to me, and I have to have benefits, so no IC work. Where can I go where they'll appreciate me? I'm a former high school English teacher with 15 years as an MT (8 in acute care) and some QA experience. Help???
religious reasons and not wanting to live together in sin
What's wrong with brokers wanting refunds?
Ameriplan advertises a refund if not satisfied, but then fails to do so when requested. That's blatant lying and cheating people. And why are the brokers dissatisfied? If it was a good product sold in a fair manner, there wouldn't be this many complaints. You can try to defend them until you're blue in the face, but the facts are that you're soliciting and Ameriplan cheats people out of their money with false claims.
You can't fault someone for wanting to make a living.
Outsourcing simply means that big corporations show bigger profits and the CEOs get bigger bonuses. They claim that it's good for the economy because the companies and CEOs have more money to spend, gag me with their trickle down economics theory, but they refuse to see what it does to the working class people. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in this country down the road as more and more working class people lose their jobs to offshoring. What, are we all going to sign up for unemployment and welfare? Will crime go up as we all start stealing just to put food on the table? I wonder what's going to happen.
Wanting to buy used Word,(is this legal? ) only have works.