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Selling business deleted?

Posted By: Patti on 2005-11-04
In Reply to:

May I ask why the selling business messages were all deleted?  Was something said that should not have been?  Just curious so that if I said something I do not do it again. 

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Selling business
This may not be what you want to hear but basically you are selling your client's name and hopefully they will use the new person.  I went through a divorce and because my husband felt that I had a "business" (I have 5 accounts) he wanted a portion of what it was worth.  I had to have someone come in and do an audit, talk to my accounts and give a net worth which he said was basically what I could sell my computer and things I use in my business and my business name which was not worth that much.  My clients said that there was a 50/50 chance that the would go with someone that bought my business and one account said that they would go out and find someone on their own.  With only one small client you might find someone that would pay you a percentage per month for a while but that would also be hard.  What if who bought the business was not any good and the client quit them after a month, would they still owe you a couple of thousand dollars.   Your best bet might be to find someone to subcontract for you and you keep on with 20 to 30% until you know that they are good and then ask for a month's income and give it to them.   Look at what your business brings in a month and you might get 50% of that.  I would not "buy" a client because they might not stay with me.  Unless a contract is signed all the way around and then there is always a loop hole for them to get through if they don't like you.  I have gotten two accounts over the past 20 years from gals that were moving or quitting and never paid for either one.   One has stayed with me for now 7 years and the other one quit after one month as someone in-house wanted to do it at night.   But that is my little knowledge.   If you had an actual business, office space, computers, etc. then that is a different story but it doesn't sound like you do.   A beautician does not sell her client list. 
Unfortunately it is legal..so yes it is business and they will continue with bad business practices
I made my business your business by posting and...
I totally respect everyone's opinions. It is easier for others on the outside looking in. That's why I pushed the "post reply" button yesterday. I trust my fellow MTs and I know the more I read from you all, the more confident I am becoming. I just need that final push, not from him though. I also wanted to let you all know that the physical abuse while I was pregnant was documented by my doctor and the hospital. I only wish I had known then that it is a felony to abuse a pregnant woman. I also photographed my face from a couple of weeks ago and told several people in my circle. I had such high hopes for us. Now...not so much. I'm not saying that I won't try to get him to church, but I realize that God can only do so much for someone who isn't listening. j
Business is business. Internet forums are
Selling on E-Bay
I have quit doing MT and have been selling some odds and ends (clearing out my closet, etc.) on E-Bay and have done pretty well so far. At least I can realize some extra money which is more than I can say for doing MT lately. It's a good way to get rid of unwanted items and make some dough too, so why not? I have a cousin who is seriously into E-Bay, even going to college full-time, and she makes enough each month to make her car payment.

I think the money to be made is out there, just depends on how MUCH money you really need. I'm retired now so anything I get is a plus to me.
No, would be like selling my kid!
How is this selling out?
In any other world, getting a credential is not "selling out."

MT's stubborn refusal to value continuing education and credentialing goes a long way to explain the lack of respect we get in this industry.

The people who hire MTs and MT services are almost always credentialed.
I am selling one for $100, in box, Panasonic...
If interested, I would be happy to give you more information. This is the exact same thing, if that is what you mean. It lists for $267, but they are always $199 in stores.

Mine is gently used, in box, and $100 or best offer.

Thank you...

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Microcassette Recorder/Transcriber Model RR930 Function�Play/Record Two-Speed Tape Operation Tape Counter�Mechanical Foot Control�Two-Function Optional Deluxe Headset�PANRPEP110, sold separately AC Adapter Included�Built-in Model includes: Standard headset, playback variable speed control, auto and variable backspacing, quick erase, tone/volume controls and manufacturer�s one-year warranty. Black

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selling house

You need to document all of this and write her a registered letter recepit requested ahd outline all of this and inform her that you are going to send a copy to the Stare Board of Real Estate licensing and do a formal complaint unless either release you from your contract with no fee or to start doing her job. Whichever you prefer.    If she is with a large company, I would also cc a copy to the broker/owner of the company.  You do not need to take this nor pay for cancelling her contract if she is not doing your job and that should be stated somewhere in the contract.   Also the state will investigate this and it will be a mark on her name.  You can always call the state board and see if there are any complaints against your realtor.   But you don't have to take this kind of service.   But forewarn her of what you will be doing.   And like I said if she is working for a large company like Century 21 inform the broker -- call her office and ask who is the manger/broker and talk or just send them a copy of your letter.   They do not want any investigations believe me as it ties them up too much.



Selling the BOS to MTs in other countries?
Does the AAMT really sell the BOS to MTs in India and Pakistan?  Can MTs there belong to the AAMT?
Selling jewelry sm
I have some to sell as well and was wondering about E-Bay. Do you know if you have to pay taxes, file forms, etc., if anyone does buy anything from you on there? Does anyone else have ideas that do not involve getting a business license? I think a tag sale would bring people around who would only want a quarter. I could use some extra cash and the things I have are nice and never worn, not a jewelry person but have made some from fine gems. Been thinking of where to go with it.
How about selling Avon?
selling home
Has anyone sold their home without a realtor or with one of those FSBO companies?  If so, I'm just wondering if it was easy or a hassle. I'm getting ready to put my house on the market but hate the thought of paying a huge commission to a realtor.  Any input is greatly appreciated !
selling house
Yes, this was something I was looking into also - around my area it's Assis2Sell and they charge a flat rate, no matter what your house sells for.  Thanks to all of you who replied with some input on this.  
selling home
I just saw a segment last week on the Today Show about selling a house and because the market is soft now they advise if you do not have to sell your house right now anywhere in the US, not to, take it off the market and wait until the spring of next year. I know homes in our neighborhood where they are usually bought within a matter of weeks have been on the market for 3-4 months now even with a reduction in the price. They said on the Today Show this is a good time to buy a house, but not sell it, because buyer's are taking a lot longer to choose a home and not acting quickly on buying the first house they love when they see one. Just telling everyone what I saw.
selling home
Unfortunately I don't have a choice about when to sell as this is due to divorce. :(
selling home
When I checked their websites (Assist2Sell, etc.) it seems they offer different packages, some of which include "full service" so now I'm getting a little confused. Aren't these flat rate places still realtors?
selling snake oil?

So for the second time this year, "At Home Professions" has come calling to town to give their big seminar.  The flood of calls to my house start coming in from people I barely know or hardly know about all the fame and fortune of being an MT. They are telling people they could start at 15 cpl and make 50K per year.   Are they even a real school?  I want that job! 

Nevertheless, I get the calls about how wonderful and terrific working at home is (not that it isn't, but it is hard work!), how "I listened to what they had to say and I can do that" (like it is no big deal), and basically how "easy" it is. Sigh.... I feel like I am explaining the science of building a rocket to my 5 year old who just wants to jump in and take a ride!

Selling plasma sm

Has anyone tried this as a way of making extra money?

I really need to find an additional source of income and the local plasma center is paying out about $200 a month for plasma.  Can't work a second job outside the home because of mom with Alzheimer and 2 teenage boys that would likely kill each other before I could get home. 

I know! I'm trying, trouble selling mine!
I'm doing everything I can to get out! It's awful...3 years ago nicest, quietest neighborhood you could ever want.. Now, AWFUL. Homes unrecognizable in some areas.. homes that were nice! It's sad.
Trailers selling for $1M+ in Malibu now. You go, G/F. -sm
Yep, there was an article on Yahoo yesterday about trailers in Malibu for over $1M. In a place called Dume Park - not "doom" but "do-may".

I lived in a trailer at one time. Now I live in a house I paid cash for at the city tax auction. It is sweet not to have to pay rent or mortgage.
They started selling it, sorry to hear you
are losing money, but glad to FINALLY have an outside source reaffirm what I have been saying for two years, Docuscribe cheats us out of lines. That is one bad thing about computers/technology, no proof except the sweat of our brows (or fingers as the case may be) and they can say "It's just you", as they have been doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Selling body parts in the US sm
There was a brief mention of a recent arrest (I believe it was in New York) of a phony business set-up involving funeral homes, etc., selling bone grafts, etc. from dead bodies (one was supposedly Allistair Cook's body of the PBS fame) and replacing these parts with PVC piping in some cases. These people made "millions" and the patients/families had to be notified. One man was practically crying because he had been told he has to be tested every 6 mos. for HIV, hepatitis, etc., since he had a recent surgery on his neck. They said it may not present itself for years in some cases. They showed some gentlemen being led away in handcuffs but the story was cut short. Anyone else know about this travesty and why so little else has been said about it or is there any web site, etc., that explains it in more detail? Would like to know morel I am very concerned for the recipients as well as the unbeknownst-to-them "donor" families.
selling real property
I, too, am a real estate broker and agree with you 100%.  Selling real property is not like selling an automobile or a piece of furniture.  There's a lot of legalities when selling real property. 
India's selling itself short, too. nm
Question about selling used Stedman's

I was hoping someone here could help me out.  I was thinking about selling 2 of my electronic word books since I don't use them any more and was wondering if I have to call them about the whole licensing thing and get that taken care of...or can I just sell them right out?


I have one (USB) I am selling for $85 (this includes shipping)
when I bought it I was told to get USB. I don't even know if it comes in PS/2 or not. It does not matter what your keyboard it as far as I know. My keyboard is a wireless with an transmitter plugged in at the PS/2 port. Ask the MTSO which you should buy and you should have your answer if you are worried. But if you want mine I take PayPal and M.O. --- it is basically brand new, used for about 2 hours, have original box too. But is is a IN-PI-USB. See my note on the Classified's page.
Selling your client list
Does anyone have any interest in selling some of their clients?
The hype that went along with the selling was not true
Do you remember being told how many more lines you could get by VR? I would hate to have to live on what I make now. Most places are going to go VR though I firmly believe. My VR now is leaving off periods at end of sentences, not putting in the doctor's names when they are said and for some reason when the patient's name is given no way does it resemble in any way what the name is. At one time it did all the above, but once again changed.
I have no problem selling on EBay and would never consider bullying anyone. SM
I have only had two buyers who never paid and you can get your listing price back by filing a claim with E-bay.  I have had two sellers who never sent merchandise, but overall, I love E-bay.
thinking about selling my transcription service...
 and just wondering if any one has any opinion on interest in that. The person owning the company would make a minimum of $82,500 a year, running the business and doing some transcribing part time. It would be very easy to do some marketing and bring in some new accounts, which could easily push that 82500 to over 100000 a year. I have repetitive stress injury and my doctor has told me I need to find something else to do. I was thinking if there was an MT or a group of MT's (the company is incorporated so shares can be sold) that would like to get together, they can eliminate the middle man, earn retail price for their lines and establish job security, not to mention satisfaction. Price would be around $250,000 but like I said, a group of people could go together to cover that and with a little work in marketing, it could be paid off in three years. The business is about 10 years old and to the point where it is generating its own referrals. It could really go places if someone wanted to spend a little time marketing to a few new hospitals. Any one have any thoughts on this.
I haven't sold much on E-bay, but I'm selling lots of
things on my local Craigslist and you don't have to worry about shipping or paying a commission.  I have some things that just aren't selling, but I relist about once a week and out of 5 items maybe 1 will sell.   I'm hoping to cut back my hours next month and start listing more things.  I have one room full of stuff, probably only 2% of stuff I even want to keep.  I figure I can declutter and make some $$ at the same time.  I'm no where near making enough to consider quitting, but every little bit I make goes towards debt. 
I've been selling on Ebay for years
The best thing to do is join a yahoo group. There are many tricks of the trade as far as ebay goes, which is why some things sell well for one person and not the other. I have an eBay store but I have to say the burnout is as bad, if not greater than being an MT. Lots of things you have to deal with that are stressful to say the least. To really make money you have to work hard at it. I know people who can list 75-100 items a night....not me. You have to consider the time taking pictures, writing the description, setting up the listing, answering questions, finalizing the sale, packing, shipping and finalizing. Then you start all over again. On top of that, you have to maintain shipping supplies and merchandise. Yea, it brings in a little extra money, but it is a lot of work.
This is 100% true - they get bonuses for selling the public
useless items that they don't really need.
You could make more money selling pencils
Is that half-cent worth selling out to an
organization that has been pro-active in sending our jobs to India? To me it isn't. The good of our entire industry is worth more to me than my own personal greed for those VERY FEW extra dollars. That's why I let my CMT expire.
So basically, your price for selling out is $5500.
It's selling-out because you're supporting an outfit
for more and more offshoring of American work, that's why. And when the possibility of plugging the leak by passing a bill to forbid offshoring of Amercians' info. without their consent, or another one getting rid of MTSO perks for offshoring our jobs goes to Congress, who do you think will be spending YOUR money to lobby against the passage of those bills, thereby possibly keeping YOUR job safe? You guessed it - AHDI. These people are all snakes. Passing a test and getting some fake letters after your name might make you feel better than other MTs, but it doesn't MAKE you, or any other MT better. What makes us better is on-the-job experience, not the shady auspices of the AHDI scammers.
Considering selling my transcription service. See message
I have an established transcription service that I am considering selling. Anyone know who I would contact to pursue this? Thanks in advance.
I deleted it through the (sm)
Control Panel.  Hope this helps.
Gone? Not so sure. Deleted? Definitely.
"Wish Me a Merry Christmas" buttons are selling ...sm
like hot cakes around the Atlanta area.   One of the Christian radio stations is also making them and giving them out for free as fast as they can manufacture them.  I love it!
I'm selling my books in the Equipment forum because I am going to leave MT (SM)

as soon as I can.  I am doing something in the beauty field, and it cost me $29 to start up.  I got a $500 check in January, and I just started in December, so I am not to that point yet.  I loved MT, but I am sick of working my butt off for $14-$20 an hour. If anyone wants to know more, just email me.  But in the time of companies offshoring and offering 7 cents a line and voice recognition... That combined with my working so many hours... I don't feel as positive as I once did about MT, and my results with my other business are coming along enough that I will hopefully leave MT within six months. 

Email for more details....   

I deleted the message. nm
my post was deleted
all i did was tell the truth about her bad language in an email to me.  it was the truth and based on fact.  are we not allowed to post true events?
Why have all the posts been deleted that said they
didn't see anything wrong with this?
I know - my comment was deleted
.....I guess if you own the board you can delete anything you don't like being said about yourself.  So much for freedom of speech.
Were there some posts deleted here?
It's real confusing ... however, my 2 cents? There's no possible way you could reach 100K a year at 8 cpl. Anyone who says they do is fibbing, IMO, or else they never sleep or eat and just transcribe all hours of the day.

At 8 cpl, assuming we're talking the standard 65-char. line, I think you'd be doing quite well to reach $30K a year. JMO.
Deleted lines.
I do not count it if it is just a sentence or two. If it is say a whole note, or close to it, I do count it and send a note stating what I did.
This is a deleted website????
I had that problem and went in and deleted the ...
printer and then went back in and re-installed it and now it works. Good luck.