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Sex does wonders!!

Posted By: nm on 2005-08-17
In Reply to: any tips for looking and feeling younger? - I have a few that work for me


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One wonders if MQ lover

Zipper and a few others are not one in the same...sorta like those multiple personality disorders

Reason being is that they all sound alike, very immature and nasty

It's worked wonders for me....
My doc put me on it (20 mg) per day. He also put me on nortriptyline (minimum dose, which I take at night.  I feel like a new person on this!!  I can think clearly and more logically and not so emotional.  Before I got on it, I wasn't having crying jags but SOBBING jags!!!  These two meds have REALLY evened me out!!!  Once in a while I can feel that I'm trying to get depressed, but my body/head won't let me due to these meds.  It's wierd!
409. It does wonders on fiberglass tubs. nm
A long hot shower works wonders, or take some
Tylenol and lay down for about 20 minutes and give it time to kick in.   Take a short walk if the heat isn't unbearable where you are.  I know if you hurt you may not feel like it, but probably part of your aches are because you don't get enough exercise - I know that is my problem.   I have recently had to start taking a break about every hour and move around for 15 minutes and that has helped a bit.  
with all the grief/strife in the world one wonders.SM

why anyone would call a dance contest lame....it's light, it's fun, people are dancing and trying to have and win $$ for charities.....and with 30-32 wars ongoing all over the world, people need some lightening up....and this contest is just FUN....

another naysayer in our midsts.........

TED hose. Works wonders. I got mine sm
K-mart in the pharmacy department for 5.00. They're compression stockings. Works great for my aching ankles too.
Interesting. OP wonders what happened to all the good MTs and
MTs post back about their experiences and now the MTSO feels slammed..... there is always more than one side to a story. She has had some bad experiences and we MTs have had some very negative ones also.
A smile does wonders and it doesn't cost a thing. nm
be careful w/that oil - too much can cause problems you probably don't want to have.
google works wonders as does word board......nm
Red hot pepper poured in the garden works wonders. sm
I had moles and rabbits and cats eating everything in mine so I poured red pepper and bought a cheap can of jalapeno peppers and threw them around as well. As if by magic, all the animals went away. I just got the cheap 2 for $1 stuff at Dollar General.
Mary Kay Extra-emolient night cream will work wonders
Just apply it before you go to sleep.


Try the Mr. Clean eraser, the newer one, I forget the exact name. Worked wonders for me. nm