See Dr. Phil today? He was ALL OVER parents with your attitude
Posted By: Geez lady on 2005-07-07
In Reply to: kid drinks in college - de
You need to get the transcript from today's show.
Man, are you failing your kids with that attitude. I feel sorry for them.
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I am not a Dr. Phil fan either. Just do not like his attitude.
What about the apathetic attitude of parents
Did anybody see Dr. Phil today?
seen. I think it is terrible if he would try to make ratings off of parents abusing their children. I hope he is trying to use this as a service and maybe it will help others.
Yuppie parents today raising a bunch of big babies
Wish someone could get through to them that they are doing more harm than good. Nephew's children are like that - it is so annoying. 6-year-old spoiled rotten, and not even fun to be around at all, but it's because they have babied him so much and given him everything he wants, that now he is just a sullen little boy. Can you believe using that word to describe a very bright little 6-year-old boy? It's really a shame.
Not all of us are parents. Not everyone had caring parents. nm,
I don't think Dr. Phil
is good enough to help these people. It's obvious that there are some underlying issues that need to be addressed.
What would Dr. Phil say
Dr. Phil would say -- you are allowing them to do it to you and then ask "how is your present situation working" -- it is not so do something about it. I am sorry but kids these days need to take a little responsibility and do some the chores. everyone needs to pull their own weight. Believe me, those TV's would be unplugged and they would down to the bare essentials until they began to do more. You are not teaching them anything by doing everything. Also unless you ask, they don't know what is expected of them. They cannot read minds. Have a family meeting set up a list and time frame for things to be done and if they don't do it, well then something is taken away, video games, TV or whatever. There is no reason that any mother, father should not receive help from kids when both parents are working. I did it and I am sure you did it and it did not kill any of us, it prepared us for the world. So you need to talk to them, husband included and say if you want the financial picture to stay the same and with me working two jobs, this is what needs to be done. If you don't and we be out on the street, then I can quit and will have time to clean the portion of the street where we will be living or the car if we need to live in our car. Just me two cents worth.
Dr. Phil. sm
I am quite fed up with Dr. Phil. He seems to be the expert on everything from weight loss, to addictions, to relationships. I heard he was so cheap, he takes free samples of anything he can get with all his money. Dr. Phil does not know everything.
If I were you and he were my DH, I'd make him take that job right. Like Dr. Phil says,
would you rather be right or would you rather be healthy? Who cares if you and he were "right." Put your pride aside and accept the offer for the job back. Obviously you need them and they need you (or they need him).
Have you contacted Dr. Phil??
Seriously, I don't know what you can do about it. Probably absolutely nothing. You just need to be as supportive TO YOUR SON as you can be. You can let him know you don't agree with this but you love him anyway. Honestly, this will not last long. He may not even make it to the altar. As far as the girl....just tolerate her the best you can. I don't think she'll be in your life very long!! Good luck!
Train in one day the Dr. Phil way.
Dr. Phil seems only interested in
for his weight loss supplements and snack bars. I read the ingredients and they are full of trans fats, which are the ones that plug up your arteries. Now he is in movies too. Tired of him and his pop culture psychology.
see the posts, most do not like Phil...SM
so there....
Look, Phil is what he is, and he DOES help people.
Captain Phil
and I dislike Dr. Phil...*ROFL*
Highly educated here and with more street (common) sense than MOST people in the life and I don't like Phil....
Who's got time to watch Dr. Phil? LOL Kidding....
My kids are now scurrying around doing chores. They do this every year, though. It's like they push and push to see how far they can go before we take away Christmas. Or maybe they're just bored. Too bad for them.
Phil IS sour grapes....called that on TV...nm
Dr. Phil??? Grolier book
Grolier Book Publishers put out an entire series of books in 1980 for children on treating others as we want to be treated. My children had the entire set.....each book was written the same way (in kids language and drawings) but focused on one subject each book...i.e., Let's Talk About Bullying or Let's Talk About Stealing or Let's Talk About Cheating...and basically every subject. My children grew up being very very giving decent children, successful, and never got into any trouble (to write home about, just some school issues), and today I'm very proud!
Dr. Phil didn't exist in our lives 20-25 years ago. He merely reminds us of old-school teachings......and I can appreciate that.
You should talk to Phil Cohen at PRN Funding. He is very
You can contact him by visiting the PRN Funding site. See the link below.
As long as it takes, to quote good old Dr. Phil!
You're both worth it - go for it!!
As Dr. Phil says, "Let's get back to common sense."
If you see red flags, hear bells and whistles, or alarms going off in your head..listen to it. If your already hearing the excuses as to why they aren't getting paid on time, why be one of those waiting on your check...It is kind of like seeing a train coming down the track right towards you and somehow you convince yourself you can dodge it. I'm sure others have tried before you. Excuses will never pay your bills. Listen to your gut, go with common sense and the rest works out. Just my opinion...
HELP with Shorthand. Suddenly today when I tried to start work
my ShortHand would type only the first letter of an expansion and then take all the letters away! I checked and the Type It button is grayed out! I have restarted the computer and looked on the Shorthand Help menu but can find nothing that applies. Can anyone please help me ASAP? I am lost without it! TIA
Perhaps you are right. This one is dated today. The original article was on Yahoo today also with
But this article states it would only affect new customers right now. So I am upset over nothing. I went through heck with BellSouth when they charged me a surcharge of an extra 50 a month and then would write a letter saying I had to switch to a long distance service and pay by the minute because of my "excessive" use. They told me the unlimited charge was for an average of an hour a day not somebody who worked out of their home and I needed to switch a business plan at over 200 a month charge. I switched over to cable because of that and then to read that cable was going to charging on a per use fee and not a flat monthly fee it upset me. It is the nature of our work, VR, only paying for VBC, having headers and footers taken away, now being charged for being on line, etc. It just seems that everything is done to keep to insure less money.
My parents use it
I can't help you with the pre-exisiting conditions question, but my parents use AARP for all of their insurance needs. They saved a lot of money when they switched and have been very happy with them.
I don't think that her parents did it, but I do
that they are covering up for the person who did it (maybe the brother).
Blasted cold out today. It was 104 degrees last week, but it's 40 degrees today with rain.
However, I do like cozy days like today when I don't have to go anywhere. I'm done working, the house is clean, there's chili on the stove for dinner already, and I'm just putzing around. I think I'll go bake some jalapeno cheese bread to go with the chili.
LOL LOL LOL? What do you know about my attitude? LOL
I know you are management and you know what? You can't put out this fire. Attitude? Why I'll just tell my mortgage company that my attitude was bad, I got a bad QA report because I couldn't interpret ESL dictator and could I please not have them foreclose on my house. Attitude indeed. Check own queenly gotta be right I'm better than you lowly MT attitude yourself.
you can keep your attitude to yourself
The information I got was in the email, not on actual paperwork. If you don't want to answer, then go but somebody else. I understand the concept of work more, get more, DUH yourself.
I am truly sorry if I offended. The question itself sounded kinda "duh" to me. Again, I apologize. I've been 46 hours with no sleep and okay, so my brain is not on it's best functional mode.
I am utterly at a loss for words now as I honestly meant no offense.
wow, what an attitude he has!
Well, I am sure glad that I do not work for THAT company! Seems this outsourcing thing is getting WAY out of hand. He moans about not having enough MTs in this country - I think that they just need to get the pay per line rate up some (pay us what WE are actually worth for once, and quit sending it ALL overseas so that these companies can "SAVE MONEY??"). I would like HIM to live on what WE have to live on!!
i like your attitude
excellent point
Someone with her attitude needs to
go elsewhere. With her around, I was almost dreading coming on the board sometimes. She is always looking to start an argument or putting somebody down. I, for one, am glad to see her go, and only pray she stays gone. What a drag!!!
Attitude is everything.
My impression of your post is that management never gets it right; only you do. I wonder if they could ever do anything right in your eyes.
It's too bad that there are so many people out there with the attitude that the company is "out to get them". There are a lot of good companies and people running them out there--just as there are good MTs.
If I work with someone like you, I'm sure I already avoid you because I don't want to be around such a negative attitude; if you work at home, I'd like to say "thanks for staying home".
With your attitude you should do the same
Since the only thing you can come away with from this discussion is "give up and do something else"!
Certainly, with that attitude...
You will have a difficult time achieving anything positive in life, connections or not.
Are you serious? The only attitude so far has been yours! nm
just me and my attitude?
apparently not.
To the poster that said the parents just let them go to
party and drink was sad.
My parents "spared the rod" and I'm now (sm)
a self-sufficient, responsible, mature adult, furthering my education, handling my responsibilities, and not calling home begging my parents for money. So just because some parents "spare the rod" doesn't mean their kids are going to turn out to be spoiled little bloodsuckers the rest of their lives. There are other ways to discipline kids without spanking. Yes, some kids need a good spanking once in a while, IMHO, but there are other forms of discipline that are equally as effective. Just my opinion.
Up to the parents, but they dont do it
Hey, I feel like this, the parents have the only ones who have a right to spank or otherwise discipline kids
I don't have issues with my parents are they are
both deceased, but I have "disowned" all my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews. I grew up believing I was the black sheep of the family and maybe I am, but their lives are so screwed up and I never heard from them unless they needed something and there was lots of bitterness and anger about various events - mainly my parent's death. The only way I was able to deal with the issues was to disown them. I was not interested in making things better because they aren't willing to make an effort and I just don't have time for that.
My oldest sister hated my mom and was very ugly to her. My mom did so much for her. All I heard was what a lowsy mother she was. Well, my sister's daughter had a baby and gave it away, did drugs big time, drinking big time, has lived with several guys. Her son is gay and can't hold a job, has had so many wrecks he has lost his license twice that I know of. They just keep buying him vehicles very time he wrecks one. He can barely make a move without having to ask mommy, is a druggie/drinker/liar. Only my sister can't see all of this. We all make mistakes and I don't claim to be a perfect parent, but.....
My parents are retired and
do very well on their savings. It's called preparation. People make their own choices. If you don't PREPARE and do not take RESPONSIBILITY, you will eventually be in such a sad situation. It's not anyone's fault but their own for making poor decisions or failing to make better ones.
Morally, yes - I think other aid should become available to the "mom and pop" situation you are talking about but not reporting and paying taxes on income? No. That is wrong, period.
My boys were taught to pay taxes on their incomes from various jobs. They paid taxes and they paid tithes on it, no matter what it was.
It's called DOING THE RIGHT THING...which seems to be a forgotten concept among the older ones and a brand-spanking new concept among the young ones.
Tax evasion, dear, is ANYONE who fails to report appropriately. They may spend the bulk of money going after big bucks tax evaders but the crime is still the same. It is dishonest and it cheats every loyal, law-abiding citizen.
It doesn't matter if the job is easy or or not (i.e., your reference to house cleaning not being easy). THat has nothing to do with whether a person deserves to report/pay taxes on their income or not.
I am a few miles away from there. SIL parents
Parents just had them done at $5000 an eye. nm
I never did think the parents did it. I'm glad they got him (nm)
I think the parents should be held
responsible. I'm sure the rules are less strict for older kids (he is 16). But it seems a waste of time for the teachers if he is going to only show up part of the every week. He seems to think it is funny that he has really, really bad grades. Seems he is just wasting a spot at school and the teacher's time.
what a brave son (and parents)
How old was he when he did that? He earned every penny it sounds like. You couldn't pay me enough to get that close to snakes (shudder).
My parents did it about 26 years ago - $20K then -sm
that was a 25,000 gallon, cement with plaster in-ground pool with heater, 2 blowers and skimmers, a swimout (a seat in the deep end), steps in shallow end, ladder in deep end with diving board, with a large cement patio area around the whole pool. Pool still in great shape though it does need to be replastered now (can see cement where it has worn thin). My dad just sold the house so its the new owner's issue now.
Take a look at who their parents are. Where's the blame now? nm
If not my kid, then the parents need to step up
and take care of their own child. If I need to work, do not babysit period. I took care of my children when they were little and they can take care of theirs. No time to spare when working.