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Search company board. sm

Posted By: MT on 2005-12-19
In Reply to: OSI - Diane

Apparently they outsource and have been banned from posting here. Lots of bad reviews, too.

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Search thru the Company board. They're all bad! nm
You may want to check the company board and do a search
I think you can do better - and nationals can be great to work for, don't know who hires newbies, though. Good Luck!
go to Company Board, go to Search For: box (not google box),
Search the archives and check the Company board
try a search on company board-lots of info there
Company Board, go down to MTstar Search Box (not Google)
That's a good question for the Company board or search the archives.
It's MDI in Maryland. Plenty of posts on a Company board search. nm
Lots of recent posts if you do a Company Board search. Good luck! nm
If you search the posts, I think the Company board, you will find that the monies paid to AAMT

for CMT/RMT cerifications are being used to offer "India" rates to workers in India to test for their CMT/RMT cerifications. I REFUSE TO BELONG TO SAID ORGANIZATION AND I WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE MY HARD-EARNED FUNDS TO HELPING INDIANS GET CREDENTIALED.

search through this board first
Look for "Snow Bunny" and read everything you can that pertains to "voice recognition," VR (voice recognition), SR (speech recognition), or "Dragon NaturallySpeaking.: If you still have questions after that, I'll answer what I can.
Do a search on this board. SM
If I remember correctly, this company has a habit of not paying.
Search for her name on this board s/m
I would do a search with her name on this board.  If I remember correctly, she is known for nonpayment, please double check before getting involved.
do a search on Main Board
You might do a search here for the company name or
look on the Company forum.
Need help on technical board - doing search on MSWord. tks.
Use the Post a New Message box next to the Search box, top of board. nm
How do you do a search on this board - my topic will never come up and I know I have read about it
do a search on OFFSHORING on Main Board
And its gonna kill you to post on the Company board rather than the main board?
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
I agree, getting ready to search out another transcription board
as this one has completely gone to the dogs, rarely does anyone go to the other boards that we are constantly being directed to, that is why the main board was so much fun, now it seems there is a place for everything but not here, I will probably be mosing on too. See ya
Please see my question on company board -posted on wrong board
read recent posts on this board and on the company board
No, it is not typical. Please search for a company that respects you more than that. nm
Search on the Companies or New Student board for course info. Jobs are available all over the US and
Does anyone find the search feature on this board doesn't work right?
I can't ever seem to find the old posts that I know are there by using the search feature.  Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
If you so a search on this board you'll find lots of info.

Basically, you've got it right. However, voice files can be large and email may reject large file attachments. Also, there's the security aspect that you didn't mention. Basically, the voice file and finished document need to be encrypted to be secure.

You said you don't have the time/didn't take the time to do the research. Lots of people have and have shared their findings time and again on this board. I, for one, am not willing to reinvent the wheel every time someone is looking for this information but doesn't want to take the time to do the legwork. No offense meant but please do take the time to educate yourself. If you really don't have the time or don't want to take that time, then be prepared to pay for that information in the form of a consultant.

Found google icon by search bar onGab board
Search the Job Seeker's and Company boards. Also mtjobs.com...nm
Do an archive search on this board and you'll find lots of info. NM
I meant to say Job-Seekers Board, not Company Board.
No mssg.
COMPANY INQUIRIES belong on Company board, please!
You put them on the company board, not the main board. They are still there.
Post about Companys on the Company board, post job ads on the Job Seeker board
Just do a search and read the posts. There are plenty of posts about OSI on this board. nm.
It's over on the Company Board.

I tried selling on ebay for years.  It was kind of a hassle.  Once I cleared the clutter out of my house, I had to find merchandise to sell.  There are a LOT of people out there claiming to be wholesalers, drop shippers or resellers who are nothing more than con artists.  I tried selling craft kits and books purchased direct from the manufacturers/publishers, but you just can't get a decent wholesale discount unless you buy in huge volume.  Plus, the prices on ebay were often cheaper than the wholesale price.  I used to go to yard sales late in the day and offer to buy their remaining stuff at a cheap rate.  I made OK money at that part of it with the collectibles and used books, but my house got cluttered up with other people's junk.  I also signed up for Avon and scented candles with the intent of selling online, but later I found out they had stinky rules about online selling.  Other people do it, but you can lose your account if they catch you.  And you have to sell a lot to make any decent money.  You're also competing with ex-reps who went out of business and are trying to liquidate their inventory.  Plus, I had nowhere to store everything.  It's a hassle finding shipping supplies, although you can order boxes and labels for free through USPS.gov and charge everyone for priority shipping.  Plan on driving to the post office nearly every day.  And keep good records on what you purchase and sell to figure your cost of goods sold for the IRS.

You might enjoy it.  Give it a try, but start out slowly.  Use as many templates as you can and prefigure shipping or you'll get a bunch of emails from people.

on company board...
I would go on the company board
posts, check the archives, and also maybe check out some other forums to get a few ideas.  Some companies are merely expanding, and some are not very good companies to work for.  Good luck in your search.  Sorry about self-righteous and condescending posts below.  I think your question was simple, to the point, and totally appropriate.
See company board

See all the answers under your question on the Company Board -- again, do not feel it is necessary and I am not along in this thinking.  The doctor is liable not us, we only transcribe what he says and he signs off on it.  Talk to someone else who works for Accuscribe and see that they say.  To me it is foolish.


This company board. nm
not what you're thinking.
See the Company Board for
Where is it on the Company Board?
(Try the Company Board) sm

You will have to do some research yourself and see what would be a good fit for you.  Try reading on the company board, do a search on whatever you want to know about.  There are way too many variables for simple answers to your questions.  (Besides, you are preaching to the choir, we all want the best)  Good luck.

Company Board.
Try the company board with name of company.
Question on company board. NM
Answer is on company board
...by someone called nashvilleMT, who asks we let you know that she was not able to post on main board.  There is a very precise solution for your situation...

Hope this helps...
Company Board is messed up!
Click on it and you get "Main Board" with zero topics and zero posts...?!?!